magic eye doctor

Chapter 248 I'm Still a Boy

Chapter 248 I'm Still a Boy

Yan Xing felt a sense of shyness when he thought that he was alone with Little Loli and had to undergo acupuncture.

Hesitating, looking around with a hot face, she hasn't come for more than ten days, little Loli's dormitory has not changed, except that there are fewer books in the living room, and there is an extra large rice cooker when the rice cooker is discharged. The pot is a big one, enough to satisfy the appetite of thirteen or fourteen people.

Seeing the big rice cooker, he knew that it was prepared by Little Loli to invite her friends in the military training class. Mo Ming felt a trace of jealousy in his heart. He and Xiang Yang came to eat rice, as well as Xiao Chao and a few classmates. There was not enough food to eat. Little Loli never thought of adding a cauldron. She wanted to invite her classmates to dinner, so she immediately bought a cauldron, so she was partial.

Looking at the corner of the refrigerator again, the sour water in her heart was surging with "gululu". Little Lolita bought a lot of vegetables and lined up a dozen large and small bags. Those are the ingredients for her treat.

There was a sour taste in his heart, and Yan Xing was full of unpleasant taste. He pinched the belt buckle unconsciously, pinched a few times, took off his shoes and socks, and touched the belt with his hands, but he didn't have the courage to solve it, and his eyes couldn't help but look at the little loli's bedroom. Door.

He didn't move for a while, the bedroom door was opened, and the petite girl came out with a pile of medical tools. He saw the pink and tender loli, and was shy again, and he didn't know where to put his eyes.

"What are you still doing, looking for someone to serve you?" Le Yun saw the stupid handsome young man sitting on the floor, her face darkened again.

When she met such a person, she couldn't keep her smiling face.

In fact, I have to say that Yan people are really... very stylish in suits. The black suit wraps his slender upper body, and the clothes are well-cut. The person has wide shoulders and narrow waist. .

He straightened his legs and raised his head slightly. His handsome face was white and rosy, his lips were brightly colored, and his dragon eyes were full of rippling waves.

Fortunately, classmate Le Xiao is not a lecherous girl. If she controls her beauty, she may become lustful and rush over to ravage the beautiful man.

He was reprimanded again, Yan Xing was under the eyes of little Lolita's beautiful pair of beauties, what was soaring to the sky, what was majestic and unyielding was already a floating cloud, unknowingly the hero was short of breath: "That, can you not..."

Little Loli beats people when they disagree. Although it is cruel, it is relatively normal. This kind of behavior that makes people pick up clothes is too scary.

Even if he feels embarrassed to take a bath in the big bathroom, he can still do it, but like this, it's... too strong.

Yan Xing was too embarrassed to look away.

"If you don't want me to treat your wounds, what are you doing here? Get out of here, don't be pitiful if you want to live or die." Le Yun really wanted to throw everything in Yan's face and smash him to death.

Yanren crawled here with her own injuries, and she kindly let him into the dormitory, but he was still arrogant, so it's better to kill him, so as not to come and pretend to be pitiful and sympathetic one day after a minor injury.

"I..." Yan Xing's heroic air was even shorter, so short that he was speechless, gritted his teeth: "Don't be so fierce, women's family should be gentle, I... just embarrassed."

what with what?Le Yun stared, he looked like a big girl, why did he complain about her.

"If you love it, you will cure it, but if you don't cure it, it will be pulled down. Anyway, it's you who is sick, not me." She felt unhappy in her heart.

"Then, did I listen to you?" Yan Xing turned his face away, his fingers a little stiff.

"Mother-in-law, not like a man, like a bitch."

Yan Xing couldn't find the words for a while, and after a long while, he said, "I... I'm not a man, I'm still a boy."

"One eunuch, I still want to be a great husband." Le Yun pouted and couldn't lift it up. Of course, she couldn't become a man, she could only be an old boy.

"Little Lolita, will you die if you don't expose your shortcomings?" Yan Xing's temples jumped and he gritted his teeth. kill her.

"It's short in the first place, and it's short if you don't reveal it. When I said that it can restore your youth, it means that if you don't kill yourself, you won't die. If you kill yourself like this, don't blame me for breaking your promise."

Le Yun didn't want to step on Yan people's painful feet, but he killed himself and sent her to the door to step on her. She didn't need to be polite and didn't step on his feet a few times. He didn't know the pain, and maybe he would still be in the future. Because she said she could help him regain his glory, he got carried away and ran to his own death.

"!" A girl was still so open and selfless when it came to male privacy issues, Yan Xing was stunned.

"What are you, what do you want to say? Do you want to say that I am vulgar, or do you want to say that I am vulgar?" Le Yun swayed to the side of Yanren, whose face was flushed, and sat down slowly, spread out the tools, she Growing up in the country, when villagers scolded the streets, some swear words were unsightly. She had heard so many bad words that she would not be ashamed.

"You're amazing, head office!" Yan Xing stared at the open-hearted little Lolita, so suffocated that his heart was blocked, and he couldn't blame it.

"I'm already very powerful. I don't need you to tell me. Hey, do you want to be cured? If you don't, don't waste my precious time here."

"I... listen to you!" Yan Xing gritted his teeth, the strange little loli was extremely cruel, and her face was extremely thick, can't he just do it?
Just as he was about to be an obedient good boy, he glanced at Little Loli without moving, and cautiously said, "Little Loli, can you... can you turn around? Otherwise, just close your eyes."

"Hmph, turn around, close your eyes, you won't see it in a while." I despise that kind of thinking like stealing a bell.

Yan Xing saw that Little Loli still closed her eyes for face. He hesitated for a while, but in the end, he did what Little Loli asked, and reported in a low voice, "It's alright."

Someone works slower than the eldest girl on the sedan chair, Le Yun pouted, secretly despising it a few times, and opened her eyes, she saw Yan with her eyes down, her muscles tensed with obvious tension.

The man's legs are strong, and he has leg hair. He is obviously a soldier who goes in the wind and rain, but his skin is quite white, and his leg hair is particularly conspicuous. His knees are bruised and swollen and swollen.

"You won't die if you don't do it, you'll die by yourself." Looking at Yanren's red, swollen and purple knees, Le Yun wanted to blow his head off.

Yan Xing glanced at the person quickly, and when he saw her staring at his knee, he was not ashamed, took a deep breath, and protested unconvincingly, "When did I commit suicide?"

"If you don't die, what's going on with your knees?" Le Yun stared coldly at the guy who was still arguing with his neck, "You're a broken body, you have suffered a lot of dark injuries in the past, damaged many nerves, and caused some functional decline. One of the reasons for this is that you killed yourself like this, and you blocked several meridians again. If you keep doing this, in less than half a year, you will be an old boy for the rest of your life."

"This is an accident." Yan Xing felt ashamed and lowered his eyes in embarrassment: "Last night, when I went back to my grandma's house, my uncles knew about the stupid things that Xiao Shiliu did, so he almost killed Xiao Shiliu and knelt down all night. , I, the second brother and the third brother accompany the little sixteen to kneel all night, and then that's it."

"It's your family's business to punish your parents for kneeling. If you say it, I won't feel guilty. If you don't say the reason, it doesn't matter if you and your girlfriend got hurt in the past month, and I'm not a jerk. Team, you can dig other people's privacy all day long."

Reaching out to hold the box containing the needles, Le Yun hummed from her nose, whether the He family beat their juniors, that was the family matter of the He family, and had nothing to do with her.

"How can I have a girlfriend like this?" Yan Xing stabbed her neck and glared fiercely. Can Little Loli not think too much and say everything, is she a girl?
"Why can't I have a girlfriend?"

"That's against morality, what a shame." Yan Xing was so ashamed that he could not wait to burrow into the ground.

"Why are you embarrassed? Men are just different." Le Yun rolled her eyes with contempt: "Why are you covering your stomach? Take your hands away, unbutton your shirt, and lie down like a corpse."

"The shirt has to be unbuttoned too?" Yan Xing was startled again and unbuttoned his shirt, wouldn't that reveal his eight pack abs?

"Just unbutton the shirt." Le Yun is very strange, isn't it just unbuttoning the shirt, Yanren is a big man like a little girl, pinching and twisting.

"..." Yan Xing wanted to shout, but did not dare to shout, turned his face away, unbuttoned his shirt, and lay down on his back, his body on the floor.

Le Yun opened the needle box, took a needle, and took Yanren's hand away angrily: "Remove the claws, what is there to hide, just like you, you don't even want to read it upside down."

Yan Xing was so irritated that he was so stubborn that he was not afraid to talk back: "Then what kind of handsome man do you want to see?"

"Anyway, I have to be like Liu Shuai." Le Xiaoxiao answered every question with a smile.

"Don't try to get Yang Xiangyang, he has a sweetheart." Yan Xing's face turned dark in an instant, it turned out that Little Loli likes the type of boy Xiangyang.

"Meaning on you, handsome guy, Liu Shuai's sweetheart is the senior sister from the Geng family, right? The old cow chews on the tender grass and is ashamed. But Senior Sister Geng is still reluctant to match Liu Shuai. On the dung." Le Yun was so angry that she was so angry that she stretched out her little devil's claw and slapped someone on the back of the hand who wanted to cover her stomach: "If you move the claws again, chop it up to make chicken feet with pickled peppers."

Yan Xing was beaten, the back of his hand was burning, he hurriedly put his hand close to his side, and did not dare to move.

"You, you can see it." He didn't worry about the pain in the back of his hand, but became nervous because Little Lolita peeped into Xiangyang's mind. Xiangyang had a crush on the girl of the Geng family for many years, but he didn't expect Little Lolita to see it at a glance Aim.

"I'm not blind, I can see it. Lie down, don't move like a corpse, I'll tie you into a hedgehog." Le Yun warned.

Yan Xing held his breath and did not move.

Someone is very honest, Le Yun is satisfied, take the needle, the flying needle is rude, pierce several acupoints on his chest, and then go down, from the lower abdomen to the left knee to the instep, pierce a path, and then from his lower abdomen to the right There is also a row of needles from the knee to the instep.

The needles pierced his body, causing numbness and itchiness in a small circle. As more and more needles came on his body, Yan Xing felt as if two centipedes were crawling on his body.

He involuntarily tightened his skin, looked quietly towards the direction of his toes, and saw two rows of shiny golden needles on his body, the needles trembled, and the tip of his heart also trembled.

For the first time, he felt that he was like a fish, lying down waiting for someone to slaughter and cut it into pieces. The feeling of being a mermaid made people tremble.

In the midst of trembling, Little Loli knelt down beside him and sat down. Yan Xing felt that Little Loli was rubbing the acupoints for him, and she didn't even dare to let out the air for a while.

 Cute beauties, because of the unstable weather on the day of uploading a certain product, I was always afraid that it would power off at any time, and I was too nervous. .

  Be patient with you, huh!
(End of this chapter)

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