magic eye doctor

Chapter 2481

Chapter 2481

Student Le Xiao did not chat with the elders, and sat for a while back to the east courtyard to deal with the gifts piled up in the hall of Langhuan.

There are six puppets in the box of Langhuan Temple, and the others are new clothes, shoes and bags of several big brands, lipsticks, perfumes, cosmetics, and pens newly produced by several brands.

The idea of ​​Miro and the old gentlemen is very simple. Little sweetheart can not wear clothes and shoes of various brands, lipstick and bags, but must have those seasonal clothes, lipsticks and bags.

The gift they gave to the little sweetheart was their intention. She doesn't need to wear it, so it can be given as a present.

In their eyes, a million euros is a small amount of money, and the total cost of a brand of clothing and accessories is far less valuable than a bottle of truffle sauce.

Therefore, the old gentlemen waved their hands and ordered a copy of the new winter clothes, spring and autumn clothes for the coming year, bags and shoes of various brands.

The rich man didn't even bat an eye when he bought something, so he naturally didn't know how many goods he got.

The old gentlemen were enjoying the fun of buying, shopping, and buying, while the little girl who received the gifts was in a mess looking at the boxes that were stacked as high as hers.

It is a big deal for others to buy ten or eight lipsticks, but it is a lot to buy three or five bottles of face cream. The gifts she received were all in boxes.

Needless to say about the clothes, according to the handwriting of the old gentlemen, let her change a new set of clothes every day throughout the winter and the spring and autumn of the next year, so that she will not wear a new set of clothes throughout the season.

Old gentlemen are so inhuman.

After scanning the items in the box, Le Xiao sighed silently, put it into the storage device, went back to the bedroom and took out some boxes, and put some boxes in the Baibao Pavilion first.

I unpacked two puppet boxes, moved a medium-sized teddy bear with light brown hair and a Donald Duck puppet to Jiahezhai, and put them on the Arhat couch for all the big and small radish heads to hold and play with.

The other four puppets were not disassembled yet, and were moved to the back hall of Jiude Hall for storage.

After packing up his personal gifts, Le Xiao went into the alchemy stove, moved a few big tripods and placed them in the kitchen, lit a fire to cook medicinal soup, then opened the truffle box, cleaned the truffles, and refined the truffles.

The old gentlemen also sent dozens of boxes of argan oil and olive oil, oatmeal and corn produced at the foot of the Sici Island volcano, and forty boxes of the most beloved "noble" vegetables by rich people in Europe and America: Brussels sprouts and artichokes .

The handsome guys arranged the ingredients and fruit wine properly, and Le Xiao didn't go to check.

Li Zhao knew that the little girl was going to deal with the truffles, so he didn't open a small stove, and he still took his junior brother and Luke to eat in the big kitchen as before.

The disciples of Guanyin Temple also ate in the big kitchen.

Leshan also knew that her sister was busy, so she didn't go to the alchemy furnace to affect her work, and she and Luke were doing homework in Jiudetang again.

Luke didn't go to sleep with the children. He was in good physical condition, and practiced martial arts.

Le Shan sleeps on the jade bed all the year round at home, and his body is very good. Even in the cold north, he will not be cold when he sleeps alone.

Of course, when my sister came back, he cleverly ran to her bedroom to sleep, trying to help her warm the bed, because my sister was in the alchemy furnace during the day and night, and turned into warming her own bed.

The little girl locked in the alchemy furnace spent three days boiling all the black and white truffles into truffle paste, about one third of which was made into pure truffle paste, and one third was divided into several kinds of pills , and add one-third of the amount of chili and beef, chicken and fish respectively to make several different flavors of truffle chili sauce.

It took another day and two nights to make the pills and chili sauce.

After finishing a bunch of truffles, Le Xiao sorted out a gift, washed himself up, drove the helicopter to the platform, loaded the gift box onto the helicopter, and drove out in a small plane.

She didn't take her brother with her, and went to Master Qing's house by herself.

In the past few years, either studying abroad or going outside, I have not been able to celebrate my teacher’s birthday with my wife for several years. I thought I could go back to the capital to celebrate my teacher’s birthday, but in the end I was delayed for a few days because I helped the old gentleman make truffle sauce, and I missed it again.

The day that little Lolita went to Qingdao University was Friday, Professor Wan Tong was in class, and Mrs. Wang was at home.

The little cutie came, but Mrs. Wang was so happy, she didn't care if the gift was not a gift, and hugged the pink and tender little dumpling in her arms, reluctant to let go.

When Professor Wan Teng came home, his wife and primary school students had cooked a sumptuous and delicious meal waiting for him. As soon as he saw the lovely girl, he couldn't help but smile blindly.

Throwing away the bag, the old professor hurried to the kitchen to wash his hands, and asked, "Xiao Le, why didn't you bring Le Shan with you?"

"Leshan is in class, so I didn't bring him here. Professor, is it because I'm a few years older and not as cute as before, or I haven't come for a while, you think I don't like you, so you like my brother more now Happy."

"It's impossible, Xiao Le is filial to the elders and respects the teacher. He is a good boy who can't be found even with a lantern. Even if I don't like myself, there is no way I don't like you.

Every time I look at Xiao Le, you are filled with joy. It’s not because Le Shan is your younger brother that I’m just asking. Between me and your teacher’s wife, you are ranked first, and no one can surpass you. "

Professor Wan Teng was afraid that elementary school students would dig holes for him, causing him to be punished by his own wife. If he wanted to survive, he immediately expressed his position.

Mrs. Wang is very satisfied with Lao Wanqi's upright attitude. Her little girl is the best and cutest baby in the world, and she doesn't accept rebuttals!
The professor is not good at cheating, Le Yun expressed his regret.

Professor Wan Teng came back after washing his hands, and sat down happily to eat.

The three of them started eating for about five or six minutes, and the eldest grandson of Wanqi's family, Wanqi Ruiye, arrived in a hurry.

It is not a coincidence that Wan Teng will return to Qingda University. He saw the picture of the queen mother's grandma receiving the delicious food from her little boy and posted it in the family circle, so he was moved by the news.

After rushing to open the door, the young master Wan Teng rushed into the grandma's house. When he looked at the dining room, he saw the scene of the grandma putting the little loli in the middle, and the three of them had a happy meal.

He called out "Grandpa and Grandma", closed the door behind his back and dropped the document bag he was carrying, and ran towards the restaurant like the wind on his feet.

While trotting quickly, he yelled: "Grandma, Queen Mother, you won't ask your grandson to come back when you come here. You don't love your grandson anymore when you have a little padded jacket. Your grandson is so heartbroken!" , if it continues like this, it will definitely be broken into slag!"

"If it's broken, it's broken, and if it's broken, just find some cold rice and stick it together, as long as it doesn't affect the use." Seeing "Cheng Yaojin" who came back halfway, Mrs. Wang just glanced at it, and didn't even stop the chopsticks.

She let it go without stopping her chopsticks, and urged her little darling: "Little Lele, eat quickly, don't pay attention to your nephew, that brat runs fast because there is something delicious, if there is no food, He might not think of his grandma for a month."

"Yes, Xiao Lele, eat quickly, don't worry about the brat, as soon as that kid sits down and starts eating, you can't beat him alone among the three."

Professor Wan Teng also took the side of his wife, and very kindly picked up... a chopstick of green vegetables for his elementary school students!

He picked up chopsticks of fresh green vegetables for the primary school student, and with a twist of his hand, he picked up a piece of deep-fried tenderloin, dipped it in the truffle fish chili sauce sent by Xiao Lele, and started to eat it deliciously.

Le Yun looked at the master's nephew and frowned with a smile.

The corner of his mouth was almost twitched to the base of his ears.

He didn't make excuses, he rushed into the kitchen to wash his hands, took the bowls and chopsticks and sat down at the dining table, decisively showed the speed of his hands, and became the person that his grandma said "you can't beat him out of three", and he did it True to its name.

Professor Wan Teng, Mrs. Wang, went to Plum Village for vacation in the summer vacation and had eaten a lot of herbal meals, while Mr. Wan Jun hadn’t tasted the medicated meals made by Little Lolita for several months, so he was very happy to finally eat the dishes made by Little Lolita again. .

With one more person, the meal is even more lively.

After cleaning up the dining table, Mrs. Wang, who was in a good mood, took the cute warm heart brand padded jacket to the living room to sit and digest food. Naturally, her eldest grandson did the dishes.

Young Master Wan Teng worked as a dish washer without complaint. After he cleaned up the kitchen and returned to the living room, he saw his grandpa and grandma peeling pine nuts and walnuts for their little boy.

The old couple looked at the little girl with incomparably loving eyes. Watching her eat nuts with a smile was happier and more satisfying than picking up gold.

The little Lori is by his grandma's side, stretching out her slender hands from time to time, stuffing a nut or two into her mouth to eat, her obedient appearance is so cute.

The picture is very warm.

He was so sweet that Young Master Wanqi felt that he was superfluous, and sometimes he suspected that he was not actually the grandson of grandma, but little Lolita was the precious granddaughter of grandma.

Professor Wan Teng and Mrs. Wang didn't have time to interpret the psychological activities of the eldest grandson, and they were happily working as tools for peeling dried fruits. They were also influenced by Village Chief Zhou. Delicate skin.

Wan Teng was not dissatisfied with being neglected, and interrupted from time to time to say a few words. When it came to his parents, he said that his parents were loving, and he was like a light bulb at home, so he considered moving out.

"It's fine if you want to move out and live in an apartment. Boys should learn to be independent."

Professor Wan Teng and Mrs. Wang have no objections. When the child is an adult, he lives separately from his parents. Both adults and children have their own independent space, which is more conducive to enhancing the relationship, tolerance and understanding between relatives.

Hearing that the master nephew said that he wanted to go out to rent a house, Le Yun blinked his big eyes, and answered the words: "The master nephew is not afraid of going to work, he can go to the paradise. My main courtyard does not accept relatives and friends for a few years. The backyard of the academy or the enclosure, or You can live in all the guest courtyards in the west courtyard.”

"Grandma, I want to live in your old little cotton-padded jacket villa, do you think it's okay?" Young Master Wan's eyes seemed to light up all of a sudden, shining brightly.

"Go, go, remember not to cause trouble for my little darling, if you dare to cause trouble, let Xiao Lele give you a discount." Xiao Lele asked Xiao Ye to live in the paradise, and also hoped that Xiao Ye would be able to work and practice well. How could the teacher disagree.

"Okay, I'll move in this weekend!"

Young Master Wan Teng couldn't wait to go to Little Lolita's villa to rub the ground.

(End of this chapter)

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