magic eye doctor

Chapter 2490

Chapter 2490

When Zhou Chunmei heard her father ask her mother what was mixed with the milk she gave Le Yun, she was so frightened that her brain froze, and when her father asked her by name, her scalp exploded.

Her legs were about to go limp, she was frightened and shivering
Looking at the mother and daughter's appearance is a guilty conscience, Brother Zhou stared at Zhou Chunmei fiercely, and shouted: "Zhou Chunmei, I'm asking you, what did your mother mix with the milk that Le Yun drank?"

Zhou Chunmei was scared out of her wits by the roar, and in her panic, she told the truth immediately: "It was mixed with water from the courtyard... and urine..."

Hearing Zhou Chunmei's answer with his own ears, Brother Zhou's heart was burning red, his eyes were also red, and he roared again: "What else is mixed? Say it!"

Zhou Chunmei has been afraid of her father since she was a child, especially when her father got angry. At this moment, she couldn't resist at all, and blurted out: "Baba, Mom, she added Baba water to the milk, and also added... dog pee..."

Zhou Chunmei's words were like a thunderbolt, causing everyone inside and outside the house to be terrified.

Even First Young Master Liu, who was sorting out the camera data on the second floor and knew that Liu Tong's mother and daughter had come to record on the balcony with a mobile phone, seemed to have been struck by a thunderbolt. San pursed his lips tightly.

The only person who was not shocked by Zhou Chunmei's words was Le Yun. She stood up calmly and walked slowly towards the gate.

When Liu Tong heard Zhou Chunmei's words, she knew something was wrong. She wanted to slip, but her legs didn't work. When she wanted to take a step, she didn't step out, but her knees buckled and she fell to the snow.

Brother Zhou was so angry that his heart was blocked, his eyes turned black, he took a while to catch his breath, and as soon as he recovered, anger came from his heart, he rushed to Zhou Chunmei and kicked her.

Zhou Chunmei was kicked to the ground, startled and terrified, crying loudly.

The howl of ghosts and wolves she made also woke up the dizzy village head Zhou and the people in the house. Papa Le stood up, knocked open the chair and ran out.

When Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei came, Mr. Chao pulled Yueqing to talk with the guests, lest he impulsively beat up Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei's mother and daughter.
Father Le also sat honestly. When he heard what Zhou Chunmei said earlier, he could hold back. When he heard what was said later that Liu Tong had mixed the milk, his face turned pale instantly, and his hands and feet trembled with anger.

Finally regaining his senses, Papa Le knocked open the chair and rushed out with red eyes.

Brother Zhou kicked Zhou Chunmei to the ground with both feet, and then saw Liu Tong trying to run with his hands and feet. He threw Zhou Chunmei down and ran towards Liu Tong, kicking and kicking several times.

"Liu Tong, you bastard! When Uncle Le Hongying gave you a red envelope when you milked Lele for the first time, she also gave you a red envelope during the Chinese New Year. Anything good, even if you pick up turkey tail mushrooms, you will send more than half of them.

How about you?You bought new clothes with the red envelope money from Lejia, and you ate Lejia’s food, but mixed dirty things into the milk that Lele drank, causing Lele to vomit or have diarrhea after drinking the milk.

You must be very happy to see Lele being tossed to death, right?

In order to prevent the Zhou family from quarreling because of what you did, the two elders of the Le family knew that you did evil things and did not expose you. Come to ask Lele for milk money, where do you have the face? "

Brother Zhou scolded Liu Tong while punching and kicking him. He hated Liu Tong in his heart, and was ashamed of Lele and Lejia's two elders who died young.

Village head Zhou was so angry that he had recovered when Zhou Xialong kicked Liu Tong. He didn't try to fight, and waited for Zhou Xialong to kick him several times before running over to hold his nephew and stop him from Liu Tong again.

Zhou Qiufeng, who was pushed through the door, didn't go to spoon the old man's urine, but when he heard Zhou Chunmei's truth, he wanted to beat Liu Tong to death.

No matter how angry she was, she didn't beat anyone.

Seeing that the cousin couldn't hold back his brother, fearing that his brother would get a bad name if he injured Liu Tong, Zhou Qiufeng ran out to hold his brother together.

It's a pity that Brother Zhou was so angry that he was held back by his uncle and sister and refused to give up. He broke free from the pull and kicked Liu Tong violently.

Le Yun swayed to the door, seeing that Grandpa Man and Aunt Feng couldn't hold Uncle Zhou back, so he trotted a few steps, ran out and grabbed Uncle Zhou, dragged him to the door, and asked Grandpa Man to hug him.

"Lele..." Brother Zhou saw the delicate and soft little cub, and when he thought of what Liu Tong had done, he felt ashamed to see others, and a big man choked up and couldn't speak.

"Uncle Zhou, don't be angry, there's nothing to be angry about." Le Yun patted Zhou Bo's back reassuringly: "It's her who has a bad conscience, and she will suffer retribution. We don't need to dirty our hands just because we are angry. .”

"..." Brother Zhou choked with sobs, his eyes filled with tears.

Father Le rushed to the door, because Uncle Man and his mother-in-law dragged Brother Zhou to block the door, he squeezed the mother-in-law and rushed out the door, and Liu Tong, who was trying to get up, also had two feet.

His eyes were red with anger, and he kicked hard and hard: "You son of a bitch! You scolded me behind your back and made up things about me and Qiufeng with your tongue behind your back. I don't even understand, why do you want to harm her!
How many times have you almost killed Lele, and you still have the face to ask Lele for a thank you gift?Hasn't your conscience ached these years?Are you not afraid of retribution? "

Zhou Qiufeng staggered from being pulled, and when he stabilized, he saw Yueqing running to kick Liu Tong, so he hurried up to hug Yueqing and dragged him back.

Le Dad, who was dragged away, still kicked Liu Tong.

When being kicked and beaten by Zhou Xialong, Liu Tong couldn't even escape from rolling and crawling, but hugged her head and wailed. Finally, Zhou Xialong was dragged away. She wanted to get up and escape, but was kicked over by Yueqing.

Being kicked and cleaned up, Yueqing was dragged away, Liu Tong couldn't get up for a while, holding his head and crying: "I was wrong, I was wrong, woo woo..."

When her father was angry and kicked her mother, Zhou Chunmei crawled to the side, not even daring to cry.

Being held back by his mother-in-law, Le's father danced wildly: "Xiaofeng, let me go! I'm going to beat Liu Tong to death today! Killing the disgusting thing will make her die early and reincarnate..."

Before Le Yun could coax Uncle Zhou well, her father jumped out again and kicked someone Liu a few times. She was also quite helpless, so she had to run over and give her father a favor: "Dad, don't be angry, don't be mad Angry!

Take a look, your cub is not angry, so don't be angry either.There is nothing to be angry with this kind of garbage man, and it is not worth it to be angry.

Your little padded jacket knew what she did when she was very young. I didn't take revenge when she divorced Uncle Zhou, because I didn't want to get my hands dirty.

There is an old saying that evil is rewarded with evil, and vicious people like them will be punished. You have raised a good girl and a warm-hearted son. You and Aunt Feng are blessed, just enjoy it. After blessing.

Although Uncle Zhou's first wife was not a good one, luckily she jumped out of the fire pit now. Uncle Zhou has a promising son and two more little padded jackets, and he will enjoy a happy life in his later years.

Your luck is in the future, but you can't get your hands dirty with this disgusting thing, and you just pass this mother and daughter as farts. "

Village head Zhou hugged his nephew, and when he heard the last words of the little boy, his tense face relaxed, and he agreed with a smile: "That's right, you two brothers are blessed, don't be impulsive, just put those two together." It's the same thing as two farts."

Brother Zhou was hugged, still angry, and yelled at Liu Tong: "Liu Tong, you are worth a thousand dollars, don't leave if you have the guts, and wait for me to come and harm the society.

If you have the face, I dare to do something, at worst, I will spend the rest of my life in the bureau!I also want to know if the North people know what you have done, will you get pissed on when you go out..."

Zhou Xialong wanted to break free again to beat someone up, but Village Chief Zhou hugged his nephew tightly and refused to let go.

Yueqing was also pulled away, and Liu Tong was finally rescued. He felt pain all over his body. Hearing what Le Yun said, he looked over and saw that Zhou Xialong and Yueqing were dragged away, crying, touching the kicked place, crying Got a snot and a tear.

She touched a few places and got up with both hands and feet. She had kicked Zhou Xialong a few times while he was being hugged and couldn't move, but when she saw him struggling to come over, she ran away in fright.

Seeing her mother running away, Zhou Chunmei also scrambled to her feet, crying and chasing after her.

Liu Shao, who drank a lot of cold wind on the balcony on the second floor, saw a mother and daughter running from the ground to the village road, chased them to the corner of the balcony and shouted: "Fellow townspeople, don't panic, I am Le Yun's bodyguard. When you came, I recorded video and audio recordings for you, if you stop by the police to file a complaint or something, remember to tell them to come to Lejia to find me for evidence."

When Liu Tong ran to the village road, he heard Zhou Xialong say that he would let the Ebei people know what she had done and whether she would be splashed with old urine when she went out. She was so frightened that she slipped and stumbled.

Almost fell down, but she was able to hold on, and ran again. When she heard someone shouting that it was a bodyguard, and even recorded the video, she only hated her parents for giving birth to two legs.

How could she dare to sue, if she dared to sue that she was beaten, people would know why Zhou Xialong Yueqing beat her in a blink of an eye.

She didn't know what people in other provinces would do if they knew what she mixed with the milk she gave Le Yun when she was young. Asshole, I'll probably piss when I see her.

How dare Liu Tong make the incident known to everyone, but fortunately, the things she mixes are too disgusting, Le Jia probably doesn't want others to know what dirty things Le Yun drank when she was young, and probably won't reveal the matter.

Zhou Chunmei thought very well before accompanying her mother back to Meicun. After her mother took the gold bracelet from Lejia, she used her mother's kindness to Le Yun to treat her face.

As a result, mother's kindness to Le Yun for breastfeeding turned into hatred, and it became a delusion to go to the construction site where Le Yun invested to manage money and ask Le Yun to heal her face.

Mother mixed dirty things into Le Yun's milk, and she didn't do it, so why was she also beaten?
Zhou Chunmei was extremely wronged.

The mother and daughter ran for hundreds of meters, and they were out of breath. Seeing no one was chasing them, they braced their knees and bent over, gasping for breath.

After a while, I finally took a breath, and suddenly found that the clothes on the back were soaked and cold.

Liu Tong shivered from the cold, dragged his sore legs, and walked, complaining as he walked: "Chunmei, you stupid pig, knowing that your father should not know about those things, why can't you control your mouth. What crime did I do to give birth to a stupid pig like you, because of you, I divorced your father, because of you, I severed the mother-child relationship with your brother..."

Zhou Chunmei was very wronged at first, and she was blamed by her mother, so she retorted angrily: "You didn't do it for me, you obviously sold me with your uncle's family for the dowry gift and the house, and the house was my dowry gift, you think I'm stupid. Give me back the house."

Liu Tong's lungs hurt from his daughter's words, and he was choked speechless.

Neither mother nor daughter spoke a word, like a defeated rooster, they slipped out of the village dejectedly, and went to the township street, and found a three-bouncer to go to Liuzhen to take a bus back to Zhuxian.

(End of this chapter)

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