magic eye doctor

Chapter 2476

Chapter 2476 Opening up the Second Vessel of Ren Du

Classmate Le Xiao observes people first, and then customizes medicinal soups and elixir according to the individual's needs. He is not worried that the elders of the Helian family will not be able to bear the pain of washing the marrow.

She gave monk Shang two acupuncture treatments, one on the chest and one on the back,
After two acupuncture sessions, monk Shang's damaged meridians all recovered.

Student Le withdrew the needle and asked Shang Xiu to practice the internal energy and mental method first to get familiar with the operation of the exercise, and she would help him pulse later.

Cultivator Shang sat cross-legged in meditation with his five hearts facing upwards.

After he practiced the exercises for about half an hour, He Liancan was finally freed from the pain caused by washing the scriptures and cutting the marrow, and he also became a clay figurine who rolled around in an underground sewer.

Can old practice finished, when the little girl pulled out the needle on his body, he opened his eyes, looked at himself, held his breath in disgust, wiped his hands silently with paper, wrapped his feet in plastic bags , into the bathroom to scrub.

He took a bath for nearly half an hour before washing himself clean. He looked brand new, quickly packed up his dirty clothes, packed them, and walked out of the observation room lightly. After throwing away the garbage, he went back to the Paradise Study Room to meditate .

Elder Can finished washing his marrow, and Classmate Le went to the next room, and gave Elder Xuan another elixir.

Elder Xuan had to accumulate internal strength to attack Ren and Du's two veins. Classmate Le observed for a while, and returned to Brother Shang after Can Lao left. Got a needle.

After that, she returned to the next door and sat to protect the Dharma for the elder of the Helian family.

It took He Lianxuan more than an hour to integrate the power of the elixir into internal energy, and then hit the closed acupuncture points between Ren Du's two veins.

A person's meridians are all connected in the mother's body, so that the nutrients attracted from the mother are distributed throughout the body to improve the body.

When a person is fully developed after birth, some functions of the meridians are dispensable, and the meridians evolve by themselves in the acquired environment, some meridians are disconnected, and some meridians directly age and disappear.

The two veins of Ren and Du were originally connected, and they were blocked during the acquired growth.

Opening up the two veins of Ren and Du is to clear the blockage between the two veins, so that the two veins can be connected again.

He Lianxuan hit the blockage area between the two veins again and again, and it took a lot of effort to break through only a small area connected to the Ren and Du veins, and the internal force has shown signs of being powerless.

Le, who was standing by, gave him two needles decisively, gathered his inner strength again, waited for the inner strength to hit the stagnant area, and then gave him the needle.

With her help, He Lianxuan rushed through five barriers one after another, and finally opened up Ren Du's two veins.

The two meridians are connected, and the internal force gathers in one place like a river, and merges into one stream, traveling through the meridians of the whole body.

That kind of refreshing feeling is like drinking iced jelly in the dog days. From the inside to the outside, the whole body is comfortable.

He Lianxuan was immersed in the wonderful realm and couldn't extricate himself.

Student Le Xiao quietly retracted the needle, took the bottle containing the needle and disinfectant, and went to the next door to observe Brother Shang.

Brother Shang's marrow washing project lasted for a long time, and [-]% of the impurities were also discharged.

It is already a very high success rate to achieve [-]% of the effect of mantra washing and cutting marrow on the earth. Generally, mantra washing is easy, but it is difficult to remove impurities in blood vessels and bone marrow. Even half of the impurities can be removed and people can wake up with a smile in their dreams.

Little Lolita's elixir can remove [-]% of the impurities in the bone marrow, and basically remove the impurities in the meridians and flesh and blood tissues.

Washing the marrow once is equivalent to being ten years younger.

After sitting until monk Shang finished washing the marrow, classmate Le wiped the dirt from the corners of his mouth, gave him a elixir and gave him an injection.

Cultivator Shang first turned all the power of the elixir into internal energy, first exercised his skills for a small week, and then rushed to the barrier between Ren Du's two veins.

He had tried it once and had some experience. He cleared two-thirds of the stagnation at the end of the Ren and Du channels, and the middle part became powerless.

Le classmate came to help him again to help him get through the second channel.

Seeing that Cultivator Shang fell into the joy of luck after getting through his pulse, she couldn't help herself, she put away the needle without urging, took the medicine box and carrying box, and went back to the paradise by herself.

Monk He Lianxuan was obsessed with running the kung fu, so he practiced all night with a stinky body, and finally woke up at dawn.

The two who had received their merits both retched a few times with nausea and rushed to the bathroom to take a shower.

The two ancient martial arts monks tidied themselves up, sealed up the dirty clothes and threw them away, and then ventilated the little girl's inpatient room in the clinic building. They waited until the smell was almost gone before they went around to the gate on the south side of the paradise to enter the park.

The disciple of monk Shang, although he was meditating in the study room, he could not completely meditate. Later, when he saw an elder of the He family came back to practice, his master did not come back, so he was even more worried.

Because the other elder of the Helian family did not return to the academy, Zhao Huaici reluctantly convinced himself that he did not go to ask about the situation, and could not sit still until dawn, so he went to guard the gate of the guest courtyard of Paradise.

He waited until the master and the elder of the Helian clan saw that the master was dragging a wheelchair with one hand and was able to walk on his own with a steady pace. Guessing that the master had recovered, he was surprised and delighted, ran up and called "Master", and grabbed the wheelchair.

The meridian recovered, and the second meridian of Ren and Du was opened. Shang Chaofeng was in good spirits every happy event, stroked his goatee, and patted his apprentice on the head lovingly: "Why didn't you say hello to the elders of the Helian family? , so impolite."

"It's the disciple's fault." Zhao Huaici reacted, and immediately greeted the Helian clan elder respectfully.

He Lianxuan responded with a smile, and he and Cultivator Shang walked into the Four Seasons Court with their hands behind their backs, and then they didn't suppress their emotions anymore, and went to the little girl's kitchen restaurant with a smile on their faces.

The kitchen waited for the little girl, her younger brother, and the disciples from the Guanyin Hall to set up meals. He Jiaxuan and others were invited, so Paradise naturally wanted to entertain them well.

After eating, the elder monk of the Helian family couldn't bear to delay for even a moment, and went to retreat.

Le classmate invited the disciples of monk Shang to feed his younger brother in the afternoon.

Zhao Huaici has been learning swordsman for more than ten years, and he has never been confronted with anyone. Naturally, he is very happy to compete with children. He did not dare to underestimate Xiaoleshan.

The master taught "Don't bully the young and the old". Everyone in Helian's family praised the little girl full of praise, saying that the little girl is gifted by heaven and has both civil and military skills. Little Leshan was taught by the little girl herself. Let her brother fight with him, how could it be so bad?
Facts also proved that his guess was correct.

In the afternoon, one and a half hours after the meal, Zhao Huaici and Leshan had a chat on the lawn at the southeast corner of Yinyue Lake.

Except for a few people in retreat who didn't go to watch, even the disciples of Mazu Pavilion went to watch.

Both the big and the young used swords, and they fought back and forth for more than an hour. As for the result of the battle, it was not important. What was important was the process.

In the end, Zhao Huaici won. He hit Leshan thirteen times, and eight times he hit the vital part.

Le Shan hit Zhao Huaici nine times, six of which hit critical positions. Although he was defeated, he was honored.

The two fought each other and had a good time.

Adults, young people, and children only greeted everyone, and then went to find places to reflect, recall the advantages and disadvantages of their own mistakes, and think about which tricks they used improperly.

The younger brother knew about the reflection after the war, and Le classmate had a sense of sight with old-fashioned relief, and he was not in a hurry to go to the workshop.

Mr. Cai, Mr. Lou Lao Guanzhu, and Master Xingyun retreated until the evening of the 15th, and they also completely solidified the foundation they just built.

The disciples of Mazu Pavilion meditated in the Paradise for half a month, had breakfast on the 16th, said goodbye to the little girl, and went back to Wandao according to the channel when they came.

The two old monks and monks of the Helian family retreated until the 18th. They also resigned from their masters on the 19th and went back to their hometown first. go to work.

A few days after the disciples of Mazu Pavilion returned to Bay Island, new news came out from the ancient repair world: Elder Cai, who was leading the team from Mazu Pavilion, was approaching his deadline. Promoted.

Mazu Pavilion is also an orthodox Taoist cultivator, belonging to the sect of lay disciples. Because not everyone can cultivate, so ancient martial arts are also taken into consideration.

Elder Cai in the pavilion is a senior elder of the three dynasties, and his seniority is very high in the pavilion. Anyone who knows a little bit more about the news of the Mazu Pavilion knows that person, and also knows that he has both cultivation and ancient martial arts.

Elder Cai succeeded in advancing with the help of Paradise Spirit Qi, which means that he is advancing to the level of comprehension. If he goes one step further, he will build a foundation!
At the same time as the news of the promotion of the elders of the Mazu Pavilion, there was also the good news that Xing Yunda and the old master of the Baiyun Temple were also promoted in Paradise.

The news of Mazu Pavilion Elder Cai and Master Xingyun building the foundation of the old temple spread quickly in the ancient repair world. Except for those monks who lived in seclusion in the deep mountains and old forests and did not take the initiative to contact the value masters. The martial family and the monks who often followed the news of the alliance heard the legend one after another.

At first it was a legend, but after inquiring about it with the leader of the alliance, he got an answer, and that was a solid fact.

The monks in the ancient cultivation world have joys and sorrows, and only they know how complicated their moods are.

As a classmate Le who created legends, she had no time to pay attention to the news of the ancient repair world. She taught her younger brother the penultimate move of swordsmanship for 22 days, and his younger brother finally memorized all the moves.

The younger brother learned the move of "Wan Jian Chao Zong", and Le, who was very pleased, asked her younger brother to practice hard by herself. On the 24th, she flew to the Fairyland in America.

Little Lolita got off the plane in Tijuana, the city on the border between Mexico's Baja California and M's California, first called Mr. Fat Mr. Smith, and then went to the desert by herself.

Liszt received a call from the doctor's sweetheart, arranged the general affairs, and arrived in Tijuana two days before making an appointment with the little sweetheart, met his old friend Alem, and waited for the doctor's sweetheart at the seaside resort hotel.

Le entered the desert like a fish in water and played for several days. He didn't slip out of the desert until the night before making an appointment with Mr. Fat, and entered Tijuana during the daytime of the next day.

Get in touch with Mr. Fat and take a taxi to the hotel by the sea.

Mr. Fat hasn't changed much. He has cultivated his body and mind since he was diagnosed. He has been healthy and energetic these years, and he has lived a chic life and is full of energy.

His friend, Mr. Balmond, is in excellent condition and is in good health.

The doctor's sweetheart came, and Liszt was very happy. He entertained the doctor's sweetheart with his old friends, and then checked out and went to Alem's manor.

(End of this chapter)

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