magic eye doctor

Chapter 218 Surprise

Chapter 218 Surprise
The small valley on the waist of the unnamed mountain is about three miles in circumference. Because it is on the cliff, even explorers are reluctant to visit it, and no one digs plants. There are star anise lotus growing in the grass among the trees. Needle, Baxiancao, Feilongzhang blood and other medicinal materials.

Even though some of the herbs have been collected, they can't stand the age of the herbs in Xiaoshanwa. Le Yun didn't care, she walked and dug excitedly, collected the soil and moved it back to the space, and dug a few rhizoma rhizoma trees on the edge of the woods.

Coptis chinensis is the kind of Coptis chinensis that "dumbs eat Coptis chinensis", and there is no shortage of it in the Taihang Mountains. Even if it is not the best variety, it is more than 01:30 points better than the medicinal planting base.

She got out of the dense forest, got into a grassy slope with sparse trees, and found the medicinal herb she was looking for in a grass with stones: golden thread hanging gourd.

The golden thread hanging gourd has herbs and herbaceous vines. What she is looking for is a variety of herbaceous climbing vines, and there are several types of herbaceous vines, with slightly different varieties and slightly different functions.

There are many kinds of gold wire hanging gourds in the Taihang Mountains, all of which have been around for decades.

Student Le Xiao found a few golden-threaded gourds, all of which were born in the 40s to [-]s, and they were not the species she wanted. The one she found this time was the one she was looking for.

Xiaoshanao is inaccessible, and a golden-threaded gourd is 150 years old. It does not need to be moved to the space medicine field to increase the efficacy of the medicine and can be directly used as medicine.

After finding the medicinal herbs that she had been looking for, Le Yunxin acted cheerfully, cut down the weeds, followed the vines to find the roots of the vines, cut off some vines, leaving only the one-foot-long section, removed the stones, and digged with a hoe. .

The golden-thread hanging gourd is fond of chaotic piles of rocks, often digging up rocks, and it took a long time to find the first gourd. A bunch of gourds.

Le Xiaoxiao worked tirelessly and dug along the roots for a long time. Finally, they dug out all of them. There were more than ten roots. , there are more or less, more than twenty, less than a dozen, together they form a large group, like a string of bells.

Shake off the soil and put it aside first, while Le Yun kept doing it again and again, dug two small throwing spaces for seedlings, and left four for them to multiply in situ.

Backfill the pit, put away the tools and medicine, return to the pool again, lift a large string of gourds from the space, cut off the roots of the long stems, and put the vine roots back into the space. After washing the gourds, move them back to the space.

When she sat down to rest, she realized later that she hadn't eaten at noon, her face wrinkled into a bitter gourd, holding her hungry stomach, picking black tiger fruit and frying it in August.

After a full meal, it was three o'clock in the afternoon, and I pulled up my sleeves and trousers, took off my shoes, and put down the medicine field to collect peanuts.

Soybeans and peanuts are all annual, and the growth cycle is three or four months. The soybeans and peanuts planted a few days ago matured after seven or eight days of growth. The soybeans were harvested this morning, and the peanuts are still preserved. The reason why the harvest is so fast is because well water is used. fueled.

The peanuts that have been long for a long time, the seedlings are somewhat withered, and it is also the picking period.

The soil of the medicine field is soft, no need to dig with a hoe, one by one, without fertilizing the peanuts, they are not arrogant, they are particularly prosperous, the seedlings are almost half a human tall, and one seedling is pulled out, and the roots are covered with fruit The shell is heavy in the hand, and each seedling can pick up four or five pounds of peanuts.

At the beginning, I planted about half a catty of Zhongzi, and when I harvested it, Le Xiaoxiao was tragic, so tired that his back was sore, and finally he was bent so that his waist was about to break, so he pulled them out and piled them on the ridge of the medicine field. a bunch of.

In order to comfort my tired waist, I peeled a few peanuts and tasted it. They were sweet and crispy, and had a natural light fragrance.

After eating a few handfuls of peanuts, Le Yun didn't have time to play, so she picked up a hatchet to get out of the space, went to the woods to cut a few small tree poles, chopped them into pieces, cut a vine again, went back to the cave, raised tools, and built them by herself. wood shelf.

The shelf is to be raised, and honey is used.

The cave is three to four meters high, and she is only 1.5 meters. She can probably touch the top of the honeycomb with the longest honeycomb when she raises her hand. The height difference between people and the cave is so large, so she can only build a scaffolding and step on it. Take honey.

Rao is because she is smart and clever, but she is also at a loss to make a suitable shelf, and she is half-depressed. Why didn't she get a space for double-sided alloy ladders?
If there is a double-sided ladder that can be extended and closed, just unfold the ladder and climb up to work. When not in use, it can be folded and thrown away, which is convenient and hassle-free.

Unfortunately, it's useless to think about it, you need to be self-reliant in front of you.

Because she is a novice and has no experience in making ladders or shelves, she can only explore by herself, dismantle, dismantle, and reassemble.

It looks a bit ugly, but it can be used as long as you can. Climb up and test it yourself. Fortunately, it can bear the weight of people. You can also put buckets or basins on it, and the height is similar.

After completing a big project, Le Xiaoxue went to pick up dry wood, hay, and dry moss, and piled them up at the entrance of the cave. Since it was not evening, he had nothing to do, so he screwed a small hoe and climbed the hillside to dig for medicinal herbs.

When the sun went down, she first went to take a bath, washed her clothes, and then returned to the entrance of the cave to retrieve the silver plate of mushrooms that were drying outside.

This is also the first time I have made a fire to cook since I went out. I only ate space products to live a few days ago. First, I am lazy, and second, I need to find a suitable place to set fire in the mountains, so as to avoid wildfires burning the mountains, and I am afraid of being smoked by people. Find.

While cooking, put the newly bought milk pot with medicine and set it on fire, burn the bottom black, rub it for a while, then burn it again, and repeat it several times. look.

When she bought the pot, handsome Liu was by her side, knowing that she was going to take it to the wild to cook porridge for medicinal purposes. If the bottom of the pot was clean when she returned, it would be difficult to explain if it was seen by handsome Liu.

After eating the first meal of rice for many days, I packed up my tools, removed the mosquito grass from the space and put it in the cave to let it eat mosquitoes. I sat down and made special tools: I took a piece of tree tube that was empty in the middle and stuffed it into it. Crushed dry moss and grass clippings, tree powder, compacted.

It got dark early in the mountain, and the night quickly enveloped the top of the mountain. There was still light outside, and the cave was dark.

When it got dark, Le Yun also began to move, moving the shelf to the bottom of the honeycomb, putting the torch on her head, wrapping her neck with a towel, tying up her sleeves, and tying a small pocket made of rattan around her waist. The charcoal left over from the burning of a piece of firewood is put into a small tool made of raw tree poles.

The raw tree stems are filled with dry moss and grass powder, and when they meet the red hot coals, they are ignited, and plumes of smoke are emitted.

Le Yun took the gadget, climbed up the scaffolding, put on latex gloves in both hands, took out a stainless steel bucket and a washbasin, held a knife in her left hand, and a smoked bee with a gadget in her right.

The honeycomb is huge, and the bees do not completely cover the entire nest. Where is their king, most of them will be around there, usually gathering at the top of the nest.

When the bees meet the heat and smoke, they give way one after another, drive away some bees at the bottom of the honeycomb, find the cutting point, put the small tool in the small pocket tied around the waist, put the small tool upright, pass the knife in the left hand to the right, and stick the knife flat to the hole Cut honeycomb on top.

Honeycombs are composed of fan-like honeycombs, and the honey fans are covered with hexagonal cylinder holes, or used as honey storage warehouses or as baby rooms for bees.

Honey bees are naturally smart and separate the hole nests for storing honey from the hole nests for brooding bees. Ordinary honey is also separated from royal jelly. Royal jelly is the food for the first pupation of queen bees and young bees, and other bees eat honey.

Bees make a nest, first make the first honeycomb, and then arrange it to the left and right sides. When the family business is large, make some honeycombs in the horizontal place to surround the center.

In fact, taking honey every few years is good for the hive. The hive for several years may have bugs. Once the bug destroys the hive, the bees have to abandon their good home and find a new place to settle down. When collecting honey Cutting off the old beehives is like helping them clean up.

Le Yun carefully cut off a horizontal piece of honeycomb. The honey was not too much, put it in the washbasin, and then cut a second piece. After cutting five pieces of honeycomb in a row, I could see the honeycomb in the center. The honeycombs in the center of the honeycomb were all honey. The honeycombs on the top part are caramel colored.

The honeycomb is milky white when it is newly made, very tender, and with age, some colors are like honey, and the longer the age, the darker the color.

The bees gather at the top part to provide a point for Le Yun to cut the honeycomb, smoke away some bees, hold the honeycomb with the hand, and cut the root of the honeycomb with the narrow-backed watermelon knife.

The honeycomb was full of honey, and it was too heavy. When it was cut in half, it broke by itself. She was so frightened that she hurriedly threw away the knife, held the honeycomb, and carefully pushed all the bees onto the stone wall, put it down, and cut another honeycomb again.

She is not afraid of bee stings. She took honey from her grandfather when she was a child. The bees chased her grandfather, but they didn't sting her. Even if they climbed onto her face, as long as she didn't grab or press them, the bees wouldn't take the initiative to sting her. , In Grandpa's words, she was born with a relationship with bees.

Relying on being born to be close to bees, every time she went up the mountain to find honeycombs, she was guided by her grandfather.

Of course, she also ate a lot of honey. Since she was weak, most of the medicines her grandfather gave her were made of honey. I heard that it was thanks to honey that she was able to survive the most dangerous days when she was born. For a few months, when I grew up, I often took honey. Until my grandmother passed away, I would eat honey that my grandmother found as a nourishing product for a month or two every year.

Now, she is healthy and carefree, but her grandparents have passed away one after another, leaving her only endless thoughts.

If you want to support but your relative is not there, there is nothing more painful in life than being a servant.

Thinking of her grandparents, Le Yun felt melancholy in her heart, pursed her lips, and silently took honey. Grandpa and grandma have passed away, all she can do is to help them avenge when she has enough ability, when she can protect herself and take revenge, and then continue Lejia Incense, passing on the teachings of her grandparents to her by words and deeds to the next generation, the next generation.

Taking the honeycomb requires patience and care, that is, it is necessary to cut off the honeycomb without damaging other beehives, so as to minimize the casualties of bees.

Le Yun carefully cut off the most central piece of honeycomb, and then moved the queen bee lying on a piece of honeycomb to the most edge piece of honeycomb, so the bees rushed to protect the queen bee, and the swarms of bees swarmed from a few pieces in the center of the nest. Honeycomb removed.

There are no dense bees, and it is much easier to move. Before the bees are scattered, she cut down a dozen pieces of honeycomb at the fastest speed, removed the sticky wax on the stone wall, and then removed the honeycombs that remained. The bees on it are sent back to the hive, collect their tools, and climb down the shelves.

She took away more than a dozen pieces of honeycomb, and one piece of the huge hive was taken away. The total amount of large pieces was just a little more than one-third. The amount of honey left was enough. Even if the bees did not work, they would have enough for the first half of the year. .

Put out the gadgets for repelling bees, and use a mud ring to bake clothes around the fire. Le Yun quickly returned to the space, squeezed the honeycombs that did not have much honey, bottled them with mineral water, and covered the honey in the bucket. Go for a walk in the medicine field, sit down and read a book.

Scan a book in a few hours, meditate at eleven o'clock, go to bed at one o'clock.

This night, she slept very soundly. In her dream, she heard a few long loud bell-like noises, and then heard the familiar sound of reading. The voice was ancient and sang, melodious and clear, and the sound was melodious. Beads, the mystery is endless.

At the end of the dream, a beam of golden light pierced through the sky and penetrated into her brain, so when she woke up, Le Yun stared at the dark air silently in a daze, and after a long while, she sat cross-legged and meditated. After that, suddenly, the golden light that always jumped between the two eyebrows merged into one point, like a small sun hanging between the eyebrows, the light shone into the dantian.

At that time, the dantian brightened up, and there was a little round and scorching light reflecting each other with the light between the eyebrows. A trace of strange power swam from the dantian to the limbs, passed through the hands, feet, and top of the head, and finally returned to the dantian. Repeat the previous route again, go back to Dantian, and repeat the previous steps again, again and again, after 36 cycles, the Dantian is still, and the light between the two eyebrows still hangs quietly.

Le Yun opened her eyes from the meditation, and countless huge question marks appeared in her heart. Is this... is it a hanging photo?

The first step of cultivating immortals is to build the foundation for a hundred days. During the period of consummation, one looks down and sees a golden light between the eyebrows. The second step is to hang the light. The light between the eyebrows illuminates the dantian, which is the road between the dantian and the eyebrows palace. When it is opened, the up and down are guided, and the true energy is drawn to circulate the whole body.


She was completely bewildered. Why did the good martial arts practice become a practice for cultivators?
If she used to suspect that the exercises were just for selling dog meat, now she is 100% convinced that the martial arts internal exercises are actually the basic exercises for practitioners.

She stared blankly at the air for a long time, Le Yun rubbed her brows, became silent, turned over and got up, felt the flashlight, turned it on, and ran to find the jade slips, found the jade slips in the pile of items, and touched them one by one. When he reached one of them, his fingers seemed to be sucked, and a mysterious force that was cool and hot rushed into his arm like an electric current, straight to his brain.

At that moment, she kept praying: Gongfa Gongfa... Important things have been said countless times!
(End of this chapter)

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