magic eye doctor

Chapter 2454 Let him recover

Chapter 2454 Let him recover

Grandma Yu was also shocked after seeing the quarrel between Xiao Leshan and Master Tantai. Miss Le is also from a family of martial arts?
The little girl has martial arts by her side, so Ah Chang can also get protection if he joins the little girl. If Ah Chang can learn some kung fu from the little girl, that would be even better.

Grandma Yu was happy from the bottom of her heart. Seeing that the children had gone to play by themselves, she also went back to the kitchen, guarding the ingredients for barbecue.

Le and Zhong Shao enjoyed a leisurely time in the garden. They went to the kitchen to roast the suckling pig after four o'clock. It takes a long time to roast the suckling pig. If you wait for the official barbecue to start the roast, there will be too little time.

Nearly five o'clock, the handsome guys worked together to move the barbecue ingredients, stoves and other supplies into the "Sanqingfang" on the small island in the center of Yinyue Lake in batches, and grilled in the first floor of the stone boat.

The baking utensils were moved to two rows, the staff sat face to face, the ingredients were placed in the middle, and which one they wanted to bake could be picked up and baked by themselves.

Everyone picks the sauce and condiments according to their own taste, puts a dish in front of them, or eats the baked food with dipping sauce, or dips the dipping sauce while brushing.

That day is the seventh day of the seventh month of the lunar calendar, the oldest "Qiqiao Festival" in China.

They ate and roasted for more than an hour. When the roast suckling pig was ready to eat, they roasted a lot of food and moved it to the second floor of Shifang. They ate while listening to the Cowherd and Weaver Girl talk about love.

Whether the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl spoke love words or not, many people don’t know, their souls were all taken away by the smell of roast suckling pig, and they only cared about eating delicious food.

The barbecue seasoning prepared by the little lolita, the grilled meat and green vegetables are especially delicious, and everyone is so hungry that they don't want to end the barbecue until they are full.

The handsome guys moved the supplies back to the kitchen or warehouse, cleaned the floor, tidied them up, and washed them again. All the young people from the monk family went to the academy to meditate.

Yu Chang used to have a bad heart, couldn't get excited, and couldn't enjoy playing and enjoying food like other children. It was the first time for him to participate in a group barbecue, and he was very happy.

Children such as Xu Xiake Zhang Huai'en who grew up in the orphanage, although social groups often visit them in the orphanage, but it is the first time in their lives to participate in a group barbecue.

Carrot heads, big and small, had so much fun that they couldn’t fall asleep when it was time to go to bed, so they just got up one by one, and quietly practiced the horse stance in the bedroom until they were exhausted from exhaustion, then lay down and fell asleep soon. caught.

The youths of the Guxiu family lived in Paradise for one night, finished their practice the next morning, tidied up, and told Brother Fu that they went back to their families.

Geng Jingxin also stayed in Paradise for one night, she didn't go to the hospital, she just caught a mat in the room next to the guard room where Young Master Yan lived and used it for the night.

Young Master Liu is still rubbing against his brother's bed, and is a guest in Paradise, young couples can't live in the same room as husband and wife, men and women must be separated.

After breakfast in the paradise, Liu Shao sent his daughter-in-law back to his mother-in-law's house. He had lunch at her mother-in-law's house, sent his daughter-in-law to the station, took a bus back to T city, and then returned to the paradise.

Le's schedule has not changed. He has completed his teaching work in the morning and tidied up his medicine box in the afternoon, preparing all the medicines that may be needed.

On Monday, I teach in the morning, and after lunch, I set out to do free clinics.

The second free clinic location for Xiao Luoli in the summer vacation is the Third Social Welfare Institute in the capital city. The Third Social Welfare Institute treats patients with "three noes" mental illnesses, as well as military patients with mental illnesses who have been repatriated. The mentally ill without care.

Le Xiao went to the No. [-] Social Welfare Institute to see and treat those military mentally ill patients who had been repatriated.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao and Lan San worked as attendants throughout the whole process.

After the helicopter flew into the sky, Young Master Liu leaned over to Little Lolita, and asked eagerly, "Little beauty, is there any good seedlings in the private charity orphanage? It should be my turn this time, right?"

"No." Le Yun replied simply and neatly: "There are only a dozen or so children there, how could there be so many good seedlings."

"Really?" Young Master Liu drooped his head in frustration.

"The only seedling suitable for learning martial arts was recommended to Senior Yu by me. If the requirements are not particularly high, there is another one."

Le Yun couldn't bear to look directly at handsome Liu's eggplant face: "The child with heart disease who is in the same ward as Tao Shen, if he doesn't require high IQ or very important specialties, if anyone wants to train athletes, then that child is a good candidate." Candidates considered.

Being an athlete can only be about sprinting. In terms of sprinting within 200 meters, his explosive power is not bad, but not for middle-distance running.

Of course, if Tao Shen rejects Senior Yu's adoption, whoever strikes first will go to the other, and if there is any dispute at that time, don't come to me for adjudication. "

"I want a child with strong logical ability, who will be trained to be my successor." Young Master Liu held his computer bag with a sad expression on his face. If others are looking for a successor, they can still be found if they try hard. His major is looking for a successor. the hardest.

"You can expect something, but you can't rely on me to recommend it to you. You have to prepare second-hand and third-hand."


Without a suitable successor, Liu Shao was not in a good mood, so he only maintained it until he reached his goal, and when he arrived at his goal, he was resurrected with full blood.

The Third Social Welfare Institute was originally a psychiatric hospital. In order to reflect the human touch, the name was changed. In essence, it is still a rehabilitation institution for mental patients.

The Third Welfare Institute is a large-scale rehabilitation institution that can accommodate about 90 patients. There are nearly [-] mentally ill patients, and there are also many military mentally ill patients who are rehabilitated, and there are more than [-].

Some of those personnel have registered permanent residence in the city, and some are mentally ill patients transferred from out-of-town veterans to the Third Welfare Institute in the capital.

As a rehabilitation institution, it has a complete range of infrastructure and a wide outdoor activity space.

Lan San parked the helicopter in front of the building integrating the organization's office and comprehensive activity recovery room. When they arrived, there were many staff members taking patients to exercise outdoors.

The welfare agency was notified last week and arranged pick-up personnel to be responsible for reception and assistance.

Communication with institutions is the responsibility of young master Liu and young master Yan. If they come to discuss where to see a doctor and how to arrange matters, Le will not intervene. She is only responsible for seeing a doctor and treating them.

The repatriated military mentally ill patients all live in the same district or the same building on the same floor, which is convenient for management and care.

The reception staff accompanied the little girl and three bodyguards to the activity area for the retired military mental patients. The patients were divided into two groups and arranged by the staff to watch TV in the activity room.

Staff are gathered together for easy consultation.

Le Yun followed the receptionist into a medium-sized meeting room through the back door. Looking from the back to the front, she saw heads, some with white hair, some with black hair, and some with half white and black hair.

Standing at the back and scanning all the people in the venue, and then going out through the back door and entering through the front door, everyone's faces can be seen clearly.

All mentally ill people wear uniform clothes, some are very old, some are middle-aged, and some are even young and middle-aged.

Mental patients in the young and middle-aged are all originally in the service, and they are mentally disturbed due to injuries or huge stimulation, and they are also transferred to specialized institutions for mental intervention and rehabilitation.

Read all the patients in the first activity room, and then go to the second activity room.

Entering the second activity room, Yan Xing's eyes swept across the audience, and his eyes stopped on a man with a middle-aged patient, his eyes suddenly became moist.

He slowly walked into an aisle between the seats, walked to a middle-aged man with a scar on his left temple, and stretched out his hand to press the painful young man's shoulder.

"Amuti, do you still remember me?" He asked in a low voice, with hope hidden in his eyes.

Amuti, who was patted on the shoulder, turned his head and looked at the people around him with dull eyes. He was in a daze at first, and then smiled foolishly "hehehe".

The water in Yan Xing's eyes was almost overflowing, he wiped his eyes, patted Amutan's shoulder lightly, and silently returned to Little Lolita's side.

When Handsome Yan's eyes fell on someone, Le Yun noticed it, guessing that it might be his partner or acquaintance, when Yan walked over to greet someone, it also confirmed her guess.

I focused on the guy Yan Shuai knew. The patient had the characteristics of the Northwest nationality. He was 38 years old in a month and a few days. He had the common problems of soldiers—big and small dark wounds, and the most important thing was the brain nerves. On the one hand, he was probably greatly stimulated, and several brain nerves in charge of emotions were severely damaged.

After scanning the patient's body, Le Yun looked away, scanned the other people, memorized the faces of all the people, and took a seat with the registrants who Liu Shao gave her.

There were no patients with special circumstances. After seeing the people in the second activity room, Le classmate left without saying a word.

The receptionist accompanied the four of them to the office and gave the materials they had compiled to the little girl.

Le Xiao spent half an hour looking at the personnel registration form, and then writing the treatment list. Instead of writing the personnel, just list the number directly, and organize the treatment according to the source of the mental illness.

A total of 96 mental patients, 80 of them died of partial neurological complete aging, no need for treatment, more than 60 of the other [-] patients can be cured, and more than a dozen of them can be stabilized through treatment , but there is still the possibility of intermittent seizures.

Little Loli wrote quickly, making lists one after another, seeing that she had written Amuti's number, Yan Xing asked in a low voice: "Little Loli, Amuti, can he still be cured?"

"Yes." Le Yun wrote down a series of numbers and paused: "The Amut you mentioned, his brain was not damaged by external trauma. The sudden spasm and disorder caused by the overload of stress caused by the drastic changes in mood paralyzed most of the body.

His symptoms are most prone to what people often say is a short-circuit-like reaction, emotionally unstable, often crying and laughing, or suddenly in a daze, or what he was doing a second ago, and suddenly he can’t remember what he was doing, or He often confuses events, or talks repeatedly, and basically rarely shows out of control like beating someone. "

"Amuti, he was originally from province X. After joining the army, he participated in anti-terrorism operations many times and won first-class merit several times. Later, he met his family members when he was on a mission. admit."

Yan Xing raised his head, not letting the water in his eyes overflow: "That acquaintance also became his farewell to his family. Where did the members of the terrorist gang get clues and found his family to take revenge.

His parents, wife, two young children, two elder brothers, his sister-in-law, and five nephews were all killed. Keep.

His parents-in-law, his wife's elder brothers, sisters and children were not spared either. Only one of his brother's children survived at the time, but due to his serious injuries, he died in the hospital more than ten days later.

His own family and Yue's family were brutally destroyed. Amuti couldn't bear the blow, and fell into a coma for a few days. After waking up, he became insane. "

The family has undergone tremendous changes, who can bear that kind of blow?

Amuti didn't die of anger at that time, it was also because of his strong psychological quality, otherwise, if he died of anger, he would have no choice but to commit suicide.

"If that's the case, I don't think it's necessary to treat him. To cure him is to let him experience pain again. If he dies, it's good to let him live the rest of his life like this."

He died, he didn't remember who he was, and he didn't remember what kind of bereavement pain he had gone through, so he just spent the rest of his life in ignorance, which can be regarded as a good death.

If it is cured, he recalls the pain of bereavement, and every time he thinks about it for the rest of his life, he will have to suffer a heart-piercing pain, what a torment life is.

"However, we want him to return to normal. The heinous elements who killed his family back then still slipped through the net. His teammates also hope that he will recover one day and accompany him to hunt down the murderer in the ends of the world.

We believe that if his consciousness is clear, he must also hope to recover and go after the murderer himself.If he recovers and cannot face the cruel reality, at worst, you can give him a few more injections to make him lose his memory. "

Yan Xing was afraid that the little loli would not want to treat Amuti, so he looked at her cautiously. Amuti's former teammates are now in their forties, and they will retire to the second line in a few years. Their greatest wish He just hopes to fight side by side with Amuti, and bring the murderer who is at large to justice, so as to comfort his heart.

"If that's the case, then let him recover." Le Yun really thought about removing Amuti's name from the list. The hero has endured so much pain, and letting him spend the rest of his life peacefully is also a kind of her kindness to the hero. Protect.

Handsome Yan is also right. If Amuti is not insane, he will definitely hunt down the murderer on behalf of him.

Little Lolita has no objection to curing Amuti, and Yan Xing sincerely thanks her, regardless of whether Amuti can accept the reality after recovery, they all hope that he can talk to them again soberly.

At worst, Amati recovered and couldn't get out, so they begged little loli to let him lose his memory, and they solved the last few murderers on his behalf, so as to comfort the spirit of the dead.

The staff of the orphanage knew about Amuti's situation, and the reception staff at the scene were also heartbroken when they heard Yan Shen bring up the old story again.

Liu Shao and Lan San didn't make a sound. The experience of Amuti is not the only case. Because of the painful lesson, the first lesson for newcomers to join the team is to tell their families that once they meet outside, if I was wearing plain clothes and did not take the initiative to greet my relatives, so I must let my relatives pretend not to know me.

(End of this chapter)

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