magic eye doctor

Chapter 2464 Long Lost Relatives

Chapter 2464 Long Lost Relatives

Bian Yuan, his family and neighbors arrived in the capital on the evening of the 1st and went to the Military General Hospital. On the 2nd and 3rd, they queued up at the hospital for medical treatment and filming.

Bian’s uncle has been dizzy for several years, because there is no adverse reaction when the head is not dizzy or painful, and he always thought that the dizziness was caused by low blood sugar, so he did not go to the hospital for examination.

Beginning in the first half of this year, dizziness became more frequent. I went to a big hospital for examination and found a tumor in my brain.

Tests in the hospital showed that the tumor was benign. The conventional treatment and medicine were used to treat it, but the effect did not seem to be obvious. In the second half of the year, I suddenly fainted several times and lost consciousness.

Bian Yuan was worried when he heard about his uncle’s situation. He went home on the National Day holiday and persuaded his uncle to see a doctor in the Capital Hospital. Xiao Luoli once said that the experts in the Military General Hospital had rich experience and superb medical skills. He accompanied his uncle and the elderly neighbors to the The military general hospital sees a doctor.

Various examinations were done at the Military General Hospital, and the report came out. The tumor in his uncle's brain was a neurotumor. Although it was a benign tumor, it grew too fast and had already compressed the nerves, so he fainted.

Because it is a nerve tumor, it grows on the intracranial nerves, and its location is also special, so the risk of surgery is too high. The experts from the Military Academy also recommended targeted drug treatment.

Bianyuan's grandfather suffered from knee joint pain and was diagnosed with knee synovitis, the meniscus was damaged, and he needed to have the meniscus replaced if he wanted to be cured.

The old lady of Bian’s neighbor’s family lost her ability to move because of joint pain in her hands and feet many years ago. She spends most of her time in a wheelchair and can occasionally walk a few steps with crutches.

The old lady often coughed after a cold, and occasionally coughed up blood. In addition, the old man also grew a "unicorn horn" from the top of her right temple two years ago. Persuaded the old man, accompanied the old man to the capital for inspection.

Bian Yuan accompanied the elders and neighbors in the family to take a taxi to the west gate of the park, then walked to the gate and rang the doorbell.

After the little girl returned to China, she closed the gate on the grounds of maintaining the paradise, and opened the gate for everything. Basically, the gate is closed every day.

Brother Fu knew that there was a visitor, so he opened the big bronze door of the west gate in advance, and only closed the iron gate. When he heard the doorbell, he guessed that it might be a visitor, so he hurried out of his guard room to open the door.

When walking towards the iron gate, Brother Fu looked at the visitors as he walked, and immediately distinguished which were Bian's classmates and his relatives and friends, and which were Bian's neighbors.

Don't ask him how to tell the difference, just look at his face.

Bian’s classmate is tall and big. There are three tall men with long upper body and slightly short legs and a tall and strong woman in the crowd. They have similar faces or facial features with Bian. They all have thick eyebrows and broad faces. Those few must be Bian’s Relatives no doubt.

Among the other three people was an old lady in a wheelchair, who was relatively small in stature, a middle-aged woman and a young man, both of whom had the characteristics of northern ethnic groups, with round faces and more delicate features.

Seeing classmate Bian's neighbor, Brother Fu felt a little friendly. Because the guests came, he didn't have time to think about it, so he opened the door to greet the visitors.

Seeing the handsome middle-aged man who opened the door, Bian Yuan greeted him politely and gave his name. After being invited, he entered the gate with his parents and neighbors.

Brother Fu decisively closed the bronze door again.

Bian Yuan previously shared the pictures of Le Xiaoluoli’s self-portrait of the paradise with his family and neighbors. Everyone was mentally prepared. When they entered the gate, they saw the huge jade screen wall and part of the scenery of the paradise. I couldn't help being shocked.

When a group of people were about to leave the entrance area, they also saw the owner coming from the left hand side, and everyone's eyes were fixed on her.

The little girl was wearing a dress in the color of a concubine of Xiang, with a half-armed white satin shirt and a pair of breasts and short gowns, a bun on the top of her head, and a five-tailed emerald green phoenix hairpin with beads hanging on it. Embroidered shoes decorated with beads.

The little girl looks juicy, wearing a Hanfu, elegant and elegant, as good-looking as a little fairy.

In the eyes of the Bian family, who used to live as nomads, the little girl is as small as a newborn calf, and as cute and beautiful as a full moon foal.

The young and old who were traveling together looked at the little girl, as if seeing a pony running in the sun, which made people feel happy and joyful.

In the "Jiahezhai" music rhyme, when the vehicles of the classmates and a group of students on the side stopped, they knew they were coming, and they still waited until the doorbell rang before going out of the hall to welcome the classmates.

Walking from the porch to the doorway, when she turned her eyes to the guests, she saw three neighbors from her classmate's house, her heart felt as if a big hand was grasping it and twisted it fiercely, and suddenly throbbed.

After the heart palpitations, a gust of hot blood spurted out from the heart, reaching Tianling Gai instantly like a hurricane!

With blood rushing to her brain, her heart and soul were shaken.

Then, a sense of sadness welled up in my heart, and I felt like crying for no reason.

The eye sockets became hot and sore in an instant, Le Yun's breathing slowed down, and her eyes stopped on the neighbor of the classmate's house, and it was difficult to move away.

Bian Yuan saw the petite and cute little Lolita, with a smile on his face, he walked forward quickly, and within a few steps, he was in front of the little Lolita, just as he was about to talk to her, he found that she was looking at his neighbor.

He also looked sideways at the three people in the neighbor's house, suddenly realized, and smiled happily: "Student Le, my neighbor really looks like you, right?"

Brother Fu heard Bian's classmate say that his neighbor looks like a little girl, and he turned his eyes to the neighbor that a certain Bian said.

The old lady in the wheelchair had wrinkled faces, and she couldn't tell whether she looked like the little girl. The middle-aged woman pushing the wheelchair was a young man who was about the same height as her classmates, and her face shape was similar to that of the little girl Le!

At this moment, Brother Fu also suddenly realized, no wonder he felt that Bian's neighbor Mian Shan, it turned out that the young man's face was very similar to that of the Le family!
The reason why he didn't react in time was mainly because the little Lolita now has brows that are straight to the sea, watery, white and tender, and her face is as tender as a seven or eight-year-old child. It is easy for people to ignore her face outline shape.

If the little girl is still the tomboy image she used to be when she didn't grow long hair, he will definitely react when she first sees the young man with a round face.

Strictly speaking, the young man's face shape is closer to that of the little girl's father, Mr. Le.

Brother Fu, who reacted, was also very surprised: "I said that I always feel that the young man has a kind face, so it turns out that he has the same face shape as the little girl."

Staring blankly at Le Yun of classmate Bian and his neighbor, his chaotic mood was interrupted by the voices of classmate Bian and Brother Fu, and he tried his best to suppress the soreness in his heart.

It's so simple that the faces look so similar, those three people... are clearly her family's long-lost blood relatives!
Because they are relatives by blood, they are connected by blood, so she has such complicated emotions in her heart.

Now is not the time to tell the truth, Le Yun suppressed the chaotic emotions, and responded with a friendly smile: "It is true, the first time classmate Bian saw me, he thought my ancestors were Mongolian, and said that I look alike to my neighbor with the surname Le. Later, he showed me photos of several members of the neighbor’s family, and the neighbor who met Bian today felt very kind.”

Little Lolita also said that her neighbor was kind, so Bian Yuan smiled and yelled "Charis Dude" to the neighbor's childhood playmate, and blinked his eyes.

The young man who was called out, carrying a backpack and a box of things, also blinked at Bian Yuan and grinned.

The four parents of Bian's family who came to visit his friend with their own children listened to the children's words, carefully looked at the owner and Lejia's neighbors, and even said "like" in Mongolian with a smile.

The middle-aged woman in the wheelchair also responded with a smile.

Brother Fu does not understand Mongolian, but Le Yun understands it. She understands Mongolian, but she does not speak Mongolian. She warmly welcomes the guests in Chinese and invites them to sit in the living room.

Parents and mothers both carry presents, they can speak Chinese, Bianyuan's uncle and the young people from Lejia can also speak Chinese, and they all say "you are welcome" in Chinese.

Bian Yuan introduced his family, neighbors' old lady, aunt and classmates to the younger students.

Bianyuan’s grandfather got the Mongolian word Hasen, which means “jade” in Mongolian. His father’s name was Bianhe, his mother’s surname was Bu Baozhu, his uncle Buheng, and his aunt Qimuge.

Bian Yuan's younger cousin is Bu Heng's youngest son, named Bu Yan.

The neighbor of the Bian family, whose surname is Le, is called "Baoyin" in Mongolian by the old lady of Lejia, which means "Fu".

The middle-aged woman is the granddaughter of the old lady, Le Yunduo, and the young man is the great-grandson, Le Shuhai.

Shuhai means forest in Mongolian, and it is more intuitive in Chinese. It is Linhai, and Linhai is also forest.

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai are aunts and nephews who love to laugh.

Bian was introducing his family and neighbors, Le Yun shook hands with the guests, expressed a warm welcome to the guests, greeted them, invited the guests to enter the house, and went to help push the wheelchair.

When Le Yunduo saw the little girl coming to help push the wheelchair, she was very moved, and politely gave way, but she still did not hold back the master and accepted the sincerity of the master.

The old lady in the wheelchair has limited legs and feet, but her eyes are very good. When she saw the little girl pushing the chair for herself, she smiled and said "thank you" in Chinese.

"Grandma, you can speak Chinese, it's amazing!" The old man's Chinese pronunciation is accurate, and the music rhyme is very surprising. The grandfather of my classmate is younger than the old lady, and he can't speak Chinese, yet the old lady can!

Hearing the neighbor’s grandma speaking Chinese, Bian Yuan explained on his behalf: “The neighbor’s grandma Baoyin has a strong language learning ability. .”

"The old man's Chinese pronunciation is very accurate, almost at the standard level of Mandarin." Le Yun smiled happily.

The aunt and nephew of the Le family laughed again, and explained that the old man often listens to the news at home and also likes to communicate in Chinese with people who travel to the grasslands.

Le Yun accompanied the guests to the East Courtyard, and politely asked the guests what the weather was like in their hometown, the growth of pastures in the grassland, the output of cattle, sheep and horses, and so on.

Classmate Bian’s family is in the Ula Grassland of M Province. The Ula Grassland is located in the border area of ​​Xingmeng, Ximeng and Tongshi in M ​​Province. His family belongs to the Ximeng District of M Province.

Bian Yuan's family used to be a nomadic family, and later they divided the pasture and settled down. Later, some people did some business in the city and bought a house in the city to send their children to school. Now the Bian family is both herding and doing business.

Le Shuhai's ranch is connected with Lejia, and the two families are very close. Le Shuhai and Bian Yuan are also very good childhood playmates.

While chatting about homework, I also passed through the grass and flowers, and arrived under the platform of the East Courtyard.

Le Yun didn't let other people help her, she easily picked up the wheelchair and accompanied the guests to the steps of the moon platform.

The little girl's home is as beautiful as the imperial palace in ancient times. The family members and the younger generation of the Le family walked and looked at it, full of admiration. When they went to the platform and saw the solemn house, they formed a string of praises.

After boarding the platform, Le Yun didn't put her wheelchair on. She entered the courtyard from the east corner gate, passed the outer courtyard all the way, bypassed the vertical flower gate, walked along the stone road in the courtyard of the second entrance courtyard to the main building, and then boarded the courtyard. steps.

Before going to the room, he greeted the guests again, and entered the middle hall side by side with the grandpa of the Bian family, then put down the wheelchair and pushed it forward.

She pushed the wheelchair to the Arhat's couch, carried the old lady out of the wheelchair, and sat on the east side of the Arhat's couch, and then invited the grandfather to take a seat.

The old and young of the Bian family and the aunt and nephew of the Le family were so shocked by the magnificent buildings and exquisite and luxurious furnishings that they couldn't find any adjectives to describe their feelings. They almost suspected that they had entered the palace compound in their dreams.

The luxurious and solemn main hall makes people feel serious,
Everyone looked at the house once, with respect in their hearts, and did not dare to make mistakes.

When the little girl took the seat with the old lady in her arms, the grandpa of the Bian family was a generation shorter than the old lady Le Baoyin, so he was not willing to take the seat, so he sat down on the first chair of the east row of throne seats.

Mongolians attach great importance to etiquette, and the elders and children are orderly, and the same is true when they arrive at the guest's house.

Grandpa Bian is old, so he sits in the first seat on the east side, followed by Bian's father, Bian's mother, Uncle Bu, Aunt Bu, Aunt Lejia, Bian Yuan, Le Shuhai, and Bu Yan.

Bian's father, Bian's mother, Aunt Bu, Le Shuhai, Bian Yuan, and Bu Yan all carried gifts, and put the gifts on the coffee table after sitting down.

Le Yun personally greeted the guests to sit down, then went to get the tea set on the Eight Immortals table on the side long table, brought the hot water pot, and made tea.

After serving the tea, bring the fruit plate prepared in advance to the guests with fruits and dried fruits.

After the fruit plate was on the table, she sat down at the bottom of the Luohan couch, drinking tea and tasting fruits with the guests.

After drinking tea for a while, the three young men from Bianyuan, Leshu and Haibuyan gave the presents to the host.

They brought their own cheese, dried beef and mutton, as well as a box of bellflower and Bupleurum.

Ula Grassland is rich in plants, and there are many kinds of natural forage grasses. There are also many Mongolian and traditional Chinese medicinal plants, such as rhubarb, bellflower, Bupleurum, and licorice.

Bian Yuan knew that little Lolita studied medicine and liked medicinal herbs, so in addition to the grassland specialty cheese and beef and mutton jerky, he also brought bellflower and bupleurum.

"Oh, buddy, this gift of yours has been delivered to my heart." Le Yun saw the two boxes of medicine boxes, and was immediately overjoyed. Classmate Bian actually knew that she lacked medicinal materials. A person like him looks like he has well-developed limbs , in fact, there are thick and thin.

"I thought that you are a doctor and are good at Chinese medicine. You should like medicinal materials, so I brought some. You don't think it is unlucky for me to bring medicinal materials for my first official visit."

Little Lolita liked the gift she gave, Bian Yuan was also very happy.

"How can it be unlucky, I search for medicinal materials all over the world, and you send me special medicinal materials, just like I am short of gold and you just send gold to make people happy."

Le Yun greeted classmate Bian to sit with handsome guy Le Shu Haibuyan, and refilled tea for the guests.

(End of this chapter)

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