magic eye doctor

Chapter 2478

Chapter 2478

The innate talent of the little fox is space, and he has an extraordinary sensitivity to the existence of time-space gates. He can distinguish the number of layers and the differences between various time-space gates at a glance.

The little girl counted the circles of spiritual power, and the little fox nodded her head frequently, then stretched out her paws and pointed to the center of the vortex: "Look at the center again, is there a faint golden light hidden?"

"I see." Le Yun took a look: "The time-space gate connecting Dongchen Continent has a faint light of stars and moons in the central area, which is very faint. The golden light in the center of the vortex of this gate is brighter. The golden light in the center of Jian's time-space gate is brighter than this one."

"Yes, yes, you have discovered it a long time ago, little girl." The little fox was afraid that the little girl would threaten him with his precious tail again, so he simply explained: "The more layers of spiritual power in the time-space gate, the more time and space on the other side. The wider the area.

The light in the central area also reflects the width and level of the area on the other side. The light of the stars and the moon basically means that the aura is good, and the golden light means that the aura is very strong. Generally, it may be... the level of the spirit world. The small spirit world between the spirit world and the great world of cultivating immortals.

If there is purple brilliance, it should be the fairy world over there. Even if it is not, it is a super spirit world that is about to be upgraded to the fairy world or infinitely close to the fairy world. "

The little fox explained in detail, and Le Yun understood: "So, the other side of the time-space gate between here and the American Tabletop Mountain may be the spirit world?"

"The one in America should be connected to the spirit world. The golden light in this space-time gate is too dark, so it's hard to say." The little fox didn't dare to say anything. In case the place connected to this time-space gate is the world of cultivating immortals similar to Dongchen Continent, After the little girl went, she thought he was lying, so she had to chop off his tail to make a scarf.

Regardless of whether it is connected to the spiritual world or the non-spiritual world, the gate of time and space is not stable anyway, and Le Yun is not entangled in whether to go on an adventure. He throws the little fox back to the star core space to glow and heat, and goes to the wilderness by himself.

Many places in the wilderness of the plains are uninhabited and have rivers or lakes.

Little Lolita worked as a porter, carrying water conscientiously.

She didn't stay for long. After two days in the wilderness, she returned to the human-inhabited town, and then transferred to the capital of the Falkland Island, and left by plane.

Flying from the Falkland Islands via South Africa, and then connecting to European country F, there are stops on the way, and therefore, it was already November 11 when Le Xiao arrived in country F.

She didn't stay in country F, and then took a plane to Turin in country F, and then took a train to Florence to find Milo.

When the child came, Mi Luo, who had been respectful for a long time, hugged the child close to each other, then pulled the child's sleeve and complained: "Xiao Lele, you are so unkind, I was waiting in Floro in early October. You, how can you bear to see me bitterly guarding the tavern and living with a computer every day?
It's fine if you don't call me to play in the desert of the Cactus Country by yourself. After all, you still have to meet Mr. Balmond, and it may be inconvenient for outsiders to be present.

But why didn't you call me when you went to Africa to play?You went to Sai Island in Africa. The golden coconuts on that island are delicious, and the coconut soup that looks like a certain human body part is also super delicious.

You also went to Madagasame Island, the bread tree avenue on that island is so beautiful, I also want to accompany Xiao Lele to see the bread trees and the stars..."

Tuhao was chattering, even talking and making gestures, Le Yun was quite speechless. Standing on tiptoe, he reached out and touched Tantuhao's forehead with the back of his hand, and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I don't have a fever."

Milo was dazed when he was touched on his forehead with the back of his hand, but then he understood: "Ahhh, Xiao Lele, I don't have a fever, I haven't burned my brain, I'm normal!"

"Well, I see." Le Yun calmly walked towards the door of Tuhao's tavern.

To be friends with Huadao, you must have super patience, be able to bear your temper, and listen to people endlessly. , have to take the initiative.

Talking Mi Luo, chasing the children into the gate of his house, babbling all the way about how bored he is, so boring that he counts the grains of rice every day, and almost counts the flour.

The lady doctor came, and the old housekeeper Dante was making refreshments and tea in the living room. Seeing the young master chasing the lady doctor like a bee chasing a flower, he smiled with relief.

When Le Xiao arrived at Tuhao's house, he greeted the old housekeeper, threw his backpack on the sofa, drank tea and ate snacks, and continued to listen to Mi Luo Tuhao's endless talk.

Miro wowed for a long time, the kid ignored him and protested angrily: "Xiao Lele, you are not enough friends like this, you should say something."

"Squeak—" Le Yun squeaked without any psychological pressure.

Milo: "..."

He was only stunned for three seconds, and then continued to chat happily with the children, chattering for a while, and then talked about the business of digging truffles.

Truffle digging begins in early November every year, even if it is rainy and humid, it cannot stop the truffle digging army. Now in the middle of late November, the initial craze has subsided.

Old Mr. Ferrari and his old buddy Mr. Bigian, Winston of the Howard family, old Mr. Cassel, and Mr. Smith had already made preparations and started buying truffles at the early stage of digging.

It is said that several old gentlemen have already purchased a lot of truffles and delivered them to Roberto's manor one after another, waiting for the lady doctor to come to Yiguo.

The old patriarch of the Windsor family of the Windmill Kingdom brought Helen to Tuscany, which is rich in white truffles, in late November, and enjoyed the fun of digging truffles with Winston and others.

In a word, the well-prepared old gentlemen are ready for everything, except for the wind of the doctor.

Dongfengle’s little classmate calmly listened to Tuhao’s friend’s description, and agreed to have some snacks. When the old housekeeper made local-style macaroni, he had another delicious meal.

After eating and drinking enough, we chatted and set off for a small town in Tuscany.

Carrying the luggage bag, Milo went downstairs, happily and happily as a good and conscientious driver, driving the children to the truffle producing area to find their godfather.

The old gentlemen still lived in the castle of Mr. Rossi's family. Not only the whole castle was taken over by a group of bigwigs, but also Mr. Rossi's manor with truffles was taken over by them.

Needless to say, the old gentlemen were happy and excited when Milo drove the Oriental girl. The old couple, Rossi, who hadn't seen the cute Oriental girl for several years, were also very happy.

The Golden Retriever, a truffle dog raised by the old couple, was so excited that he almost jumped up and down, hugging little Lolita's leg without pawing.

After greeting the old gentlemen and Mr. Rossi, Mrs. Rossi, Grandma Rossi, Le Yun simply hugged the big golden retriever under her armpits, and entered the castle with everyone.

Oscar held Brother Miro's hand, stared at the golden retriever being hugged by Little Sweetheart, and stared with envy: "Brother Miro, I now deeply understand what it means to be inferior to a dog."

Amedeo felt the same way.

Milo looked at Oscar and Amedeo, then at the golden retriever who was loved by the children, and touched the silly brother's head: "It hurts, old man!"

Oscar pursed his lips, he didn't feel comforted.

The handsome and charming Helen, who was well-groomed and tidy, couldn't understand what Milo Oscar Amedeo meant, and looked confused.

Miro and Le set off from Florence in the middle of the afternoon, and it was already dusk when they arrived in the small town of Tuscany. It was originally cloudy, but in the evening, the mountains in the distance could no longer be seen.

The old Ferrari gentlemen were digging truffles during the day, and they returned to the castle from the truffle-digging manor after receiving a call from Miro. The doctor, Sweetheart, finally arrived, and returned to the lobby of the castle, where they sat and chatted for less than an hour before having dinner.

The old gentlemen also invited the hosts to have dinner together, and the atmosphere was very good.

The golden retriever "likes the new and dislikes the old", has abandoned its owner, and does not go back to the kennel with the owner at night, and works as a guard for the young lady in the East.

The next day, also November 11, Wednesday.

The 28th is Thanksgiving in Europe, and the weekend of Thanksgiving is also the night of the most prestigious "Clion Ladies Ball" in Europe and America.

The old Mr. Ferrari and the old Mr. Howard received invitations to the ball without exception, but they explained to the organizer early that they would not attend this year. The reason, of course, was to accompany the doctor to dig truffles in November.

Also because they did not attend the ball, Liszt, Alessandro, Roberto and others did not have to go to country F, and could continue to dig truffles in the small town of Tuscany.

Le did not go digging for truffles. She went into the kitchen, prepared all the medicines, and made soup.

The medicinal soup was boiled all morning and noon, and the stove was not turned off until the heat was high. In the afternoon, he gave acupuncture and moxibustion to Helen, the heir of the Windsor family in the Windmill Country.

The old gentlemen went to dig for truffles in the morning and stayed at the castle in the afternoon.

The acupuncture given to Helen by Little Lolita also lasted for four hours. After observing and collecting the active data of the vaccine in Mr. Little Windsor's body, it ended perfectly.

After the second acupuncture treatment, Helen didn't see any earth-shattering changes, but her skin became more radiant, and she looked more energetic.

The children of the family are recessive diseases. They cannot be seen when they are sick. Naturally, there will be no obvious changes after being cured. The old patriarch of the Windsor family and the entourage are well aware of the cause, and it is not because of Helen's superficial changes. Big and worrying.

On the contrary, they were very relieved. The lady doctor promised to cure her, so Helen would be as healthy as a normal person, and there would be no hidden dangers.

In order to celebrate Helen's recovery and thank the lady doctor for her hard work, the Windsor family treated them to dinner at a small hotel in the evening.

After completing the finishing work of the order she had taken, Le Xiaoan went to dig for truffles with peace of mind. She and Miro were not in a hurry to go to the secret base in the mountains. They first went to the nearby manor to look for truffles with the old gentlemen.

Little Lolita is in charge of searching, and young people are in charge of digging the ground.

The golden retriever of Mr. Rossi's family also followed, ran a few laps with the doctor lady, and was hit by her again, almost suffering from depression.

It was hit by Miss Doctor, knowing that it couldn't win against Miss Doctor, that human being, so it turned to be an excellent truffle-seeking dog for the old gentlemen, so as to save their respect.

(End of this chapter)

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