magic eye doctor

Chapter 2492 Good News

Chapter 2492 Good News

Every New Year's Eve or before New Year's Eve in rural areas, people will go to the mountains to pay homage to the graves, usually to worship the graves of grandparents and parents, and to sweep the graves of all ancestors in Qingming.

It was relatively fast to go to the mountain to worship the grave on New Year's Eve. It took a long time for the Le family and the Chao family to come back from the mountain. They made a meal and ate it immediately.

It was the first reunion between the Chao family and the Le family. The elders of the Chao family rolled up their sleeves and rushed to cook their special dishes. Even the old Chao and his wife worked together to make Louyu.

Because of the large number of people, they simply put up tents and umbrellas in the yard behind the North Building, set up chopping boards, and set up several large stoves for cooking.

In the past few years, every year on the first day of the new year, Lejia has a dozen tables. There will be small guests tomorrow, and there is a large open-air kitchen. Next year, no kitchen is used for cooking at noon.

In order not to let people think that he is a freelancer, Yan Dashao also competed to show that he made braised pork and Dongpo pork.

Lan San works as a handyman.

The parents of Chao and Le contracted the work of cooking, and they resolutely did not let Xiaotuanzi, the beautiful boy, and Le Shan join in the fun.

Le Shan let himself go, looking here and there, watching the adults cooking.

The little loli and the beautiful boy did not go into the kitchen. The brother and sister pasted up the couplets, and then moved all the arhat couch and throne chairs in the living room to the back hall, and placed tables and chairs that did not take up space.

When the elders of Chaojiale's family were busy, Grandma Zhang rushed to Le's house and took the little boy aside to whisper.

Le Yun saw that Third Grandma Zhang looked nervous, she was hesitant to speak, and urged with a smile: "Third Grandma, are you always asking me for something?"

"Xiao Lele, I don't know what to say about this." Grandma Zhang San frowned in confusion, and after gathering her composure, she stammered, "Xiao Lele, Zhang Ke...his pregnant. "

Grandma Zhang San looked very anxious, Le Yun thought there was something big, but the old man hesitated for a long time before saying that Mrs. Zhang Ke was pregnant.

The wife of Zhang Ke's second marriage is surnamed Yang. She is similar in character to Chen Dalian's wife, Mrs. He.

Aunt Yang had married to a county and township under the jurisdiction of Chang City, which is adjacent to Jiudao, and had a son. The son born at the time of divorce belonged to the husband.

Aunt Yang returned to her mother's house after the divorce. During the winter and summer vacations, she would visit her son or pick her up to live with her grandmother for a few days. She was quite peaceful with her ex-husband.

Aunt Yang married to Plum Village last year. Her son also came to Plum Village to pay New Year's greetings to his mother and stepfather during the first month of the lunar year. He turned 16 and will be a senior in high school in September of 2024.

That boy is not bad, he took good care of his mother and father's divorce, and didn't resent either party, and his mother remarried, and he didn't have any resentment either.

Everyone in Zhang is not a man. Aunt Yang married into Zhang's family, she is very good at things, and she is very popular.

Zhang Ke's newly married wife knows how to behave, and has a good relationship with Zhang Ke and his wife, so Zhang's family is relieved.

Grandma Zhang San only found out today that Mrs. Yang was pregnant, and it was Zhang Ke who went to her house to tell her personally.

Mrs. Yang often felt nauseous these days. At first, she thought she had eaten something wrong and had too much stomach acid, so she didn't take it seriously. Because she vomited too much these two days, Zhang Ke was worried that the mother-in-law was sick, so she persuaded Yang My sister-in-law went to the township hospital for a physical examination.

After this investigation, I suddenly found out that I was pregnant, and it has been nearly two months.

Aunt Yang came back from the examination and still vomited violently. Zhang Ke had no choice but to go to Zhang's elders to ask for some sutras.

Zhang's parents were naturally happy when they knew that Zhang Ke's mother-in-law was pregnant. If Zhang Ke had a child, it would mean that Zhang Da's bloodline would continue.

Le Yun also probably understands why Grandma Zhang San came to Le's house to look for her as soon as she found out that Mrs. Zhang Ke was pregnant. The Zhang family wanted to know her attitude!

The reason why I want to find out her attitude is also because the compensation that Zhang Ke received from his ex-wife's divorce was, to put it bluntly, obtained under the guise of her.

Also, she only said that she forgave Zhang Ke, not Grandma Zhang.

If Zhang Ke's current mother-in-law gave birth to a child, she would naturally enjoy everything in Zhang Ke's family. If everyone in Zhang's family came back from prison and she went to make a fuss, Zhang Ke's small family might break up again.

Guessing what the Zhang family was worried about, Le Yun calmed down: "Third grandma, Zhang Ke's mother-in-law gave birth as soon as she was pregnant. Zhang Ke is your old nephew, and his wife doesn't want you to wait on the confinement child after giving birth. Why are you so nervous? Is it because you are afraid that Zhang Ke has no experience in taking care of pregnant women and confinement women, so you are always in a hurry?"

"Oh! No, Zhang Ke's mother is still squatting in the bureau. I'm not just worrying about it." Grandma Zhang San also understands, as long as Zhang Ke and his wife don't mess around, Xiao Lele won't Embarrassing Zhang Ke and his wife.

Xiao Lele didn't mind Zhang Ke having a baby, and Grandma Zhang San felt reassured, said a few words, and rushed home again.

Zhang Ke was still waiting at Zhang's Uncle Santang's house. Seeing Aunt Santang coming back, he was so nervous that he rubbed his hands together.

"I went to ask Xiao Lele, and Xiao Lele didn't have any good suggestions for morning sickness. This kind of thing can only be done by oneself, vomit after eating, and stick to eating when she vomits. If you can eat a little bit, it will be fine after a while Yes, those of us came here too.

You go back and serve your mother-in-law, you can't let the pregnant mother-in-law not eat what she eats, and you can't eat too much sweet or sour food, it will pass after a while. "

Grandma Zhang San found out from the little boy of Lejia, and dismissed Zhang Ke with a smile.

Aunt Tang came back from a trip to support her, with a deep smile on her face. Zhang Ke also understood that the Le family girl would not anger his child because of his mother, and his heart sank. He hurried back to take care of his wife and prepare for the New Year's dinner.

Grandma Zhang San went back, Xiao Le Xiao had nothing to do, she called her teacher, Luo Ban, and Grandpa Li Daniu, and then harassed Xiao Tuo.

Du Miaoshu lives in a new house, and it has not been three years, so she and Xue are still celebrating the New Year in Han City, and returning to Fang County on the second day of the new year.

After talking on the phone for a while, Du and Ai Ai said a little secret: "Little girl, I...may be pregnant."

What?Le Yun was stunned. She had just heard the news that Mrs. Zhang Ke was pregnant, and then heard another pregnancy news. Could it be that 2025 is a very good year?
As far as she knows, 2025 is the Year of the Little Dragon. Apart from being a leap year, or a leap in June, there is nothing special about it.

After being astonished, she was also happy for the little belly at the same table: "Congratulations, little belly, congratulations, little belly, I wish you a happy baby!"

When Du Miaoshu heard what her deskmate said, her face flushed, she smiled and blamed: "Smelly girl, I'm not sure yet, I didn't come to that one two days ago, I tested it myself, and it seems to be there after the Lantern Festival. , I went to the hospital for an examination to be sure."

The baby is in good health. It is an early pregnancy phenomenon by using the test strips. It must not be wrong. For safety reasons, Le Yun suggested that the baby should not go back to Fang County for New Year greetings in the first month of the month, so as not to be squeezed by the car.

She talked to Xiaotu on the phone, and then called Du Xiaodi, asking him to tell his parents not to let her sister run around.

Little brother Du heard that his sister might be pregnant, so he was so excited, so he hurriedly told his parents.

Du's parents and Du's mother were also so excited that they thanked God, and immediately called the girl and the uncle, telling them to stop running around in the first month of the first month, and take good care of them in Hanshi, and they went to Hanshi in the second day of junior high school.

Not long after the phone call with her deskmate ended, her parents called to tell her not to go back. Du Miaoshu knew that Le Xiaoniu had "betrayed" herself, hung up the phone, and then called to bombard her deskmate.

She knew that Le Xiaoniu was really thinking about her, and out of fear that she would hurt the baby, she "meddled her business" and asked her family to prevent her from going back to her hometown.

If it is a plastic sisterhood, who cares if you are pregnant or not, will it affect the fetus in your stomach.

Looking for a small tablemate to settle accounts, and bombarded the same table, Du Miaoshu hung up the phone and couldn't help crying. She must have saved the earth in her previous life, so she met a tablemate like Le Xiaoniu in this life.

After receiving the good news from the classmate with a small belly at the same table, Le Xiao was very happy. He ran back to find the beautiful brother, and climbed on the beautiful brother's back to be a sloth.

"Brother Chao, another year has passed, do you have someone you like?"

"Xiaotuanzi Lele also came to urge the marriage. Whose benefit is this for?"

The first snow in Jiudao was not very big, it melted in two days in Xiaonian, and the second snow fell a year ago. The snow was very heavy and the ground was covered with a thick layer.

The heavy snowfall during the New Year also makes the New Year more flavorful.

"I didn't get sold by anyone, and I didn't take advantage of anyone. I just wanted to turn over the years. I am 23 years old, brother Chao is five years older than me, and brother Mei is also old enough to fall in love."

"28 years old, in the prime of life, still young, man, you have to have a career before starting a family, the family will be more stable, if you marry with the idea of ​​starting a family before starting a career, if your wife doesn't want to accompany you through hardships, Life must be a mess.

My brother doesn't want to fall in love before he has made great achievements. My brother doesn't urge Xiaotuanzi to find a boyfriend, and Xiaotuanzi doesn't want my brother to find a girlfriend. "

"Okay, Brother Chao remembers that I have someone I like to talk about. I will know the size then, so I can embroider wedding dresses for you."

"Oh, what does Lele Xiaotuanzi mean is that you want to embroider the groom's dress for me on my wedding day?"

"That's right, it's such a wonderful event for my beautiful brother to get married. The groom's suit I wore that day was wrapped around me. I will definitely embroider you with a beautiful auspicious suit, and make my brother Chao the most handsome boy on earth!"

"I think I must have saved the entire universe in my previous life, otherwise how could I have such a good sister! Xiaotuanzi, brother is just waiting to wear the wedding dress you embroidered on the wedding day!"

The beautiful boy is in a happy mood. He may be a girlfriend now, but from today onwards, he will seriously consider candidates for a girlfriend.

For nothing else, just to wear the groom's suit embroidered by Xiao Tuanzi himself, and to find someone to marry.

What's more, as the only son of the Chao family's generation, he also has the responsibility to pass on the incense.

"Yeah, I've already prepared the fabric. When Brother Chao finds a girlfriend, I'll start to embroider..."

(End of this chapter)

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