magic eye doctor

Chapter 217 Baby Wow

Chapter 217 Baby Wow

On a sunny day, the leaves of the peaks and trees are dyed red or yellow, and the layers of waves are like fire and gold, which is truly beautiful.

The small valley embedded in the pale golden peaks of autumn is inaccessible for many years, quiet and indifferent, when suddenly there is the cry of human joy, the sound of jelly rushes everywhere in small places, birds and beasts walk away, A riot of troops.

Yong author's classmate Le Xiao did not know that he disturbed the quietness of the primitive residents, and happily ran to the land of rare treasures, smashing through obstacles and cutting several holes in his clothes. After a lot of running around, he finally got out. The woods, to the land of aura clouds.

That piece of spiritual energy is next to a cave, where there is the wall of a mountain peak, with hillsides on both sides, covered with dense vegetation, scattered with some trees, and a dozen meters in front of the cave is a forest.

The location of the cave is neither high nor low. It is about halfway down the valley. From a distance, there are trees for shelter, and the cave cannot be seen outside because there are no tall trees near the cave, and there is plenty of sunlight.

Only part of the cave is exposed, so I don't know how high and how wide it is.

The bees lined up in a line also flew in and out of the cave.

Le Yun saw the cave with part of its entrance exposed and wanted to jump up excitedly. The ancients liked to find a cave to live in, or to hide their gold and silver treasures in the cave. This place is so secretive, maybe it was the cave of the ancient monks.

Thinking of the rare treasure, she was so happy that she could not see her eyes. She slashed the weeds and vines with great enthusiasm with a hatchet, chopping and chopping, and there were still more than ten meters away from the hole. She was stunned, and there were regular stones among the chopped weeds. , arranged upwards according to the mountain, according to the stone steps, it should be a step road.

The rhyme of swinging the hatchet, squinting, glancing, laughing loudly, swinging the knife more vigorously, cutting grass all the way, and cutting a narrow path that can allow people to pass through.

With her unremitting efforts, the road led to the cave. The cave was about three or four meters high, seven or eight square meters, and was irregular. There was a small area artificially leveled at the entrance of the cave. The earth wall was built. The earth wall has collapsed. Remains of stone wall foundations.

The soil of the collapsed earth wall was scattered into uneven mounds, and the bark and rotten wood were faintly visible. The top of the pile of dirt in one corner was shining with a strong spiritual light.

Inside the cave, there was a jar piled up in one corner. The surface of the jar was coated with a layer of mud, and a layer of hoarfrost crystals formed on the mud surface. It seemed that it had been placed for a long time.

The steps built by people, the broken walls, and the jars in the cave undoubtedly do not prove that this place was once a training cave for the reclusive people.

The owner of the cave has nowhere to go, and has been left uninhabited for a long time, so the walls fell into disrepair, and the cave has a new owner - a nest of bees.

Bees occupy the cave as their home and build their nests on the walls of the caves. I don’t know how many years they have rooted in the caves. The honeycombs they build are larger than the medium-sized bath tubs sold in the supermarket. The honeycombs hang on the top of the wall, like an upside-down hill.

It is so huge, the fan-shaped honeycomb is about seventy to eighty centimeters in longest, and the honeycomb is densely covered with bees.

The weather is fine and bees are the most industrious little creatures. Naturally, it is impossible to eat and be lazy. Some guard the nest and go out to collect nectar. The worker bees form several teams to go to work, flying in and out to keep busy.

As for the arrival of the human two-legged beast, probably because she has no signs of damage, the bees have not attacked alien creatures.

Since ancient times, good places are most likely to attract spiritual beings. Bees are one of the most spiritual creatures. They only love clean places, and they will never settle in unclean places.

The cave is home to bees, again proving to be a good place.

Le Yun, who was standing beside the remnant wall outside the cave, looked up at the huge beehive, her mouth closed with joy, her eyes narrowed into slits, this is the so-called double happiness!

No, not right!

In an instant, she denied that this was not a double happiness, it should be said that it was a triple happiness. There was something spiritual in this small place, a huge nest of bees, and a medicinal herb she was looking for.

The medicinal herb was not here in the cave, but it was not too far away. She smelled it. There was such a small valley among the unnamed mountains, and such treasures were hidden. This luck was so good that it made people suspect that the elders saved the earth.

For the first time, Le Yun felt that she was so lucky, really!This luck is so good that even she is jealous of herself, um, let her have a good time first!

Perhaps, in the eyes of others, honey is very precious, but it is not enough to be considered a treasure, but in the eyes of Le Xiaoxiao, the nest of honey in front of her is definitely one of the precious medicinal materials.

This nest of honey is pure wild stone honey. Stone bees are smaller than ordinary bees. They only build their nests in rock cave walls or soil, so they are called stone honey.

Stone honey is more pure than what is often said, and its nutritional value is higher. Taihang Mountain has diverse plants and a wide area. Different plants bloom in different seasons, which is enough to supply the nectar needed by bees. Taihang Mountain has also become a natural natural source for bees. honey farm.

She also found a nest of wild bees when she was looking for medicine in Shennong Mountain. Because it was summer at that time, it was not suitable for honey, so she kept it untouched; she also found a nest in Motianling. , There is not much honey. If she takes honey, when winter comes, the bees will starve to death without honey. Therefore, she does not take honey.

The swarm is so big that it can take at least one-third of the honey.

Laughing alone for a long while, Le Yun was happy enough, and lightly cleaned up the fallen weeds and intertwined vines at the entrance of the cave, making the place more open.

After a little tidying up, the ones who got them ran to the jars in the cave. The jars couldn’t be the ashes. If there were jars with ashes in the cave, there would be yin, and the bees wouldn’t build their nests. .

If you guess correctly, the jar may be a wine jar!
The jar covered with mud is a [-]-pound wine jar, with a round belly, with up and down ends, a round mouth, a lid, and the top of the lid is also sealed with mud.

Watching the jar and analyzing it layer by layer with the special functions of the eyes, it reveals the true face of Mount Lu. Smaller, the wine is more solid, similar to jelly, and there is a layer of red jelly more than ten centimeters deep on the surface.

When analyzing the wine jar, Le Yun wanted to cover her eyes, her eyes told her that the jar was 190 years old, and the age of the wine was [-] years and [-] months!
"Why?" Crouching with her head on the ground, she drew circles, saying, when did she become so powerful, you can tell the age of the wine at a glance, so powerful, doesn't it require the rhythm of the heavens?

I feel like I'm going to become a fairy.

Squat down and draw a few circles, silently looking at the sky, and seeing the huge beehive, the silent music rhythm is full of heart, jumping up, rubbing the palms, preparing for a big fight, why is my luck so good, why It has become so powerful, and those small problems are all thrown aside. The most important thing at present is to quickly find the treasure in the soil and see what kind of treasure can emit such a strong spiritual brilliance.

Returning rationally, he carried the wine jar back to the space, placed it on the spiritual stone base under the dragon's blood tree, ran back to the medicine field, and neatly picked the silver plate mushrooms that had grown up in the flowerpot.

Matsutake is a mushroom whose spores scatter and fall to the ground and grow mycelium to form a mushroom. The silver plate mushroom also flies its own spores, forms hyphae, and grows mushrooms. Le Xiaoxiao grows the silver plate mushroom in the medicine field like a matsutake mushroom, and let it grow naturally. , Distributed spores, about the time is not long enough, the spores have not yet developed into hyphae, and no new silver plate mushrooms have grown in the medicine field.

The soil dug back was watered every day, and a batch of small silver plate mushrooms grew in three days.

In the medicine field, the spores that developed into mycelium of the matsutake mushrooms are probably all consumed, and the new mycelium has not yet formed. Seven or eight matsutake mushrooms were harvested yesterday.

After picking the grown silver plate mushrooms, take out a small basket of mushrooms that have been cleaned out and put them in the sun outside the cave on the grass that can bask in the sun.

She plans to dry some of it, even if it is not completely dry, it will be half wilted, and she will bring it back to the school in an upright manner, so that whether it is handsome Yan Liu or Chao and the seniors who see it, she can also say that she picked it up by herself. It can also be said to be bought from others in the mountains.

After drying the mushrooms, he took out a mask and put it on to cover his mouth and nose, took out his hoe, ran to the corner of the cave entrance, and happily cleaned up the soil.

There are nests of bees in the cave. In order not to cause dust to fly, and because they are afraid of damaging the things buried in the mud, they do not dare to pull vigorously. Le Xiaoxiao is also very careful when cleaning the soil, digging slowly and moving the soil into the cave as much as possible. The soil can absorb moisture, so that the soil is piled up in the bottom corner of the cave. In spring and summer, the mountains are humid, the soil absorbs water, and the cave is also drier, which is more suitable for bees to live.

There are some bark and wood slivers in the fallen mud walls. In the past, poor people or people in the mountains used bark or thatch to build their houses. still intact.

The bark and wood are buried in the soil, not fully decayed because they have not been soaked in water.

Peeling off a layer of soil, removing the bark and wood strips, Le Yun used a hoe to carefully dig the soil, and after digging for a while, a black thing appeared in the soil.

The exposed black was only a small piece the size of a palm, and the color was as deep as thick ink. There was still some mud sticking to the black ink. Even so, it could not cover its brilliance, and the exposed areas were bright in color.

The essence of that jet black is jet black, and it also shines with golden metallic light and a rich white aura.

When it was buried in the soil, the golden metallic light could not be seen, and the aura was so thick that even the soil could not cover it, and it appeared out of the sky.

"?" Le Yun stared blankly at the jet black, her eyes couldn't even identify what material the jet black was!
Staring silently for a long time, she was embarrassed, as if the X function of the eyes is not omnipotent?

If that's the case, it feels like a pit.

Wipe away the cold sweat that came out, and dig the soil along the exposed black area for a while, and more and more dark black parts are exposed. The black ink color is stone, polished, but relatively rough.

Because the work is physical labor and sweating, it is estimated that the fragrance of the body makes the bees interested. The little bees in twos and threes treat her as a flower, and fly to her to look for it. They look around, but they can't find any flowers and fly around her. Flying for a while, busy picking flowers.

Wearing a fragrant sweat, Le Yun worked hard, digging for a while, no longer digging down, but digging the soil according to the shape of the aura light. The aura light is round, and it is speculated that the black thing is cylindrical.

Relying on the super-powerful plug-in artifact with the special function of the eyes, several layers of soil were removed, and finally a jet black was dug out. It was a round circle, like a hula hoop, filled with soil in the middle, and the jet black wall was about 90.00 centimeters, judging from the exposed parts, [-]% of them may be stone jars or barrels made of stone.

The jet-black round mouth is very large, larger than the ordinary water tank, and the diameter of the inner circle is about [-] meters.

Knowing its size and shape, Le Yun was so excited that she forgot the sore fatigue of waving her hoe, and continued digging with great energy. The spirit of perseverance of brickworkers, continuing to forge the future, continues to search for the roots.

After digging for another half an hour, I finally dug to the bottom. The pitch-black vat or barrel was a full 1.5 meters high, that is to say, it was only a few centimeters shorter than her.

Le Yun: "..." 囧, such a tall thing, the cave master who is cultivating here, how tall must be!

As a small setback, I feel tired and do not love. People with low altitudes can feel the malice and invisible harm from the world everywhere.

His heart was hit by [-] critical hit points. Le Xiaoxiao wiped the sweat from his forehead and continued to dig with his hoe. For this shiny treasure, he must be neither afraid of hardship nor tired, and would rather bleed than cry.

As long as the hoe dances well, there will be no soil that cannot be digged. Under the strong attack of the powerful hoe, most of the soil will be removed, and most of the dark black things will be exposed. It is a stone jar with a flat bottom, a round belly, a wide mouth, The exterior carving is not very particular, it is very rough, and it is rougher than the interior workmanship of the pottery water tank.

Under the perspective of the X-ray of the eyes, the internal structure of the stone jar material is fine, compact and orderly, and there are no blemishes. It is almost the black color of its body, and there is no morbid death gray and other colors, and its metallic golden light is shining. dazzling.

The stone jar was stored next to the wall, because it was of a hard material, and the wall did not hurt it when it fell, and it was dug so wide that there were no bowls or shards of ceramics, and no other residues like cloth and furniture, except for the stone jar, There was also a stone bar held against the wall, a fire pit in one place, and a handful of embers.

Le Yun knows how to save resources best. In order not to waste it, she takes out the flowerpot and collects the fire embers and some fine soil as fertilizer for planting flowers and vegetables.

More than half of the stone tank was exposed. She opened it like prying the soil in the tank. It took a long time to clear half of it. Because of the depth problem, it was difficult to throw the soil. She wanted to turn the tank upside down and clean it up. Notched, pulled hard, however, with all her strength, the cylinder didn't move at all.

"I... the sun!" She couldn't shake the stone jar even after a few tries. Le Yun was so tired that she was sweating profusely.

She didn't know how strong she really was. Anyway, she didn't blush or breathe when she twisted a hundred kilograms with one hand, and she didn't feel pressure when she carried a grinding disc weighing more than 300 kilograms with both hands. But now, she couldn't move a jar with all her strength , how heavy should that tank be?
After resting for a while, he climbed into the stone vat and started work again. He couldn't move the vat, so he could only continue to shovel the mud in the vat, shovel clean the mud and pull it again, but it still didn't move.

Le Xiaoxiao almost wanted to cry, why is it so heavy?
I can't move it, and I can't get it into the space. I can only continue to remove the mud around the tank, scrape off the mud in batches, move it every time it breaks, and dig it again if it can't move, and only one-seventh of the remaining When a piece of soil was not completely removed, I repeated the action of moving the tank that I had tried a few times.

This time, after all the effort, the black ink stone cylinder was finally moved a few centimeters away from the soil.

"Oh my god!" Shaking the stone tank from the mud, Le Yun was so tired that she was sweating like rain, lying on the edge of the tank gasping for breath, she was exhausted.

Wow, baby, the spiritual energy is so strong, how many times will it expand the space?
Even though she was so tired that her waist was about to break, she didn't give up resting too much, took a breath, and happily threw the big vat back into the space, put away the hoe, put on the hatchet, and searched for water in a hurry.

The stone jar is sticky with mud and must be cleaned. The well water in the space is too precious to be reluctant to use. Of course, it must be cleaned with natural water.

Le Xiaoxiao knew that there was an eye spring in the concave hill, so he ran out of the cave and walked down the path he had cut. He didn't cut the path again when he reached the grass and bushes. After walking about a mile and a half, I found a water source.

The water comes out from under a stone in the tree, and the outlet is very wide. The water may be very prosperous in spring and summer. In this season, there is only a stream of water as thin as two fingers. The water that overflowed the pool followed the road rushing out of the stream, drilled through the grass and trees, and zigzagged away into the distance.

With water and caves, this small valley on the cliff of the mountain is undoubtedly an excellent training site.

A layer of fallen leaves piled up in the small pool, the water surface was clear, and the surrounding trees were not dense enough to penetrate the sun’s rays.

There are also traces of artificial leveling on the side of the pool. A small flat area is formed, which can allow people to fetch water or wash clothes. There is a relatively flat stone outside the mouth of the pool, which is estimated to be a washing slate used for beating clothes.

Le Yun chopped down the weeds on the side of the pool, took out the large tank, placed it on the side at the outlet of the small pool, took out a water spoon and brush, and washed the stone tank with water.

The surface of the black ink stone jar is glistening, and its inner wall is as rough as the outer surface. It is estimated that the mason who built the stone jar was still an apprentice, so he only created the shape of the stone jar, and did not carefully Polished and without sculptural decoration.

Scrub the stone jar inside and out several times until there is no dust left behind. Move the jar back to the space, put it on a corner of the stone base of the medicine field, pour well water into it, and pour forty buckets of well water before putting it out. full.

Le Yun circled around a giant tank similar to hers twice, but she still hadn't analyzed the material and age, and she didn't have time to fight on that trivial issue for the time being. She ran out of space and happily went to find medicinal herbs.

(End of this chapter)

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