magic eye doctor

Chapter 247 Acupuncture

Chapter 247 Acupuncture

At the end of the autumn festival, the day is short and the night is long, and the night will eventually pass. When the long night passes, the time turns to the beginning of the new day.

Before the morning light on Monday, Liu Dashao, who had no dreams all night, woke up on time at five o'clock. He smirked in the dark air for a while, got up lightly, and went to Geng's kitchen to wash his face and make breakfast.

Over the years, he has frequented the Geng's house, and he almost has a special guest bedroom, the one in the left room, and the one in the outer room for Mrs. Geng.

Every time Liu Shao arrives at Geng's house, if he can stay for one night, he will definitely stay there. He lives in the guest bedroom, separated from his future daughter-in-law by a wall. When he calms down, he can still hear the deep breathing of the daughter-in-law after she falls asleep. Two sentences of babbling, is there a sense of happiness?
Liu Shao was obsessed with that beautiful feeling. Every time he stayed at Geng's house, he slept very soundly, and last night, he fell asleep gradually with the long breath of his sweetheart and the subtle movements of Yuer's tossing and turning, and he slept peacefully and steadily.

A good night's sleep, full of energy.

In order not to quarrel with his sweetheart and future mother-in-law, he would do everything on a sly, trying not to make any noise, more cautious than a thief.

Geng Jingxin didn't wake up until six o'clock. She hurriedly packed up and wanted to cook. She smelled the smell of oil smoke in the hall and heard a small noise. She was stunned before quickly entering the kitchen, opening the door, and seeing the kitchen table. A few side dishes were placed on the top, and Brother Liu was cooking next to the stove while wearing an apron.

"Brother Liu, why are you so embarrassed to ask you to make breakfast?" Geng Jingxin was a little embarrassed.

"Xin Xin, are you awake? Hurry up and wash up, you go to school early, I'm not in a hurry to go back to school, wait for Aunt Tian." Liu Xiangyang heard the door slam, turned around, and saw the refreshing sweetheart. Soaked in sugar water, sweet and sweet.

"Xiao Liu, I'm awake, you don't have to wait for me, I'll get up right away." Tian's mother lived in the bedroom behind the kitchen, listening to Xiao Liu and her girl talking, and responded proactively.

"Mom." Geng Jingxin was very concerned about whether her mother slept well yesterday, and because the door was bolted from the inside, she couldn't get in, so she hurriedly went to the tap outside the house to wash.

Mother Tian packed up, went from the door leading to the small room behind the hall to the hall, and then went to the door to comb her hair and pat her body clean.

Geng Jingxin filled the washbasin with hot water, mixed with cold water, and gave it to her mother to wash her face. Seeing that her mother looked good, she was a little excited: "Mom, did you sleep well last night?"

"I slept well last night." Tian's mother let out a satisfied laugh: "In the past, I had to toss and turn for three or two hours every day when I lay down, and I could not close my eyes until two or three o'clock. I drank the medicine last night and fell asleep within an hour of lying down. I didn't wake up in the middle of the night, I slept soundly."

"Mom, you should also remember to drink the medicine on time tonight. You have to reheat it and drink it again. You can't drink it cold." Geng Jing's heart beat faster and her breathing was short of excitement. It works as soon as you drink it, really cow!
"I know I know, Xinxin, you go to eat, eat and go back to school soon." Mother Tian urged the girl with a smile.

No matter how anxious Geng Jingxin is, she will not be in a hurry. She waits for her mother to brush her teeth and wash her face, and then go back to the kitchen together.

Liu Xiangyang prepared the food early, and the porridge was also kept cold. When the mother and daughter were busy, they served the heated steamed buns and dumplings, and began to eat breakfast.

Because of the improved sleep, Tian's mother was in good spirits. After eating breakfast, she did not let Xiaoliu stay to help her with the housework. She drove Xiaoliu and the girl away and let them go back to school.

Her mother's insomnia has improved, and her body is developing in a better direction. Geng Jing is very happy. She and Brother Liu happily leave home, rush to the bus station to take the bus, and then take the subway back to school.

Because Qingda and Minda are not in the same place, Liu Xiangyang accompanies Xin to take the subway for two stops. He gets off first, changes to the bus, and then transfers to the subway to return to Qingda.

The same brothers, Liu Shao went to the future mother-in-law's house to eat and walk with his sweetheart, full of happiness, while Yan Shao and his brother and brother knelt all night and reflected on the night.

Until dawn broke in the east, He Zirui got up and let the four children get up.

Kneeling all night, it was cold again at night, and after freezing all night, the four young people's legs and feet were so stiff that they didn't feel conscious. They didn't get up at that time. poses like a zombie.

Qian Yuying gets up at 05:30 in the morning to make breakfast, and eats on time at 06:30. When the meal is served, the four young people who thought about it last night have not yet fully recovered their limbs.

He Xiaoer, He Xiaosan, and Xiaoliu devoured it, but Yan was the only one who didn't move his chopsticks.

Everyone was eating breakfast, but Xiao Longbao was sitting upright and motionless. Qian Yuying asked strangely, "Xiao Longbao, why don't you eat it? Breakfast is not to your taste?"

Ancestor He glanced at Xiaozhong's grandson, first frowning slightly, then smiling meaningfully, without persuading him, and enjoying the good skills of his grandson's daughter-in-law beautifully.

"There's nothing unpalatable. Aunt Wu's breakfast is the best." Yan Xing gently blinked his dragon eyes, his long eyelashes were flashing, and with a beautiful and flawless face, the country was beautiful and the people were beautiful. Prettier than flowers.

"Then why don't you do it?" Qian Yuying became more and more strange, praising her for her good craftsmanship, but not eating. Isn't this a contradiction.

"I'll go back to school later, so I have to endure it."

?Before Qian Yuying could react, He Mingjun looked at everyone with a look of admiration: "Xiao Longbao, you will go to see the little doctor as soon as you return to Qingda University, right?"

"Third Brother, you mean that Brother Long Bao wants to come up with a trick?" He Mingxin also realized that he was dumbfounded in shock. Oh my god, Brother Long Bao really deserves to be a soldier. Take advantage of.

"Then, I won't eat either, I'll go with Brother Longbao." He reluctantly put down his chopsticks.

He Zirui and several elders gave He Xiaoliu a teachable look. It would be quite smart for Xiaoliu to put his troubled energy on the right path one day.

"No, Xiao Shiliu goes to school by himself." Yan Xing was not ready to take Xiao Shiliu with him.

"Why? I went with the second and third brothers, wouldn't the effect be better?"

A faint smile appeared between Yan Xing's brows and eyes: "Aren't Little Sixteen afraid of being poisoned?"

He Mingxin shrank his neck: "Brother Long Bao, will the little doctor really... poison me into a fool?"

"It's possible, so when the little doctor is still angry, you can't go. If I go, you will be beaten at most. You go, it's not good for the little doctor to poison you into a fool when he is angry."

"It's scary! I... I'd better go back to school and be a good student." He Mingxin was terrified, bowed his head in fear, and struggled with food.

The He family members ignored He Xiaoer's appearance, and dined peacefully. Afterwards, the He Qishu brothers went to work.

He Xiaoer and He Xiaosan could be lazy and rest, but He Xiaoliu could not stay at home. He dragged his limping legs back to school.

Yan Shao was not lazy and drove back to school by himself.

When Young Master Yan had just left school for less than an hour, the He family's nanny, Guo's mother, Zhou's sister-in-law, and special driver Gao Jiong, finally returned to the He family to work after a long vacation that lasted for nearly a month.

The three returned to the He family in the courtyard first, and they were stunned when they saw Old Ancestor He's red face.

Mrs. He Er had a chat with the three people who came back one after another, explaining the reason for letting them go home for vacation, so as not to make the nanny and driver misunderstand and hold grudges in their hearts and destroy the friendship for many years.

The nanny and the driver were also slightly injured, thinking that the He family didn't trust them when their ancestors were very ill. After chatting with Mrs. He Er, they were all grateful.

Ancestor He was seriously ill, and the He family invited a doctor to treat them. They were not allowed to stay at home. It was not for trust, but for their sake. If Ancestor He really got better, it would definitely cause an uproar, and many people would come to the He family to inquire. The doctor who has the skill of rejuvenation and can bring people back to life.

They are the nanny and driver of the He family. Others must think that they are also aware of it. It is possible to start with them. If some people are not satisfied, they may use their personal safety or family to blackmail them and put them in a dilemma. realm.

During the healing period of Ancestor He, they were not in the He family and did not participate in the rehabilitation process of the ancestors of the He family. Naturally, others could find out. It would be completely useless for anyone who wanted to hold them or their family members hostage, and naturally no one was willing to do useless work.

The He family let them take a holiday, which means they were taken out. They wanted to protect them and prevent them from taking risks.

Guo's mother, Zhou's sister-in-law and Gao's driver are impressed by the thoughtfulness and carefulness of the He family, and they also respect the old men and women even more.

By mid-October, Kyoto has entered the end of the golden travel period in autumn.

In the late autumn, smog and frost will come at any time, and the temperature will change at any time. It will be cold in the morning and evening, and the day will be good.

Yanxing drove through the streets and alleys, and also saw the autumn scenery. He went to the shopping mall near Qingda University to appreciate life. Finally, he returned to Qingda University Park. The surroundings were quiet, the high-rise buildings of the school. Bathed in the autumn sun, there is a beauty like a virgin.

Cheetah was driving on the flat school road, but his heart was not very calm. When he arrived at the quiet tower of the champion, he was even more uneasy.

Parking the car, carrying a bag in his arms, he gently climbed to the fourth floor, facing the door, Yan Xing hesitated for a long time, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

On an autumn morning, the sky outside the window is bright, and the inside is quiet. A little girl in sportswear sits on the floor, practicing a horse while holding a book while nibbling. The graceful posture makes the autumn wind that occasionally passes by the window unbearable. disturbed.

The knock on the door, one after another, shattered the tranquility.

Reading a book is like scanning, immersed in the rhythm of ecstasy, and for three or two seconds, I was at a loss, what was the sound just now?
She lowered her head and was about to continue reading the book, when there was a knock on the door again, she blinked, "Oh", it turned out that there was really a sound, she thought it was an illusion.

I have been practicing one word for a long time. I put down my book, stood up, walked to the door while rubbing my wrist, and opened the door at the door of the dormitory. Look, eh?
Le Yun's eyes widened, and she looked up and down at the person at the door. Yan was wearing a black suit, holding something in one hand, bending down slightly, rubbing his knees, and just as he looked up, his stomach made a "gurgling". "singing.

"Little Lolita—" Yan Xing rubbed his knees, raised his head when he heard the door slam, and just saw Little Lolita, whose face was sticking out, her stomach didn't cooperate, and she started making trouble too early. His ears were hot and his face was hot.

He called out Ai Ai regularly, and slowly stood up straight, but looked away embarrassedly, not daring to look at Little Loli's face.

Le Yun turned on the X-rays of her eyes and scanned a certain Yan. Her gaze stayed on his knees for more than ten seconds. She wanted to slam the door and ignore the guy. Seeing his cautious expression, she thought that he had lived under other people's calculations since he was a child. , couldn't help softening his heart, and took a step back: "If you can climb up to the fourth floor, your legs should not be broken, so you can climb in by yourself."

what? !

Yan Xing thought that Little Loli would come for a while of cynicism and then give him a meal with a gun and a stick, but he slammed the door and ignored it. As a result, it was not the wrath of thunder that was waiting, and unexpectedly, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded. .

Seeing that Little Loli turned around and the door was still open, he answered "hey", quickly holding the door frame, squeezed in the door, and closed the door tightly in order to prevent Little Loli from kicking herself out.

After successfully stepping into Little Loli's territory, he discovered that Little Loli was still wearing sportswear with short sleeves and shorts, her arms and legs were as white as snow lotus, her bare feet, and she walked lightly and silently.

Her sweatpants were very short, her legs were well-proportioned, long and white, and she was so exposed to the air that she felt cold as if unaware, and the skin on her hands and feet did not get goosebumps.

Seeing the ups and downs of those little feet, Yan Xing couldn't help holding his breath, and blurted out a sentence: "Little Lolita, the floor is cold, it's easy to get cold if you don't wear shoes and socks."

"If you want to live or die, you have the right to take care of other people's affairs. Climb to the floor and find a place to sit down and take off your pants." Le Yun turned around and went to the bedroom. She wanted to kill the man named Yan. .

Take off your pants? !Yan Xing was startled, and stuttered when he spoke, "Put off your pants?"

"I told you to strip off your trousers, but I didn't tell you to strip it all off. What a fuss." Le Yun choked back angrily, opened the bedroom door, went in, and closed the door again.

In her dormitory bedroom, she, the master, only has a bed during military training, and she sleeps in her own space for the rest of the time, so the bedroom is mostly free and serves as a shield.

Avoiding human eyes, he quickly took out the box containing the gold needles from the space, as well as a few small bottles, a holder for glass vials, and a few medical tools to prepare some ointments to be used.

After receiving another angry sentence from Little Loli, Yan Xing pursed her lips silently, moved one step at a time, and moved to a place not far from where Little Loli was holding the book, sat on the floor and put down her things.

The floor was icy cold, he sat down, the coolness made him clear his mind, straightened his legs, touched his belt, stared at it for seven or eight seconds, still too shy, too embarrassed to act.

(End of this chapter)

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