magic eye doctor

Chapter 2480

Chapter 2480

The truffle sauce made by Le for the old gentlemen is pure sauce, except for the necessary ingredients, no beef, chicken and other condiments are added.

The sauce she made by herself knows the ratio best, and she also knows how many beneficial ingredients can be purified from a pound of truffles. When the first batch of truffle sauce comes out of the oven, she first gives Tuhao Miluo a share.

The rest of the truffle sauce is for the old gentlemen, bottled and sealed, and divided by themselves.

It took another day and night to cook the second batch of sauce.

There are more than 1000 catties of white truffles, and about 300 catties of black truffles. After purification, only more than [-] catties of pure white truffles are obtained, and more black truffles are nearly [-] catties.

When the old gentlemen saw the finished product, they were happier than seeing gold. The second batch of sauce was baked, and they took out a portion of truffle sauce that they were going to give to the Edward family as a gift in advance, and happily shared it equally.

The truffle sauce is finished, and the time is already December 12th.

After traveling abroad for more than a month, I saw the gate of time and space, and dug truffles. There was nothing else to do. Le Xiao did not stay in Lorenza, and set off to return home the next day.

Old Mr. Ferrari sent a helicopter to take Doctor Sweetheart to the Capital Airport, and Miro, Oscar and Amedeo all saw him off at the airport.

This time, the three brothers were just seeing them off. The old gentleman's gift and the truffles had already been sent to Huaxia by the transportation company, so there was no need to help the little sweetheart carry the luggage.

The three brothers took the helicopter back to Florence again after the plane that the little sweetheart took off.

Winston and Liszt sat in Florence for another two days before returning to their homes with their own truffle sauce. As for entertaining guests to show off, it is impossible, so precious truffle sauce, enjoy it by yourself Isn't it fragrant?

Classmate Le Xiao packed lightly when he went out, and he also packed lightly when he returned home. He didn’t have any checked luggage, and he just left when he got off the plane.

She didn't carry a big bag or a small bag, but the gifts from the old gentlemen were already waiting for the return of the master in the paradise.

The gifts presented by the old gentlemen included not only black and white truffles, dozens of boxes of precious medicinal materials, but also [-] boxes of red wine, [-] boxes of fruits, dozens of large boxes of clothes, shoes, bags for winter and spring and summer clothes for the coming year, and There are several boxes of cosmetics and some candy, food, and small items as souvenirs.

There were too many presents, so the international transportation company used a dedicated cargo plane to fly directly from Florence to Huaxia, and after arriving at the destination country, they were inspected by the customs and then sent to the destination by van.

Because the gift stayed at the customs for a few days waiting for inspection, it arrived at the park only two days earlier than Little Lolita.

In addition to the gift waiting for the return of the master, there are also clan elders from the Helian family, Ji family, Xuan family, Hua family, Zhou family, and the Tang family of Tangmen in Chong C City, who are also waiting for the little girl in the paradise.

Elders of the Helian family and the Xuan family and the Ji family entered Beijing at the end of October and early November respectively. The elders of the Zhou family, the Hua family, and the Tang family went to Ebei Jiudao at the end of October and stayed at Le’s house for a few days to help Le The family harvested late rice and dug sweet potatoes before going to Beijing together.

The construction site of Miss Le’s medicine plant garden in southern Xinjiang also ended in mid-November, and the disciples of the Guanyin Temple who helped manage the medicine pills also sent unused medicine pills and toolboxes back to the capital, and they are still staying in the paradise.

This time, the treasures of the town houses of the Ji family and the Hua family also came to the paradise as guests. Only four clan elders of the Xuan family came to Beijing. Hua Shao and Ji Ba Shao brought the youth to the paradise to be in charge of the kitchen.

The monks cook in the kitchen of the academy, except for shopping, they will not leave the paradise.

The day Little Lolita returned to China was the 14th, and she returned to the paradise at noon. It was Saturday, and the big and small carrot heads were also at home.

Yu Chang, Xu Xiake and other children hadn't attended class yet, and when they knew that Miss Sister was back, they all ran to the door. When Brother Fu opened the gate, they rushed up and surrounded Miss Sister.

Le Yun's backpack was picked up by the tall Yu Chang, and he also enjoyed the closeness of the big and small radish heads, touched the heads of the big and small radish heads one by one, and went back to Jiahezhai together.

Brother Fu, Brother Qian, Brother Chai and Brother Jie waited for the little girls to have a conversation with the children, and then they reported to the little girls the gifts they helped to receive and when the guests came to the paradise.

As for the affairs of the paradise, they are all trivial matters, and there is no need to report them specially.

Brother Fu and others harvested the crops grown in the Paradise one after another after the little girl went out. After the rice was harvested, they were placed in the little girl's Baibao Pavilion. Potatoes and wheat were all domestic offerings, which were produced and sold by themselves.

When Fu Ge and others were harvesting crops, some crops were saved for the weekend, so that children of all ages could also participate in the labor practice and cultivate their hands-on ability.

Brother Fu roughly told when the guests came, and went to get the list of gifts for the little girl to have a look at.

When Brother Fu and others received the presents, they moved the truffles and herbs into the little girl’s alchemy furnace, the red wine into the cellar, some of the fruits in the Hall of Heroes, some in the dining room of the Five Flavors Cabinet, some gifts in the kitchen of the East Yard, and some The gift is placed in the Hall of Langhuan.

Le Yun looked at the gift list and saw the puppets from Miluo Tuhao, Amedeo and Oscar, and almost wanted to jump. Those three handsome guys are too hateful!

She was so angry that she blew out her beard and stared for a while, then took the gift list and went back to the east courtyard.

Mr. Li took Luke and Xiao Leshan to play in Jiudetang, and when he saw the little girl came back, he laughed and joked: "Junior Sister Le, you are very popular, and you are still abroad, so the gift will arrive first. What's the matter, looking at your face, you seem unhappy, do you think the gift is too light, or are you worrying about returning the gift?"

"That's not true. It is said that there are several big puppets, and I have the urge to beat someone when I think about it." Thinking of the puppets given by a certain handsome guy, Le Yun was still a little angry.

"Don't be angry, sister, the puppet is actually quite cute." Le Shan jumped off the square bed, ran to her sister, wrapped her arms around her waist, and comforted her.

Luke also ran to Miss Master and stood aside, looking at Miss Master with starry eyes.

"No matter how cute the puppets are, one or two will do. They take up too much space." Le Yun rubbed the head of the little knight who was taller than herself, and led her warm heart brother who loves stickies the most, and Lu Ke, sit on the square bed.

The temperature in December was very low, and the rooms in Mu Huan Fudi were not equipped with heating. Li Zhao lit a brazier and put it under the square bed, and then put on a bed cover, and the square bed became a fire box or a warm kang.

Li Zhao also got on the square bed and sat talking.

After chatting for a while, when it was almost time for class, Li Zhao went to Ning Cui Xuan to make up lessons for the children, and Le Shan and Lu Ke also went to attend the class.

The younger brother went to class, Le Yun took some tea and two boxes of fruit, and went to the academy to say hello to the guests.

The Tang Sect is led by Chang Lao, there are six people in total, the Zhou family of the Hua family is led by the old patriarch, and there are also six people each, and the old Patriarch of the Ji family is accompanying the ancestors, there are ten people in total.

Among the four elders of the Helian family, Hua Shao and Ji Shao each brought four young people to manage the kitchen.

Because the winter in the capital is very cold, each family has prepared sleeping bags, and the luggage and backpacks are placed in the Meihua Xiaozhu. They only return to the guest courtyard when taking a bath, and do not leave the small courtyard of the academy at other times.

The four gardeners of the Paradise were worried that the guests would be damaged by freezing, so they moved a large copper stove from the warehouse, and put copper stoves in the three middle rooms of the upper room and the main hall of the east and west rooms, and burned silver frost charcoal to heat the room.

The handsome gardener is very considerate in service. They are worried that they will disturb the guests when they go to the academy every day, so they move dozens of boxes of charcoal and a few boxes of yak manure to the landlord's anteroom above the academy, and let the guests add charcoal to the big copper stove by themselves.

There is a charcoal fire in the large copper stove, and the warm incense is smoked in the hood on the top of the stove. Even if there is no heating, the room is still warm.

The little girl's guards are meticulous and thoughtful, making the elders of several families live very comfortably in the paradise.

All the elders knew that the little girl was back, and they guessed that she had to deal with the gifts just after she came back, so they didn't have the nerve to bother her, and wanted to wait a few days before going to say hello to the master, but they never thought that the little girl would come to the academy right away.

After hearing the sound, the elders of several families went to the colonnade outside the central hall of the upper room to meet their master.

Six years passed in a blink of an eye after the Guxiu meeting, and Le Yun was also very happy to see the ancestor of the Ji family again.

After a few years, Patriarch Ji met the little girl for the third time, and he couldn't help but feel very moved. Other people's children grow older and mature, and the little girl grows smaller. God favors little girls. If she can't get her Hate value, that is a strange thing.

The clan elders of the Helian family, the Tang family, the Hua family, and the Zhou family's Xuan family were also there, and Patriarch Ji didn't deliberately get too close to the little girl. He greeted the little girl like everyone else, and everyone entered the middle hall to sit together.

There are also two short-legged copper stoves under the big book case in the middle hall. There is a large copper stove near the door and a large copper stove near the back hall. feel comfortable.

Young people from the Ji family and the Hua family took the fruits and tea leaves from the little girl, carried the kettle, and took the tea leaves to make tea.

A few disciples from Guanyin Temple wanted to help, but the handsome guy from Jijiahua's family strongly disagreed, and they took over the job of serving tea and water.

Old Ancestor Ji Zhile: "Little girl, the four handsome stewards of your family are afraid that we will be wronged. As soon as your gift was delivered to the paradise, they sent us ten boxes of fruit. When you came back, you gave us another gift Come to eat and drink, we live in your house, and eat your food and drink your food, you are at a big loss."

"That's simple. In the future, when I look for medicinal materials all over the world, I will inevitably go to your hometown. Then I will go to your house to eat twice as much." Le Yun smiled so that her eyes bent into crescent moons.

"Little girl, it's a deal. When did you go to our hometown, and you passed through the door and refused to enter? We won't obey."

"Little girl, if you say that, we will have no pressure, and we can eat and drink at ease."

There was an invisible intimacy in the little girl's words, and the elders of several families laughed heartily.

The handsome young men from Ji's and Hua's families made tea, then went to open the fruit box, washed the fruit, put a few plates on tall bowl-like plates, and served them to the table.

The host and guest drink tea and taste fruit.

After tea, Le Xiao also explained to the guests that she was going to process the truffles first, and that she had to go to the teacher’s mother’s house after refining the truffles, and asked all the elders to practice for a few days first, and then sat down with the elders after she finished her work. talk.

The elders understood the meaning of sitting and talking, and gladly accepted the little girl's arrangement.

(End of this chapter)

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