magic eye doctor

Chapter 2468

Chapter 2468
The little girl was talking about the origin of the old man Lejia, and all the youths of the Xuanjia listened carefully.

Xuan Shao listened to Xiao Luoli's explanation, and understood the reason why the old man Lejia settled in Meicun, and suddenly realized: "I remember you said that your family has the same origin as Mrs. Xishizhen's Le family. Your old man and Mrs. Zhen's husband are brothers of the same clan, but there is no brotherhood, only enmity."

"Yeah." Le Yun nodded. Last time she asked the Xuan Family to keep an eye on Han Nanle's house, she said something about it, but she didn't go into too much detail.

Xuan Shao's eyeballs rolled, and he was not afraid of being killed by a curious cat, so he asked the question in his heart: "How much enmity does your great-grandfather have with Mrs. Zhen of the Le family in Xishi, Jiangnan?"

"Madam Zhen you mentioned, her man's name is Le Shuisheng, and my great-grandfather's real name is also Le Shuisheng."

Little Lolita spoke easily, and Xuan Shao straightened his waist, full of astonishment: "You said, Mrs. Zhen is... your great-grandfather's wife?!"

This melon is too big, it will overwhelm you!

Xuanjia youths said that they don't want to be people who eat melons anymore.

"It used to be, she was my great-grandfather's second wife."

"No, I remember that Mrs. Zhen's husband died only thirty years ago, and your great-grandfather went to live in Plum Village seven or eighty years ago."

"It's very simple, because the husband of Mrs. Zhen's death was actually a counterfeit. The second elder brother, who was originally a compatriot of my great-grandfather's mother, was adopted by my uncle.

Later, that person might as well hold a grudge. When Mrs. Zhen married the Le family, the two conspired together to seize the family wealth. They secretly bought and hired gangsters to kill my great-grandfather. After my great-grandfather disappeared, that person pretended to be my great-grandfather , the adulterer committed suicide, cheated the world, and became a loving couple.

Although my great-grandpa escaped, he was discouraged and left his hometown and wandered around.

My great-grandfather chose to change his surname. Since he was happy with his surname, I don't want to be involved with those people anymore, so I don't want to reveal my great-grandfather's life experience to others. "

Le Yun mentioned that even her great-grandfather and brothers are also enemies, and there is no disturbance in her heart. Sooner or later, she will settle the grievances of her seniors, so there is no need to be angry.

Venting anger is a sign of incompetence.

The grandfather almost died at the hands of his brother, and he felt grief and indignation, but it wasn't because he was incapable of revenge with his own hands, but because he didn't want to slaughter his brothers with his own hands, which cut off the blood of his father's descendants and chose to leave his hometown.

Grandpa didn't take revenge with his own hands, and Le Yun would not do such a thing as destroying the whole family of the same family, but there are some accounts that must be settled.

The youths of the Xuan family didn't know what to say, they accidentally ate a shocking melon.

It is a happy thing to eat melons, but this melon belongs to a little loli, so it is not very tasty.

The handsome guys said they would rather not eat this big melon.

"Well, my God, so this is the truth! Mrs. Zhen, who was regarded as a strong woman, turned out to be a femme fatale." Xuan Shao understood the reason why the old lady of the Le family kept his anonymity, and knew Mrs. Zhen's true face. , and asked: "Then the reason why your great aunt was lost is not an accident, is it possible that they sold it?"

"My great aunt was sold by those two people. They secretly sold her while my great-grandfather was not at home, and then told my great-grandfather that she might have been abducted by Huazi."

Le Yun told the truth: "My great-grandfather didn't know it at first, but he didn't realize it until he survived the catastrophe, went back to his hometown secretly, and found his wife was with his second brother.

After all, although my great-grandfather and his elder brother look similar, there are still obvious differences, and my family can tell it at a glance.

It's a pity that my great-grandfather was completely hopeless at the time, and he still had a soft heart for his relatives. He never thought about killing those two people. If he had eliminated the harm earlier, he would have saved a lot of trouble now.

At least, my great-grandpa can get back some of the prescriptions that the woman took away from him. Those prescriptions, no matter whether they have medical basis or not, as long as they are formulated in strict proportion.

The woman has my family's ancestral prescription in her hand, and carefully adjusted her body, so she can easily live to be more than 100 years old and still be full of energy. "

"I understand, so, you said that you don't know the origin of your great-grandfather, but you don't want to let that person guess your great-grandfather's identity from the clues. They know that your great-grandfather has a queen, and they may take revenge for you. Be strong."

Xuan Shao is not stupid, so he naturally understood the twists and turns and said: "You haven't mentioned your aunt and grandma, and you were worried about it, and if that person knew about it, you also searched for it secretly, so that you can do it before you find someone.

Now that you have clues from your elders, you search the monks around the grassland to prevent someone from buying people nearby and secretly attacking your aunt and junior. "

"Almost all right, my great-grandfather suspects that in order to prevent my great-great-grandfather from being held accountable if the conspiracy to seek wealth and death is revealed, they hid my great-aunt and grandmother on the territory of the Le family in Xinan, or sent I went back to Hannan and used it as a weapon to blackmail my great-grandpa.

Later, my great-grandfather also secretly visited his hometown for a long time, and even went to the vicinity of H Nanle to inquire about the news.

I am also afraid that those people will hold my aunt and grandma in their hands, brainwash my aunt and her children, and turn them into pawns for them. If I search openly and use the current technology to test DNA and find someone, they In order to cover up the truth, they would kill people in advance, or take hostages to threaten me. "

"Little beauty, you think very broadly. You care so much about your loved ones, and you want to be thoughtful and thorough, but it's easy to be tied up and difficult to use your fists."

"My great-grandfather has few heirs, and every bit of blood is precious. In order to find relatives with blood, I dare not be careless."

"Now that you have found clues about your relatives, you have to meet them sooner or later. The old man is in M ​​province. If she doesn't want to leave, to be honest, the safety of your aunt and her family is beyond your reach."

"Well, that's why I wanted to find out if there is a monk you are familiar with near the grassland. If there is, I will discuss with him and cooperate. I will help him or one or two people in the family build a foundation, or use Biyun Pill as a reward." , Ask him to secretly protect my great aunt's family.

It's a pity that there are no monks you know near the grassland, only 'Autumn Wind Sword' is barely a candidate. "

Little Lolita was regretting that she couldn't find a suitable person to protect her relatives, and Xuan Shao's eyes brightened: "Oh, little beauty, how could there be no one? Could it be that you think the family in front of you is unreliable?"

Le Yun wanted to cover her eyes: "Xuan Shao, the elders of your family not only want to be in charge of the family, but also keep an eye on those hidden ghosts and horse gods in the monk world. A person has been assigned to help me keep an eye on Nana Han." Do you think it's appropriate to assign people to the side?"

"Why isn't it suitable?" Xuan Shao said convincingly: "Didn't you say that you will help one or two elders of my family who are about to die to go further. As long as one elder in my family successfully builds a foundation, it is enough to guard the family. It doesn't matter if you assign a few out.

Even if my family can't divide the staff, isn't there the Ji family, and the Zhou family?The Hua family already has an elder in your house, so you can’t hire Hua’s bodyguards again, the Ji’s and Zhou’s are completely fine.

No matter how bad it is, there are Si family, Jiang family, Jiangnan Chen family, Lu family, any of these families will not endanger the family if they send one or two people out.

Little beauty, you don't look for such a good candidate like us, and you look far away. I almost wonder if it's because I love snacks and occasionally get a second shot. You think my family is unreliable. "

Le Yun rolled her eyes wildly: "Even if I think you are unreliable one day, it is impossible to think that your family is unreliable. I am not planning to invite you, because the grassland is over there, and your families may not be able to do it when they are old. Get used to grassland life;

The second reason is that if you monk families take action and suddenly set foot on the grassland, if those guys lurking in the ancient repair world think too much, they may lurk deeper. One day is passive.

If there are monks living in the grasslands, their living habits and language are interlinked, which is naturally more convenient. "

"Oh, that's it, I'm relieved now." Shao Xuan patted his chest, his face full of sunshine: "Little beauty, you are worried that my family or Ji's family may be watched by secret people, you can go to the Lu family, Or Chen Shao's house in Jiangnan.

The Lu family is low-key and has never had any enemies. If one or two people go to the grassland, it will not affect the family. Chen Shao's family practices ancient martial arts, and their boxing skills are second to none among the ancient martial arts families. The wide grassland is also conducive to their fists. "

"My great-aunt's husband's family is Mongolian, and there are Ewenki, Oroqen and Manchu residents in the surrounding area. People in the Chen family of the Lu family may not understand Mongolian. The language barrier is too easy to cause misunderstandings. The best candidate is still Mongolian. It would be better if we can speak more than one minority language.”

Le Yun expressed her concerns and asked humbly, "Master Xuan, do you have friendship with the Helian family? How much do you know about the Helian family?"

"Little beauty wants to know about the Helian family?" Xuan Shao sat upright, and said matter-of-factly: "The Helian family is far outside the customs, and my family didn't know them very well before, that is, the previous generation and my generation had a little friendship. deepen.

From my personal feeling, the character of the head of the Helian family and a few up-and-coming stars is still good, and I personally think that the young masters of the Helian family are more pleasing to the eye than the young masters of the Lan family and the Fang family. "

Le Yun just looked at Young Master Xuan and smiled, no wonder she got along well with Young Master Xuan, as expected, even her intuition and feelings were similar, she herself was more comfortable with the Helian family than the Lan family and the Fang family, this is probably what the so-called hero sees same.

"The Helian family is also a minority ethnic group, and it is also adjacent to the province of M. Please ask Master Xuan to find out for me whether the Helian family understands Mongolian and Ewenki."

"Okay, I'll ask the Helian family tomorrow. If you're interested in the Helian family, I'll ask Helian Qinghui to drink tea, help me out a bit, and see how they react."

"This is fine. By the way, my great aunt is already at my place. She is still undergoing treatment because of a serious illness. When the treatment is over, I will have a frank talk with her old man.

If we meet each other, I will definitely go to Plum Village next April to pay homage to my great-grandfather. At that time, I will not be able to hide the truth. I will only say that my great-grandfather had a short-term marriage while wandering , had a daughter, who were separated due to military disasters. My great-grandfather searched for many years but failed, thinking that his wife and daughter were already dead. Later, he wandered to Plum Village before settling down. "

(End of this chapter)

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