magic eye doctor

Chapter 2469

Chapter 2469

Little Lolita explained the rhetoric that will be used to the outside world in the future, which is quite a way to communicate with Xuanjia, and the youth of Xuanjia have a bottom line in their hearts, so that they can distinguish the truth from the false one day when rumors are flying all over the sky.

Classmate Le told Xuan Shao about the bottom line, and stopped talking nonsense. After sitting for a while, he went to the upper room to get a lot of special crispers and put them in Xuan Shao, and then drove back to the paradise.

The little girl stored things and gave several boxes of ingredients to the Xuan family. The young master of the Xuan family generously carried a box of stewed duck feet, and had supper with the guards. He was in a good mood. He met a genius who was both good at cooking and medicine, and he couldn’t stop eating delicious food. , so cool!
Le Xiaoluoli left from Xuanjia Teahouse, the traffic was finally less crowded on the way home, and the speed was much faster, but it was already past midnight when I returned to the paradise.

Brother Fu didn't sleep, he guarded the door, and he didn't sleep peacefully until the little girl came back.

After parking the car in the garage, Le Yun went back to the kitchen of the East Yard. Mr. Li had already gone to rest, and the boiled medicinal soup was placed in a porcelain bowl and left to dry on the table.

She didn't move, she went into the kitchen, took the alchemy furnace to light a fire, and put some ointments and soups that had been boiled to semi-finished products into the alchemy cauldron to brew new medicine.

Busy until dawn, Le Xiao made a new batch of medicine balls, and made fish head soup from the medicine soup that was cleaned in the alchemy furnace, and poured the medicine soup boiled yesterday into the earthen pot to cook again.

Mr. Li got up on time as usual, and when he took his junior brother to the east courtyard and went into the kitchen to make breakfast, the little girl had already messed up the breakfast.

So, Mr. Li took over and just watched the fire. When the fire came, he removed the pot and steamer from the stove, packed a portion of food in a carrying box, packed the medicinal soup, and sent them to the back of the garden. clinic building.

Bian Yuan, Le Shuhai and the others had a good night's sleep. When they woke up, the three elders who were doing acupuncture yesterday were still awake, so everyone must not panic.

A few men and women had just cleaned themselves up and were discussing what to have for breakfast when Mr. Li delivered the meal.

Bian Yuan was also very moved, little Lolita was so busy, she even worried about their breakfast.

Mr. Li delivered the meal and medicinal soup to the hotel, and told Ms. Le Yunduo when to drink the medicine before returning to the paradise. When eating, he also told the little girl about the conditions of the guests in the clinic building.

Classmate Le Xiao did not go to the clinic building, and insisted on the previous teaching rules unshakably. He would teach his younger brother how to ride and shoot concealed weapons every day while riding a horse for a walk, and then taught swordsmanship.

Entrusted with the matter of loyalty, Xuan Shao rested for half the night, and called Helian Qinghui in the morning to invite him to drink tea.

He Lian Qinghui was quite surprised, although he couldn't figure out why, he didn't delay, and went to the Xuan family's "Guests from All over the World" to attend the appointment.

Xuan Shao received the young master of the Helian family in the inner courtyard. While drinking tea and chatting, he didn't shy away from it, and asked about the situation of "Autumn Wind Sword" monk Shang in an open and honest manner.

He Lian Qinghui guessed that Xuan Shao focused on inquiring about the monk Shang Chaofeng, guessed that it was related to what happened last night, and told all he knew.

An elder of Helian's family had some kind of friendship with monk Shang. They used to visit each other every one or two years, but since ten or so years ago, there has been less contact.

The reason is that the old monks and monks of the He family are getting old, and they can’t walk very much if they want to. No more time to visit friends.

The Helian family also knew what the focus of monk Shang was, so they didn't disturb him.

In recent years, the two families only exchanged letters to greet each other during New Year's festivals, and Helian's family naturally didn't know much about the current situation of Cultivator Shang.

Xuan Shao inquired about the situation of Cultivator Shang, and he didn't make any detours. He directly asked Helian's seniors if anyone knew Mongolian, Ewenki, Oroqen, Manchu and other languages.

Helian Qinghui stared in astonishment: "Hey, Young Master Xuan, have you been so busy lately that you don't even remember that my family is Mongolian?"

"?" Xuan Shao was dumbfounded: "No, I remember you are Manchu?"

"My mother is Manchu." Helian Qinghui looked helpless: "My Helian family is a traditional Mongolian, my mother is Manchu, my grandmother is Oroqen, and my ancestors are from Daur, Hezhen, Xibe The intermarriage of the Ewenki and others has become more widespread in my father's generation and my generation, including Hui, Han, Russian, etc."

"Your family can be said to be ethnically united, which is very good. You can speak multiple ethnic languages." Xuan Shao respected Helian's family. The customs of each ethnic group are different. Members of a large family come from several ethnic groups. Being able to get along well is a big question.

"Indeed, every generation of children in the past knew at least two national languages. In my generation, there are more, at least three. Those who are talented in languages ​​can speak five or six languages. Because the elders of the family come from different nationalities, Some children can understand a little even if they don't speak the national language of their elders' ethnic group."

He Lian Qinghui looked at Xuan Shao: "Why are you asking this? You don't know what you want to do outside the customs. You are afraid of the language barrier. Are you going to ask someone from my family to be an interpreter?"

"It's not that I'm looking for your family to be an interpreter, it's that the little beauty is looking for a monk who understands Mongolian and grassland ethnic languages."

Xuan Shao said to Helian Qinghui: "The opportunity for your family has come, it depends on whether you are willing or not."

"Young Master Xuan, does it mean that the little girl wants to ask her brother to have a tutor?" Helian Qinghui's heart beat faster suddenly, and his heart became excited.

"It's not about asking for advice, it's about hiring bodyguards, which will last longer." Xuan Shao didn't hide anything: "The little beauty has an elder who has been lost for many years and has been scattered in the grassland. She is worried about the safety of the elder's family and hopes to ask A monk guard who is familiar with the grassland and can adapt to life in the grassland.

Last night, the little beauty and I were looking for monks near the grassland. I thought your home was outside the pass, not far from the grassland, so I also asked you about the situation.

The relatives of the little beauty are Mongolians, and there are also Ewenki, Oroqen, Manchu Hui and other ethnic groups in the surrounding area, so it is necessary to find someone who understands the minority language.

She prefers the Helian family and the monk Qiufeng Jianshang. Because the little beauty has taken in a few patients and is busy, she entrusts me to ask if there is any elder in your family who understands multiple ethnic languages. I will invite you right away. You come for tea.

The person invited by the little beauty to be a bodyguard will probably live in the grassland for a long time. The time limit is currently uncertain, and it is uncertain whether it will be ten or eight years.

The bodyguards must also be risky. The little beauty said to use the longevity pill as a reward, or to use the elixir to help one or two monks in the family of monks who are receiving the bodyguards build a foundation or open up the second vein of Ren Du.

Your family's situation meets the requirements of the little beauty, and the choice is in your hands. You may wish to discuss with the elders in your family, and your elders will consider whether to accept this order. "

Helian Qinghui's heart was surging when he heard it, he suppressed his emotions, and seriously asked for proof: "Master Xuan, is this serious?"

"You're being a bit too careful. Who do you think would dare to use the little beauty's tiger skin as a banner? The little beauty even asked me to ask your family to help me find out about the specific situation of Cultivator Shang."

"I understand, I'll go back and contact the elders at home." Helian Qinghui saluted Xuan Shao: "No matter what, the Helian family thank you for your introduction!"

"Don't be so alien, you and my elder brother are acquaintances who don't know each other anyway, the little beauty and I look at you better than Lan Shao, and eye contact is quite important."

"If Young Master Lan heard your words, he might cry in the latrine." Helian Qinghui was stunned for a moment, and then almost laughed out loud.

"You can't blame me, who is called Lan Shao, he is not very lucky, he failed to make a good impression on the little beauty, it's strange, the boy surnamed Feng can only blame it, no wonder To me and the little beauty."

"It might be better if you don't say it. If you say that, Lan Shao might faint immediately if he finds out."

He Lian Qinghui felt that Fourth Young Master Lan really had a bit of a memory, you said, when he went to Sanweixuan with a young man named Feng, why did he meet Little Jiangnu?
It's okay to meet the little beauty and fail to recognize the little beauty at the first time, but Feng Mou Shao committed suicide and bullied the little beauty in Sanweixuan. hole.

Well, Young Master Xuan gave the Lan family face, and Young Master Feng also saved face. Unfortunately, the first impression he left on the little beauty was not a good one.

If Fourth Young Master Lan knew that because of a sympathy that day, he would lose the big because of a small one, he would probably be so angry that his blood would soar.

"It doesn't matter, his psychological endurance should be good, after all, he used to like Miss Tantai so much, and in the end Miss Tantai ended, he was not trapped by emotional pain, this little thing is a piece of cake for him. "

"Xuan Shao has a good opinion." He Lian Qinghui sympathized with Lan Si Shao for three seconds. Even if Lan Si Shao's liking for Tantai Mixue is not well known, it is because everyone sees it for the face of the Lan family.

"It is said that the Fang family seems to want to marry Emei's talented female genius Liu Ningshuang, who is also outside the pass. Your family's news should be more informed. How true is it?"

"I haven't heard of this, but I have heard some gossip. It is said that the seventh young master of the Yu family has also gone to Canada. I don't know if he is chasing the ninth lady of the Ji family."

"Oh, if this is true, there may be another piece of gossip."

"The little gossip about the Fang family, if true, might cause quite a stir."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and nodded.

Helian Qinghui still remembered the important matter of receiving the darts, said a few more words with Xuan Shao, and left.

Master Xuan sent Helian Qinghui away, and when he turned back, he called Shao Ji, telling him the gossip he heard from Helian.

Ji Shao looked confused: "My ninth sister returned to China in August and has been at home all the time. I guess it has nothing to do with my ninth sister."

"Oh, oh," Xuan Shao didn't ask Miss Ji Jiu whether she would return to China for a short stay, or whether she would not go abroad after returning to China, and ended the call happily after a few gossips.

Ji Shao heard the gossip from Xuan Shao, called his family, chatted with Jiu Jie, and asked Jiu Jie if he liked Yu Qi Shao.

Ji Jiufeng was asked inexplicably: "Who told you that I like Yu Qishao? Everyone has a love for beauty. He is good-looking and pleasing to the eye. Men love to see beautiful women. I am a beautiful woman. If you can't look at beautiful men, it has nothing to do with liking..."

Ji Bashao, who had question marks flashing through his mind, although he was at a loss as to whether Jiu Jie was telling the truth or lying, he called Jiu Jie on the phone and chatted with the elders in the clan.

(End of this chapter)

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