magic eye doctor

Chapter 2465

Chapter 2465

After drinking tea twice and eating some fruit, Le Yun asked the old people about their health.

Classmate Bian first talked about what his uncle and grandpa found out in the hospital, and finally said: "This tumor in my uncle's head, the experts at the hospital said that surgery is too risky, and suggested drug treatment. You have good medical skills, I will take it Uncle is here, and I also want to ask you to help me see if there is any better suggestion."

"Okay, let me check the pulse first."

Classmate Bian asked him to help his elder see a doctor, Le Yun did not refuse, stood up, and went to feel Uncle Bu's pulse.

Bian Yuan also got up and stayed with little Lolita, waiting for classmate Le to see his uncle, and then asked her to check his grandfather's pulse, because his grandfather could not speak Chinese, he acted as an interpreter.

"The tumor in Uncle Bu's head grows in the position of the dendrites of the brain nerves. In terms of conventional treatment plans, the hospital's suggestion is the most appropriate."

Le Yun checked the pulse of Bian's two elders, and discussed the disease after sitting down. She also agreed with the hospital's diagnosis and added: "Based on my experience, no surgery is needed, and acupuncture can eliminate tumors."

"Really?" Bian Yuan, Bian's mother, Bian's father, and the Bu family's mother and son were both surprised and delighted.

"It's true. I study traditional Chinese medicine. I have cured no less than [-] cases of brain tumors like Uncle Bu's. Uncle Bu's brain tumor is not a big problem."

Le Yun discusses the symptoms: "Grandpa Bian's knee joint is synovitis, and the meniscus is necrotic. There is no way to bring it back to life. Acupuncture can only cure the inflammation. In the long run, it is recommended that after acupuncture, it is still It's safer to go to the hospital for a meniscus replacement."

"We will consider it." Bian Yuan knew it well, and asked again: "Grandma Baoyin's test results haven't come out yet, please help her see a doctor, mainly to see a horn on the old man's head, there is No danger?"

Grandma Baoyin wrapped her hair with a silk cloth, and Le Yunduo stepped forward to help grandma take off the wrapping, and asked the little girl to help her see a doctor.

The old lady's hair was all white, and between the thinning hair above her right temple protruded a horn a little bigger than a pigeon's egg, which looked a bit horny like a cow's horn.

Le Yun got up, first checked the old lady's pulse, then helped to check the horns growing on her head, and then helped the old man wrap up the kerchief.

After taking care of the old lady, she wrapped her turban and sat in a comfortable position. Le Yun discussed the symptoms again: "When the old man was weak, he had contact with some people with poor lungs and was infected. He has not yet developed tuberculosis. Pulmonary edema, and occasional hemoptysis when the cough is severe.

Pulmonary edema is not a major problem, but the horn on the head is more dangerous. This is a bone infection lesion, which is already in the early stage of bone cancer. Surgery must be performed to remove the keratinous bone tissue. "

"Is it really cancer?"

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai screamed. When the old lady's horns first appeared, the family members were worried and wanted to take the old man to the hospital for examination. Because it was neither painful nor itchy, the old man was unwilling to go. If it wasn't for this time the old man had If you cough up blood, you will not agree to see a doctor.

The middle-aged and elderly people in the Bian family were also shocked. The younger generation watched the news on their mobile phones and often said that sudden horns and moles might turn into cancer.

On the contrary, the old lady Baoyin was very calm: "Cancer is not contagious, it's okay, don't panic. It costs money to treat it, and I'm already my age, so I don't need to spend that unreasonable money. I will go home tomorrow. Back in the beautiful prairie, I am in a good mood." Well, maybe I can live a few more years."

After Le Yunduo screamed in shock, her legs were so weak that she leaned on the Arhat couch to stand firm. She hugged her grandma, tears streaming down her face, and cried out "Yi Ji" loudly, yelling that no matter what How to cure.

Le Shuhai was also panicked, his aunt started to cry, and his eyes were red, he rushed to Grandma Tai, hugged Grandma Tai, choked with sobs and insisted on staying in the capital for treatment.

The Bian family has a very deep relationship with the neighbors, so they immediately gathered around to comfort the three generations of the Le family. Bian Yuan and Bu Yan dragged Le Shuhai away, and Bian's mother, Aunt Bu, comforted Le Yunduo.

The old lady Baoyin was in a stable mood, and instead of crying, she kept comforting her granddaughter and great-grandson.

After working for a long time, Le Yunduo finally stopped crying, and asked with red eyes: "Little girl, how much will it cost to cure my grandma? Tell us, we will treat grandma, and it must be cured." !"

Le Yun was sore in her heart, suppressed it very well, and did not show it on the face. When the aunt and nephew of the Le family calmed down, she asked about the medical expenses, and then answered: "It's just a cure, I don't need to guarantee that it won't recur for ten years, and fifty to sixty thousand yuan for lung disease is enough." Yes, the cost of bone cancer is a bit higher, about 50. I need to guarantee that the bone cancer will not recur after treatment, and the cost will double.

For Grandpa Bian's legs, the treatment for the knee joint alone would not exceed 50 yuan.Uncle Bu’s tumor is only treated for this time, about 20 yuan. If it is guaranteed that it will not recur within ten years, the medical expenses will double, and if it is necessary to ensure that it will not recur for [-] years, it will double again. "

A certain kind of disease is guaranteed not to recur for 20 years, which is basically equivalent to cutting off the root, and it is impossible to relapse.

"If we want to treat a disease, no matter how much money we spend, we will have to treat it!"

Both Le Yunduo and Bian's mother, father and aunt firmly stated that they would treat their relatives, and they could still pay for the hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Grandma Baoyin and Grandpa Bian didn't want to be cured, and clamored to go home.

Bian Yuan said directly to Little Lolita: "Little Lolita, my grandfather and Grandma Baoyin have no say in the treatment of diseases. We young people have the final say. You can arrange treatment for the old people. We are young People pay for the medicine."

"That's okay. I'll find all the medical tools and medicines, and arrange treatment later. I'll call Brother Fu and ask him to come to the outpatient building where he will take you to the clinic for surgical treatment."

Le Yun was also very straightforward, asking them to wait for a while, call Brother Fu, and ask him to take a group of classmates to the clinic building behind the garden, and also ask Brother Qian Chai to help make two stoves and send them to the clinic building for backup.

Brother Fu answered the phone and asked Brother Qian and Brother Chai to light the stove and send him to the clinic building. He went to the east courtyard to guide the guests, and Brother Jie went to open the back garden gate and put the dog on a chain.

Brother Fu entered the east courtyard, opened the back side door, led the guests out of the east side door, and stopped by the garden on the way to the back corner gate of the garden.

They strolled slowly to the back door, Brother Jie had already opened the door first, and also opened the door of the clinic building.

The clinic building has been tidied up in advance, there is a place to sit, and there are also medical push beds in the two observation rooms used to accommodate patients in hospital for observation. Brother Fu Jie took out spare quilt mats and water-proof pads to make up the beds.

The medical trundle and some supplies in the observation room of the clinic building were purchased by Brother Fu and his buddies.

Le classmate is planning to buy the items needed for the clinic when he is ready to open the clinic. Brother Fu and Brother Chai are worried about their teammates, and they are worried that one day, if any teammate has something to do, they will come to the little loli for help. The clinic building The tools were not complete enough to be placed, so they bought a medical surgery trolley and some supplies in advance.

Be prepared, it will come in handy now.

Brother Qian and Brother Chai built two stoves for burning anthracite or anthracite charcoal, packed two small baskets of anthracite charcoal, took tools and stoves, and sent them to the clinic building. One of the two stoves was placed in the lobby and the other was placed in the An examination room dedicated to patients for examination and acupuncture.

Le Yun prepared all the medicines and two more Chinese medicines, picked out two clay pots, and went to the clinic building with her things.

Yan Shao was originally practicing in the guard room of the study, and after running a few big circles, he woke up from the practice and knew that his classmates were coming, so he also sneaked to the back corner door to wait.

He waited until little Lolita went to the clinic, turned into a little wit, helped carry the medicine box, and followed behind as a little medicine boy.

Bian Yuan was talking with the old people in the clinic building, when he saw Young Master Yan who was following the little Lolita, he subconsciously stood up straight.

Yan Xing was afraid that the little loli would dislike him, so he didn't dare to scare Bian, so he patted Bian on the shoulder in a friendly way: "I heard that you performed very well in the army. class."

Bian Yuan answered "yes" seriously.

Seeing that classmate Bian was too nervous to move because of someone from Yan, Le Yun walked over with one kick: "Get out of the way, it's private time, and it's not during work, how many times did you come out and beep?" What do you mean? If you don’t speak, no one will think you are dumb.”

"I...I just say hello to classmate Bian Yuan." Yan Xing was as wronged as Dou E when he was hit by Foshan Wuying foot.

"Greetings don't mean hello, are you in good health, are you busy with work, and you, what are you talking about?" Le Yun stared: "If you cry and howl, you will get out of the way."

"I..." Yan Xing shut up silently, what was wrong with what he said to his classmates?Little Lolita didn't like him, and nothing he said was right.

Under the high pressure of the little loli, yes, no matter what is wrong or not, it is all his fault.

A strong dragon can't overwhelm a local snake, what else can it do, let's be honest.

Yan Shao, who recognized the reality, shut up honestly, and decided to be a quiet and airy handsome man.

Chief Yan was subdued by little Lolita, student Bian Yuan: "..." A cow is still a cow, and little Lolita is always a bully.

Grandpa Bian and the others were dumbfounded.

Student Le Xiao unceremoniously made Yan, who would destroy the atmosphere the most, so fierce that he didn't dare to jump. He took out the clay pot, went to fetch water, and set it on the stove to cook soup.

One stove and one earthenware pot, the pot in the lobby made medicinal soup, and the pot in the examination room made sterilized soup.

In order to prevent Yan from scaring people any more, Le classmate decisively asked him to guard the small furnace.

Young Master Yan worked honestly as a pyrotechnician.

Student Le first asked Bian Yuanbuyan to push Uncle Bu’s hair off. She carried the old lady into the examination room and shaved off her hair for acupuncture later. Then she helped the old lady take off her clothes and gave some needles. , and then go to give Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu an injection.

Uncle Bu was pushed bald, and Grandpa Bian entered the inpatient room reserved for men, ready to receive external moxibustion.

After Uncle Bu and Mrs. Baoyin finished acupuncture, they had to stay in the paradise for observation for a day or two. When the little girl was doing acupuncture, Le Shuhai and Bian Yuan Buyan couldn't help. The three of them went back to the hotel to check out and pick up their luggage.

No one was allowed to watch the little girl doing acupuncture. Le Yunduo, Bian's mother, Bian's father and aunt were waiting in the lobby, and also helped to take care of the stove.

Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu had the self-consciousness of patients, so they didn't need to try to persuade them. Le Yun was very happy, and gave Grandpa Bian three pills first, and then gave him an injection.

Afterwards, Uncle Bu was given pills and needles.

After the needle was inserted and the pulse warming mode was activated, Le Xiaoluoli closed the door and sent Young Master Yan to guard the door. She went to the examination room to perform surgery on the old lady.

Disinfection, surgery, excision of diseased keratinous tissue, removal of bone cancer cell lesions, removed diseased tissue thrown into the clay pot on the stove to kill the virus.

For Le Xiaoluoli, there is no need to open the abdominal cavity or craniotomy. The operation is very simple. From disinfection to suturing, applying medicine and bandaging, the whole operation takes half an hour.

After surgery, acupuncture.

Acupuncture has two steps, one step is to clear the fluid in the lungs, and the second step is whole body acupuncture.

Whole body acupuncture is to restore the lungs and heal the wound on the head quickly, and it is also to treat the old lady's big and small problems.

Le used Jiuyang Fiery Acupuncture Array to clean up the fluid accumulation in the lungs of the elderly, and then fed pills to warm the pulse first, and then went to do acupuncture for Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu.

Grandpa Bian's acupuncture time was short, and one session of Jiuyang Fiery Acupuncture was enough, including curing all kinds of rheumatism and joint pain for him by the way.

However, Le Yun did not pull out the needle, and gave Grandpa Bian a nutritional pill, and continued to warm his pulse, allowing the acupuncture to make the medicine be absorbed quickly. The old man had severe rheumatism before returning home.

Uncle Bu's tumor was cured with thirteen ghost needles, and then he was given acupuncture once with Jiuyang Fiery Needle, and then he was also given nutrition pills to receive warming and recuperation.

Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu don’t need to worry about that. Classmate Le Xiao devoted himself to doing acupuncture for the old lady, using Dayan Taiyang Needle to give acupuncture once on the chest, back and back of the old lady.

Pulled out the needle, wrapped the old lady in a water-proof cushion, carried her to the living room, re-inserted the needle, warmed the pulse, and then invited Le Yunduo in to give the old lady a blood transfusion.

The old lady had done acupuncture three times, and while clearing up the big and small problems, it also burned part of the blood, and needed to replenish hundreds of milliliters of blood.

Le Yunduo's blood type matches the old lady's, so she can be transfused.

Student Le drew blood from Le Yunduo's arm, and the blood passed through the conversion device and was sent to the old lady from the other end.

Little Loli gave the old lady Baoyin a blood transfusion, then went to pull out the needle for Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu, and then gave them a pill, and tapped their acupoints, putting them into a deep sleep.

Afterwards, the horny tissue excised from the old lady's head was boiled and sterilized in the medicine soup, and thrown into the stove with some medicinal materials for burning.

Then put away the old lady's shaved hair and handed it to Le Yunduo.

After finishing that step, the acupuncture and moxibustion treatment for three patients ended. It was almost 06:30 in the evening, and the meal time of the paradise was also passed.

Little Lolita will not go back to the Paradise for dinner for the time being, and is waiting for her classmate who is going to check out in the clinic building.

The old lady had a blood transfusion for half an hour before Le Shuhai and Bian Yuan Buyan hurried back with their luggage. At night, they stayed in the inpatient room of the clinic to accompany them. They did not go to the hotel or the guest hospital of Paradise. .

Classmate Bian came back, Brother Fu and his buddies delivered meals to the clinic building.

Classmate Le drove Yan back to the Paradise for dinner, and she stayed in the clinic building to have dinner with Classmate Bian, her father and mother, and Le's aunt and nephew.

During the meal, Le Yunduo first asked Le Yunduo to suspend the blood transfusion, and then continued after eating.

The speed of the blood transfusion was very slow. After the meal, another hour of blood was transfused before Le Xiao stopped. Although the blood transfusion took a long time, Le Yunduo only transfused a total of [-] milliliters of blood.

After unplugging the blood transfusion device, Classmate Le packed up the medicinal tools, and then mixed the medicine that had been boiled twice, and asked Le Yunduo to drink it.

Le Yunduo didn't have any doubts, and drank two large bowls of medicinal soup that was said to be a blood tonic.

Le explained some precautions and returned to the paradise with the medicine box.

Classmate Bian Yuan and Le Shuhai sent little Lolita to the back gate of the paradise, and they didn't return to the clinic building until little Lolita went in and brother Jie closed the gate.

The old man just fell asleep, and there is no need for drips, and there is no need to stare at him at night, and the family members can go to sleep directly.

Mother Bian and Aunt Le Yunduobu lived in the same room as the old lady Baoyin, while Le Shuhai lived with Uncle Bian Yuanbu and others. Men and women lived separately to avoid embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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