magic eye doctor

Chapter 2472

Chapter 2472
My niece and granddaughter always think about the safety of themselves and their children and grandchildren, and Mrs. Baoyin has no objection in her heart.

Le Yun discussed with her aunt, not to tell Le Yunduo and Bian's family that they are relatives for the time being, because her younger brother is already in class, and she didn't ask her to meet her aunt.

Mrs. Baoyin was very happy to know that she had a grand-nephew, and she also knew that her grand-niece was worried about her brother, so she gave strict education and quite approved of her grand-niece's approach.

Strict teachers produce high-quality apprentices, and children can be cultivated into talents by giving them good education from an early age.

Although she dare not say that she is a particularly good mother, she never relaxes in the education of her children. Her children are all educated, and her grandchildren are more educated, and all of them can support their families. lamb.

After chatting with the aunt and grandma for a while, student Le called Bian Yuan again, and invited everyone from the Bian family and the uncle and nephew of the Le family to talk to each other in the east courtyard.

Bian Yuan, his family and Le Shuhaigu nephew and nephew did whatever they wanted. They followed Little Loli's gardener to the dining hall and saw a group of boys of all ages. They were very surprised to know that the officials handed them over to Little Lolita to teach.

The owner of the paradise did not come to entertain the guests, but she asked the kitchen to prepare sumptuous meals for the guests. There were ten meat dishes and six vegetarian dishes on a table, full of sincerity.

Considering the health of the guests, there is no wine at noon.

With the warm hospitality of the host family, the old friends of the Bian family and the aunt and nephew of the Le family had a very happy meal.

The big and small radishheads had classes in the afternoon, so they didn't talk to the guests. They cleaned up the kitchen and went to Ningcuixuan School to preview their homework.

Bian Yuan chatted with his family, neighbors and gardeners for a while, went to visit the garden, received a phone call while visiting the garden, and went to the "Long Huan Blessed Land".

Everyone entered the house through the east door, and when they reached the middle hall, the young and old of the Bian family and the aunts and nephews of the Le family immediately realized that something was wrong with the old lady. There were tears under the old man's eyes, which clearly looked like he had cried.

But the old man didn't seem to be sad, she was holding the little girl's hand tightly, with a gentle and loving smile.

Although he didn't know what happened, Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai saw the grandma/grandmother's appearance, so panicked that he didn't care about etiquette, and surrounded him to ask what was wrong.

"It's okay, I'm okay." The old lady Baoyin held her grandniece's jade hand with one hand, and patted her grandniece with the other, rushing up to help her granddaughter and grandson.

"Are you all right?" Neither the nephew nor the aunt was skeptical. They guessed whether the little girl said something related to the life of the old lady.

"It's really all right." The old lady Baoyin nodded with a smile: "Grandma has something good to tell you. There is news about grandma's relatives."


Grandpa Bian and the others were also taken aback. Mrs. Baoyin actually found out the whereabouts of her relatives?
Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai were also so shocked that they suspected that they had heard it wrong, and quickly asked: "Really? Where is the grandparent's house?"

The old lady Baoyin smiled contentedly: "It's true, the little girl has met grandma's relatives, and they are also looking for grandma. When they return to the grassland, the whole family will gather together during the Chinese New Year to discuss whether to recognize relatives."

"Okay! Listen to you." Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai were full of doubts, and finally didn't ask any more questions.

Bian Yuan was also curious about who Grandma Baoyin's relatives were, but he and his family didn't ask. Grandma Baoyin didn't say it right away, maybe it wasn't as simple as recognizing her relatives.

The Bian family also probably understood why the old lady Baoyin had tears in the corners of her eyes. She must have heard the news about her relatives from a young girl, and she shed tears when she was excited.

The old lady Baoyin pulled the little girl so affectionately, it must be because the little girl knew the news about her family, the old lady was grateful in her heart, and naturally loved the little girl.

The old and young people in the Bian family are also happy for the old lady Baoyin. The old lady is the oldest old man on the grassland in their area. She is recognized as a lucky star and auspicious. The herdsmen respect her very much. If the old lady finds her family and is in a good mood, she will definitely become a Ula The first old birthday person in the grassland to live over a hundred years old.

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai kept their curiosity and longing for grandma's ancestral home hidden in their hearts, and went to the east to sit down as a guest.

The great aunt saw her granddaughter and the little grandson, and her mood was completely stabilized. Le Yun went to fetch warm water, took care of her aunt to wash her face, brought fruit, homemade biscuits and pastries, and made tea.

The dim sum made by the little girl tends to be light, delicious and not greasy, and all three of the Bian family, young and old, as well as the grandparents and grandchildren of the Le family love it.

Eating snacks with tea is the most pleasant.

After tasting the delicious pastries, Bian Yuan Buyan talked with the little girl about medical expenses, and asked the little girl for an account number or to transfer money by scanning the QR code.

"There is no need to pay for medical expenses." Le Yun smiled and waved Mimi's hand: "My classmates and friends, the first time they come to me to see a doctor for their relatives, they will give them free treatment. Bian Yuan is my friend, so naturally he is no exception.

I also have a rule here that servicemen, heroes and martyrs, and family members of military martyrs have a chance to see a doctor for free.

Bian Yuan is also a serving soldier, and his family and relatives also enjoy a free treatment when they come to my clinic for the first time.

I said the amount of medical expenses before, which is a quotation based on my evaluation according to the severity of the disease. Medical expenses can be waived for medical treatment according to the situation, but it should not be underreported, so as not to break the principles of my practice of medical fees.

I reported the charging price. After you go back, if other people ask about the situation, you can tell the truth. If I set a lower price for you, and there are people around you who are suffering from intractable diseases and want to see me for treatment, I will The fees charged are higher than yours. They will blame you, even if they don't blame me. On the contrary, it is easy to make you feel different inside and out. "

Le Yun explained the reason for not charging the Bian family's medical expenses, and then continued to explain: "The old lady of the Le family does not charge medical expenses here, because the relatives of the old lady are also my acquaintances."

"How can this work? There is no one who doesn't pay for seeing a doctor. The little girl is willing to treat us because Xiaoyuan is a classmate. We are already very sensitive to injections. We can't let you suffer. We have to pay for the medicine." Grandpa Bian felt uneasy and insisted on paying for the medicine.

Uncle Bu also felt that he had to pay the medical expenses. The little girl helped them cure their disease and even enthusiastically recruited them. How could she let her pay the medical expenses.

The Bian family is a real person and insisted on giving it, but Le classmate insisted on not accepting it.

After arguing for a while, Le Xiao had no choice but to use his trump card: "I have a friendship with Bian Yuan, and talking about medical expenses is too hurtful. If Bian Yuan is still friends with me, let's not talk about medical expenses. If Bian Yuan If you don’t want to be my brother anymore, then it’s business.”

"Xiaoyuan and the girl are naturally lifelong friends."

Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu had no choice but to give up.

Le Yunduo and Le Shuhai insisted on paying the medical expenses for their grandma. It was the grandma who asked them to listen to the little girl, so they complied with their elders.

The two parties reached an agreement on the matter of medical expenses.

After sitting for a while and chatting about the daily life for a while, the young and old of the Bian family and the grandparents of the Le family bid farewell.

They learned at noon that Grandpa Bian and Uncle Bu didn't need to stay for observation anymore, and the old lady Baoyin had another acupuncture treatment, and then they could go home. They had already ordered a bus ticket at noon, and they took the evening bus back to Province M.

Bian Yuan sent his elders and neighbors to the provincial capital. He will fly back to his station tomorrow, while Bian Jiabu's family and Le family will return to Ximeng by train or plane.

Le Yun was also planning to keep the guests for dinner. Their tickets were only a few minutes after 5 pm. In order not to delay their schedule, she didn't force them to stay and told them to wait for a while. She went to pack a few gifts.

After packing up the gifts, I went to fly a small plane, and personally sent my aunt and Bianjiabu's family to the station.

Bian Yuan, Le Shuhai and Buyan went to collect the tickets first, and then entered the waiting room.

Le Yun gave back gifts to the three families, one for each family, including a pack of medicine balls, two bamboo tube chickens sealed with a vacuum packer, a leg of stewed beef, a pack of bad fish and two bottles of truffle sauce.

I also packed my own secret banana pancakes, sweet-scented osmanthus cake, candied golden dates, and candied wine.

There are things that cannot be brought on trains and planes. In order to reduce trouble, Le Yun did not include them in the gift list, and only picked a few foods that can be brought on trains and planes.

The little girl not only confiscated the medical expenses, but also prepared a generous gift in return. When Grandpa Bu and Uncle Le Yunduo were moved, they also felt deeply sorry.

The old lady Baoyin has been holding the hand of her grandniece, reluctant to let go.

Le Yun waited for the bus with her in the waiting room. When the ticket was ready to enter the station, the young people went to line up, while Grandpa Bian and Mrs. Baoyin sat on the seats and waited.

Check-in is fast.

When it was almost Le Shuhai's turn, Mrs. Baoyin and Grandpa Bian also joined the team.

Le Yun supported the eldest aunt until she reached the ticket gate. She stood aside and watched Bian Yuan and his group enter the station.

The old lady Baoyin and Bian's family turned their heads frequently until they could no longer see the station entrance, then went to the platform with the flow of people, found the corresponding carriage, and boarded the train.

Le Yun sent her eldest aunt and classmates Bian Yuan into the station, and stood there for a while, before the train left, they left the station and drove the helicopter back to the park.

She drove the helicopter into the hangar and parked it. When she returned to the east courtyard, she saw the handsome guy Yan who was counting ants outside the door.

Yan Xing was very wronged, Little Loli didn't call him when she went out last night, and she didn't ask him to be a pilot when she sent Bian Yuan and the others to the station today. His bodyguard felt like he existed in name only.

Finally, when the little Lolita came back, Yan Xing went up to meet her, and shouted aggrievedly: "Little Lolita~"

A big man, with Zhang Shuai's angry face and a frowning look, shouted and dragged the end of the sound, goosebumps appeared on Le Yun's arm: "Don't be weird, no matter how serious, just send it off with one kick." You are thousands of miles away."

"I didn't!" Yan Xing immediately put away the little resentment in his heart.

"I still have a little free time now. If you want to say something, hurry up and say it. If you dare to stay here tomorrow, I will send you a hundred miles away."

"Okay, I'm going to get the computer." Yan Xing's face turned from cloudy to sunny, and he rushed down the platform to the academy.

The cool and noble image of the handsome guy had already been fed to the dog, Le Yun couldn't bear to remind him, so she went back to the main room with short legs and waited in the study.

Yan Xing ran back to the academy, went back to his guard room to get the computer and backpack, ran into the east courtyard, found Jiude Hall, and entered Xiao Luoli's private study.

He put down his things first, then dragged a chair to sit next to little loli, turned on the computer, gave little loli another stack of materials, and then explained to him the relationship between the characters in the materials they collected.

(End of this chapter)

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