magic eye doctor

Chapter 2471

Chapter 2471
The old lady suddenly covered her face and cried bitterly, Le Yun quickly moved the small kang on the Luohan couch to the inner position, moved over by herself, took a handkerchief to help the old lady wipe her tears, and gently patted her back back.

"Don't be sad, if I admit it wrong, you are not the person I said, it's nothing, I believe your father must love you very much."

The old lady Baoyin was in tears and choked up crying. After a while, she calmed down a little and raised her wrist to show the little girl.

"I used to have a small scar on my wrist, but it was burnt to the ground, and the big burnt scar covered the small scar, and I couldn't find the previous mark.

There is a mole on my ankle. When I was in my thirties, I fell off the horse while riding a horse. A big part was scraped off there, and the mole was gone.

Little girl, you said that the characteristics of people and me are very similar, how can you be sure that the people you know and I are a family?The person they are looking for is me? "

"Because, your father is also my grandfather's father!" Le Yun's eyes finally got wet. The father of the great-aunt is her great-grandfather. Of course, she can be sure whether the grandmother is her relative.

The old lady Baoyin suddenly took a breath, and in shock, she forgot to cry, and just stared at the little girl in a daze.

She was stunned for a while, her lips trembling: "You... you, you say, you are my father's little grandson?"

"Yes." Le Yun nodded calmly: "Bian Yuan said before that I look very similar to your family members. I have seen photos of your family members, and the faces are indeed very similar, because I have not seen you with my own eyes. I'm not sure if we're related by blood.

Yesterday, the first time I saw you, I knew that you were my grandpa's sister, and that you were the palm pearl that my great-grandpa always cared about.

Speaking of which, I should call you 'great aunt'. "

The old lady Baoyin was stunned by the sudden news, she stared at the delicate and beautiful girl, shed tears while muttering to herself: "It would be great if it was true, it would be great if it was true..."

Le Yun held the old lady in her arms and helped her to wipe away the hot tears that kept rolling down: "It's true. I can tell who is related to whom at a glance, and whether their children are biological. Are you My great-grandfather's daughter is an unmistakable fact, and blood relationship cannot be faked."

"In case I make a mistake..." Mrs. Baoyin turned her neck sideways, staring at the cute little pony with teary eyes, her hands trembling uncontrollably.

"No mistake, so far, there has never been a mistake in the diseases I have personally diagnosed and the blood relationship I have personally verified. Don't worry, I will take some blood for you, and you can send your child to a professional blood test institution Make a comparison."

Le Yun supported the old man with one hand, and comforted the old man with gentle words: "I am very happy to see you in your lifetime, knowing that you are still alive, and have children and grandchildren around your knees. I think my great-grandfather, who knows the old man, can rest assured.

I also thought for a long time last night whether I should meet you.

I didn't dare to recognize you now, the main reason is that my family is now beautiful on the surface, but in fact there is still a huge danger hidden behind it.

This danger is related to a treasure that my great-grandfather once inherited from his master, and that treasure has been lost.

I suspect that when your stepmother committed adultery with her husband, seized the family wealth, and sold you, there may be other people involved behind all of this, and those people behind the murders must also be for the treasure in my great-grandfather's hands.

I found a few clues, but there were still too few clues to determine who was spying on my great-grandfather's baby. He was hiding in the dark, and if he didn't come out, I couldn't do anything.

The stepmother who sold you is still alive, and she and her adulterer have had several children. She has five generations under the same roof, and her children and grandchildren are prosperous.

In addition to the child born to that woman who is directly related to us, there is also Hannan's Le family who is also directly related to our branch within nine generations.

I heard from Bian Yuan that your family also wants to help you find your relatives. I am worried that one day your children will have blood tests with people from your stepmother's branch and people from the H Nanle family, and they will find that they are related. The children of those two groups will be used as relatives by others.

I am most worried about that woman, if she infers from some of your circumstances that you are the child she sold, she will secretly attack you and your children again.

I dare not look for you openly, because I am worried that the woman and her adulterer held you in their hands in order to contain my great-grandfather, brainwashed you and your children, and made you become cattle and horses for their family.

If that person knows that I am looking for you, he will use you and your child, or make up lies to deceive you, making you and your child think that your father does not want you, and let you and me kill each other.

After thinking about it for a long time, I decided to share with you alone, saying that you are the person involved and the victim, and you have the right to know the truth.

I also want to let you know that you are not abandoned, your mother is willing to risk her life to give birth to you, your father has lived and died to find you, they love you very much, you have always been a loved child. "

The little girl's voice was soft and waxy, like the gentle wind of the grassland echoing in her ears. The old lady Baoyin looked at her and burst into tears again.

When parents love their children, it is a far-reaching plan.

She believes that the little girl is her close relative, and only close relatives who really care about their blood relatives will think about it in the long run, and will be worried about the safety of the lost relatives.

From hearing the news that there are relatives at first is enough to surprise people, and then knowing that relatives are in front of her eyes, the surprise in the old lady's heart and the excitement of seeing her relatives for the first time condensed into tears.

With tears streaming down her face and trembling hands, she held the little girl's face in her hands, and gently rubbed the child's face with her callused fingers: "Good boy, I'm so happy that you still remember my aunt! My father is very happy!" Fortunately, he has such a kind and beautiful little grandson like you.

Looking at the photos taken by Xiaoyuan before, your short hair looks very similar to Yunduo’s when he was a child. Xiaoyuan even jokingly asked Yunduo if our family had lost any children. Unexpectedly, you are my grandpa’s grandson , is Yun Duo's younger sister.

In my lifetime, I can hear news about my father, and I can see relatives who are connected with me by blood. After knowing that my father is alive, I will have no regrets..."

The old lady Baoyin started to cry again as she spoke.

"Grandma!" Le Yun hugged her aunt's neck, so sad that tears welled up in her eyes.

"Hey! Good boy!" The old lady Baoyin hugged the girl tightly: "The gods have spirits, I finally saw my relatives..."

They don't know each other, but they all look forward to finding their blood relatives one day. Fortunately, the sky treats people kindly, and the relatives separated by thousands of mountains and rivers and generations are finally able to meet each other.

The two hugged and cried.

When relatives meet, those waiting, those years of unspeakable longing turned into tears.

The crying at this time was actually crying with joy.

Le Yun has strong self-control and is worried that her aunt's emotions will affect her health, so she quickly calmed down and comforted her aunt with soft words.

After a while of consolation, Mrs. Baoyin's emotions gradually calmed down, and she still tightly held the little hand of her grandniece with one hand, saying that she was reluctant to let go.

The old lady Baoyin took her grandniece and talked about her experience.

She forgot what happened after she was sold. She was picked up by her husband's father in the present-day capital, on the side of a wilderness road outside the capital of the Qing Dynasty. Her father-in-law's big family used to be richer and more flexible. Heren sold the furs from the grassland to the former Dadu, and then bought some tea, salt, cloth and other things back to the grassland.

Her father-in-law found her on the way home from a fur sale, saw her dying of hunger on the side of the road, and gave her food, knowing that she was lonely, so he took her home.

Her father-in-law already had five sons at that time, the fourth son had just died of illness, and the eldest and third sons were also sick. At that time, the medical conditions were limited, and the local people who could see the doctor shook their heads. Even the family members thought that the two children would die. .

After her father-in-law picked her up, the two children, who were considered hopeless by everyone, gradually improved. The family thought she was a lucky star, named her "Bao Yin", and loved her very much.

Even after picking her up, her mother-in-law gave birth to two sons one after another. As a result, not only the father-in-law's family, but also the father-in-law's brothers and neighbors in the same clan and the neighbors in the surrounding grasslands all felt that she was blessed. All hurt her.

She is about the same age as the fifth son of the Le family, and she plays the best and has the deepest affection. When the two children have not seen each other, her parents-in-law decided to make her the fifth daughter-in-law of their family.

The day her father-in-law picked her up was the second day of July. At that time, there was no distinction between the new calendar and the old calendar, so the second day of July was set as her birthday.

Also because she didn't remember anything at the time, she didn't remember her name, where she came from, who was in her family, and she didn't know how old she was. Based on her size, her parents-in-law guessed that she was about three or four years old. Years are ages.

Therefore, she is now 99 years old in Lejia. According to the customs of the Meng nationality, the family held a grand birthday celebration for her 97-year-old birth year two years ago.

She herself was also blessed. She gave birth to four sons and two daughters. The children also had many children, and the family was flourishing.

Speaking of it, apart from the misfortune she suffered in her childhood, although there were some hardships in her later life, overall it can be said that she was safe and smooth.

The old lady Baoyin took her grandniece by the hand, talked about her general experience in a rambling manner, and then wiped the corners of her eyes: "Son, I want to go to my father's grave next year to offer incense, is that okay?"

"Of course, you are willing to go to offer incense. If Grandpa has a spirit, he must be very happy to know!" Le Yun shook the hand of her aunt and grandma instead: "I will wait for you in the capital next year during the Qingming Festival."

"Okay." The old lady Baoyin touched her grandniece's hand, and tears welled up in her eyes.

The aunt has no grudges against her relatives, and she plans to recognize relatives next year. Le Yun also needs to think about the safety of her elders and her family, discuss with her aunt, and temporarily keep part of the truth from her children, and announce the truth she told the Xuan family to the public.

If you want to deceive others, you must first deceive yourself.

My aunt's husband, the Jiale family, has a large population and many members of the same clan. Once the truth is known, if someone accidentally slips up, it may cause trouble.

If grandma's family knows the "truth" she is willing to tell, even if the news spreads, or after the Qingming confession next year, the news will be announced to the public, some interested people may have doubts, at least they will not act immediately.

If they went to investigate, maybe she just took the opportunity to follow the clues and find out the people who targeted her family. If no one did not investigate, it might mean that she guessed wrong.

If the eldest aunt's sale has nothing to do with the inheritance, it is only a problem within the family, and it also means that the eldest aunt's family is safer.

As for the matter of asking someone to go to the grassland to protect the bodyguards, Le Yun didn't say anything for the time being. It won't be too late when she confirms the candidate and draws up an arrangement plan.

(End of this chapter)

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