magic eye doctor

Chapter 2467 Search

Chapter 2467 Search
The youth of the Xuan family can eat spicy food very well. He even chewed the wild pepper and chicken feet together.

After eating a snack with special flavors, everyone felt happier.

After nibbling a plate of chicken feet with Le's exclusive secret recipe, and getting addicted, Xuan Shao asked about the matter: "Little beauty, there is nothing polite between us, just tell me if you have anything to say."

"The Xuan family has a wide intelligence network. I would like to ask if your family knows any monk families or hermits in the Wula grassland in M ​​province, that is, the three cities of Ximeng, Tongshi, and Xingmeng in M ​​province, which are closest to the Wula grassland. ?”

Le Yun didn't bend the corner, and went straight to the point.

"Hey, you are looking for monks or families in the grasslands of Province M. As far as I know, there are quite a few monks living in the Xing'an Mountains. It is hard to say which monks are in the area you have delineated. I will check to see if I know any of them. Yes." Xuan Shao immediately called: "Little ones, quickly get a map and a notebook for my lord!"

The young and handsome young guys of the Xuan family: "..." Hey young master, are you able to eat chicken feet with pickled peppers?

There are countless thoughts in my heart, but I was quite cooperative, and my mouth responded: "Hey, the younger ones will go!"

At that moment, a handsome guy ran to the young master's bedroom to get a computer and a map.

Le Yun was amused, and laughed tremblingly: "Xuan Shao, you are so handsome, if you lack the spirit of a gangster, you may not be able to control the situation when you are a king of the mountain, and if you meet a heroine, you may be caught instead." Take it back to be the husband of Yazhai."

"How is it possible? This young master needs aura and aura. If he occupies the mountain as king, he will definitely be shocked, and the bandits around him will bow down."

"I think it's faster for you to roar like a tiger at the monks' gathering, so that the heroes of the world will accept their heads and pay homage."

"Don't, there are many talents in the world, and the one who can make the monks in the world come and worship must be a figure at the level of the leader of the martial arts. That is hundreds of times more difficult than being a mountain king. I would rather be a mountain king."

"An ancient martial artist who doesn't want to be the leader of the martial arts is not a good monk."

"I don't have such a big ideal. I just want to stay in the kitchen and be a chef. When I can make such delicious chicken feet with pickled peppers, it is equivalent to reaching the peak of a chef."

Xuan Shao's dream is to become a chef, Le Yun purses her lips and smiles, her dream is to stand at the top of the medical field and revive the prestige of Chinese medicine in China.

The handsome guys from the Xuan family were not slow, and quickly went to the upper room to fetch a box and a laptop, moved the small kang table in front of the young master and the little girl inside, put another small kang table, and put the map and Notepads and computers are placed on the kang table.

Xuan Shao opened the map of Province M, and then opened his laptop to find out who the monks were in Province M.

Xuan Yi took the notebook of Zhi Ji, and helped find the list of monks with his brothers.

After searching for a while, Young Master Xuan frowned: "There are quite a few ancient cultivators who cultivated in seclusion in the Xing'an Mountains, but they are far away from the area you mentioned. Most of those monks live at the foot of the Xing'an Mountains, especially in the three provinces outside the pass. mostly.

I did not find any records of the monks and families who lived in the grasslands. Of course, my family knew very little. Many monks often changed places, and my family did not record their exact addresses. "

"There are no monks or families from the Xuan family or the Ji Jiahua family that you know, is that right?"

"As far as I know, the monks that my family is familiar with and have a close relationship with are generally located in the central or western part of the south. The Ji family and Zhou Jiahua's family are probably similar. I asked Jiang Shao. Jiang Shao's family is on the border with M province. His family may be familiar with those in M ​​province. Monk."

Little Lolita suddenly paid attention to the monks in the northeast region of Province M. Xuan Shao guessed that there must be something important, so he immediately asked the family youth to call home and Jijiahua's Zhou family to ask about the situation. Call Young Master Jiang personally.

A few handsome guys from the Xuan family went to the courtyard or the corridor, and called several young masters who were very familiar with their own young masters, and even called Chen Shaozhu, Lu Shaoxin, and asked about it.

Ji Shao, Chen Shaozhu and the others were quite puzzled when they received the call. They didn't know what Xuan Shao suddenly asked who knew the monks who practiced in the grasslands in the northeast of Province M. After learning that it was Miss Le who asked about it, they became more interested. , Hurry up and ask the elders of your family.

Jiang Shao, who was harassed by Xuan Shao, looked for people he knew, who had not lived in the northeast of M province, and asked the elders and brothers in the family.

The young masters or prospective young masters of the ancient cultivators who received calls from the handsome young men of the Xuan family went to disturb the elders of the family again, which made the members of the major monks' families feel uneasy.

The handsome youths of the Xuan family waited for a reply, and then reported back to the young master and the little girl.

Most of the people who knew or had friendship with the ancient cultivators were mostly in the central, southern and western regions. Little was known about the monks who had practiced in the Xing'an Mountains and the three provinces outside the pass.

Sanxiu Lu's family has a little friendship with a monk who practiced in the Xing'an Mountains. The monk lives in the Hulun Grassland in Province M, and is near the junction of Hulun, Province H and neighboring country E. very far away.

Young Master Xuan listened to the reports of the family youths, thought for a while, and called Helian Qinghui of Helian's family in Beijing.

Helian's family also lives outside the pass, so they should know many monks in the Xing'an Mountains.

Not to mention, Young Master Xuan really found the right person. Helian Qinghui knew a few people, called back to ask the elders in the family, added a few more, and then screened out those who were far away. two people.

A nicknamed "Fire Dragon Whip", named Hu Shan, who is good at wielding the nine-section whip, lives in Xingmeng, Province M, on the side of Xingmeng facing Province J, and is far away from the Wula Grassland.

The other name is "Autumn Wind Sword", surnamed Shang, Shang Chaofeng, who lives in Chi City, M Province, not far from the junction of Chi City, Tong City, and Ximeng, and is the closest monk to the Ula Grassland.

Shang Chaofeng's ancestors once joined the Huashan School, and another ancestor of his ancestors once married a disciple of Diancang, and passed down his sword skills to the family. He was also good at swords.

Helian Qinghui made a list of the monks he knew, took photos, and sent them to Xuan Shao.

Xuan Shao received feedback from Helian's family, and gave a copy to the guards, asking them to put the names into seats, and compared them with the monk's record book, he and little Lolita gathered together to study the roster.

"This monk named Hu Shan, I have the impression that he has a Chinese face and a strong body. I remember that he went to the paradise with others. I remember a group of six people. One of them was related to the Nalan family. He You should have friendship with Lan."

Ah Fu, the facial recognition machine, looked at the list and recognized one of them: "Little beauty, master, this Ding Lin has also been to the paradise, and I have spoken to him. I heard other people call him 'Drilling Mountain Mouse'. "

"Oh, the monk nicknamed Diamond Mountain Mouse, I also have the impression that he is tall and thin, looks like an elderly man in his sixties, with pigeon eyes and a beard."

Ah Fu mentioned someone's nickname on the face-scanning machine, and Le Yun seated the person again. She was in Huixian Hall that day, but her ears were in the garden, and she collected a lot of information from the monks' conversations she heard.

The little girl had a strong memory, and Xuan Yi and the others were overwhelmed with admiration. Facing the list, they searched the record book, looking for those who were recorded in the record, and added those who did not.

Le Yun and Xuan Shao did some research and confirmed that "Autumn Wind Sword" had never been to the paradise, unless he used another name. She has a good memory and has memorized people's names, which are not included in the roster registered in the paradise or in the previous invitations. The character Shang Chaofeng.

"I don't know if this person is still alive?" Xuan Shao came up with an idea, "Autumn Wind Sword" didn't go to the paradise, and he didn't send a post to the little beauty. Could it be that he passed away?
"It's also possible that it's a retreat." Le Yun continued.

The handsome guys of the Xuan family also felt that it was reasonable, if they went to retreat in the deep mountains and old forests, they would naturally not know the news of the little girl's birth.

Xuan Shao thought for a while, then called Helian Qinghui again, asking about the latest situation of "Autumn Wind Sword".

The Helian family didn't know much about Shang Chaofeng's current situation, they only knew that the elders of the Helian family had met with monk Shang 12 years ago, but they hadn't seen each other in recent years.

Twelve years ago, Brother Shang was almost seventy years old. If he is still alive, he should be in his 12s.

He Lian Qinghui chatted with Xuan Shao for a while, his family will continue to inquire about the news of monk Shang, and will also pay attention to whether there are other monks in the Wula grassland area, and contact them when there is news.

When Young Master Xuan was in contact with Helian's family, Jiangnan Chen's family also responded. The Chen family once had an acquaintance in M ​​province, but that person was in the west of M.

After a lot of tossing, although I didn't find the satisfactory answer that little Lolita wanted, at least I got a lot of gains. At least I got to know the information of several monks practicing in Xing'an Mountains.

Major Xuan filled in the information of some monks, threw the computer aside, and a cat named Curious jumped out of his heart, asking: "Little beauty, why did you suddenly think of looking for this monk near the grassland?"

The cooperation with the Xuan family has been so deep that it is hard to tell, Le Yun did not hide it: "I have news about my aunt, she is in the Wula Grassland."

"Your aunt? The one who died suspected of drowning. She survived, was rescued, and then went to M province?"

Xuan Shao almost jumped up, oh my god, isn't this amazing?

Lejia is in Jiudao in North E, and the aunt of Lejia who was suspected of falling into the water was rescued, and finally went to the Wula Grassland in M ​​Province, which is unbelievable.

"It's not the aunt who is suspected of drowning, it's... the eldest daughter of my great-grandfather who was born with his first wife in his original hometown before he arrived in Plum Village."

Le Yun told the inside story frankly: "My great-grandfather had three wives in his life, the first wife gave birth to a daughter who died of dystocia, and the second wife had no children, and the third wife he married when he was in Plum Village was my great-grandmother.

Before I was 16, I really didn't know where my great-grandfather came from. After I was 16, I officially inherited the genealogy and some inheritance letters left by my great-grandfather, and only then did I know the origin of my great-grandfather.

My great-grandfather was originally from the bank of Taihu Lake, Xishi City, Jiangnan, and his ancestral home was Nanshi, South Province. Recognized with the same family, and later the whole family moved to Xishi, and settled down near the residence of the Le family in Xishi. "

(End of this chapter)

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