magic eye doctor

Chapter 2477 Another Gate of Time and Space

Chapter 2477 Another Gate of Time and Space
Alem has a manor and a place to live in the border area, because the lady doctor went to the desert to study plants this time, and there was no manor for giant saguaro, so she went to a semi-desert manor.

A group of people arrived at the manor in the afternoon, and student Le washed up, rested for a while, and ate a sumptuous meal prepared by the host, and then asked Mr. Badmond to take the Komodo dragon bile and Warthog Horn, into the well-prepared kitchen.

She stayed in the kitchen and boiled the juice with warthog horns and Komodo guts, together with medicinal materials prepared by Min, and boiled it for two nights and one day before all the materials melted, and all the medicinal materials were condensed into a bowl of medicine. soup.

When the medicinal soup is properly prepared, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment will start naturally.

With a treatment experience, Alem didn't panic at all, and lay down like a salted fish. The lady doctor asked him to drink medicine, and he gave a bowl of dark, thick and sticky medicine soup to his body without blinking. drink up.

After drinking a bowl of medicine, he closed his mouth tightly so as not to accidentally spit it out.

The medicine smelled like nothing, but it was tasted in the mouth after drinking it. It was too bitter and sour!

Mr. Balmond drank the medicine, and his face was almost distorted. Le Yun silently resisted the urge to burst out laughing, gave him an acupuncture, once on the back of the chest, and then injected him with a vaccine.

Injected with the vaccine, only warm pulse.

The little loli sat and watched, watching the vaccine enter the human body, swallowing a certain mutated virus cell bit by bit, and then forming new cells with other cells.

Cells give birth to cells, and descendants are endless.

As new cells spread throughout the body, certain unwelcome cells are also devoured.

That process took seven hours.

Mr. Balmond's acupuncture treatment lasted from nine o'clock in the morning to four o'clock.

Mr. Balmond's bodyguards watched from morning to afternoon, looking forward to seeing through. When the door finally opened and saw the face of Miss Doctor, all of them couldn't help but be overjoyed.

Liszt picked up Miss Doctor and sent her to the guest room to let her rest first. He was waiting for his old friend.

After the acupuncture treatment, Alem lay down for more than half an hour before going to take a bath, took care of himself, and showed up in good spirits.

After the two old friends embraced, they ran to the kitchen with joy and directed the kitchen staff to cook a big meal.

In the evening, when Xiao Le went to meet her host, she was not only greeted by smiling people, but also a sumptuous local meal.

Alem was in a happy mood. He originally wanted to stay with the doctor girl in Mexico for a few days, visiting several manors of his family and admiring the giant saguaro.

Because the doctor was going to Africa to observe plants, he did not keep her in order not to affect her research work. The next day, he sent the doctor and his old friend Liszt to Los Angeles, California, M country.

The two guys sent the doctor lady to fly to Africa at the Los Angeles airport. Liszt was the host and invited his old friend Alem to play at his house for a few days.

Le classmate flew to the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the richest Arab country in Africa, and then transferred to Seychelles on the ocean. He went to the small islands with unique plants in the archipelago and collected a lot of sea coconut fruits.

Little Lolita stayed on the archipelago of Seychelles for a total of five days, and then took a travel ferry to Madagas Island. Because the ferry is mainly for travel, it passed through the overseas islands belonging to European country F and stayed for a few days before arriving in Madagascar. When the island, Mashima also ushered in the rainy season of the year.

The political parties in the Falkland Islands have experienced several years of running-in and bumpy political careers, and their internal disputes have basically calmed down. The tourism industry has received strong support and has developed extremely well.

Le Xiaoluoli arrived in Mashima, then went to the northern region, and then moved from the north to the central part, running to the area where the rivers converge to collect fresh water.

During the rainy season, the rainfall is abundant, and many rivers in plains or low-lying areas flood.

In such a season, cutting the river halfway to fetch water will have little effect on the downstream of the river.

Little Lolita hides in inaccessible places to collect water during the day, and goes to catch larger rivers at night, like a guerrilla, constantly changing places.

She stayed in the northern and central parts of the Falkland Island for a week, and then went to the capital of the Falkland Island, and took a plane to the city where the most famous bread tree avenue is located.

She stayed in town for two days as a traveler before going to Breadtree Avenue.

The Baobab Avenue in the rainy season and the Breadtree Avenue in the dry season have their own autumns and have completely different flavors. There are also many tourists who love the scenery in the rainy season.

Stargazing is inconvenient during the rainy season, and it is unsafe and unsuitable for camping in the wild due to frequent heavy rains. No one camps at night on Breadtree Avenue during the rainy season.

Little Loli arrived at Breadtree Avenue around noon. Because there was water in the low-lying area, she did not allow the car to enter the most scenic area of ​​the avenue. She paid the fare and asked the owner to leave first.

At that time, a heavy rain had just passed, and the lingering power was still there, and the rain was still wet and dripping.

Also because of the heavy rain in the morning, there were no tourists in the scenic spot.

Student Le Xiao, carrying a backpack and holding an umbrella, walked into the rain curtain and enjoyed the scenery along the way alone.

The Mashima Island has entered the rainy season for a while, and the plants on both sides of the Breadtree Avenue are moistened by the rain, and they are green. Even in the dry season, grass sprouts appear beside the dirt road and places that are rarely run over by cars.

The bread tree absorbed enough water and grew clusters of new leaves.

All the way, Le Yun admired the thriving state of plants growing to their heart's content during the rainy season, and also walked through the stagnant water and entered the iconic bread tree section of the bread tree avenue.

No other tourists, no extra eyes, she went straight to the low-lying area beside the biggest bread trees.

The low-lying area has already formed a pond due to the "water flooding the golden mountain" during the rainy season, and the plants submerged in the water are also growing extraordinarily green.

Passing through several trees and standing beside the low-lying pond, Le Yun looked into the void.

She traveled thousands of miles and went to the Falkland Island for sightseeing, not only to collect water, but another main purpose was that the Falkland Island opened a time and space gate.

The gate of time and space opens somewhere on the most famous bread tree avenue on the island.

The time-space gate of Majia Island was opened on the Double Ninth Day of the year when little loli sacrificed her life in exchange for righteousness. At that time, the little fox was relatively weak and sensed the opening of the time-space gate in Africa.

Moreover, the little girl was not very enthusiastic about the time-space gate, so the little fox later determined the specific location and didn't tell her specifically.

It wasn't until the little girl went to the desert medicine planting garden a few days ago that the little fox told the news that a time and space gate had been opened on a certain island.

Le is still more interested in the time-space gate on Majia Island. The baobab tree and the dragon blood tree on the island are considered to be the trees most like alien creatures. If Majia Island opens the time-space gate, will it be connected? An interstellar civilization?

The little loli who is interested in the time and space gate of Majia Island excitedly ran to Africa to investigate.

Coming in the rain, as expected, Le Yun saw the gate of time and space.

That time-space gate is also a ninth-grade time-space gate, located on the other side of the low-lying area away from the road, about three or four meters away from the shore.

In the low-lying land where the water is stored, the raindrops dripped, and countless ripples appeared on the water surface.

Above the circle of ripples, an invisible time-space gate hangs in the air. The outer periphery of the large white vortex is still, and only the center circle is slowly rotating.

Le Yun observed the time-space gate for a while, grabbed the little fox out of the star core space, and let the fox who was so excited every time the time-space gate appeared to appreciate it.

Being carried out from the star core space, the little fox was a little dizzy from being shaken. After gathering his mind, he stood in the palm of the little girl's palm and looked around before seeing the gate of time and space. He jumped up excitedly, and turned the little girl He threw himself all over his face.

"Little girl, rank nine, rank nine, rank nine again!"

Each time-space gate that appears is rank nine!

My God, little girl, what kind of luck is this!

It may not be much of a surprise that the Ninth-Rank Time-Space Gate appears again and again in other places, and it is definitely not an accident on Earth.

The once battleground of gods and demons has now almost reduced to the point where cats hate dogs. Even if you give it to a golden fairy as a small garden, they probably think it is too narrow and barren and don't want to take a second look.

In such a broken place, every door of time and space opened is rank nine, all because of the little girl.

The little fox thinks that it is estimated that the Genesis Tree of Yuji is not willing to let the little girl suffer any accidental risks in the time-space gate, so the time-space gates opened every time are the safest ninth-grade level.

"I saw it, it's nothing surprising." Le Yun rolled her eyes, the big time-space gate "hanging" there, her vision was not blurred by the rain, she could see clearly.

Pulled down the little fox who likes to lie on his face when he has something to do, and dangled his big tail: "During winter, you are not willing to sacrifice something to use as a scarf for me. In this season, it is not worth covering my face. With a sticky face, hang the tail and hang the bacon on the dragon blood tree to dry.”

The little fox jumped onto the back of the little girl's hand, hugged the little girl's wrist, spread out one tail and rubbed and rubbed her hands.

The fox showed a flattering smile on his face: "Little girl, this fox will serve as a scarf for you in winter. Don't talk about it now, just look at the time-space gate. This time-space gate is similar to the time-space gate on the desktop mountain in America. It is similar to the one we have been to." There are some differences in Dongchen Continent."

"It's not different, it's nine feet away from the ground, about nine feet nine feet nine in diameter, and nine large circles inside." Le Yun looked at it a few times, curled the corner of her mouth, how could it be different, it was clearly the same.

"You count its layers." The little fox reminded.

layers?Le Yun stared at the vortex circle of the time-space gate with doubts. The vortex of the time-space gate is the accumulation of countless circles, stacked layer by layer, because the running speed is the same, it looks like a big vortex at first glance.

Her eyes are different, she can see through the essence of objects, and naturally she can also see through some secrets of the spiritual power vortex of the time-space gate.

Before, she hadn't counted the number of layers of spiritual power vortexes in Shimenkong, because she was afraid of being dazzled, and of course it was because there was no need to count.

The little fox specifically mentioned the number of floors. Le Yun stared at the vortex circle carefully. After reading it twice, he confirmed the number of circles: "Nine hundred and ninety-nine floors. This number of floors is the same as the height from the ground. Is there something special about it?"

 My dears, Acacia is back. I wish you all a happy New Year and wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger!
  I wish the elders in the family good luck, good health, and vigorous living and walking!
  I wish the little cuties who are about to give birth to babies grow up like tigers!

  I wish the unmarried little cutie finds a boyfriend who is tall and big, and has a strong back!
(End of this chapter)

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