magic eye doctor

Chapter 2479

Chapter 2479

The lady doctor came, and the days of digging the truffle army became more and more joyful, especially when seeing Milo Oscar and Amedeo showing off the results with the lady doctor, the scene was particularly joyful.

Le and the old gentlemen dug truffles for three days. On the first day of December, he and Mi Luo Tuhao set off to dig truffles at the secret base.

Neither Oscar nor Amedeo had the chance to go to the secret truffle base. The two little ones were depressed, and followed the footsteps of the golden retriever in Mr. Rossi's house. They were so depressed that they couldn't eat.

It is the end of November in Yi, and the weather is getting colder. There are fewer and fewer people digging truffles. Only those professional truffle hunters are still looking for truffles.

Classmate Le and handsome Mi Luo saw a truffle hunter with a pair of truffle dogs on the way to the mountain, and there was no one on the way into the mountain.

There is fog in the forest, and it is wet during the day and at night.

When they found the ground, water was already dripping from the surface of their rushing clothes.

Even though there were very few truffle diggers, out of safety considerations, Le Xiao still set up a psychedelic array to protect the secret truffle base before digging.

This time, it was a full-scale excavation, and the truffles in the surrounding area with hallucinogenic plants were also wiped out.

Digging by hand was too strenuous, so Le Xiao performed "tricks" for Tuhao Miro, using the magic "turning up and down" to turn over the ground.

Milo stood by and watched the child perform the "skill", and saw her gesture with her hands, a flash of light, and a small piece of soil on the ground vibrated and turned over as if a bulldozer was hidden in the ground and was pushing it.

The soil layer oscillated, and the soil surged like waves in the lake and the sea, and the potato-like truffles hidden in the soil layer were also "shaked" out.

Seeing the most miraculous spell in China for the first time with his own eyes, Milo was dumbfounded. When the children repeatedly turned over several layers of soil, he woke up like a dream.

"Ah, ah, Xiao Lele, this is amazing!"

"Xiao Lele, how did you do it?"

Milo was so excited that he jumped up and down beside the child, staring at her hands, staring at the layer of soil, but couldn't figure it out, the child was clearly gesticulating with his hands, that kind of faint moonlight-like light Where did it come from?
"This is the oldest magic technique in our country, and it cannot be explained by science." Le Yun calmly performed the "shattering" technique to turn the world upside down.

After thinking about it, he explained again: "If we must use science to explain it, it can barely be said to be related to 'qigong', which is actually a kind of internal martial arts in our country.

Of course, it is not enough to only know qigong, but also to learn one of the oldest spells in our country, which is similar to the spells commonly called incantations in European and American countries. "

The godfather has studied the qigong of Huaxia Kingdom, and Milo also knows a thing or two about the superficial aspects of that martial art. He has never been in contact with the techniques of Huaxia Kingdom, but he can understand the techniques that the children say are like spells.


"Oh, I really want to learn!"

Milo was so excited that his eyes were full of stars, and he made gestures according to the children's gestures, but unfortunately, he didn't see any light after gesturing for a long time.

He followed the gourd to draw a ladle, and he made a gesture of loneliness.

"Looks like it's useless not to know spells." After making a few gestures, Milo murmured to give up the great plan of stealing spells on the spot.

Mi Luo Tuhao’s gestures and strokes were very joyful. Le Yun laughed straight at the sight. Seeing him give up, he didn’t persuade him to "single-mindedly study" and "persevere". Skills are not martial arts, and you can’t learn them without talent .

The children were happily digging for truffles. Miro looked at it for a while, took a bag, and went to pick up "potatoes" happily.

While picking it up, I sighed with emotion. Having a good friend can’t be happier, like digging truffles without a hoe, how labor-saving it is!

Mi Luo, who is willing to be a "bean" worker, buried his head in picking potatoes for a while, and then looked at the children, watching the pieces of soil being turned loose, revealing round golden potatoes, thinking that there will be a lot of truffle sauce, and the mood Happy.

So, one of the two tirelessly plowed the ground, and the other tirelessly picked up truffles. The division of labor and cooperation was perfect.

Le Xiao used magic techniques to dig out the places that could be dug in the outer area. Because he couldn't absorb spiritual energy from the outside world, one-third of the true energy in his dantian was consumed.

Because there are hallucinogenic plants growing on the periphery, several medicinal materials need to be added when using truffles as raw materials. Therefore, the truffles on the periphery and the truffles on the inside need to be opened separately.

In order not to confuse, Le Xiao stopped his hands first, took the bag and picked up the dug truffles first.

She turned over the ground very quickly with the magic method, and she turned it over in less than an hour. When picking up truffles, she had to pick them up carefully, and she had to turn over the soil to find out some small truffles covered by the mud. The speed couldn't be faster.

The two were so busy that they picked up all the truffles in the corners until late in the evening.

There was no need to worry about people coming at night. Miro picked up dry branches and built a fire, roasted lamb with truffles, and cooked a pot of truffle mushroom soup with the milk pot that came with him.

I had a beautiful camping buffet, worked overtime and dug truffles for several hours, and finished work at nearly eleven o'clock.

At night, a small tent that can protect from the rain is also set up, and people sleep in sleeping bags.

Handsome Mi Luo and Le Xiaoluoli worked hard to dig truffles during the day, and they didn't search the whole area until mid-afternoon.

After picking up the truffles, the soil should be compacted to restore the soil layer, and then the fallen leaves that had been swept aside were scattered back on the mud surface to cover up the traces.

After finishing the aftermath work, it is almost evening.

Two good friends, one big and one small, sit down and share the spoils.

Milo only wanted thirty catties of truffles, and gave the rest to Xiaopeng.

Classmate Le Xiao was not too polite, and accepted everything according to the order. After dividing the results, handsome Mi Luo cooked food, and she "sent" most of her share of truffles to her "bodyguards", and only kept four truffles. The amount of about ten catties should be brought back to the country by oneself.

Milo was curious about the children's mysterious "bodyguards", but he would never peep or inquire about them. He just turned a blind eye and pretended not to know if the children didn't tell them.

After staying in the forest for another night, they recovered enough energy. The next day, the two left with the harvest and returned to the castle of Mr. Rossi's family before lunch.

Miro and Miss Doctor came home with a full cut, and seeing their harvest for the first time, the people of the Windsor family were so shocked that they almost doubted their lives.

A professional truffle hunter who digs half a catty a year is enough to earn a living. It is unscientific that Miss Doctor and Miro dug dozens of catties of white truffles at once!

This unscientific phenomenon made everyone in the Windsor family admire Miss Doctor's ability.

Many helpers helped me clean up the truffle soil, and Le Xiao, who was the shopkeeper, cleaned a few truffles, smashed them and kneaded them to make truffle bread.

The truffle bread was eaten that night, and some of it was given to the Rossi couple and the big golden retriever.

Little Loli really likes the kind and kind old Mr. Rossi and Grandma Rossi, as well as their big golden retriever, and gave the golden retriever a big bag of truffle bread.

The weather in December was cold and rainy, and it was not suitable for digging truffles. Old Mr. Ferrari and the old guys stayed in the castle for one night, and checked out the next day.

Winston, Liszt, Bador, and Alisandro went to Florence with Roberto, and Patriarch Windsor took people to the capital of country Y to fly back home.

Most of the parts of the machine purchased by the Windsor family have been completed, and some parts are still in production. It is expected to be ready to leave the factory in the first half of next year.

The number of rooms in Roberto's manor building is limited, and Mr. Ferrari, Mr. Smith, Mr. Howard and Mr. Cassel have booked hotels in Florence.

However, when they returned to Floro City, the group went to Roberto's manor first.

The old gentlemen sent people to buy truffles. They purchased more than 2000 catties of white truffles and more than 3000 catties of black truffles. They packed half of them and entrusted them to the transportation company to send them to China by air, and gave them to the doctor's sweetheart as a New Year's gift.

The truffles occupy a hall of Roberto's manor building, piled up like a hill, and if they weren't packed in sealed bags, people might think they were a pile of potato eggs.

The old gentlemen have only one purpose in digging truffles in Yiguo: to ask the lady doctor to help them cook truffle sauce.

A group of old gentlemen were throwing money at the truffle sauce, Le Yun looked at the pile of truffles, thinking about the money they spent, she felt sorry for them.

She only felt distressed for a few seconds, old gentlemen are rich and can be willful!
Besides, rich people, Tude is healthy and happy.

The old gentlemen gave him so many truffles, Le Xiao expected that he would not go to Yiguo to dig truffles again in the next year or two, so he accepted the commission to help make truffle sauce without refusing.

She went to see the backup kitchen and found that the truffle-making supplies were also stocked.

The old gentlemen heard from her that stone jars are the best for making truffle sauce. In order to cook high-quality sauce, they also imported four large stone jars from Huaxia, and paid a high price to make wooden pot lids for the stone jars.

The medicinal materials used to make the sauce are also not bad. The medicinal materials are purchased from Africa and are all high-quality raw materials at a real price.

The old gentlemen have done a lot of preparatory work, and it can be said that everything is ready.

Now, even the east wind is coming.

Classmate Le Xiao did what he said, and started to cook truffle sauce in the afternoon.

The old gentleman's bodyguards helped clean the truffles, and Milo took Amedeo and Oscar to run errands, helping to chop the truffles and put them in the blender, and helping to light the fire.

In the evening, old Mr. Farley and others all went back to the hotel in Floro City, and Milo, Oscar, and Amedeo took turns being on duty as firemen.

The next day, the old Mr. Ferrari and Mr. Smith took the bodyguards to the manor again. Not only the bodyguards helped to clean and chop the truffles, but even the old gentlemen enthusiastically started working and enjoying the fun of labor.

Cooking truffles in a stone jar is faster than using a stainless steel pot. However, there are more truffles. Classmate Le boiled the truffles into soup first, and then packed them. He boiled all the truffles into semi-finished products, and then boiled them twice.

The semi-finished product was boiled for another day and night before the soup was boiled into a jelly-like paste.

The truffle sauce that has been simmered, one is more transparent than citrine, and the other is black and bright like a black stone.

The old gentlemen who stretched their necks and waited every day waited until the first batch of truffle sauce made by the doctor's lady was out of the oven. They couldn't wait to taste the delicious new sauce, and suddenly felt that their souls had been sublimated!

(End of this chapter)

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