magic eye doctor

Chapter 2491

Chapter 2491

Standing on the balcony, Young Master Liu watched as Liu and Zhou Chunmei fled around the corner, and hurried back to the house to record and save the precious recording materials he had collected. password,

The content of that recording was unpleasant, but it did not come easily.

This time, it was because Zhou's father, who had accumulated power at home as a father for a long time, suddenly launched a surprise attack and shocked Zhou Chunmei. Zhou Chunmei was caught off guard before telling the truth.

If the mother and daughter were mentally prepared, they would not admit it easily.

Although Liu Tong didn't personally admit to her evil deeds this time, Zhou Chunmei said it herself, which can also become ironclad evidence, so she can be prepared for any danger.

Liu Shao silently transferred the data to the computer, and deleted the copy in the phone, lest anyone accidentally click on it and discover the "secret".

Lan San remained silent all this time, seeing that Team Ge had saved the data, he and Team Liu continued to screen the camera records.

Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei ran away, village head Zhou dragged his nephew Zhou Xialong, Zhou Qiufeng dragged his own man into the house and sat down, and everyone comforted the two who were still angry.

Treating Xiao Lele like his former mother-in-law, Zhou Ge felt ashamed to see others, and kept shaking his head.

Father Le was angry, and his anger rose and faded quickly. Seeing his uncle drooping his head listlessly, he was afraid that his uncle would have a lump in his heart, and would secretly go to Liu Tong to settle accounts and do something irrational When things come, I also comfort my uncle.

Brother Zhou, who was comforted by the young and old, felt even more guilty.

A group of people persuaded and persuaded, but Uncle Zhou didn't look up, so Le Yun had to go out in person: "Uncle Zhou, you really don't need to be angry about the past, children can't tell the difference between smelly smells, and they don't know what can be eaten and what can't be eaten." Eating and drinking, who can guarantee that I have never touched feces or urine when I was young, some children who are three or four years old are still ignorant, and it is not uncommon for them to eat their own poo, I know of several.

Didn’t the old people say, ‘Eat shit when you are young, wear red and purple when you grow up, drink urine when you are young, and be an official and sit in a sedan chair when you are young’, look at me, I am not an official, but I am a wealthy person anyway, Not bad. "

In ancient times, officials wore red robes or purple robes, and red robes and purple robes were also a symbol of being an official. When the elders of the countrymen encouraged their children and grandchildren to study hard, they would say "study harder, and in the future wear red and purple, and ride horses and sedan chairs." .

The girl from the Le family did not shy away from her childhood, which made the Liu family siblings and a certain village chief sigh.

This is probably the reason why Lejia girl can stand out.

If it were them, they would only feel that it was a shameful thing, and they wished to take the secret into the coffin, lest others would find out and laugh at themselves.

Miss Lejia is frank and frank, and if others want to laugh at her, she will only appear to be a villain.

Moreover, Miss Le Jia knew what Liu Tong and Zhou Chunmei had done, she did not take revenge on their mother and daughter for the Zhou family's sake, and they would never have the kindness and generosity of Miss Le Jia.

The siblings of the Liu family and a certain guest from afar admired Miss Le's family very much. Mr. Chao also admired Xiao Tuanzi. Xiao Lele didn't go into politics, but she understood people's hearts very well.

If Xiao Lele did something to the mother and daughter, others would only take it for granted if they knew about it, but Xiao Lele let it go, showing her tolerance.

Xiao Lele has a broad mind, excellent medical skills, and never picks money. If she has any project work, people will naturally cooperate with her, and when she needs talents, there will be many people willing to work for her.

Based on what Xiao Lele has done in the past few years, it is already what people want.

Mr. Chao was extremely relieved. Xiao Lele was delicate, weak, soft and cute. She was always worried that she would be bullied. They couldn't catch her in the capital. Look at the little guy. No matter what, everything has its own rules. They were worrying for nothing. up.

The little boy even brought out the words of the old man, and Village Chief Zhou also showed a rare smile: "No, what the old man said really makes sense, and look at those who ate their own poop when they were young, it seems that all of them are not bad... "

Mrs. Liu also hurriedly agreed, and specifically mentioned a person well-known in the village, that person also tasted his own poop when he was a child, everyone laughed at him as a fool, but he had a better life than those who were praised for being smart when they were young .

Someone cheered up the atmosphere, and everyone immediately chatted again.

Brother Zhou, who was persuaded by the little boy, also knew that Xiao Lele had really let go of suffering. He was very sad, but he raised his head anyway.

A certain village chief sat down with the Liu family siblings for a while, and then resigned.

Brother Zhou also returned home. When he got home, he went into the kitchen and saw his old mother cooking pig food. He went in and sat down. He was depressed and didn't speak.

The Zhou family will leave for Ms. Li's natal home tomorrow, and Granny Cao will also go. Ms. Li will go to Shizijingyan to help her mother pack her luggage, and Grandma Zhou will cook pig food at home.

That day is also the last day of final exams for many universities and primary and middle schools across the country. After the exams, Cao Qingyue is on winter vacation. Cao Qingyue, who is studying in the capital, will fly from the capital to G Long Province tomorrow. Brother Zhou and Ms. Depart from E north and meet at the provincial capital of G Long Province.

Granny Cao’s house was entrusted to the care of the Cao family members, Grandma Zhou’s house let the couple take photos of the Le family, and Grandma Zhou washed a lot of radishes and sweet potatoes before going out in order to save the girl from worrying about snacks. She also planned to cook two pots of pig food for storage.

Grandma Zhou was chopping radishes, and when she saw her son come back with a serious face, she asked, "Xia Long, I seem to have heard your scolding before, did you quarrel with me at Le's house?"

"Liu Tong brought Zhou Chunmei to Le's house to ask for a thank you gift, and Uncle Man also asked me to come back to deal with something at Le's house."

The son spoke in a muffled voice, and Grandma Zhou was always surprised: "They have thick skins, they tore their faces, and they just blow away. Why do you look like you have cried?"

"It's so embarrassing. The mother and daughter were also left in shame. I just feel uncomfortable. Mom, you don't know how much Liu Tong did too much. Xiao Lele gave our family face last year. I didn't say it all. Liu Tong Na, who killed a thousand swords, is simply not human."

Liu Tong could do it, but Brother Zhou couldn't.

Grandma Zhou's knife for chopping the radish got stuck on the white radish, and her expression changed: "Could it be that something like yellow soup was added?"

"Yeah." Brother Zhou was ashamed, and hugged his head: "Zhou Chunmei knew what her mother was doing, but she never told us what sin I did, how did I have such a sin..."

My guess was confirmed, and Grandma Zhou also felt as if her strength had been taken away by something, and she felt tired from sitting.

Zhou Chunmei had an accident, and she kept thinking that it was the blood of the Zhou family, and she wanted to find Lele to help Zhou Chunmei.

Who would have thought that Zhou Chunmei and her mother would cheat the Zhou family so much.

Grandma Zhou sat there in a daze for a few minutes, she regained her composure, and she didn't know what to say, so she picked up a kitchen knife and chopped radishes.

The sound of the knife chopping the radish and chopping it on the cutting board did not have any rhythm. Those sounds rang in people's ears one after another, at least the atmosphere was not so stiff.

Brother Zhou was immersed in his own emotions, and it took him a long time to come back to his senses. He held his head and felt sad for a while, and didn't say anything else. He went outside to blow the cold wind, sobered up, and then went home again.

Neither mother nor son mentioned Liu Tong's matter.

Ms. Li went to Cao's house to help her mother pack her luggage. When school was about to leave, the mother and daughter went to Meicun and stopped by the kindergarten to pick up Cao Bingyue.

The kindergarten also started the winter vacation after school in the evening.

Grandma Cao stayed at Zhou's house for one night, and got up with Grandma Zhou's family before dawn the next day, chartered a car and went straight to Shishi to catch the train.

Grandma Zhou's family went to Ms. Li's natal house, and happy father Zhou Qiufeng went to Zhou's house every day to help feed the chickens, ducks and pigs.

Most of the colleges and primary and secondary schools across the country are on holiday in the middle of the month, and those who have a late holiday basically finish their exams on the 17th of January, and officially go on winter vacation on the 18th.

Zhou Tianqing, Chen Xiaozhu, and a few young people who had contact with the capital for the Fangxian No. 19 Middle School Examination, took the train back to the city together, and returned home on the [-]th.

Schools across the country are on holiday, and the Chinese New Year is getting closer.

Classmate Le is responsible for supervising his younger brother's practice of light kung fu and swordsmanship every day, and giving lessons to his younger brother. The holiday is not until the first day of the local New Year's Eve.

On the 24th day of the first month, when the Jiudao people celebrated their new year, Young Master Yan, who had been out on missions, finally returned to the team with four teammates.

Hurry up and rush back to Yan Shao, who returned to the capital a few years ago. He heard that little loli returned to his hometown at the beginning of January. He was so depressed that he almost wanted to hit the wall. He hurried back, just wanting to go to E Beichong with little loli .

When he heard that Liu Shao and Lan San went to E North first, and Team Liu was going back to the capital to celebrate the New Year, he would change their people to go there when he came back, and by the way helped the Chao family lead Jiudao to celebrate the New Year.

So Young Master Yan was revived with full blood in an instant, regardless of fatigue, he worked overtime to deal with the accumulated official duties, and then took time to see his grandfather and great-grandmother, uncles and grandparents, and ran to the paradise with his luggage to wait for someone Liu to come back Good shift.

In 2025, January 28th is New Year's Eve.

Young Master Liu ate and drank delicious food at Lejia every day, and he was so happy that he didn't want to leave. He didn't return to the capital until the 27th.

Before he got married, he had agreed to take turns celebrating the new year at Liu's house and Geng's house. Last year he spent New Year's at Liu's house, and this year it was time to go to Geng's house, so he had to go home no matter how reluctant he was for the delicious food.

Fortunately, the little Lolita was generous and gave him twenty bowls of medicinal food. Young Master Liu took the things and drove the helicopter back to the paradise.

Chao Jia Sanjun and his wives had their annual vacation after finishing their shift on the 27th. They slept at home and went to the paradise in the early morning of the Chinese New Year.

Miss Chao Er also wanted to go to Ebei to celebrate the New Year, because she lived in a new house after marriage, and according to the rules, she had to live in the new house for three consecutive years, so she became a left-behind "child".

Young Master Yan waited in the Paradise until Chao Jia Sanjun and his wife arrived, boarded the plane, and departed at 4 o'clock in the morning.

The weather was not very good, and the speed of the helicopter was also affected a little bit. It was slower than in spring, summer and autumn. When we arrived at Shishi, we refueled, and then went to the family compound of Shishi city government to pick up the beautiful boy from the Chao family, and then flew to Jiudao.

It was already past nine o'clock in the morning when the group arrived at Plum Village.

The Le family also prepared the offerings to go to the mountain to worship the ancestors. When the Chao family Sanjun and his wife arrived, they just sat down for a while and drank a glass of water.

(End of this chapter)

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