magic eye doctor

Chapter 216 Treasure Hunt

Chapter 216 Treasure Hunt
It was more than eleven o'clock in the evening when Le Yun arrived at Mount Wutai.
Changshou Village belongs to H North Province, and Mount Wutai is the most famous scenic spot in S Province. The two places belong to different provinces. It normally takes more than four and a half minutes to take a shortcut from Changshou Village to Wutai Mountain.

Taihang in autumn is a good season for travel and mountaineering. People from all over the country rush to Taihang to travel. During the day, there are long queues of cars and tourists on every road leading to the scenic spot.

Knowing that there are many tourists during the day, the traffic is bound to be crowded, so Le Yun chose to set off in the evening. However, even if you are on the road at night, there are still many self-driving cars and tour buses on the road. The speed cannot be too fast, and it takes more than five minutes to reach the destination. .

Wutai Mountain belongs to the northern Taihang Mountains. It is composed of a series of mountain systems and peaks. The circumference is about 500 miles. There are five highest peaks. The mountains are majestic and surrounded continuously. .

The whole area of ​​Mount Wutai spans many counties. If you only talk about going to Mount Wutai without specifying the exact place, then it is generally understood that you are going to Taihuai Town, the center of Buddhist cultural activities in Mount Wutai.

At eleven o'clock at night, even Taihuai Town, a tourist resort, lost the hustle and bustle of the day, and gradually became quiet, and only some lights could be seen from a distance.

Le Yun's car did not stop in the town, and went straight to the southern platform of Wutai Mountain, which is a dozen kilometers south of the town. Nantai is the only one among the five mountains, and the area is the most abundant in medicinal plants.

The taxi that was rushing in the dark drove to the foot of Nantai Mountain. Master Gao looked at the little guest who was about to get off, and was helpless and worried: "Little girl, do you have to climb the mountain in the middle of the night?"

As a taxi driver, he is used to seeing many customers, and there are many persistent ones. There are also many strange behaviors, and this little customer refreshed his understanding.

"Well, the person following me is so energetic, I will take him to climb the mountain and enjoy the night view." Le Yun flipped through the small backpack in front of her, and happily hooked her lips while counting the red tickets.

"What if he is a bad guy?" Master Gao was particularly worried. The car behind followed them all the way from Changshou Village. He was really afraid that he was a bad guy.

During the National Day, there were a lot of vehicles coming and going. He originally thought that the vehicle behind him was going in the same direction as him, and happened to be on the same road. It was the young guest who said that he was following her, so he noticed it and found that the vehicle was different from other vehicles. It may be ahead or behind, but one of them will always only follow behind his car, neither too far nor too close, keeping a distance, and not getting lost.

"It's not a bad person, it was someone else who asked someone to protect me. I came to the mountains to find medicine this time. The patient's family was afraid that I would be unsafe by myself, so I asked someone to protect me along the way. I don't like following people behind my butt, so they had to follow quietly."

"Then be careful, if there is anything wrong, you can call me, and I will call the police for you." Master Gao is not good at interfering with the guest's decision, and told her to be careful. To be honest, his daughter is younger than the young guest. He must be 1 worried about the girl traveling alone.

Le Yun counted out fifteen red tickets for the uncle driver, smiled and pushed the door to get out of the car, and turned back to pick up the bulging backpack: "Uncle, I probably won't go down the mountain until at least the 8th and the 9th, you don't have to. In a hurry, you can do the sports car as you want."

She is not going to take the train back to Beijing, because she will need to bring some medicinal herbs, medicinal soup extracted into juice, and collected plant resin, which may be detained when she goes through the security check. In order to reduce trouble, she decided to take a taxi back. It was too troublesome to find a driver temporarily, so I made a deal with the taxi driver. He sent her to Mount Wutai and waited for her to return to Beijing. He still booked his car. Of course, the toll from Handan to Mount Wutai, and the toll from Wutai to Beijing were of course not a cent. few.

Taxi drivers have to hand over money to the company members every month, and the average monthly salary is about [-] or [-] yuan. If you charter a car, you will earn more money than a month's salary. The kind of good business drivers generally do not refuse.

"Okay." Master Gao happily put away the fare and watched the little guest turn on the flashlight and slowly move up the mountain for a distance of more than ten meters, then reverse the car and turn the car back.

He drove a few dozen meters away, passed by the taxi behind him, followed Master Gao's taxi to the mountain intersection, and the taxi passenger was a middle-aged man in his forties, with the most common Chinese character face. , that appearance is the kind that can't be picked out from the crowd.

He was carrying a large mountaineering backpack that was only about one meter high, and a tent sleeping bag. Because it was cold at night, he wore long-sleeved sportswear. After paying, he turned on a flashlight and climbed up the mountain along the mountaineering path.

"It's really weird, and he came to climb the mountain in the middle of the night." My brother turned the front of the car, muttered, and went back to town leisurely.

The middle-aged man turned the electric light down very weakly, which could only illuminate the road under his feet, and followed the light in front of him from a distance.

Yes, it was gone, at first he thought it was a turn or blocked, but after ten minutes it still didn't show up.

The middle-aged man accelerated and rushed to the place where the visual light disappeared. The road section is high, no matter if you climb up or down, as long as there is a light source, you will be able to see it. At the same time, there is a sparse and varied forest next to the road section. .

He checked the traces along the edge of the woods. There are probably many tourists who have also entered and exited the woods, and there are more than a dozen traces of stepping on them. Since it has not been midnight, the dew has not yet condensed, and there is no particularly obvious reference. At a glance, he could tell whether it was a new trampling or a trace that had been trampled during the day, so that he could not judge whether the man hid in the woods or went forward in the dark.

Standing in the same place for a long time, the middle-aged man slowly climbed forward again with his luggage on his back. He still didn't see the light source when he climbed almost halfway up the mountain. He knew that he had lost the person again, so he found a flat place to sleep. .

It was extremely cold on the mountain at night, and the middle-aged man had a sleeping bag. He slept in the wild for one night. As soon as the sky was getting bright, he packed his tent and sleeping bag, filled his hunger with compressed biscuits, and climbed up the mountain again, watching with a telescopic lens as he climbed.

Le Yun did go into the woods. She originally wanted to climb forward and go to a more secret place to chat with a "friendly" "friendly" person who also climbed the mountain in the middle of the night. A faint fragrance, no matter who is an enemy or a friend, happily crawled into the woods, climbed back into the space and waited for dawn.

Slip back to my private site, take care of the crops in the medicine field, sleep beautifully, meditate before dawn, wash my face and eat, wait for the dawn in the east, put on water shoes and waterproof rushing clothes, and flash out. Space, distinguish the direction of the smell, and run towards the depths of the woods like a joy.

In the early morning, there was still fog between the peaks, the dew was heavy, the woods were damp and cold, and the light was extremely dark.

With the music of a pair of sparkling beautiful almond eyes, regardless of the strong dew or the dark light, she jumped up and down in the woods happily, digging for medicinal herbs and looking for the source of the fragrance. mushroom.

Mushroom is the unique game of Mount Wutai Nantai Peak - silver plate mushroom, which has medicinal value and nutritional value like matsutake mushroom, and is also one of the treasures of health preservation. With high nutritional value and delicious taste, it was once a tribute to the Manchu royal family.

Silver plate mushrooms are milky white from the root to the crown, and the flesh is fat and firm. They grow in the deep mountains and old forests or grasses where the soil is fertile. The growth pattern has certain rules, and it is not easy to find even in the peak growth season. From the beginning of autumn to Bailu, October of the new calendar is the end of autumn, and the peak growth season is earlier than that, and it is even rarer to see it in the mountains.

Yinpan mushrooms are scarce in production, and the production area is also in short supply. Leyun's nose is better than a dog's nose. When I smell the fragrance, I immediately gave up the opportunity to chat with someone about life, and decided to look for something that exudes fragrance. What? People let him continue to mess around.

The number of mushrooms is not very large, there are about a dozen or so. They emerge from under the dead leaves of the grass in the woods. Some have opened umbrellas, and some have just emerged from the ground with small heads that are not stained with dew.

It is at least seven or eight miles away from the mountaineering road in a straight line. In fact, it has already crossed the mountain body of half a hill, and it is far away from the road.

If it weren't for the spirit of the nose, Le Yun would not be able to find it. At this moment, when I saw the result that I spent a morning to find, I was very happy. I cut down a small wooden stick and slowly pushed away the withered grass and leaves. , so as not to accidentally trample the mushrooms hidden in the blades of grass when walking over.

Go to the place where the mushrooms are growing, pick the mushrooms, put them in a small plastic round basket and throw them back into the space, take out the flower pot and hoe to dig the soil, collect seven or eight pots of soil, and then put all the soil in a certain area nearby. I searched again and found only seven or eight scattered mushrooms.

I couldn't find the silver plate mushrooms anymore, so I quickly returned to the space, planted a few small mushrooms that had not opened their umbrellas in a corner of the medicine field, poured some well water into a few flower pots, and then took care of the space crops. Harvest the fruits, vegetables and herbs that should be harvested.

After finishing the work, classmate Le Xiao carried a backpack, took a small hoe and went out to find medicinal herbs all over the world again. The reason why she carried a backpack was just in case someone saw her on the opposite mountain or the top of the mountain while enjoying the scenery. I will treat her as a free explorer, so don't pay too much attention to her. If a person wanders around the mountains empty-handed, it is too easy to attract suspicion and attention.

Autumn in the mountains came early, and it was the same every day. The few days when Le Yun first arrived at Motianling in Handan City was not very autumnal. In just a few days, the forests of Taihang Mountains were completely dyed, and the autumnal mood filled the mountains.

The Taihang Mountains in autumn have the beauty of the artistic conception of autumn. There are as many tourists visiting Taihang Mountain as cattle, and tourists visiting Wutai Mountain are as many as ants. The roads up and down the mountain are full of people.

Le Yun didn't have time to look at the scenery, so she secretly shuttled between the woods and mountains, digging for medicinal herbs like she was bored and making a fortune, trying to stay away from the crowd.

She didn't stay long on the Nantai Mountain. She wandered around for a day, and then abandoned Nantai the next day, heading towards Zhongtai and Dongtai along the Beitai route.

On the fourth day, that is, at noon on October 10, in a mountain ridge between Beitai and Dongtai Mountains, a gray-faced man, like a little monkey, climbed the steep cliffs and vines, and turned over a cliff. Landing in a place that no one has visited for a long time.

Its land is about three-quarters of the total altitude of the mountain, and it is closer to the peak. The mountains and the mountain are covered with trees. There is such a small valley on the steep stone wall, and the mountain is backed on three sides. One side is slightly lower, towards the other hill.

The location of the valley is excellent, there are trees and grassy slopes, and there are water holes in one place. The water detours along the lower part of the valley and flows down a cliff. In the dry season, the line of water is not surprising. If there is enough rain in summer, it will surely become a waterfall with beautiful scenery.

"Ah, I'm exhausted, auntie!" Le Yun, who finally climbed over the steep rock wall, sat down under a tree, took off her gloves, and patted the grass clippings and moss powder on top of her head.

This place is too hard for his grandfather to find. It is surrounded by cliffs on three sides, and only one steep rock wall can barely be climbed. The vine trees climbed up.

The road is too difficult, even she has a strange strength, and she is so light and slender, and it took nearly half a day of work, which shows how difficult this place is to find.

Why do you want to climb this hollow where birds don't shit?

The reason is simple, there is something here that appeals to her.

She got rid of the grass clippings, broken branches and other powder debris from her head and neck. Le Yun put on her gloves again, looked at the trees around, picked the tallest tree, and climbed with a chirp holding the tree pole, climbing in one breath. Go to the top of the tree and have a commanding view.

The small mountain valley is surrounded by mountains, high and far-reaching, with cliffs up and down, and its geographical location is unique.

Le Yun was sitting on the top of the tree, and saw a group of bees flying in a line from a distance of more than ten meters, flying to the side near the main peak of the mountain, and then got behind the green and red and yellow trees with leaves, and, Not only are there bees in one direction, but there are also bees flying in and out in the other two directions.

In addition to the bees, there is also a scent of medicine coming from the nostrils.

She turned on the X-rays of her eyes, scanned around for a while, and easily found a piece of aura light, where the aura was so thick that people... er, the birthmark on her arm was boiling.

She found this place on the opposite mountain. She chased a medicinal scent and a honey peak to find it in this direction. She climbed to the halfway of the opposite mountain, and when looking for the source of the medicinal smell, she saw a white light in a small valley on the mountain here. That piece of white light was like a small white cloud shrouded above the woods, never dissipating.

Le Yun never dreamed that there would be such a strong aura in an unnamed hill among the mountains and mountains. She immediately rushed to the place of aura, no matter the difficulties and obstacles, learning the climbing spirit of ape and monkey, and finally climbed the cliff. The valley above.

Aura wow Aura!
There must be peerless treasures, so there is such a strong spiritual energy.

Le Yun sitting on the branches of the treetops, seeing the rich cloud of spiritual energy, made the little heart beat wildly, the mouth grinned to the back of the ear, how could I still have the mood to observe other, numbly hugging the tree chirping Sliding to the ground, grabbed the hatchet, plunged into the bushes, and ran in the direction of the aura: "Jumbo, wait for me, I'm here wow!"

(End of this chapter)

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