magic eye doctor

Chapter 2456 Relatives

Chapter 2456 Relatives

After completing the free clinic for the military mentally ill patients in the Third Welfare Institute in the capital city, the rest of the time is free to control. Le Xiao put off the original plan of studying machinery and decided to give supplementary lessons to the little radish heads first.

Several little radish heads came from the orphanage, and some of them delayed or didn't go to school due to physical reasons. Even Zhang Huai'en, who was in good health, went to school a year later than children from normal families.

Xu Xiake was delayed for a year due to illness, Chuwu and Li Chongjiang both studied for a year at night, and Shen Sansheng, who was originally sick with porcelain bones, did not go to school at all.

Even Tao Shen, whom she recommended to Daoist Yu to adopt, had heart disease and couldn't stand the noisy environment, so she didn't go to a regular school.

In order for children to follow in the footsteps of their peers, it is necessary to give them supplementary lessons, and when they have laid a certain foundation, they can skip grades when they should.

Le did what he said and did it. On Wednesday afternoon, he took the big and small radish heads to tidy up the main hall of "Ningcui Xuan", put away the original furniture and rearranged it.

The area to the east of the east gate is the quietest. "Ning Cui Xuan" faces the garden attractions and Huanyu Pond. It has the best scenery and is a good place for studying.

Because the house is an upside-down room with its back facing south and north, Le Xiao used the west wall as the side where the blackboard is placed, and the teacher stands on the west side of the lecture station, which also coincides with the ancients calling the teacher "Mr. Xixi".

In the hall, there is a picture table that can be used for calligraphy and painting as well as playing the piano, with a southern official hat chair that can't be seen everywhere.

A row of low bookcases, high cabinets, and bookshelves are placed on both sides of the south wall and the blackboard for storing books, musical instruments, pens, inks, papers and inkstones.

At present, we need to supplement the basic knowledge for Xiaoluotou first. We just found dozens of books from the academy that children can understand or need, and put them in "Ningcuixuan".

A group of big and small radishheads knew that the classroom was for their study, so they were excited. After sorting out the books, they also moved their books to "Ning Cui Xuan" and put them on the bookshelves.

Although the items of the children are delivered to the park one after another, fortunately, they are all in place. No matter how many books are there for the children who have not yet gone to school, the books of the children who have not gone to school are the welfare of caring people in the society. Gifts for children when the hospital visits them.

After tidying up, Le classmate officially made up lessons for the children on Thursday afternoon.

Junior brother and Lu Ke practice martial arts in the morning, and Mr. Li is free in the morning, so he also goes to be a teacher for the children.

A group of big and small radishheads, no matter whether it was their own class or not, sat in Ning Cui Xuan as the accompanying students. When the big radishheads Yu Chang and Zhang Huai'en heard the basic lessons of elementary school, they read books or did homework by themselves.

The young man from the Ji family who accompanied Daoist Yu to Beijing was also very curious and went to attend two classes.

Le Shan didn't have time to listen to other people's lessons. He was very busy. The last three moves of the "Le's Sword Manual" created by his sister were too difficult. A thousand shadows."

Le is still not in a hurry with his younger brother, and he works slowly. The last three moves are the bottom-of-the-box moves, and it is normal that they are difficult to master.

Little Lolita is busy teaching, while Daoist Yu takes care of the children with all his heart in the hospital, and his relationship with Tao Shen and Ni Zhao is getting deeper and deeper.

On Friday, the four children who had been observed in the hospital for a week were able to be discharged. Director Li and two nurses went to the hospital to complete the discharge procedures and took the children back to the Hope Home.

Daochang Yu also went to Hope House.

Lan San and his brothers accompanied Amuti back to the training ground for two days of training. On Friday morning, he drove Little Lolita's EC225 helicopter to pick up Yu Daochang and Tao Shen from the Hope House, and sent them to Zhongnanshan.

Tao Shen knew in the hospital that the old man who wanted to adopt him lived on the same mountain with Grandpa Yu, and when he went there to see places, Grandpa Yu would accompany him, and he was looking forward to it.

It was only when we set off that we realized that we could actually take the helicopter that rescued their little fairy sister. I was even more excited, and I was in excitement throughout the whole process.

The helicopter arrived near Zhongnan Mountain at noon, Lan San went to refuel first, and then flew to the foot of Zhongnan Mountain to stop.

Lan San and Daoist Yu took Tao Shen to eat the bread they brought with them at the foot of the mountain before climbing up the mountain.

It was the first time for Tao Shen to climb a mountain by himself, and he was very happy. However, he was not in good health before. He just finished the operation, and his heart is fine. His physical fitness is much worse than that of his peers who grew up normally. My legs are weak.

Lan San wanted to carry Tao Shen on his back, but Daoist Yu refused. He put Tao Shen on his back and carried him to climb the mountain. He used to carry the pillars for building houses, and he could carry more than 100 catties at a time, while Tao Shen only weighed a few dozen catties.

Tao Shen was very sensible, he was carried on his back for a while, and then he walked again, until he couldn't walk anymore, he accepted being carried on his back.

Stopping and stopping, it took the three of them three hours to climb to Daoist Yu's cave.

After passing the area where female cultivators lived, Tao Shen walked by himself and climbed to the house under the cliff, enjoying the sunshine, looking at the mountains in the distance and the trees in front of him, he forgot his tiredness, and cried out excitedly Call.

Lan San was afraid that Tao Shen would get too excited and fall easily when jumping around, so he secretly protected Tao Shen.

After going out for more than half a month, the water in the house can only be used for washing and not suitable for drinking. Daoist Yu opened the door and took a bucket to carry water.

Before he left home, he entrusted a monk to help him take care of the house. The monk helped him water the vegetables, and the vegetables he planted were alive and well.

Tao Shen didn't have the strength to follow Grandpa Yu to carry water, he cheered for a while, then slowed down, not so tired, ran to the viewing platform near the cliff to see the scenery, walked on the path again, chirping and asking a hundred thousand why.

Children have many problems, let alone Tao Shen who grew up in the welfare director.

Except for the lawn and flower gardens in hospitals and orphanages, and the parks, he has never really been in contact with nature. At this time, he saw mountains that he had never seen before, and he came into contact with the boulder mountain road at close range. Seeing scenery that has never been seen before, there are more questions than a hundred thousand why.

Lan San was asked so much that he couldn't answer, so he had no choice but to throw the blame: "This question, after you see sister Xiaoxian ask her, she will be able to answer you."

If you ask him what time it is, he can answer it well; if you ask him why the vegetable seed did not die in the crevice of the rock, he can answer it; no matter how bad it is, if you ask him why the road can be dug out in such a steep place, he can also answer it. two.

But, ask him why this mountain grows so high, why that mountain grows so big, why that tree grows so tall, why there are rocks all over there, why there is no water here...

The seedlings in the little loli's eyes are indeed different.

Lan San just wants to cry, he is not as smart as little Lolita, who knows astronomy at the top and geography at the bottom, how does he know why the mountain grows so tall, why that tree is so tall, and why is that kind of tree not so tall?
He was justified in throwing the pot away, and got the same answer several times in a row. Tao Shen still enjoyed it and got the same answer again, asking, "Uncle Lan, can I see Sister Fairy often in the future?"

"If you are adopted, you will be able to see her often in the future. The little fairy will come here every year to give Mr. Yu something." Lan San didn't hide the truth about Daoist Yu's acquaintance with Little Lolita.

"Sister Xiaoxian and Grandpa Yu are related?" Tao Shen opened his eyes wide.

"There is a relationship."

Lan San answered lightly, but Tao Shen didn't know it caused a wave of emotion, and asked excitedly: "Uncle Lan, how far is the old man who wants to adopt me from Grandpa Yu's house? When will I go to the old man's place?"

"You've already arrived. Mr. Yu is the one who wants to adopt you." Lan San felt that it was appropriate to tell the truth at this time, so he said it naturally.

Tao Shen was stunned, and asked in a daze: "Uncle Lan said that he are Grandpa Yu who wants to adopt me?"

"Yes, it's Mr. Yu, this is where Mr. Yu lives." Lan San gave an affirmative answer.

"It's Grandpa Yu..." Tao Shen stared blankly at the direction of the road he came from, passed by for a while, ran to the edge of the fenced platform and looked down.

After looking around, he didn't see Grandpa Yu, turned his head, his eyes sparkled: "Is it true that Grandpa Yu wants to adopt me?"

"Yes." Lan San confirmed the answer again, and asked, "Don't you like Grandpa Yu? Don't you want to accept adoption?"

"No, I like Grandpa Yu very much, I am willing!" Tao Shen's eyes were full of excitement, he likes Grandpa Yu!

Even though it was the first time for Grandpa Yu to go to the orphanage, people just felt that Grandpa Yu was very close, even closer than the old grandpas who went to the orphanage to visit him and the children before.

When I was in the hospital, I thought it would be great if Grandpa Yu was willing to adopt him. At that time, I thought, even if it wasn't Grandpa Yu, the old man who wanted to adopt him must be a very kind and good person who knew Grandpa Yu.

Now Uncle Lan told him that the one who wants to adopt him is Grandpa Yu who has been taking care of him in the hospital!
Tao Shen was so excited that his heart almost jumped out, and he couldn't help grinning.

Little friend Tao himself admitted that he was willing to be adopted, and looking at his expression, he was also happy. Lan San knew that the matter of adoption was settled, and he thought it was natural when he thought about it. Little Lori said that it was basically impossible for little friend Tao and Mr. Yu to get along with each other. yellow off.

Old Mr. Yu went to fetch water, and Lan San also went into the kitchen. Originally, he lit a fire, boiled water first, and then sterilized the bowls and pans.

Tao Shen looked around on the platform, waited for a long time, finally saw Grandpa Yu came back carrying a load of water, and ran to the intersection to the viewing platform to wait.

He knew that he was in good health, so he didn't run down. He couldn't help, at least he couldn't make trouble.

Yu Hui came back carrying water, saw Tao Shen waiting at the intersection, and remembered that every time the little girl didn't meet him, she would run to the intersection and wait eagerly when he came back, and her heart warmed for a while.

He didn't know that handsome guy Lan told Tao Shen the truth, carried the water back to the eaves, put a bucket outside, covered it with a lid, and carried the bucket back to the kitchen.

He took the washbasin, poured the water he had just picked up, and asked Tao Shen to wash his face and wash the sweat from his hands.

Tao Shen obediently washed his face and hands, and was about to fetch water to pour it in. Seeing that Grandpa Yu took the washbasin, he also washed his hands in the water, then poured the water into an empty bucket under the eaves and put it away. Keep it in mind.

The boiling water in the firepit was already very hot, so Yu Hui scalded a few bowls and plates first, then wiped his hands, went to fetch a pack of bad fish, pine nuts, and peanuts to put on plates, and greeted Handsome Lan and Tao Shen to the eaves Sit in the shade and eat snacks.

Tao Shen peeled a few pine nuts and ate them, and looked at Grandpa Yu hopefully: "Grandpa Yu, are you really willing to adopt me?"

Alas?Yu Hui looked at the handsome Lan San, guessing that the handsome Lan might have told the children, and nodded: "I want to adopt you, you don't have to worry about it, I live in the mountains, life is hard, and the school below is far away , You have to think about it for a while before making a decision."

"I have thought about it, and I am willing! I am very willing to live in the mountains with my grandpa. When I was in school, I got up early in the morning and came back later in the evening. When I recovered, I could go by myself without my grandpa carrying me up the mountain. Grandpa, please keep me, I am very obedient!"

Tao Shen was afraid that Grandpa Yu would send him back to the orphanage because he would not be able to endure hardship.

"If you are willing to follow me, of course I am willing to adopt you. I will stay here for two days first. If you change your mind, you can tell me or Uncle Lan."

Confirming the adoption relationship is equivalent to confirming the identity of the grandfather and grandson. Yu Hui wants to give the child more consideration for a few days. The child’s temperament is uncertain. He just arrived today and feels that the mountain is good. He is willing to be adopted. If it is boring and regrets again, it will be difficult to handle.

Tao Shen no longer insisted on his willingness, nodded, no matter how many days he stayed, he would not change his decision, what does it matter if he stays for a few days?
Little Tao will stay for a few days, and Lan San is an errand worker in charge of assisting with formalities, so naturally he also stays on the mountain.

Student Le had received a phone message from Lan San, knowing when they arrived at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, she was not at all worried about whether the adoption would go through or not.

Little friend Tao and Senior Yu's auras are compatible, whether they succeed or not depends on fate, and it doesn't matter if they fail, she will go to welfare homes in other provinces for free clinics in the future, and it's not too late to recommend to Senior Yu if she finds a suitable one.

Instead, it was her hometown. Luo Ban had a phone call and told her that the leaders of County No. [-] Middle School and several schools, as well as representatives from the Municipal Education Bureau and County Education Bureau, were going to Plum Village on weekends.

Student Le Xiao refused in her heart, but unfortunately, the leaders of the schools in Shishi couldn't listen to her advice, and she couldn't stop them from letting them do whatever they wanted.

Shishi dominated the 24-year college entrance examination. Although the other schools were not as good as Fangxian No. [-] Middle School, they all had dark horses. Their overall scores were several steps higher than in previous years.

The few schools that came out as dark horses in the college entrance examination all made an appointment with the leaders of Fangxian No. [-] Middle School in advance to give a small gift to Lejia girl during the summer vacation.

In addition to giving gifts, they also hope to establish a good relationship with Fangxian No. [-] Middle School. When the relationship is close, when the girl from Lejia releases a new test set, share it with them, and the students in their school will also benefit.

Or, because of the close relationship, No. [-] Middle School spoke sincerely when evaluating their school in front of the little girl. Maybe the little girl can also love the house and the black, so please take care of their school, or if there is any project, they can consider the district they are in and drive the school. The economy can also indirectly drive the healthy development of the style of study.

The leaders of the County No. [-] Middle School could not refuse, and could only accept representatives from several other schools to accompany them.

(End of this chapter)

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