magic eye doctor

Chapter 2495 Secret Treasure

Chapter 2495 Secret Treasure
After much deliberation, Le Yun couldn't figure out the senior's thoughts even though she tried her best. Perhaps, the immortals who ascended to prove the Tao, their thinking is not on the same channel as ordinary people.

To be honest, with respect to senior's outfit, if an ordinary person meets him, he must not sweep away all his clothes and accessories, maybe stripped of all his things, and seeing that the corpse is not bad, he may humiliate or mutilate the corpse Treasure search.

Her great-grandfather strayed into the cave of Migu and saw the deceased cave master lying flat on the stone bed. According to the cave master’s last words, he buried the golden body for him and put it in the sarcophagus. It only took away a gift from the predecessors to the predestined people.

Grandpa has a good heart, neither greedy nor taboo, never take ill-gotten gains for others, but it's hard to say.

Check it again, and do a deep scan again to find out if there is anything I missed.

Senior Master's golden body was damaged in many places, but it was not enough to shake the foundation.

New doubts emerged in Le Yun's heart. The golden body of the senior master did not suffer any devastating blows. She thought that his luck and life span were not exhausted, so why did he pass away?

The senior's body clearly still has a trace of vitality, it doesn't look like a real death, but there is no trace of soul remnant in the cave.

This is strange.

After thinking about it for a while, Le Yun didn't understand, so he couldn't find the answer, so he didn't waste his brain cells.

After paying homage to the real face of the master, he stepped back, took out the picture table and chairs and placed them in order, then took the pole lamp with the night pearl and put it on the table, prepared the four treasures of the study, and spread out a scroll.

Study the ink well, take the brush and burnt the ink to paint, and describe the fairy face of the ancestors.

Little loli paints meticulously.

Time passed quietly, the darkness slowly faded in a blink of an eye, and the sky gradually brightened.

The inside of the secret valley is also snow-white, and the cave has weak light at night. After dawn, the light in the cave becomes brighter and brighter.

At dawn, some small animals in the valley became active.

Le Yun doesn't hear what's going on outside the window, and concentrates on painting. According to what she sees, she paints the real face of her master on the paper.

After drawing the portrait of the master, I will mark the reason for the painting on the left corner, mark the date, and stamp my own seal.

That's it.

Putting down the pen, Le Yun picked up the painting, looked at it herself, and made sure that there was nothing missing, then walked to the sarcophagus, and compared the painting with the real face of her predecessor.

The senior fell silent as if in a deep sleep. She couldn't draw the temperament and fairy charm of the senior, but there was still no difference between the portrait and the real appearance.

The comparison was correct, Le Yun took out a golden nanmu box, rolled up the picture and put it in the box, sealed it, put it on the stone bed first, and put away the tables and chairs.

Then I took a coffin made of golden nanmu from the storage container and placed it on the ground. On the bottom of the coffin, put a layer of mixed ore of suet jade and spirit stone, and then spread the quilt.

Spread another piece of silk cloth on the quilt and put a pillow.

After arranging the coffin properly, Le Yun offered incense again, told the senior that he needed to move his golden body, and asked for his forgiveness, then approached the sarcophagus, leaned over and hugged the senior's body.

As the senior's body was picked up, his long hair was exposed, the hair was well maintained, the roots were smooth, and the hair was waist-length.

Holding the body of the senior, he was moved to lie flat in the golden nanmu coffin, the lying position was exactly the same as in the sarcophagus.

Helping the senior straighten his hair and sleeves, Le Yun took another piece of ice jade and jadeite and placed them on both sides of the senior's pillow.Then close the coffin lid, send the coffin back to the star core space, and place it on the cornerstone of the ring around the guardian tree area.

In the future, she will travel to all walks of life and bring her master's golden body with her. If she finds her master's family in any realm, she can also send her master's fallen leaves back to her roots.

After removing the golden body of the ancestor, Le Yun put the wooden box with the painting scroll of the senior's real face in the sarcophagus, and then closed the sarcophagus lid to restore it to its original state.

I also put away my fire bowl and incense burner, and the daily necessities in the stone cabinet, as well as the two golden nanmu cabinets are all antiques, and I put them all in my pocket.

There were some fabrics and quilts in the cabinet. Due to the age, when Grandpa Le strayed into the Secret Valley, those things were no longer usable. He disposed of all the items in the cabinet and cleaned them up.

Putting away the items on the bright side, Le Yun removed the sarcophagus, and then removed the cornerstone under the sarcophagus, and made fingerprints on the ground where the cornerstone was originally placed, and the fingerprints were printed on the bottom of the cave wall one by one.

One after another shimmers of light flashed across the flat slate.

After more than a dozen rays of light, a dazzling pattern appeared on the originally flat stone surface, with a beast head in the middle of the pattern.

Unlocking the psychedelic magic circle, Le Yun studied the pattern, calmly grasped the animal head and lifted it up hard, then reversed half a circle, and then lifted up a four-foot-square stone slab with force.

The stone slab is four feet thick, and there is a hollow in the center of the bottom, where a jade box about two feet long and one foot six inches wide is placed.

Le Yun put the slate aside, opened the jade box, studied the pattern, and then calmly made handprints to unseal the jade box.

The jade box has a total of five seals, and each seal hides a killer move. If it is forcibly broken, it will be exploded by the hidden talisman.

Unlock the last seal, lightly twist the button on the eaves of the box, and the box lid will open.

There are only a few things in the jade box, a small jade box, a brand, a green jade slip, three hand-bound books, a jade bottle, a jade bracelet, and a ring.

That sign is exactly the same shape and size as the jade sign that Le Yun saw in the treasure chest hidden in the kitchen floor by my great-grandfather, but the material is different.

The material of this piece is higher than that of the brand she has seen before. When looking at the surface of the brand, there is a soft light like moonlight, and when viewed against the light, there will be a faint purple halo.

Both the bracelet and the ring are storage devices with different materials. The former is made of glass-type imperial green jadeite, carved with patterns and inlaid with gold, which is gorgeous and dazzling. The latter is made of ore and inlaid with a finger-sized sapphire.

The jade bottle was as big as an adult man's fist, and there were several pills inside.

There is a set of grotesque medical needles in the small jade box, a total of 360 six needles. The material of the six needles is different from the others. It is smelted from jade and spirit stone ore, adding several kinds of divine gold.

There is also a thin notebook in the small jade box, which has diagrams of the meridians of the human body and diagrams of acupuncture and moxibustion.

Checking the contents of the jade box, Le Yun took out a few folded papers sandwiched between the books, and started to read them.

It was a letter left by the cave master to his successors or those who accidentally discovered his hidden things. The letter said that if someone who is destined to find his place and collect the bones for him, he is willing to worship him as a teacher and accept him as a disciple. If you don't want to be a teacher, donate a part of the inheritance, and still be regarded as a registered disciple.

If someone who is destined to find his secret treasure in the future and intends to become a teacher, he will be a direct disciple of his sect.

If someone in the same way finds his last bones, he will present a Qiankun bracelet, three books and elixirs as thanks, and ask him to send the jade slips and rings he left to record his travels, and his bones back to the sect .

The reason why he asked someone to send the ring back to the sect is because it was a gift from the elders of the sect when he entered the sect, and it should be returned to the root with his remains.

The words of the person who left the letter are flamboyant and phoenix dancing, with iron bones and silver hooks, and the words are full of atmosphere.

Between the lines, there is no sense of decadence in a place where spiritual energy is lacking, but instead reveals the pride and surprise of having traveled all over the world called "Earth".

After reading a few pages of the letter, Le Yun took out the books to read. There are three books, one is about training mind, one is a collection of prescriptions, and the other is a sword manual.

She didn't wonder why her great-grandfather didn't find the hidden treasure of her predecessors. She, her master, was a true practitioner who could be called an "immortal". Only monks of the same kind could discover the sealing circle he set up.

She is also relying on her eyes that look like a pair of plug-ins, she can see, and there is nowhere to hide the hidden things. If you don't use your eyes to find them, you can also find them with your spiritual sense, and it will take a little more time.

Since he was not in a hurry and was not in a hurry to go home, Le Xiao simply took out a chair and a desk, sat and scanned the sword manual and the prescriptions for cultivating the mind, and stored all the contents in his mind after scanning.

After recording the contents of three books, I felt a little hungry. I first ate something and offered sacrifices to the Wu Zang Temple, and then took a pen and paper to copy according to the books.

It is easier to copy the prescription. There are diagrams in the sword manual and the cultivation method, and you have to draw according to the diagram, which is time-consuming and tests people's skills.

No matter how fast Little Lolita was, it still took her four days, three nights and one night to finish copying the three books, and then check them after copying.

She imitated her, imitating the handwriting exactly, but the predecessor's handwriting reveals a trace of mystery, and her handwriting also has a fairy style, but lacks a trace of charm that can only be felt but cannot be described.

Little Lolita herself is not discouraged, the senior is a fairy with a golden body, she is just a mortal body, how can she be compared with the senior.

After checking that the contents of the book were correct, he wrote another note and put it together with the senior's note, and put the copied book, jade bottle and senior's note in the jade box, sealed the jade box again, and put it back in the alcove. groove.

The other few things were put into his own storage container and kept for him first.

After putting away the jade box, put the stone slab back in its place, and then put spirit stones in the eyes of the formation engraved with the spirit gathering array on the stone slab. The spirit gathering formation absorbed a total of 2000 yuan of top-quality spirit stones.

With the spirit stone, and then re-sealed, the ground became an ordinary ground again, and only Mahayana or higher-valued immortals, or those with special divine purposes, could discover the hidden magic circle.

Reset the place where the treasure was hidden, Le Xiao will also reset the cornerstone of the sarcophagus, and then put the sarcophagus on it.

Go to the outer cave area and make handprints on the ground in the central area.

The seal hidden on the ground was released, and a faint golden light emerged from the stone slab. The light became brighter and brighter, and soon a disc the size of a palm appeared.

That disc is a magic circle disc, engraved with a protective circle.

After getting the formation disk, Le Yun took a look at it and realized that it might also be a fairy artifact, so she didn't study it at all, and just threw spirit stones into the formation disk.

The array is very cruel, and it takes 10 yuan of spirit stones to be saturated.

After replenishing the spirit stone for the array, Le Yun threw it back to the ground without blinking, and then sealed it.

The array was hidden in the cave floor again, and the cave returned to its ordinary cave appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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