magic eye doctor

Chapter 2459 Pay back

Chapter 2459 Pay back

Le classmate walked from one end of the street to the other, and almost visited all the township streets, and the group went back home.

The Zhou family sisters and the Cao family sisters didn't buy anything, and each of them helped carry a large basket of mountain goods when they returned home.

As soon as a group of people entered the village, they were cut off by village head Zhou.

Village head Zhou only intercepted the little cub of the Le family, but not the others, so the Zhou family siblings and the Cao family sisters took Le Shan back to the Le family first.

Lan Sanyan put the luggage trailer under the eaves of Zhou Bapi's house, and followed little Lori to the village office building.

The two of them didn't know why Village Chief Zhou was looking for Little Lolita. They thought that someone wanted to work on the Shishi Project, so they went to Village Chief Zhou to ask him to have a nice word with Little Lolita.

When Xiao Luoli and Village Chief Zhou entered the reception room on the first floor of the village office building, Yan Xing saw Chen Lei and his youngest son Chen Xiang sitting inside, and he understood that it was the Chen family who dared not approach Xiao Luoli directly. , so I asked Village Chief Zhou to be the middleman.

Village head Zhou took the little boy into the reception room, took the little boy to sit in the reception seat, and greeted the two handsome guys to sit down, before talking about the business: "Lele, Chen Lei and Chen Xiang and their family want to pay you back." , I didn’t dare to go to your house, so I came to ask me, the village head, for help.”

In the past two years, Chen Xiang has always walked around the Le family, especially for Le Yun. Whenever she goes back to the village, he will try to stay out of the house as much as possible.

He was extremely unwilling to meet Le Yun. This time, he had no choice but to be dragged by his father to strengthen his courage. Since Le Yun arrived at the door, he lowered his head and made himself an invisible person.

When Chen Lei saw Le Yun and the two young men in dark glasses behind her, he felt agitated and restless. Village Chief Zhou helped explain the reason, and immediately smiled: "Yes, I... my family just wants to pay back the money owed. The medical bills have been repaid, and I collected the money last month and brought it with me."

To be honest, if he could renege on the debt, Chen Lei didn't want to pay back the money even if he would be stabbed in the back. That's 30, a full 30 bills!

But he didn't dare not pay back the money, and the elder son was useless, so he had to rely on the younger son for the rest of his life. He and the grandpa of the child were afraid that if they didn't pay back the money, Xiang Chen would suffer.

Zhang Ke didn't do any harm to the Le family, and Le family forgave Zhang Ke. Chen Lei thought that he and his son had never done anything to the Le family.

The child's grandfather kidnapped Le Ya, and he has already settled down. One person does things and the other is in charge. Le Yun should not blame them and his youngest son.

Apart from a sum of money owed to Le Yun, their family has no other life-and-death feud with Le Yun.

Chen Lei went to ask his father who ate the free imperial food, and discussed about repaying the money. The deadline for the money was coming, if he didn't pay it back, if Le Yun came to collect the debt, it would be a joke for the villagers in vain.

Why didn't you pay back the money before?

Of course, you can procrastinate as long as you can. 30 is not a small amount. If you procrastinate for one more year, you can save it in the bank for one more year, and you can get an extra interest.

Now I can't delay, I have to pay it back.

Chen Lei withdrew the money from the bank last month, because Le Yun came back and went out again, he didn't have time to pay it back, and the money was kept in his hand for a few more days.

He said to pay back the money, lifted the black plastic bag stuffed between him and his youngest son, and put it on the low table. Enduring the pain of a knife, he untied the slipknots of the two bags inside and revealed the money. Come to show people.

Repaying debts is justified.

Le Yun was not polite, she dragged the bag closer to her, and spread all the bundles of money on the table for inspection under the watchful eyes of everyone.

When the bills came out of the bank, they were tied neatly, ten thousand in ten, a total of thirty bundles.

You don't need to count them one by one, but with a quick glance, Le Yun will know whether there is any shortage or adulteration. She spread out the money and looked at it, nodded: "I have received the medical expenses you owe me. You injured Chen Xiaozhu As a result, the matter owed to me for medicine was settled.

I would also like to advise you, in the future, it is better to be a human being with a little conscience. You know how many wicked things your two cubs have done. If you don’t repent, one day your former enemies will find a chance to take revenge. It's too late to regret the day I can't find it. "

"Hey!" Le Yun said that the matter of them injuring Chen Xiaozhu was now cleared up. Chen Lei heaved a sigh of relief, and when he heard the words behind him, the skin on his back stiffened.

Chen Xiang didn't even dare to move, he naturally knew what he and his brother did.

Chen Lei, who was nervous in his heart, did not dare to stay any longer, and asked in a low voice: "Village Chief, are you all right, then shall I go?"

"Okay, you guys go back. Chen Xiang, you are still young, there is still time to turn around now, if you don't change, maybe one day you will end up like your brother."

Village head Zhou also advised him that he was also doing it for the sake of the atmosphere of the whole village. There was a stingy person in the village, who might lead the younger generation astray.

"I'm already changing it." Chen Xiang didn't dare to express any dissatisfaction.

"If you can recognize your mistakes and are willing to correct them, that's naturally the best. After you reform yourself, wait a few years to find a wife to live a good life, educate your children well, and don't let the cubs leave you and your brother again. The old road, that road is black, how can it be beneficial."

The village chief Zhou preached earnestly, and Chen Lei and Chen Xiang answered "yes yes yes" all the time. After hearing the village chief's harsh words, the father and son hurried away first.

"Little boy, don't you count?" The Chen family's father and son left the reception room. Village head Zhou saw that the little boy had put the money back into the plastic bag, and was very worried. Can the cub suffer from being dumb?
"You don't need to count them. I can tell if there are counterfeit banknotes by smelling them. I can also measure how many banknotes there are by weighing them in my hand."

Le Yun pushed the bag in front of Grandpa Man and grinned: "Grandpa Man, this money should be used as public maintenance funds for the village. The lamps, benches, roof ceilings in the library, roads and water pipes in the village often need to be paid for." Repairs, musical instruments and the like need maintenance oil, and there is no shortage of money for everything.”

"You donated money again?" Village Chief Zhou almost jumped up. Now the public funds in the village are donated by the little boy, and she threw another 30 yuan. Is this to be a living Bodhisattva?
"Grandpa Man, other village chiefs are eager for someone to donate some money to build infrastructure, why don't you look like you don't want to accept it? Is it too little or too much?" Le Yun leaned over, hugging Grandpa Man's arm and laughing His eyes turned into crescent moons.

"How much have you donated to the village? You don't know how much?" Village Chief Zhou pointed out angrily, poking the little brat's forehead one after another.

"There are too many things to remember. Grandpa Man, stop dawdling, and save money while the bank is still open."

"Understood, you don't want to slip away, I'll get the passbook, you go with me, the money is donated by you, you go write the passbook yourself."


Le Yun knew Grandpa Man's temper and cooperated honestly.

Satisfied, Village Chief Zhou hurried home to find the passbook of the village's public account, then went to the village office building to pick up the little boy, and went to the bank on the township street.

Yan Shao and Lan San were super calm from the beginning to the end. Little Lolita and Village Chief Zhou were going to the bank, and they were little attendants.

It was less than ten o'clock, the market had not yet left, and there were still quite a lot of people on the street.

There are seven or eight people working in the bank, and there are people queuing up at the two deposit and withdrawal windows. The staff in charge of guiding in the lobby were surprised when they saw Miss Le come in, and asked politely what to do business.

Le Yun asked for a deposit slip, filled it out, and then gave the ID card and deposit slip to the staff to print, got the printed information, and queued up for the number.

The people queuing up for business all stepped aside: "Miss Le, you come first, we are not in a hurry."

"Thank you! First come, first served, you guys go through it first, I'm not in a hurry." People from the same town gave way to themselves so politely, and Le Yun thanked them kindly, and stood in line firmly.

Miss Lejia didn't want to jump in line, and the people in front lined up again.

Village Chief Zhou entered the bank, and people from neighboring villages knew him, and they pulled him to sit and chat, and when they chatted, they talked about what to do. He donated it to Meicun as public funds, and he just accompanied the little boy to deposit money in the village's public account.

If his old man had a tail, I'm afraid his tail would be able to fly up to the sky.

There is no doubt that Village Chief Zhou and Meicun have become the objects of envy again. A few years ago, Miss Lejia donated books and musical instruments to Meicun, and also donated money to the village public. Plum Village donated money!
Those who want to withdraw money and deposit money have completed their business and are not in a hurry to leave. They are all waiting to watch, wanting to see how much the Lejia girl has donated to Meicun.

When it was my turn, Le handed over the list, took the plastic bag from Handsome Yan, opened it, and stuffed the money into the window three times.

The bystanders looked at a large pile of bills, and their emotions were so complicated that they couldn't speak.

The clerk unwrapped the money slips, passed them through the machine, tied them up again after counting them, and asked how much they wanted to deposit before formally going through the deposit procedures.

The onlookers heard the number reported by the girl from Lejia, and they were almost overwhelmed by the sour bubbles in their hearts. They hadn't earned 30 in half their life/life, and the girl from Lejia donated 30 to Meicun.

There are millions of dollars in Mei Village’s account, but the village’s public account doesn’t even reach [-] yuan. Meili needs to build water pipes and repair roads. Except for the government subsidy, the shortfall is shared equally by the residents. Every household has to chip in.

People are more angry than others, and villages are more angry than villages. If a village has feelings like a human, it will definitely be so angry that it will shut itself off.

After completing the deposit procedures, Le gave the passbook to Grandpa Man for safekeeping, and took Grandpa Man's arm to go home. On the way, he acted coquettishly and pestered Grandpa Man to buy her snacks.

Village Elder Zhou had a little cub hanging on his arm, and he was so happy that he bought popsicles, Wangwang crushed ice, fried film and oily fruit.

His old man said that if you eat fried food, you can’t eat cold food, and you will have diarrhea if you eat it. When the little boy took his hand and called out "Grandpa Man", he surrendered softly and satisfied her desire. Little wish, keep feeding.

Little Tail Young Master Yan and Lan San are also "fortunately" blessed to be together.

Le Yun ate the snacks given by Grandpa Man, and regained the feeling of happiness of being loved and loved when she was a child when Grandpa Man came back to buy something, and also found a long-lost childlike joy.

(End of this chapter)

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