magic eye doctor

Chapter 2457

Chapter 2457
The leaders and parents of Fang County No. 17 Middle School are scheduled to go to Jiudao on the [-]th, which is a Saturday and will not take up the parents' working hours.

The leader of the Shishi Education Bureau decisively pulled Xiao Chao to go with him.

A team of people chartered a car and wandered to Jiudao, and a team with gifts drove to Lejia in Meicun
Happy father Zhou Qiufeng was very busy even though he was well prepared. Fortunately, they were only in charge of meals, with Professor Wanqi and Mr. Chao helping to greet the guests.

The beautiful boy arrested the second sister, handsome He Xiaoba, Wang Ershao and Chen Fengnian to help entertain the group of young students, and even recorded a video and sent it to Xiaotuanzi.

Classmate Le, who is far away in the capital, is happy to be the shopkeeper. She is not suitable for officialdom and public relations. Let the beautiful brother handle those matters.

The leaders of each school and the education bureau had lunch in Lejia, and left in a team in the middle of the afternoon. The beautiful boy stayed in Lejia for one night, and returned to the city on Sunday afternoon.

He Xiaoba also went to Shishi with Chao Shao to help inspect the safety of the construction site.

After a period of preparation, the construction site of the Huang family's old residential area in Shishi City, the demolition frame and safety fence were set up, and the demolition started.

Comrade He Xiaoba was "brought to the best of his talents" by the elders, and he was carried to be a patrol safety officer, who was responsible for patrolling everywhere and supervising the safe operation of workers.

In the initial demolition, the tiles of the old house are cleaned first, and the usable tiles are removed from the roof and transported to the designated place for storage. The demolition of tiles requires manual work, and the preliminary work is slower and there are not many workers.

The local construction company, which is the subcontractor, also took advantage of this time to recruit workers and train personnel to clean out the tiles of some tile-roofed houses, and then start the house pushing or blasting projects across the board.

Director Xiao He is in charge of the construction project in the Tali Basin in southern Xinjiang. Director He personally supervises the Shishi project. He spends most of his time in Shishi. The affairs of the Capital Construction Company are shared by other shareholders. When there are major projects or meetings, he will Fly back to Beijing.

In Lejia, they helped entertain the school leaders who came to give the gift, Mr. and Mrs. Chao and Wanqi. After a day's rest at Lejia, they left for Beijing on the 19th.

The companions also sent their grandsons to Chen Kang and Zhou Wei to report to the school, and Mrs. He sent their girls to sign up.

Chen Xiaozhu, the big girl with a big face, had long ago made up her mind to study medicine. Her grades exceeded the admissions threshold of Peking University and Qingda University.

Chen Feng's annual report was from the Physics Department of Qingda University.

Freshmen from the two top universities of Peking University and Youth University are reported on the 20th and 21st, and are scheduled for military training on the 25th.

Mr. Chao and Professor Wan Teng could have stayed in Meicun for a few more days, and it would not be too late to return to Beijing until the end of the month. Because the Chen family's siblings started school, they also accompanied Chen Kang and Mrs. He.

Chen Dalian did not return to his hometown in southern Xinjiang, and Mrs. He took her youngest daughter to send her eldest daughter to the capital to report. Although the farthest way she traveled before was to move from Chong C City to E North, because Chen Kang’s old uncle’s family was on the same road. , she didn't have anything to worry about.

A group of people got up in the middle of the night, chartered a car to Shishi airport to catch a plane, and arrived at the Capital Airport.

The new students didn’t report until the 20th. Professor Wang’s wife, Mrs. Wang, invited Mrs. He’s mother and daughter and Chen Kang’s grandchildren to her home as guests. There were not enough rooms at home, so Chen Kang took his grandson to live in the school’s guest house at night.

Mrs. Wang is fine. She accompanied Mrs. He and her daughter to Beijing University to report and familiarize themselves with the environment.

Chen Xiaozhu went through the reporting procedures and was settled properly. He only played for one day, and went to a medical examination the next day. He didn't have time to accompany his mother and sister to visit.

Wang Ershao was familiar with Qingda University, he acted as a guide, accompanied Mr. Chen Kang and led Chen Fengnian to sign up and familiarized himself with the various districts of Qingda University.

After the freshmen signed up, Chen Kang, Zhou Wei and Mrs. He politely thanked Professor Wan Qi and Mrs. Wang for staying, and hurried back to their hometown on the 23rd.

Chen Kang and Zhou Wei have seen more of the world. He was worried that Mrs. He, who was on a long trip for the first time, and her little daughter would get lost and miss the train at the Hanshi Station with complex terrain. City's high-speed rail, and then back to Shonan Province.

On the same day that Mr. Chao and others returned to Beijing, Daoist Yu also went to the capital on the 19th to go through the adoption procedures because Tao Shen firmly wanted him to adopt.

The Hope House was naturally happy, and fully assisted Lan San to help Mr. Yu go to the relevant department to stamp.

After completing the relevant procedures in the capital, and then returning to Qin Province, first go to the household registration department of the local police station to go through the formalities of relocation and settlement. Because it is an orphan adoption, the relevant department gave the green light and settled directly.

Daoist Yu listened to the advice of the little girl and asked Tao Shen for his opinion. By the way, he changed his name when he settled down. In fact, there was no big change. He only added a word "Zhi" after the word "Shen" and became Tao Shen. Be careful.

Tao Shenzhi knew that it was Little Fairy's sister's suggestion that Grandpa changed his name, and he liked the new name even more. He actually wanted to change his surname to Grandpa and Yu's, but Grandpa didn't agree, and asked him to wait until he was an adult before deciding whether to change his surname.

After completing the settlement procedures, I went to the Education Bureau, and then got the instructions, and then went to the nearest school to pre-register in advance, signed up, and went directly to the school to report when the school started.

Due to heart disease, Tao Shenzhi didn't go to regular school, and only taught some basic courses in the welfare home with people arranged by the institution.

He didn't go to a regular school, so he didn't have books, so he went to the local school to register. When his name entered the system of the education department, the system would assign him a student registration number that matched his ID card and household registration information.

Even if they got a green light all the way to go through the formalities, it still took four days to complete all the formalities. After finishing the necessary procedures, Lan San accompanied Yu Daochang and took Tao Shenzhi to the bank to open an account, and then went to the mobile phone shop to give Tao Shenzhi Shinyuki bought a cell phone.

After finishing the chores, Lan San retired.

Yu Hui took Tao Shenzhi back to his residence on Zhongnan Mountain, letting Tao Shenzhi take care of him with peace of mind and prepare for going to school in September.

Lan San completed the task of assisting Chief Yu to adopt the child, and sent the helicopter back to the paradise, and he returned to the station to report.

Yu Chang is also a freshman at Qingda University, so he delayed reporting until the 21st.

The grandson was named on the gold list and was going to study at the highest university in the country, so Grandma Yu would naturally go to broaden her horizons.

Brother Fu drove the grandparents of the Yu family to school, and took Grandma Yu back to the paradise in the evening.

The matter of Senior Yu's adoption of the child has been completed, and Le Xiao has nothing to worry about anymore, just work hard to be a good teacher for the little radish heads who have not yet started school, teaching and resolving doubts.

The elders of the Ji family and Hua Shao’s family and some middle-aged children went to Paradise on the morning of the 16th. They lived in the guest house and did not cook. They ordered breakfast and dinner at the restaurant where the little girl rented the store, and went out in the morning In the evening, the owner will deliver food to the guest courtyard, and at noon, they will eat dry food.

The members of the monk family are all in the academy, except that they can see people when they eat in the morning and evening, but they are not seen at other times. The paradise is no different from when they didn't come.

Xu Xiake and other children were very curious about the behavior of the guests at first, but then they got used to it naturally.

The psychological acceptance of the little radishheads is still good, and Le is also very satisfied, and continues to make up lessons. At the same time, through observation, according to their own characteristics and strengths and weaknesses, select the martial arts suitable for them to learn, and arrange study plans.

In order to make up for the shortcomings of the children and keep them from falling behind, we plan to hire "tutors" for them, and make up lessons for them at home every day or on weekends.

Which level of tutor to hire will be decided according to the situation of the little radishheads after school starts.

There is no need to worry about candidates for tutors, Guanyin Hall and Tangmen have candidates, and there is no shortage of young talents in the Xuanshao family, the Huashao family, the Ji family, and the Zhou family.

Xuan Shao, Hua Shao, Ji Shao, Zhou Shao, Jiang Shao, Xin Shao, and Chen Shaozhu are far-sighted. After Liu Shuai invited them to dinner, he sent her a message privately, saying that if she needs tutoring for a few children someday, I hope it will be given priority. their home.

There are many friends, many paths, the old saying is true, there are many friends, there are many contacts, and if there is anything, there are many connections.

The world was peaceful, those unknown guys didn't come out to jump around, there was nothing that required my own painstaking efforts, and there was nothing too thought-provoking. Classmate Le's little life was very nourishing.

The days are leisurely and leisurely, and it will be the 28th of the end of the month in a blink of an eye.

The school term is about to start in primary and secondary schools all over the country. After a leisurely life, the little Lolita also decided to send her baby brother back to his hometown to sign up.

Although Le Shan wanted to follow her sister very much, she still didn't say a word, and packed her luggage by herself.

That night, Le and his younger brother, Mr. Li, set off for E North in the middle of the night.

Young Master Yan took Lan San to the paradise after dusk, and escorted little Lori back to her hometown.

The group returned to Jiudao in the early morning of the 29th and caught up with Lejia's breakfast.

After offering sacrifices to the Wu Zang Temple, Le Xiao found out the luggage trailer and went to the market.

She was going to the market, and naturally there was a bunch of little tails behind her, not only Le Shan, Big Wolf Dog and two bodyguards, but also Zhou Tianqing, Zhou Tianlan, Cao Qingyue and Cao Bingyue.

Zhou Tianhong's school made up classes early, and he returned to school, not at home.

Zhou Tianqing and Cao Qingyue hadn't gone to school yet, when Sister Le came back, they were always happy, chasing after Sister Lele, chirping, as happy as sparrows.

At the end of August in the new calendar, there have been more than 8 days since the beginning of autumn, and a large number of mountain products or agricultural and sideline products that are mature in early autumn are also on the market. Jiudao's fair day is very lively.

Classmate Le, who makes a lot of money, sweeps up the goods frantically, and sweeps away everything he likes.

The little tails following behind were busy counting things, collecting them in the same bag or basket by category, and busy keeping accounts and paying.

Soon, the news spread that Miss Lejia went to the streets to sweep the goods. When she got there, people who had goods in the mountains would bring their things to her for a look.

She hasn't arrived yet, and the cargo owners stretch their necks and look at her.

Li Xiaoyan and her grandma are also selling mountain products on the street.

Li Xiaoyan knew that without her mother, there was no one to make money for her, so she tried to do a summer job to earn some money and subsidies, but she couldn't find it at all. First, she didn't graduate, and they didn't recruit summer workers. Second, what did she do? Neither will.

As for distributing leaflets on the street and selling, she was afraid that people at the school would recognize her, and felt ashamed and unwilling to do it. Moreover, handing out leaflets didn't cost much, and she also felt that the money was too little.

Unable to find a summer job, Li Xiaoyan returned home during the summer vacation and saw the women in the village go up to the mountains to sell mountain goods and make a lot of money. She also went to the mountains to pick fungi or wild fruits and sell them on the street.

Not to mention, if you are lucky enough to pick rare fungi, you can earn one or two hundred a day. If you can't find rare fungi, you can also make money if you pick a lot of common types of wild fungi.

Li Xiaoyan went to the mountains with the women in the village three or four times, and earned more than 400 yuan from the mushrooms she picked. Unfortunately, the women in the small village did not take her to the mountains later, and she went to the mountains to find mushrooms by herself.

Matsutake began to grow in August, and she also drilled into the mountains, but found no matsutake, only some common fungi, but picked a half-basket of jelly fruit, which she also recited on this fair day.

Li Xiaoyan is going to sell things, so she will take a car to pick up the market in the afternoon, and take the car back to school tomorrow morning. She doesn't plan to go back to the village. Tomorrow is not the day for the market. walk.

A few days ago, the mountain goods were very popular. Many times, people came to buy things as soon as they were displayed. For some reason, the mountain goods did not sell well in the last two fair days.

Shanhuo is not a hot commodity, and the market has only just opened, so the sellers will naturally not close their stalls.

The grandparents of the Li family were guarding the small stall, waiting for buyers, and were fascinated by the gossip, when they suddenly heard that the girl from the Le family was sweeping the goods, they couldn't help being stunned.

The small stall owners around them were very excited when they heard that the girl from Lejia was sweeping the goods. They ran excitedly to ask whether it was true or not. When they came back, the stall owners who had mountain goods immediately sorted out their goods and picked out all the bad ones. come out.

The stall owners who don't sell mountain goods are also very happy. They are spreading gossip, saying that the news that Miss Lejia invested in Shishi is not a rumor. Someone asked Miss Lejia herself, and she confirmed it herself.

Some people who go to the market live in relatively remote places, or have not been to the market for a long time, and have not heard any hot news, so they don't know why.

However, someone soon explained their doubts, saying that a few days ago, there was news that the girl from Lejia had invested in a billion-dollar project in Shishi, and that there were laborers in all towns and villages who wanted to do small or odd jobs. Wait for authoritative news.

Miss Lejia personally confirmed that she has invested in a project in Shishi. People who want to work are naturally happy. Some people are already calling relatives and friends and pushing messages.

Granny Li hadn't recovered from hearing the news about Miss Lejia, and she heard that Miss Lejia had invested billions of dollars in a project, and she was hit hard.

She was hit and lost all strength.

Li Xiaoyan also couldn't recover for a long time.

Before the grandfather and grandson came back to their senses, there was a noise from the opposite side, and it was Le Yun who had arrived across the street.

The sound of "Ms. Le" came to my ears, and the grandparents of the Li family came back to their senses. Seeing someone running across the street, the grandparents and grandchildren immediately covered the booth with a cloth, and quietly went to the side to find a place to hide.

The people on the street were so enthusiastic, people would come to say hello wherever they went, and everyone who Le Yun could respond smiled and nodded. He bought mountain goods along the way, swept half of the street, and turned to the opposite side of the street.

After sweeping the fungus from several stalls and the wild beehives of a stall owner, Le Yun's eyes widened in surprise when she looked at the things of other stall owners.

Know who she saw?

She actually saw Aunt Feng's ex-husband Li Xiaodong!

(End of this chapter)

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