magic eye doctor

Chapter 213 Are you dizzy?

Chapter 213 Are you dizzy?
The floor where the student union is located is occupied by the offices of various departments of the student union and the office of the student youth league committee, as well as large and small meeting rooms and activity rooms. This evening, due to the student union election, the youth league committee and the student union members arranged various tasks in advance to rush to the auditorium to attend the election meeting. Therefore, there was no one in the offices of various departments at night, and the surroundings were quiet.

It's not working hours, and there are no idle people on the entire floor. The seven boys in the office are in a drowsy state, and the sound of "click, click, click" made by high heels rubbing against the floor is particularly harsh.

The rattling heels and the dangerous smile on Le Qianjin's face made the air in the office especially cold and treacherous.

The rest area is a place to entertain guests. It is quite spacious. The sofas are all leather products, with a white coffee table. There are wooden shelves for bonsai, bookshelves in the office, office desks and chairs, etc., almost all of which are donated by sponsors. .

It also makes sense for the office to use them, and every time sponsors visit the office to see their sponsorship, it also makes them feel valued and respected.

Chen Shuyuan, Cai Zijun, Li Yubo, and Deng Yuxuan sat on the four-seater couch, either you put your head on my shoulder, or the back of the crooked sand;
Xu Hope and He Zexin each sat on a single sofa, and the six of them were half paralyzed.

Le Shiyun stepped arrogantly, walked to the rest area where the six academic masters were sitting, and gently pushed Classmate He on the single sofa. The boy was soft and didn't respond when pushed. All six of them fell asleep and didn't feel the slightest bit.

Le Qianjin grabbed Chen Xueba's hair with her fingernails painted with Dan's nails, tugged hard, and sneered happily: "I'm really proud of having published a few papers in academic journals, you're just a little dwarf and still What about the rare genius of Chinese and Western medicine in the medical department, or the future leader of the medical world, the North Star, who was knocked down by a little scent, and I am a pharmacy learner, you are a shame."

Grabbing Chen Xueba's hair and holding a handful, Le Shiyun picked up talented young Jun's head and raised it: "And you, what are you talking about with a knife, ah, you think you can take a scalpel. It's amazing, I can't be paralyzed into a dog at this moment."

After mocking the two powerless academics, she felt that she could barely let out a bad breath. With her talent in pharmacy, she had the opportunity to stand out in the medical department, but the medical department had a surname Chen, the halo surnamed Chen. Too bright, and her aura of genius is no longer dazzling.

After that, another genius of Western medicine with the surname of Cai appeared. There were two days of genius with the surname of Chen and the surname of Cai in the medical department.

She has never had the opportunity to clean up the two to vent their hatred, and this time she has a chance.

Taking a breath, Le Shiyun clapped her hands, walked to the door, locked the door, and closed the curtains facing the window on the side of the corridor. , the former genius scholar, there is a day when she is slaughtered by her, which is very pleasing!
Returning to Liu Junjie's side with great pride, unable to hide the excitement gushing out of his heart, he almost laughed out loud, happily took out a small bottle from his handbag, lifted the lid and poured out a medicine, He opened Chen Xueba's mouth, put it in, let him close his mouth, and then did the same, feeding talented young man Jun, Li Yubo, Deng Yuxuan, and He Zexin Xu Hope each one with one medicine.

"One medicine is 1000 yuan, and I will give it to you. No money will be charged. Oh, you have such a good relationship. I will help you and make your relationship go further. You don't have to thank me too much."

After feeding the medicine, Le Shiyun couldn't help giggling. She couldn't wait. As soon as the news of the chaos in the private lives of the six academic masters came out, it would definitely cause a sensation in the whole country.

Thinking that her masterpiece can have the effect of shaking the capital, she couldn't help being excited, holding a handbag and a medicine bottle, and proudly walked towards the elegant boy.

The young president turned the office chair in one direction and faced the passage leading to the back of the desk. The person was crooked in the chair, with a white face, delicate facial features, red lips pursed together, and a quiet and beautiful appearance. More tempting than cake.

Le Shiyun blushed and felt her heart beating, involuntarily put down her hands and feet, put the backpack and medicine bottle on the table, reached out to lift the boy's chin, painted the boy's eyebrows with one hand, and greedily muttered: "Xiao Chao, I said it long ago. You are mine, only mine, the Chao family's daughter-in-law can only be me, and your wife can only be me, no matter what, I will write my name on your household registration book, if you don't give it to Zhengda If you want to be your girlfriend on the bright road, then I will cut a shortcut myself, even if your Chao family doesn't want to, I will let you all have a big sedan chair at home to welcome me in."

There was silence all around, she heard her voice, and her eyes lingered on the boy's face: "It's really beautiful, so beautiful that I couldn't bear to use force on you before. Fortunately, you have never had a girlfriend in these years, and you won't have one. There is a good end, there can only be one woman by your side, no matter who dares to miss you, she will be killed, including the little girl you are protecting, she does not know what to do and refuses to leave Qingda, there is only one way to die!"

The young man's face was as smooth as jade, delicate and warm, and Le Shiyun giggled, released the hand that pinched the young man's chin, poured out a medicine from the medicine bottle, snapped it in half with his fingernails, and opened the young man's mouth. , give him half of the pill.

"You can't stand one medicine, so just take half of it." Her medicine is a special medicine, and the effect is very powerful. Even strong people will lose themselves under the action of medicine. Such a delicate little white face.

The medicine is too expensive to waste, put the other half into the medicine bottle, put it back in the handbag, take out a few pinhole cameras, and place them in all directions facing the desk and rest area to ensure that every angle is clear took pictures of the office.

After installing the camera, Le Shiyun hummed at the rest area in disgust, it was really cheap for those guys.

She moved down and suddenly heard a sneering sound of "poof".

"Who?!" Le Shiyun froze abruptly, looking back at the rest area, where the six people were still sitting crookedly like dogs, no one was awake or moved.

Looking at the boy again, the boy closed his eyes and breathed lightly.

The whole office is a sober person by herself, however, she was sure that she heard a sneer just now, and the sneer was very close.

Le Shiyun straightened up: "Who is outside?"

"Pfft-" There was another light laugh.

"Who? Who's pretending to be a ghost?" The laughter was close to her ears, and Le Shiyun had goosebumps all over her body. She stretched her head and looked behind the boy. Just now, the laughter seemed to be on the side of the desk.

As soon as she stretched her neck, a chair in front of the boy's desk was removed with a "chuck", and a person emerged from the empty seat under the boy's desk. A men's shoulder bag with an androgynous face.

"Ah!" Seeing Liu Dashao who suddenly appeared, Le Shiyun was so frightened that her face paled, screaming and hugging her chest, there was only one question in her mind, why is the surnamed Liu here?
A few days ago, she didn't do anything wrong, but when the election was over, Xiao Chao brought the student union re-election meeting ahead of schedule, and she would definitely make full preparations and would not give her a chance to destroy it. Therefore, she accepted the reality safely, so that people can make people. Let your guard down.

The successful conclusion of the campaign meeting was a moment for Xiao Chao to relax. She was waiting for the opportunity after the election.

During the campaign, she saw the presence of the surnamed Liu, and she kept paying attention to the surnamed Liu. She clearly saw that the surnamed Liu had left with the teachers after the campaign ended. When Xiao Chao was interviewed, she secretly went outside the auditorium to observe, After confirming that the surnamed Liu was not there, she went to the office to talk about work with Xiao Chao as planned.

If the surnamed Liu was with Xiao Chao, she would never act.

But why did Young Master Liu appear here again?When did he come in?Le Shiyun saw Liu Shao's handsome face, as if seeing a ghost, her eyes were full of panic.

Liu Dashao, who just got out from under the table, rubbed his hands, while blocking the open chair to block the empty space under the desk, he grinned lazily: "Ah, there is a saying that seeing is better than seeing. I really didn't expect Miss Le to be so fierce. This is a woman as fierce as a tiger! You continue, I just squatted my feet numb and came out to breathe, you don't need to mind my existence. "

"You you..." Seeing the wicked smile of the tall young man, Le Shiyun's terrified teeth were chattering: "You you... when did you come... come..."

"I came with you. When you were sitting in Xiao Chao's car waiting for Xiao Chao, I was in Xiao Li's car. When you came to the office, I happened to be free, so I came to join in the fun. Come on, this play is really exciting, and my three views have been refreshed again."

While Liu Xiangyang was talking, he happily turned his backpack in front of him, took out a pair of thin latex gloves and put them on, stretched his arms, and easily placed Le Qianjin on the top of a stack of books on his desk. The camera is in hand, and the camera function is turned off.

Liu Shao's words were like thunder on a sunny day, causing Le Shiyun to swell up with blood, almost unsteady, staggering, and suddenly found that Liu Shao had taken one of her cameras, she screamed in horror, rushing desperately. To the lounge area.

She only wears close-fitting clothes, but unfortunately, Liu Dashao is a gentleman like Liu Xiayu, the ancestor of Liu surname.

The barracks wolf man, his speed is faster than the national athlete, how could a girl like Le Qianjin outrun him, he roared and grabbed in front of Le Qianjin, ran to the body rest area, and put it in a flower pot Take away the pinhole camera at the level of the wooden shelf.

There was wind passing by, Le Shiyun rushed forward a few steps, turned and ran in the other direction, however, she reacted quickly, Liu Shao was faster than her, and jumped up again, the wind seemed to be grabbing at Le Shiyun Before Qianjin, took the third camera away, turned around and ran towards the fourth.

Le Shiyun ran fast and suffocated. The four cameras were all in Liu Shao's pocket. He didn't grab any of them.

Turning off all the cameras, Liu Xiangyang took out two self-sealing bags from the backpack, put the cameras in, and finally had time to admire the beauty, swept over the beauty with scrutiny eyes, tsk tsk: "Not bad, waist. Isn’t it too thick, and this ratio is too far from the little beauty, it’s not comparable, than…”

Before he could finish speaking, he heard gritted teeth and an angry cold drink: "The surnamed Liu, you dare to compare my sister with the shit of the next three, believe it or not, this young master will blow your head!"

"Ah—" Hearing the beautiful and clear but cold as ice voice, Le Shiyun, who was panting wildly, screamed in horror and turned around abruptly. With icy light, her delicate and beautiful face was full of anger, and she looked at herself with cold eyes.

"" Le Shiyun was extremely frightened, her pupils dilated in circles, her teeth were chattering, she couldn't even speak, her legs were stiff.

"Little Chao, I'm complimenting the little beauty for her good figure. There is a saying that if there is a brother, there must be a sister. Xiao Chao's graceful appearance is the crown of Beijing. There are so many pure and kind children, not everyone can compare."

Liu Xiangyang immediately changed the direction of the wind and gave the little princess Chao a high hat. He compared the little beauty to a compliment, and the little princess of the Chao family was still angry, what a stingy thing!
He didn't dare to say it clearly, so he quickly changed the subject and looked to the other side: "I said how long will you sleep for the six academic masters over there, if you don't wake up, you won't be able to see beautiful women."

(End of this chapter)

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