magic eye doctor

Chapter 2458 Step on 1 foot

Chapter 2458

Le Yun was a little suspicious that she was dazzled, so she collected herself and looked again, yes, Aunt Feng's ex-husband Li Xiaodong was indeed right in front of her eyes.

Li Xiaodong and his old mother are selling shiitake mushrooms and green vegetables at a stall. Shiitake mushrooms are grown in greenhouses, and green vegetables are the most common beans, eggplants and loofahs in rural areas.

When Li Xiaodong was young, he also ran a small business, mainly fruit. After Aunt Feng married him, she worked hard to manage the family. From setting up a stall to renting a shop, she led the Li family to complete a qualitative leap.

As a result, now Li Xiaodong has returned to the countryside to set up mobile stalls. Is this the portrayal of what people say "once back to before liberation"?

It's been a long time since I heard any gossip about Li Xiaodong. When I saw that person, Le Yun couldn't help but be surprised, and then she laughed happily: "Hey, look, who is this? This is not from Li Xiaodong, the former in-law of Grandma Zhou's next door to my house. Mother?

Did your mother and son get bored of living in high-rise buildings like the county town, and come to the countryside to experience life, or do you just sit and eat and eat up all your money, and start all over again?
A few years ago, the old man of the Li family said that his son was amazing. He went to the county to open a shop, and he ate and drank spicy food with his son every day. Doesn’t the Li family have a shop in a big city? Why do you still come to a small corner like Jiudao to set up a stall? ah?

At the beginning, Aunt Feng, who had worked hard for the Li family for many years without conscience, drove the Li family out of the house, and said that in the future, you would never go to Jiudao. Why is Jiudao coming again now?
And the young master of the Li family, you were not very powerful back then, you loved Ma Xiaosan to death, why don't you see your most beloved woman by your side today?
And you and Ma Xiaosan's precious son, why didn't you bring it out to show off?That's the precious grandson of your Li family. If you don't bring it out to show off on such fair days, what are you doing hiding at home? "

When Zhou Tianlan's aunt divorced, she was young and didn't remember anything. Zhou Tianqing had already remembered at that time, and she also knew her aunt's ex-husband Li Xiaodong.

Because she hadn't seen her for many years, Zhou Tianqing's memory of her ex-uncle faded away, and she didn't recognize him for a while. When Sister Lele yelled at someone, she suddenly realized it.

Looking over, that's right, it's really my aunt's old messy husband!

My aunt's ex-husband used to look pretty good, a bit handsome, but now look at him, why is he so old?

Looking at Li's current appearance, Zhou Tianqing felt that Li was not about the same age as her father, but was of the same generation as her grandfather.

After many years, Li Xiaodong thought that the Le family had long forgotten what his family was like, so he didn't deliberately avoid it, but just turned his head too far.

Unexpectedly, the girl from the Le family was not as forgetful as the nobleman, but instead recognized him and her mother at a glance, and even picked on people's sore spots, so embarrassed that she wanted to find a crack in the ground.

The stall owners around didn't know who and who at first, but when they heard Miss Le's blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, they understood, and knew that the woman who set up the stall was the ex-mother-in-law and ex-husband of Miss Le's stepmother. His eyes changed.

A woman who was several booths away quickly answered the conversation: "Miss Le, you are busy, you probably haven't heard any gossip about the Li family. Is the cub Ma Xiaosan gave birth to from the Li family at all? Stealing men, their family puts on martial arts scenes every three days, and the fightrs are probably tired from fighting, and they got divorced the year before last."

"Hey, this news is really heart-warming." Le Yun made no secret of her gloating: "My grandfather took the pulse of Aunt Feng and someone Li back then, and made it clear that my Aunt Feng was just a little bit cold, and it wasn't that she couldn't give birth. If Mr. Li wants a child to be taken care of, he and the Li family will never admit that he has a problem, and will put all the responsibility on my Aunt Feng, who blames Aunt Feng for not being able to give birth to a child.

Mr. Li hooked up with a pheasant outside, and wanted to torture his wife to death, so as not to get divorced. Grandma Zhou and their noses scolded the Zhou family girl as an old hen that doesn't lay eggs.

The Li family said that the Li family was well-off, and called me Aunt Feng, who was not entitled to enjoy the blessings of the Li family.

Looking at it now, my Aunt Feng is really not blessed to enjoy the great blessings of the Li family. Aunt Feng is a hard-working person, and she can only live and work in a poor family like mine, and she must work hard on everything herself. There is food and clothing. "

The women nearby smiled and looked at the Le family girl. No one knew what kind of life Zhou Qiufeng lived in Le family. Quan Jiudao couldn't find a woman as lucky as Zhou Qiufeng.

Miss Lejia has a big heart, and she doesn't feel bad about spending tens of millions or hundreds of millions. Similarly, her heart is sometimes smaller than the eye of a needle, and when she holds grudges, she really holds grudges.

The grievances between Zhou Qiufeng and her ex-husband have been in the past more than ten years. The Li family may have forgotten it long ago, but Miss Le remembers it clearly. Seeing the mother and son of the Li family, she still does not forget to help her stepmother. The girl has multiple affections.

Li Xiaodong was so scolded that he hung his head down, his face flushed red.

When Li's mother was recognized, she shrank her neck and pretended to be dead.

Ma Yuanyuan was still restless when she returned to her hometown. Li's family caught rape many times. The men who were arrested included men from the same village and neighboring villages. Women control men ruthlessly, and they don't like the troublemaker Li Xiaodong's family.

After several years of tossing, Li Xiaodong's family's reputation in Shangzhuang Township was so bad that Li Xiaodong's family didn't want to catch up with the township market if they wanted to sell anything, and they all ran to other towns.

Jiudao knew Li Xiaodong relatively few people, even if he knew him, he would not say anything if he had no enmity with him, at most he would talk about his romantic history with Ma Yuanyuan behind his back.

The old man said, "If you walk too much at night, you will always meet ghosts." Li Xiaodong traveled too much to Jiudao, but he didn't meet a ghost, but he met a girl from Lejia who always made a detour when seeing ghosts.

No one around persuaded the girl from the Le family to stay in Germany. Zhou Qiufeng didn't have a child at Li Xiaodong's house back then, and Li's family was well known in all the towns and cities. Now they can't blame the girl from the Le family for poking their backs.

"Ms. Li hooked up outside, fooled around with a wild woman, and even beat my aunt to death. Evil comes with evil, and he deserves to be punished." Zhou Tianqing gave Li Xiaodong a hard look.

"Well, their family deserves it! The old man said it well, people are doing things and the sky is watching. As a human being, you still can't be ignorant of your conscience. If you want to accumulate virtue, you must also accumulate virtue, or you will be punished."

Le Yun nodded, and did not continue to target the mother and son of the Li family. You can't step on the dog in the water too hard, or the dog will jump over the wall if it gets anxious.

Leading the younger brother directly across the stall of the Li family's mother and son, "Evil is rewarded, you deserve it!" Zhou Tianlan also gave Li's mother and son a look, and hurriedly followed Sister Le to continue shopping.

The Cao sisters don't know the inside story and don't express their opinions.

The big wolf dog and the two young men in sunglasses have always been unwilling to give alms to irrelevant people.

Le Xiaoluoli walked through two stalls, bought some things, and went to the stall of the woman who answered the conversation before. Looking at the mushrooms on the stall, the woman picked two turkey tail mushrooms, but they were a bit old.

The woman didn't ask Miss Le Jia to buy it, but instead pushed people out: "Miss Le, I picked these two handfuls of fungi the day before yesterday, and they were getting old after a day. Look at the one next door to me. Hers picked it yesterday. Tender look."

As he said that, he asked the neighbor next door to quickly take out the hidden fungus.

The woman in the neighboring stall took out a group of turkey tail mushrooms from the basket on her back. It was indeed very tender, and the mushrooms had not opened their umbrellas.

"Sure enough, good things are kept at the bottom of the box." Le Yun smiled straight at the sight, showing the good ones for sale, but this one did the opposite and hid the best ones.

The two women laughed. In fact, they didn't keep the bottom of the box, but heard that the Lejia girl had come to the street.

Le Yun didn't choose either, and bought the mushrooms from the two stalls. The older ones were dried at home, and then boiled in soup, and the fresher ones were packed and kept fresh.

The stall owner loaded the mushrooms and weighed them, and the quick-talking woman also asked whether the rumors about the Lejia girl's investment project in Shishi were true.

Le Yun graciously confirmed the veracity of the rumors.

The woman hurriedly asked: "Miss Le, if the project starts, will we recruit people from Jiudao and Shangzhuang? We also want to do odd jobs during the slack season."

"The construction company that contracted the construction is solely responsible for the recruitment. I only gave them a list, specifying which villages and which surnames are not to be recruited.

This project has to meet the deadline, and it will be very hard work in two shifts in the future. Basically, male workers will be the main workers. It is uncertain whether female workers will be recruited.

If there are many people who want to work, and you can guarantee that there will be no frequent lack of work, you can find your village chief or form a team yourself and elect a person to be the leader, and then go to Meicun to contact the village chief, and I will talk to the construction company. When a large number of workers are needed, ask them to consider coming to Jiudao to recruit a group of workers.

I am limited to this here, and it is impossible to go through any back door. When a construction company comes to Jiudao to recruit workers, it will strictly abide by the recruitment regulations and regulations, and a medical examination is required.

Shishi's project is about the same as the wages of Fangxian No. [-] Middle School, and it is impossible for them to be as high as those in southern Xinjiang. "

"We all know that. We just take advantage of the slack time to do part-time jobs. If we can earn two to three thousand a month, we will be content."

The women were immediately filled with joy. The project was invested by Lejia girl. She said that she would talk to the construction company and it would be done.

The stall owner weighed the fungus, and those who settled the accounts paid for it.

The fungi were packed separately, and Le Xiao didn't keep much, and continued to sweep the goods.

Zhou Tianqing and the others happily followed the street. Cao Qingyue and Cao Bingyue were holding calculators and notebooks. The two sisters were in charge of accounting. Zhou Tianqing helped carry a bag and helped pay with her younger brother.

When she walked to the booth of the grandparents of the Li family, Le Yun walked over calmly, she knew where Li Xiaoyan was hiding, if Li Xiaoyan hid in order to avoid debts in the future, she would go to arrest people,

The time to ask for debts has not yet come, even if Li Xiaoyan does not hide, she will not target the grandparents of the Li family.

The grandpa and grandson are guilty of thieves, so let them hide.

Li Xiaoyan and Granny Li were hiding in an alley next to a house, and there were stalls in front of them, so it was difficult to find them without looking for someone.

The grandparents and grandchildren did not return to the stall until the group of Le Mou left, and continued to sell things. The person next to them asked them where they had been before, and the grandparents and grandson vaguely said that they ran to the latrine.

(End of this chapter)

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