magic eye doctor

Chapter 215 Transfer Purpose

Chapter 215 Transfer Purpose
The sun jumps out of the sea on a new day, and it is also Thursday. For the public, the penultimate class before the National Day holiday is exciting, and for the youth students, it is also a very pleasant day.

President Chao didn't go to class. He was "sick". He was so frightened yesterday that he had to be sick. Therefore, the economics department and school leaders knew that Chao was too frightened last night and could not afford to be "sick". ; Chen Shuyuan and Li Shaodeng did not go to class in the morning, and went to the psychology department to find psychology professors to "mediate" their emotions.

The Chao family, the Li family, the Deng family, and the Xu family have entrusted a lawyer to draft the indictment last night. Chao and Li Shao are from the capital, Deng and Xu are also from the capital, and Deng is a hero after the founding of the country; Xu also After the founding generals, all of them had very good family backgrounds.

The four major families all have a certain influence in the political arena or the military arena. Parents heard that their best children were ruined by Rojia's daughter, and they would not be willing to suffer such dumb losses. Rojia must pay the price.

Prof. Zhai and Prof. Fu also almost got murdered because of their proud disciples, and they were so angry that they fought bulls. Of course, they decisively hired a lawyer to seek justice for their disciples.

Classmate He is a native of G Eastern Province, an ordinary salaryman. However, it is hard to die. Classmate He happens to be practicing law. He can handle the indictment himself without fighting others. Of course, he still needs to entrust a lawyer to help prosecute. , he is a student, students just study hard and improve every day, and the outside affairs are left to lawyers. As for the cost of hiring a lawyer, all the money is on the cow. In the end, Lejia will be required to compensate for various losses without having to pay for it.

The principals of the seven victimized classmates were quite powerful. They submitted a petition to the court early in the morning. Seven people sued the same girl at the same time. It was not a trivial matter. case, to carry out investigation and evidence collection work.

Of course, no matter how busy the students of Chao are at home, it has nothing to do with other students of Qing University, they still attend classes, skip classes, and work part-time and part-time.

Liu Shao was the most leisurely, and threw the Le family girl into the police station. Little Princess Chao was not in danger for the time being, so he could relax. Therefore, he ran to class happily, focusing on the other suspect.

For Lok Fu Min and Lok Fukang, this Thursday was not a good day. They just arrived at the company in the morning. What awaited them was not the beautiful smiling faces of the beauties at the front desk, but two SWAT officers in all black.

As the owners of the company, the Lejia brothers don't have to follow the eight-to-six work schedule. They didn't arrive at the company until more than nine o'clock. When they saw the two special police officers, their hearts froze immediately.

Without a word of nonsense, the two police officers directly informed Le Jia's brother Le Shiyun of the fact that they were detained, delivered the detention certificate to the family and left.

"Xiaoyun, detained?" Le Fumin was in a bad mood.

"What's going on?" Le Fukang was also confused. Although Le Family was not even a rich man in the capital, he was barely able to establish a firm foothold, and his current stability was linked to Le Shiyun, who was studying at Qingda University. If Le Shiyun is involved and detained, it will have a considerable impact on their Le family.

The two looked at each other, and regardless of the company's front desk and the secretaries who were in charge of receiving the police officers, they immediately rushed out of the company and drove to the police station.

The Lejia brothers were driving a Mercedes-Benz and found the police station on the detention certificate to see what happened. However, the police station refused to allow the family members to meet with Le Shiyun. The family members asked the reason for the detention, but they only replied that they intentionally hurt the classmates. The injured classmates reported to the police, and the lawyers of the victims' families entrusted lawyers to draft an indictment overnight to file a lawsuit with the court.

The Lejia brothers wanted to be soft and hard at first, but when the police staff revealed that Le Shiyun was not only guilty of intentionally hurting classmates, but also suspected of using smuggled drugs, and may face prosecution. Not daring to be entangled, he left the police station like a storm.

As the parties, they knew the source of the banned drugs, and the drugs in Le Shiyun's hands passed through them.

The Le family brothers didn't have time to worry about Le Shiyun's detention for the time being, and hurried to deal with the tail end of the doping incident. What they had to do was to transfer something and erase all traces.

It was half the morning after Le Shiyun woke up, and she only saw the white ceiling at first, she thought it was a hospital, she sat up, and found that she was wearing a familiar dress with gauze wrapped around her knees.

But look around, it's not a hospital ward, it's just a small room with only a bed, a table and a chair, with the slogan "Resist strictness, confess and be lenient" on the wall, the only open window The grid is also a steel bar thicker than the big finger, and a fine wire mesh.

She was immediately stunned.

cell? !
After watching it for a few minutes, Le Shiyun's blank brain slowly returned to normal, vaguely guessing where she was, her emotions almost collapsed, she got up, dragged her left leg in severe pain, stepped on the floor barefoot, and ran. At the door, he slammed the door vigorously: "Let me out, let me out..."

The sound of banging the door alarmed the guard C. A policewoman walked to the detention room and stood outside the window: "Le Shiyun, be quiet!"

"Let me out, why arrest me, I didn't commit a crime, let me out!" Le Shiyun turned around and ran to the window, trying to grab the iron bars, but couldn't because of the iron nets, so she could only slap the iron mesh windows.

"Le Shiyun, you have been detained. In the morning, the detention certificate has been sent to your father and your uncle. The parents and teachers of the seven classmates Chao, Deng, Li, He, Cai, Xu, and Chen who were hurt by you stayed overnight. Entrust a lawyer to file a lawsuit against you, you will face a lawsuit, the police and court staff will soon take a statement, please be honest."

The policewoman's voice was calm and serious. As if she was struck by lightning, Le Shiyun slowly slid down and sat down, sitting on the ground with her buttocks on the ground. She stayed there for a while, and after about half a minute, she cried loudly.

The policewoman didn't persuade her, she just stood outside. If the girl had self-abuse, she would open the door and go in to stop it. Of course it would be better if she didn't.

Le Shijun cried miserably, and clamored to find a lawyer and see her parents, all of which were rejected, and soon the staff came to ask for a statement.

Le Qianjin was taken away indifferently. No matter how people asked, she always gritted her teeth and didn't say anything. The staff were not in a hurry. The official detention lasted about half a month, and it could be changed to arrest at that time. Everyone grinded it slowly. Those who are in a hurry will definitely not be them. Besides, it is said that there is no need for an urgent trial. The most important thing is to let the suspect stay in the bureau for a while, which is more conducive to action.

Le Shiyun's classmates didn't know what happened to Le Qianjin. They only knew that Vice President Le did not come to class and heard that he had asked for leave.

The leaders of the medical department are also very efficient. After a meeting, they were immediately relieved of the position of vice president of the student union of the Le Shiyun department, and the position of class cadre.

At noon, the members of the medical student union received a notice that the vice president of the department was relieved of the vice president of the department. Although they were surprised, they did not bother, they accepted it calmly, and began to prepare for the election of another vice president.

Time is like the wind, and it flies by in an instant. Huaxia ushered in dusk again, and when it was in Kyoto, it was almost dusk, and Rome, the capital of the distant Yi country, was still in the morning.

There is a 7-minute time difference between Yi and Huaxia. It is more than nine minutes in the morning in Yi country. At Rome's international airport, passengers on an international flight from Rome to Huaxia's capital begin to board. Miro and Roberto are also on board. Among the aircraft crowd, there are Oscar and Roberto's life butler Enzo.

When Roberto decided to travel to Huaxia, he took good care of his body and submitted the visa application documents to the Huaxia Embassy in Yi country. Because the prepared documents were complete, the visa process went smoothly, especially when the staff heard that the applicant admired Huaxia Traditional Chinese Medicine. And when I think of Huaxia country seeking traditional Chinese medicine for treatment, I can't help but be proud of my motherland's traditional medical skills, and pass it with a stroke of a pen.

Apply for a visa, prepare adequately, buy a ticket, and set off on the date.The four of them purchased business class tickets. After boarding, they arranged their luggage and took their seats. The plane took off ten minutes later.

From Yiguo to Huaxia, the flight takes more than 11 hours. It is a long journey. Because of the time difference, the plane arrives at Huaxia Capital Airport at 08:30 in the morning of Huaxia National Time.

Roberto and his party got off the plane and took a taxi to the hotel they booked.

Along the way, Roberto and Miro rested peacefully in the hotel, and went out for a walk in the evening to enjoy the exotic street scene.

When the evening of this day came, students from various colleges and universities in Huaxia and office workers of state-owned enterprises were also liberated, or dragged their children and daughters and their families into the travel army, or rushed to their homes to reunite with their relatives. Only a small number of students went home. Some stay in school.

This National Day holiday is seven days long and will be a pleasant one.

Liu Shao was finally able to go home in a big way. Of course, on the surface, he went home. In fact, he immediately threw himself into the great cause of work. On National Day, other people had a holiday, and people with special jobs like him and Yan were the busiest time.

Chao Yubo also went home leisurely. It was past eight o'clock in the evening when he returned to the compound. The family was still waiting for him to have dinner. He immediately washed his hands and climbed onto the dining table.

The old man Chao and the old lady, father Chao, mother Chao and Aunt Ge didn't ask any questions about the school. They happily finished the meal and sat down to rest before asking the details. Rao is the old man who has always been gentle and polite. I heard that Le Qianjin wanted to treat his little grandson. Sun Yongqiang was also furious.

The gentle and dignified mother Chao turned pale with anger. Their brother Bo was frail. If he really took an aphrodisiac, under the ravages of that kind of strong aphrodisiac, would Lin be able to save his life?
Le's daughter used aphrodisiac on Bo Ge'er. It was as simple as just wanting to enter Chao's house. It was clearly because she had bad intentions to make Bo Ge'er crippled or half-dead.

As a mother, someone intends to hurt her child, which is more unbearable than digging for flesh. Chao's mother is so angry that her chest hurts.

Chao's father found that his wife was so angry that her face turned pale, so he hurriedly helped his wife to calm down: "Wanwan, don't be angry, I'll go to discuss with my eldest brother and second brother tomorrow, and communicate with the Li family, Deng family, Xu family, this matter is impossible. Forget it, Lejia must pay the price and seek justice for the children."

"This matter must be pursued to the end, and never forgive! We must eliminate the scourge and give her no more chance to hurt Xiaobo and Xiaolele." The old lady's anger was hard to dispel. The old Chao's family was such a young man. It was not easy. There is hope, and the girl of the music family has turned her heart up. That kind of scourge and cancer must be eliminated.

The old man Chao also agreed a hundred times. The Le family girl actually wanted Xiao Lele's life. Such a vicious person should be thrown into prison for ten or eight years, and she should not have another chance to harm others.

"Mom, mother-in-law, don't be angry, am I okay? You Lele gave me a vaccination in advance, I'm careful, besides, grandma and you are both such great women, you raised your own children. How can it be stupid, and send it to someone for calculation."

Chao Yubo came to his mother's side and hugged the beautiful mother who was shameless and cute. His mother had an accident when he was pregnant with him, and he was too frightened to give birth to him because of his frailty. Yes, angina pectoris in one breath.

"I'm fine, but I'm so angry." Chao's mother calmed down slowly, holding her son's hand and stroking it back and forth with lingering fears. Fortunately, there was a small group of Lele, and Bo Ge'er escaped. If What's wrong with Brother Bo, she has to fight the culprit.

Mother Chao was all right, so the old and young of the Chao family let go of their dangling hearts and studied how to clean up Lejia. The countermeasures are being discussed here. The Li family called and asked Father Chao and the old man to discuss the matter of the children being bullied.

So, the Chao family and the Li family hit it off and agreed to wait two days to invite the Deng family and Xu family parents to sit down and have tea together.

The Chao family and the Li family were pondering how to settle accounts with the Le family, but they didn't go to the horns.
He Zirui's family closed the door to thank guests on Thursday, and posted a notice at the residence to let the whole compound know and everyone understood.

Mrs. Wang took Wang Yuxuan to visit the He's family on Wednesday morning, even though they didn't see Ancestor He or Yan Xing, they were going to take advantage of Ancestor He's breath and run over every day to show concern and be a post from the He family. With the notice of thanking guests behind closed doors, they were embarrassed to take up other people's time with shame, so they had to stop brushing their faces for the time being.

National Day, all the people have fun together.

When festivals were celebrated everywhere in Dacheng and small towns, Le Yun was still running around the mountains in the Motianling Mountains of Taihang Mountains. She didn't know that handsome Mi Luo had arrived in Beijing, and she didn't know that Vice President Le really took action against Brother Chao until October 10nd. In the evening, she finally got out of the deep mountain and appeared on the road leading to Changshou Village.

This time I harvested a lot, and I dug up more than a dozen medicinal seedlings that were not collected. The happiest thing was that I finally found the king of all medicines - licorice.

After running for several days in the old forest in the deep mountains, she also searched for the main growth of the medicinal materials. There are still a few main medicines that need to be used. She should also change her destination.

After standing on the road and waiting for about ten minutes, Le Yun waited for the taxi she called, the owner who chartered a taxi to Changshou Village last time, and again chartered a taxi to another destination - Mount Wutai.

(End of this chapter)

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