magic eye doctor

Chapter 2466

Chapter 2466

Le Yun returned to the east courtyard from the clinic building, washed up, dried the changed clothes under the eaves of the lavender room, and went into the kitchen with wet hair, prepared two medicines, and boiled them in clay pots .

She waited in the kitchen to cook medicine, no one else was around, she no longer had to suppress her emotions, her heart was overwhelmed, and she could no longer be at peace.

The three Le family members in the clinic building, like her, have the blood of the Le family members on their bodies!

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai are more distantly related to her blood, but the old lady Baoyin is like her, with half of the blood of the Le family!

In terms of seniority, Mrs. Baoyin is her aunt!Still grandma.

If Le’s parents are all present, she should have two aunts, one is the daughter born to her great-grandfather who married a wife in Plum Village, and the other is the daughter born to her first wife in her hometown before she lived in Plum Village. .

Grandpa's eldest daughter was also accidentally lost when she was less than seven years old.

The old lady Baoyin is the eldest daughter lost by my great-grandpa, and she is her great-grandmother!

Grandpa used to run around looking for his lost eldest daughter. At that time, in troubled times, he himself almost died on the way to find her daughter. He was rescued by members of the party organization that was established not long ago.

Great-grandfather has experienced the pain of wars and turmoil, suffered from ups and downs, and seen the ugly faces of traitors and traitors, so he especially respects the People's Liberation Army, which regards death as life for the sake of people's democracy and national sovereignty. The family tradition is passed on to the younger generations.

In troubled times, human life is worthless, let alone a child. After the great-grandfather wandered to Plum Village, he had no hope for the eldest daughter's survival, but he never forgot the lost eldest daughter in his heart.

The suicide note left by the grandfather also mentioned the two daughters who suffered accidents when they were young. He asked the younger generations that if the eldest daughter and the second daughter survived by luck, and there are descendants left behind, if they can meet the descendants of the Le family one day, let the Le family Children and grandchildren try to take care of one or two when they are able to take care of them.

The great grandfather didn't know the death of the eldest daughter and the second daughter during his lifetime, and he couldn't find any news about the elder sister and second sister when the grandfather was alive.

When she came back from Dongchen Continent, when she was looking for her aunt, she also made a divination for her two aunts and the second aunt.

Death, it may be that he died shortly after an accident in childhood, or it may be that the person who was asked by the querent died when he asked the hexagram.

My aunt had been murdered when she was young, and the hexagrams of the second aunt's grandmother were the same as those of the aunt's. Le Yun guessed that the second grandmother might have drowned after falling into the water.

The three hexagrams were calculated by relatives, but the one hexagrams of the aunt and grandma showed that there is still a glimmer of life.

The glimmer of hope, after all, refers to the fact that the great aunt did not die back then, and after she married and had a child, it still refers to the fact that she is still alive, and the fortune-teller Le Yun did not figure it out.

She looked at her father's anger, showing that she still has relatives and elders.

However, relatives and elders do not necessarily refer to great aunts and grandparents, because the great grandfather changed the surname of Yue to Le, and the family with the original Yue surname and the grandfather or father’s cousins ​​are actually considered as the elders of the father’s blood relatives.

And Le Yun just happened to know that my great-grandfather had cousins ​​and brothers. My great-grandfather had two older brothers. The second brother passed through the room and adopted my great-grandfather's father's younger brother as his son. The eldest brother died of illness when he was almost an adult.

The great grandfather and the elder brothers are brothers of the same mother. Even if the second elder brother lives in the house, he is still the elder brother of the great grandfather.

Speaking of it, the uncle and his son, who have not been married to her father for five times, can naturally be regarded as her father's blood relatives.

Because of this, even if Le Yun sees that her father has blood relatives, she still cannot be sure whether the relatives refer to her aunt or grandma.

As for using hexagrams to test the direction of blood relatives, she has also tried it, and the hexagrams point to the north.

Grandfather and Le Shiyun of H Nan Province have the same surname Le, and H Nan Province is north of E Bei Province, so when the hexagram points to the north, Le Yun directly ruled out the possibility of the great aunt and grandma, thinking that Dad The blood relatives refer to the brothers of the same generation as the great-grandfather or the nephews of the great-grandfather.

Who would have thought that the possibility she ruled out would actually be what the hexagram was referring to?
Student Bian Yuan is from M province, and M province is also in the north of E North, which can only be called a coincidence.

The glimmer of life shown by the hexagram calculated by Le Yun may refer to the younger generation of the great aunt. Even if she wanted to find it, she didn't know where to find it.

If you want to go for a blood test, store it in the national blood data record database, and then look for it based on your genes, then it will be easy to match up with the gene of H Nan Le's surname, and thus have a relationship with the H Nan Province Le family .

The loss of the great aunt is still a secret that cannot be clearly stated, and the whereabouts of the ancestral items of the Le family are also unknown. She cannot announce the origin of the great grandfather openly for the time being, so it is naturally inconvenient to search for the great aunt and her descendants with great fanfare.

For various reasons, Le Yun temporarily gave up on finding the whereabouts of her great aunt, and wanted to find out the Le family's ancestral belongings and the hidden behind-the-scenes hands in the future. Announce the news that my great-grandfather has an eldest daughter.

Now, the great aunt who had never even seen her grandfather appeared suddenly, and came to her in such a sudden way.

The relatives who are suddenly connected by blood are the aunts who thought they might be gone. Le Yun is pleasantly surprised that the aunts are still alive, which is great!
It would be better than anything else if I could recognize my aunt during her lifetime.

However, if they recognize each other, can she protect her aunt?
If the loss of the great aunt is related to the ancestral belongings of the Le family, the people who kidnapped the great aunt and the people behind the scenes who targeted the Le family will know that she has found her relatives, and if they can't do anything to her and her family, will they? Would he secretly poison his aunt and her children and grandchildren?
The great aunt's house is in the northeast of M province, and there is no monk family in the surrounding area who is friendly with her, so she is beyond her reach.

Even if there is a familiar monk family or sect, or a casual cultivator she has acquainted with in that area, she still has a way to make a deal with the monk or sect, asking them to help protect the eldest aunt's family.

Le Yun sat in the kitchen stove, dazed in a daze, until she heard the loud gurgling noise of the medicine soup. She stared at the fire for a long while, then walked out of the kitchen, and stood under the eaves to meditate.

The lights in the long corridor of the second entrance courtyard were not turned on, only the upper hall, Jiude hall, and kitchen were illuminated, and those lights were extremely warm at night.

Le Yun stood in the colonnade for a while, tied up her hair, went to Jiude Hall, saw her younger brother and Luke doing homework on the square bed, and talked to Mr. Li who was reading a book: "Senior Brother Li, I have something to go out , I would like to ask you to take care of the medicinal soup that is boiling in the kitchen."

"No problem, I don't need to worry about these two children, I will go to the kitchen and watch over them." Li Zhao readily agreed, and ran to the kitchen with his books.

The little brother didn't ask my sister what she was doing, and Le Shan didn't ask either. She looked at her and bowed her head to do her homework.

Luke took advantage of not asking what shouldn't be asked, and quietly copied the book.

Le Yun went to the bedroom to get a small backpack and car keys, then went to the kitchen, explained some precautions for making medicinal soup, and then gave Mr. Li the two kinds of medicinal materials that need to be added later.

Li Zhao took the tabletop of the medicine kitchen, and found a pen and paper to write a note.

With Mr. Li helping to take care of the fire, Le Xiao felt relieved, and went out of the east courtyard, opened the garage door to the inverted room in the outer courtyard, and drove out in a Hummer.

Brother Fu, Brother Chai, Brother Jie, and Brother Qian were doing their homework with the children. When they heard the sound, they ran outside and saw that it was Little Lolita driving as if she was about to go out. While helping to open the door, he asked the little girl where she was going in surprise.

"I'm going out for a while, and I'll come back when I'm done. You don't need to lock the door, you can just keep it ajar." Le Yun didn't say where she was going or what she was going to do, and only asked the handsome guys to help keep the door open.

The little girl didn't say where she was going, and she didn't call their captain, and the brothers Fu didn't suggest that the little girl ask him to take their captain Yan as a bodyguard, so they could only watch her drive out.

Young Master Yan naturally couldn't guess that little Lolita would go out at night. He finished his work during the day and had nothing to do at night. He lay down to practice early and was running the Great Weekly, so he didn't know that little Lolita was going out.

Le Xiao drove the car out of Menqian Street and entered another main road. Due to the large number of vehicles, she sometimes had to slow down. She called Xuan Shao while waiting, and said that she had something to look for and was going to Xuan's house. On the way to another hospital.

Sanweixuan hadn't closed yet, but Young Master Xuan had finished work. He received a call from the little beauty and rushed back to the tea house to wait.

He was in a particularly good mood, and he prepared tea and snacks for several personal guards and the guard who was a doctor of tea in the teahouse, and directed people around.

Xuan Yi and the others were extremely speechless, it was not the first time for the little girl to look for the young master, what is the reason for the young master's bloody appearance today?
They couldn't ask, so they had to follow the excited young master to toss, and assigned a man to wait at the side door.

Le, who drove by himself, fought with countless vehicles for a long time. It took a lot of effort to "climb" to the tea street, near the Sihai Tea House, stop when he saw a parking space, and walk by himself.

When I arrived at the side door of Xuanjia Tea House, I saw a young man waiting for me, and expressed my apology: "Handsome Xuanjiu, I'm sorry, I came here late at night and disturbed you."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, little girl, please don't meet us, the Xuan family welcomes the little girl to drop by at any time." Xuan Jiu invited the little girl in, closed the side door, and led the little girl to the inner courtyard.

The lights in the corridors of the inner courtyard of the Xuanjia Teahouse were all on, and the door to the middle hall of the East Wing was open.

Xuan Jiu led the little girl to the main hall of the east chamber where guests were treated.

"Little beauty, you haven't been a guest in the teahouse for a long time. You are so upbeat today. The sun will definitely come out tomorrow morning." Xuan Shao saw the elegant little loli in ancient clothes with a beautiful smile.

"I came to your house basically to trouble you with something." Le Yun entered the room with a smile, and took out a jar of chicken feet with pickled peppers and gave it to Xuan Jiu who was nearest.

Xuan Jiu hugged the jar, so happy that he walked with wind.

The youths of the Xuan family cheerfully greeted the little girl and went to sit at the head, make tea, hand out snacks, or go to get a plate and open an altar for chicken feet.

They are all very familiar people, and Young Master Xuan didn't talk nonsense. When the chicken feet come, we will eat the special snacks first.

(End of this chapter)

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