magic eye doctor

Chapter 2453

Chapter 2453
There is no long-winded nagging from the host. The host and the guests are also good. Everyone eats happily.

After eating for a while, the first round of dishes was about the same, Liu Shaoyan, Lan Sanfu and others went to the kitchen to serve the dishes, and the second round of dishes was also twelve.

Just two rounds of dishes, after the meal.

After the banquet, there is a fruit plate.

Little Lolita invited many young people to be guests in the paradise, and went to the stone boat in Yinyue Lake for barbecue at night.

The young masters were overjoyed, so they simply picked up fruit baskets and plates, tea sets and boiled water bottles, and went to the promenade and water pavilion in the garden to enjoy the scenery and play.

Classmate Le made the seasoning first, and marinated the ingredients for barbecue with Brother Liu Shaofu and others, and then went to the garden to drink tea with the young and old.

In the evening, there is no cooking and barbecue, and there is no need to stay in the kitchen in the afternoon. Yan Shao and his brothers also get together to join in the fun. They want to see Le Shan and Tantai Xiao Shao have a fight.

Liu Shaosheng was afraid that his daughter-in-law would run away, so he didn't work, and he held his wife's hand everywhere, and he was not afraid of how bright a group of light bulbs were, throwing dog food anytime and anywhere.

Hua Shao, Zhou Shao and others are also very much looking forward to Leshan and Tantai's pursuit of happiness and friendship.

Lived up to expectations, after playing for two hours, when the sun shifted to the west and the shadow of the green plant corridor cast on the lawn, Le Xiao asked his younger brother to fight against the bear boy of Tantai's family.

A person as witty as Mr. Li has already put aside a few bamboo and wooden swords as weapons for others.

Le Shan took the wooden sword he used to learn swordsmanship, changed into a set of training clothes, and left the field with the wooden sword in his arms. He stood with the sword in his arms, as stable as Mount Tai.

Young Master Tantai didn't want to have trouble with a child, but it's a pity that other people's words are meager, no one listens to his opinion, and his popularity is not very good, no one supports him.

Feeling sad, Tantai Xunhuan was forced to end the battle. In order not to let people think that he was bullying the small, he didn't use weapons: "Little cute baby, I am as old as a little fairy, and I am 15 years older. I can't bully you!" , let you three moves, you make moves."

Le Yun silently expressed her sympathy for the brat of Tantai's family, that brat has too much self-confidence!
Jiang Shao, Xin Shao, Lu Shao and the others didn't feel that Young Master Tantai was overconfident. After all, there was such a big age gap, and there was too little kindness. No matter how talented he was, it was impossible to win Young Master Tantai.

"Thank you." Le Shan blinked his big eyes, nodded solemnly, and raised his hand in a sword pose, tilting his hand outward, and pointing his sword obliquely at the ground.

Xuan Shao, Lu Shao, Chen Shao, and Xin Shao, whose family inherited the sword, had leisurely and elegant expressions, but when they saw Le Shan's hand gestures, they were suddenly shocked. Don't tell them that Le Shan has already learned swordsmanship. !

Also because of Dongshan's attacking style, the four young men who were also proficient in using swords immediately sat upright, watching the big and small in the field, so as not to miss the shots from both sides.

Le Shan made the first gesture, and he ran towards the opposite side, the sword was raised at a subtle angle, and he stabbed out with one strike.

The little cute baby drew out the sword, there was no fancy, and the sword was aimed at the person's dantian.

This is also because he is short, if he is tall, that sword will go straight to the heart.

Tantai Xunhuan originally made up his mind to go through the motions with the child, but the sword thrust was fast and fierce, his heart tightened, and he immediately moved aside.

However, when he moved to one side, Xiaomengwa also dexterously deflected an angle, and the sword also followed him like a shadow, moving with him.

Tantai Xunhuan himself had said something beforehand, he said that he would make the little baby do three tricks, so naturally he couldn't break his promise, he could only dodge but not accept the trick.

He backed off three times in a row, and just as he stood still, the little doll rushed forward again, swishing two swords, and the childish words rang out at the same time: "Big brother, pay attention, I'm going to make a real move."

What, did the little cute baby not show any real tricks just now?Tantai Xunhuan was stunned for a moment, and at that moment, a wooden sword stabbed straight at his throat.

He subconsciously dodged it, and stretched out his hand to grab the wooden sword, but unfortunately, as soon as Xiaowa's sword move missed, the sword shifted and missed by several inches, and he missed it.

Before the sword move was old enough, Le Shan changed his castration and still stabbed at the other's vitals.

Tantai Xunhuan dodged again, and wanted to grab the opponent's wooden sword at the same time, but failed to grab twice in a row.

The three swords were empty, and Le Shan changed his offensive and turned to focus on the opponent's foot.

He is short, but his figure is very dexterous. Every time he thinks that it is too late to change positions from such an angle, he can always change positions easily, thus attacking Tantai Xunhuan's lower body and taking advantage.

Originally, Jiang Shao and the others wanted to have a good time, but after Le Shan chased after Tantai Xiaoshao and used three swords, they all changed their attitudes and watched the battle very seriously.

It was the first time for Yu Chang, Xu Xiake, Zhang Huai'en, Chu Wu, Li Chongjiang and Shen Sansheng to see real people performing real martial arts. The more they watched, the more excited they became, their eyes were as wide as copper bells.

Tantai Xunhuan thought that the little cute baby was just holding a sword to bluff people, but he failed to catch the wooden sword even a few times, and was found by the other party to be weak, specializing in his own footwork, so depressed that he wanted to hit the wall. Little evildoer, could it be that this doll is also an evildoer?
He felt that as a handsome young man, he couldn't lose his dignity. If he was forced to be helpless by a little doll, he would have nowhere to put his face!
Therefore, Tantai Xunhuan also took it seriously, pouring the meager internal energy into his hands, and performing the sword grab with bare hands. As for kicking and throwing, it is impossible. The elders still have to skin him.

After all, he is an adult, and his stature and height advantages are obvious. He made two shots in a row, and Le Shan was forced to be overwhelmed.

Seeing his younger brother messing up his sword style, Le Yun chanted softly: "There is a shocking wind on the flat ground, and huge waves hit three towers."

Hearing her sister's words, Le Shan's eyes brightened, and he immediately calmed down. He twisted his body like a wandering dragon and reached the side of Tantai Xunhuan. The wooden sword in his hand jumped for a while, and he made three swords in a row. In fact, it was a sword with three moves. .

He was only a little bit short of catching the wooden sword, but the target suddenly disappeared, and the three swords stabbed at his knee instead, Tantai Xunhuan had no choice but to dodge first.

Le Yun didn't even blink, and read out another sentence: "Flying swallows come out of Juejian, Jiaolong jumps into the sea."

The target has shifted, and the Leshan sword style has not changed. Hearing her sister's words, she almost didn't even think about it, so she swept up with light kung fu, and chased after Tantai young master like a clever swallow, and jumped up again. The three swords pierced the opponent's face, directly hitting the eyes and between the brows, and the third move deflected and cut at the person's head.

The little cute baby who was only attacking the next game, then attacked the upper game, Tantai Xunhuan was forced to panic, and after getting out of the way, he screamed: "Little fairy, you don't bring such a thing. Brother, the little fairy is pointing her brother, you Quickly guide me too."

"How old are you, how old is Xiao Leshan?" Tantai Xunyang couldn't bear to look directly at him. His younger brother was an adult, and he was forced to parry by a little doll and had no strength to fight back. How dare he seek foreign help?
Le Yun didn't care about the yelling of the bear child, and read again: "Yunxiao roams the dragon madly, and the sword rolls through thousands of waves."

Hearing the sound, Le Shan changed his moves, and the attacking sword style was continuous, one sword after another, and each sword was faster than the next.

Tantai Xunhuan yelled to avoid dodge, as for grabbing the sword, he didn't even think about it, under the guidance of his sister, Xiaomengwa made a tricky move, the angle of his move and the direction of his sword were not in the same channel area.

Classmate Le only speaks out, giving prompts in a leisurely manner. Le Shan changes sword moves according to her sister's prompts. Most of the time, the changes are flexible. .

Jiang Shao and the others just watched Tantai young master dodging left and right, jumping up and down, and they were very happy. Tantai young master can be Xiao Leshan's testing stone, and he is worthy of his always wanting to give the little girl a puppet Make an effort.

Le Yun recited dozens of formulas, and asked her younger brother to practice most of the sword moves and qinggong steps in the field, and finally stopped reminding her.

Without her sister's reminder, Le Shan made three more tricks with Tantai young master based on her strength, and finally lost unfortunately.

Although Tantai Xunhuan succeeded in snatching Xiaomengwa's sword, his palm was a little numb from the shock, so he returned the wooden sword in a very gentlemanly way: "Little Leshan, I've accepted it!".

"I didn't let you. I wanted to stab you a few times, but unfortunately, I didn't get it. Come back next time." Le Shan took back his wooden sword with a serious face.

Tantai Xunhuan wanted to cry, he couldn't be being targeted, right?He doesn't want to fight with the kid.

So he, he begged for mercy with a mournful face: "Little fairy, please let me go, I don't want to mess with a kid like Xiao Leshan."

Le Shan raised his eyelids, and asked quietly: "Then you want to have a hard time with me?"

"No, I don't want to!" Tantai Xunhuan was so frightened that he didn't even talk about his gentleman's demeanor, he let go of his feet and ran to his brother, shrinking into a small quail.

Holding the wooden sword in his arms, Le Shan walked towards the long corridor with the old god present.

Tantai Xunyang: "..." With such a detached younger brother, what can he do?
Young Master Tantai was trembling with fright, Young Master Lu, Young Master Chen, and Young Master Xuan Shaohua were eager to try, especially wanting to have a fight with the little beauty.

In the end, none of them made any request for any questions or anything, and they kept it until their family came to the Paradise for enlightenment, and no one else was around, so it would be better for them to find a little girl to come in private.

Le Shan returned to the corridor with the wooden sword in his arms, Yu Chang and the little luotou rushed up and carried him away.

Luke was worried that the boys would accidentally hurt Mr. Xiao, so he hurried over.

The big and small radish heads carried Le Shan out of the plant corridor, dragged him away from the adults in a hurry, and ran to the "Cuiwei Pavilion" next to the "Huanyu Pond" to talk quietly.

The big and small carrots surrounded Le Shan, with bright eyes, and asked them if they could learn sword together.

"The swordsmanship I learned, my sister said that people without the Le family blood can't learn it, my sister said that learning swordsmanship and martial arts should be taught according to aptitude, you should ask my sister which one is suitable for you to learn.

Don't worry, to learn martial arts, you must first improve your physical fitness. I have been riding horses since I was a little over one year old, and I didn't start learning swords until last year. When you have laid the foundation, my sister will formally teach you martial arts. "

Le Shan said it straight, he is not talking nonsense, those are what my sister said, and what my sister said is right!
Luke also nodded in agreement. He also practiced the zama step at the beginning, and only after he had a little foundation can he learn "The Thousand Changes of the Spirit Ape".

Yu Chang and the five little radish heads nodded like they were pounding rice, and secretly rubbed their heads together. They decided that the time to practice Zhama would have to be extended in the future, and they must lay a solid foundation.

(End of this chapter)

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