magic eye doctor

Chapter 2455 Hidden Eagle Returns

Chapter 2455 Hidden Eagle Returns
There are a total of [-] mentally ill patients. With the little Lolita's hard work, if she works overtime at night and stays up late, she can solve them all at once.

However, this time, instead of being a desperate Saburo, she divided the people into two acupuncture sessions. On the first day, [-] people were arranged for acupuncture, and on the second day, [-] people were given acupuncture.

The reason why acupuncture and moxibustion were divided into two days was because some patients were severely depleted. If they were given other medicines, the effect would be better, so they stayed on the second day. The next day will come again, and the patient will be divided into two.

When classmate Le ranked Amuti on the second day, after listening to Yan Shuai's explanation, she still did not change the order of acupuncture and moxibustion, and kept the original plan.

The list of acupuncture and moxibustion treatments was released, and the reception staff copied a few copies and sent them to the nurses to arrange for the patients to be sent to the acupuncture room.

Student Le also went to the acupuncture room arranged by the institution to adjust the required medicine.

Among the military psychiatric personnel in the No. [-] Welfare Institute, there were five female members, one of whom was not on the treatment list, and the four female members who were scheduled for acupuncture were also on the second day.

The situation of mental patients is special. Some people will get sick at any time, and they are easy to hurt others when they are mentally disturbed. For safety reasons, only a dozen people are arranged for acupuncture at a time.

The first group to do acupuncture was the most, with a total of [-] people, and the second and third groups had [-] people each.

Psychiatric patients do not need full-body acupuncture, but generally need acupuncture on the head and upper body. Nurses send the patients to the acupuncture room, patiently help the patients take off their shirts, and take care of them in case of emergencies.

Le gave the patient pills, then gave them a few needles, and then asked the nurses to stay away.

The nurses naturally cooperated with the little girl, left the acupuncture room, and went back to take care of other people.

In order to prevent the patients from falling ill and losing control during acupuncture, Le Xiao must not only make them unable to move, but also make the acupuncture effect reach the expected height. In order to maintain stability, the acupuncture time can only be extended, and one acupuncture session takes two hours.

After acupuncture and moxibustion, if the mental patient is awake, the emotional ups and downs may stimulate the nervous system that has just recovered, so Xiao Luoli decisively taps the acupuncture points when the needle is withdrawn.

As a result, patients who had just finished acupuncture were laid down before they became conscious.

The reception staff and the nurses had heard from the little girl that for the health of the patient, the acupuncture would make the patient fall asleep. Therefore, when the nurses picked up the patients, they were not surprised to see a row of people lying on the ground.

Everyone fell into a coma and could only be transported on a surgical bed.

In order to save some time, Lan San and Liu Shao also helped as porters, leaving only Yan Shao to guard the door.

The people who finished acupuncture were sent back to the room to rest, and the second group of people were sent to the acupuncture room.

After finishing acupuncture for the second group of patients, it was nearly eight o'clock in the evening, and Le went to have dinner first.

The dinner is made in the cafeteria of the welfare home, and it is nutritious.

Because the little girl was undergoing acupuncture and moxibustion, the dean of the institution and the management staff all waited for the little girl to take a break, and they accompanied the little girl to have a belated dinner.

After dinner and rest for half an hour, Le entered the acupuncture room again.

After eleven o'clock in the evening, little Lolita finished acupuncture, and Yan Shao, Liu Shao and Lan San escorted her back to the paradise.

Le went back to the Paradise and only rested until two o'clock in the morning. He got up again and went into the alchemy furnace to boil medicine. When the medicine was boiled out, it was time to practice kung fu with his younger brother.

Yan Shaoliu Shaolansan spends half of her time with Xiao Luoli for free consultation every day, and spends the other half of her time dealing with work. The work on both sides is not missed. She eats well and sleeps soundly in the paradise, and she is full of energy every day.

On Tuesday afternoon, the three handsome guys accompanied the little Lolita to the third orphanage again, and a scene similar to the star of hope appeared again - some media squatted in the orphanage and waited for rabbits.

The number of media stationed in the No. [-] Welfare Institute is exactly twice that of Star of Hope. Four of the six media are official media, and two are individual corporate media, which also have great influence in China.

The leaders of the orphanage were also present. Seeing the little girl coming, the leaders rushed forward and excitedly held the little girl's hand: "Little girl, everyone who received acupuncture and moxibustion yesterday woke up, and they are all fine! Thank you." You! Thank you for letting them regain their memory and self!"

The patients who underwent acupuncture yesterday fell asleep all night. The earliest group of people woke up in the middle of the morning, and the latest group woke up before noon.

People who are awake have regained their long-lost memories. They have lost control of their emotions and experienced pain. However, they have survived the pain and cried, and they have survived strongly, facing the cruel reality bravely with incomparable perseverance.

"Thousands of them have defended peace with their blood in the past or today. Many medical workers and I are doing our best to protect the health of them or their families. This is a mutual protection."

Le Yun shook hands with everyone in the organization, feeling calm and peaceful. All soldiers and police who have protected the country and the people with their blood should be respected. You should do your best for them.

Care about each other, understand each other, protect each other, the army and the people are of one mind, whether it is national defense or heart defense, it must be solid.

The leaders of the No. [-] Welfare Institute couldn't help but thank you again and again, but any reasonable military and police officer would not want to be a useless person who needs to be taken care of, let alone those who need someone to take care of them to eat and go to the bathroom Type up.

The little girl's miraculous hand rejuvenated, and the military mentally ill recovered. They had the ability to take care of themselves, and regained their dignity and decency.

The interviewers from the six media outlets did not crowd forward to surround the little girl, but only filmed. Moreover, when the people from the agency accompanied the little girl into the building, they did not directly interview the girl, they took notes first.

Le classmate went directly to the acupuncture room.

Because there were four female patients, in order to avoid suspicion, the staff of the institution surrounded a small territory with a curtain in one corner, and used it as an acupuncture room for the four female mental patients.

The nurses first sent the four female patients to the acupuncture room, and waited for the little girl to get the needles for the four of them, so they didn't have to watch on the spot, and then went to the door to lead the other patients into the room to make preparations.

The media only filmed the treatment process from when the patients were led into the acupuncture room to when they received a few needles. Of course, there was no footage of female patients getting needles, so they avoided suspicion.

When the little girl started acupuncture and moxibustion, the media retreated outside to take pictures of other patients waiting for treatment, so as to make comparisons after treatment.

The acupuncture time for Little Lolita was still almost the same as the day before, and it took more than two hours.

The media captured the drowsy appearance of the patients after acupuncture, and with the consent of the hospital, cameras were installed in several rooms to record the whole process.

The second wave of people finished acupuncture and moxibustion after 06:30 in the evening.

The nurses sent the sleeping person to the room, and Handsome Yan and Liu Shaolan sent the little girl back to the paradise.

Yan Shao, Liu Shao and Lan San lived in the Paradise for one night, and rushed to the Third Social Welfare Institute early on Wednesday morning, squatting outside Amuti's room.

They sat and waited until nearly ten o'clock in the morning, and Amati finally woke up slowly.

Amuti, who has been in the state of not knowing who he is or where he is for nearly ten years, from ignorance to memory coming back bit by bit, the whole process took as long as an hour.

When the memory came back and he knew who he was, Amuti was in a daze for a long time at first, and then his heart ached and he cried loudly.

It wasn't until he heard Amuti's cry that Yan Xing broke in and hugged Amuti who was breaking down and crying, and the two cried together.

Liu Shao and Lan San also rushed over, silently accompanying Amuti, just like when there was an accident at Amuti's house, they accompanied him back home from thousands of miles away to deal with the funeral.

Silent company is also the best comfort.

Companionship is the longest affection in the world.

Thinking of the past, Amuti was in so much pain that he almost fainted from crying.

It will hurt, proving that you are still alive.

Yan Xing cried because Amuti found himself, and cried with his brother for a while, and he patted Amuti again and again, comforting him over and over again.

Amuti cried for more than half an hour, and the tears ran dry. He raised his head in a daze, looked at the familiar and somewhat sad face, and said hoarsely, "Xiaoyan, Xiaoyan, is that you?"

"It's me, Yan Xing. Amuti, brothers are still waiting for you, waiting for you to fight side by side! Waiting for you to defend the peace of our homeland together." Yan Xing couldn't help but burst into tears again.

"Can I still go back?" Amuti looked at the young man who was as tall as himself, his eyes were full of apprehension. He didn't know how many years had passed, but he only knew that the former Captain Xiaoyan had become more mature and stable, with more body A bit iron-blooded and murderous.

"Yes!" Yan Xing's tone was resolute and firm: "As long as you are willing to go back, you are welcome to go home at any time!"

"I want to go back!" Amuti wanted to return to the team, wanted to return to the front line, his family was gone, but he was still there!

For the rest of his life, he wanted to stay on the front line, build the strongest line of defense with his teammates, defend his homeland, and let the families of his brothers like them live a safe and happy life, so that the brothers would not have to suffer the kind of bereavement he experienced. pain.

"Okay, let's go back, immediately, let's go back now!" Yan Xing pressed Amuti's shoulder hard,

"Okay!" Amuti looked at Captain Xiaoyan's firm eyes, and nodded heavily. As long as he can go back, no matter how many years have passed, he will find a way to improve himself so that he will not become a burden to his brothers.

"Okay. Pack your luggage right away and leave." Yan Xing decisively struck while the iron was hot, and immediately went to help pack things.

Yan Shao and Lan San stepped forward and hugged Amuti.

Amuti recognized Liu Shao and Lan San, and embraced them with red eyes.

There is no need for thousands of words when you are a brother, a hug is the warmest and most powerful comfort.

In order to avoid Amuti's hesitation and remorse, and change his decision to return to the army, Liu Shao and Lan San also helped to pack the luggage, and helped Amuti pack some things that could not be discarded.

They also only packed commemorative items, and did not bring any clothes, blankets, etc. After cleaning and disinfecting those items, they can still be used by those "three noes" mental patients, and there will be no waste.

After packing the luggage, Young Master Yan went to go through the formalities in person. With his signature, the formalities couldn't be smoother.

After completing the procedures for leaving the hospital, the three brothers took Amuti, boarded the helicopter borrowed from the little Lolita, and went straight back to the station.

The brothers in Yan Shao's team received the notice in advance, and they were all waiting in the camp. When the captain took Amuti off the helicopter, the wolves standing in line shouted neatly: "Brother Amuti, welcome back!" !"

"..." Only a few of the faces of the group of people were familiar, but the familiar and intimate feeling that was engraved in the flesh and blood came to them, and Amuti's throat was hard, and he could not make a sound.

The young people rushed forward, lifted Amuti into the dormitory, carried him into the collective bathroom, stripped him naked, washed him from head to toe, and poured two buckets of grapefruit leaf soup on him.

The men quickly helped Amut to wipe off the water stains on his body, and then put on the same camouflage uniform as them.

After that, he pulled Amu out of the dormitory building, and put a brazier outside, and asked Amu to step over the brazier.

"After washing the pomelo leaf water and stepping over the brazier, it represents a new life, and the future will be smooth and smooth, and everything will go well!"

The young people said auspicious words in a hurry.

Before recovering from the great excitement of returning to the team, he was dragged away by his brothers for a while, and Amati was completely stunned by the divine manipulation of the brothers in the group. Does this seem a bit feudal and superstitious?
"This... looks a bit bad."

"This is very good. It can eliminate disasters and darkness, and keep your body and mind clean."

"This step is said to be a custom in the little beauty's hometown. We borrowed it temporarily."

"Everything that the little beauty says is right, and the custom that the little beauty thinks makes sense, of course it has meaning."

The attitude of the youth is unified.

"Who is the little beauty?" Amuti grasped the point.

"The little beauty is the one who will give you acupuncture and make you wake up safely."

"The little beauty is our little lucky star. She has superb medical skills, a pure heart like glass, kind and cute. You will be able to see her when you come to our team in the future."

"Little beautiful women are loved by everyone, and flowers bloom when they see flowers."

"By the way, the little beauty is still our captain's nemesis. Our captain is not afraid of anything, except for being scolded by the little beauty. Once the little beauty scolds, the captain will turn into a little ostrich."

The more the brothers said the more outrageous, Yan Xing was so angry that he blew his beard and stared: "Fuck you! When did I cowardly? I say that good men don't fight with women. I am ten years older than a little loli, and I can still be with a child." Care about?"

"Captain, next time the little beauty comes, we will tell her what you said."

"Captain, you must always maintain this heroic spirit. When the little beauty comes, you will also roar so majestically."

The wolf men are not afraid of the captain. If you say something to me, you are afraid that if you speak slowly, you will lose your share.

The other brothers who were waiting at the door waited for Amuti to step over the brazier, and in accordance with the customs of Amuti's hometown, hung a few pure white khatas around his neck.

Amut, who received the blessings of his brothers, had moist eyes, and thanked his brothers by covering his chest in his hometown.

The young people also formally met with Amuti and stepped forward to hug him one by one.

After finishing the last welcome ceremony, everyone hooked their shoulders and "carried" Amuti to the cafeteria for lunch. To celebrate Amuti's return, two medicinal dishes were temporarily added.

Although there are few old comrades who fought side by side with him in the team, everyone is as kind as a brother, and Amuti was touched so much that his heart was boiling hot.

The team is his home, and his comrades-in-arms are his brothers and relatives!
He used to be an eagle in the eyes of people in his hometown. No matter how much time was wasted, he has not changed his original intention, his heart is still there, and his will is still there.
(End of this chapter)

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