magic eye doctor

Chapter 2496

Chapter 2496

It was inconvenient to fly all over the sky during the day, and naturally he couldn't return to E North immediately. Le Xiaotong was free and went along the artificially dug tunnel to check the water source.

The tunnel does not reach directly to the mountain stream between the two peaks, but still ends in the mountain peak with caves. At the end, a stream seeps out from the cracks in the rocks, and converges into a trickle the size of a little finger in the artificially excavated stone trough.

The trickle flows into a small circular pond below, and the full water flows out from a small trough on one side. The end of the small trough is a mountain stream.

Whether it is a tunnel or a cave, it can be seen that the owner of the cave has taken great pains to make a small place suitable for a long-term residence.

Hidden Valley is really a good place. It is far away from human habitation, quiet and far away. The place is wide enough and the water source is stable. If you live in Hidden Valley in seclusion and open up three or two acres of fields, you can grow by yourself and be self-reliant.

Le Yun decided to set up another formation to protect this place, using it as another secret escape route for the Le family, in case of emergency.

The botanical garden in the southern border is a way out, and that way out is already known. At present, only she knows about this secret valley.

Heart is worse than action.

With a decision in mind, Le Yun summoned the flying sword, flew into the air to study the secret valley, and checked every corner.

After inspecting the whole valley, I knew it well, took out tools, and dug pits or stone caves in every corner in all directions, hid talismans and magic treasures, and added a large formation to protect the mountain.

After completing the mountain protection formation, Xiao Le, who was in a happy mood, climbed back to the star core space, and once again silently wrote the book that was just completed during the day.

She was busy in the star core space until evening, ate some dry food, and when it got dark, slipped out of the space, returned to the cave, stepped on the flying sword to leave the secret valley, and returned to E north in the dark.

She didn't venture into another valley that also had secrets, her intuition told her it was not the time yet.

Before the time comes, even if you go, you may miss the opportunity.

To be willing to be willing, to be willing to have a reward.

Le Yun should be willing to give up, Le Yun is not greedy, and he does not use the aircraft. He runs in the dark on his flying sword, and flies along the mountains far away from human habitation, and returns safely and smoothly to the secret medicine garden in Shennong Mountain.

She stayed in the secret medicine garden for a while, nestled in the star core space and copied the three books she got from her senior master, and returned home the day before the Lantern Festival.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng stretched his neck and waited every day, but he never found anyone. When the little padded jacket finally returned home before the Lantern Festival, his heart finally fell to the ground.

The little girl has been away for about ten days, seeing her is fine, and Old Ant Yan is also very happy.

Grandma Zhou's family, who went to her in-laws' home in Long Province for the New Year, also returned to Meicun on the eighth day of the lunar new year. Hearing that Xiao Lele had returned, Brother Zhou visited Le's house at noon.

The southern Xinjiang project is not over yet, and Ms. Li's natal brothers and sisters also decided to follow their sister-in-law/brother-in-law to work.

The Li family brothers used to plant and breed at home, or go to work in the city. After a year, after excluding the cost and initial investment, the net income is only [-] to [-].

Working on the construction site includes food and housing, and it costs more than [-] yuan for only eight or nine months a year, which is much more cost-effective than at home.

Classmate Le is a hands-off shopkeeper. As long as the construction site recruits, whoever wants to introduce someone to go in and follow the process, and she meets the requirements, she doesn't ask.

Brother Zhou has already asked the leaders of the construction site, because his mother-in-law's natal brother is there, so he specifically told Xiao Lele again.

Xiao Lele has no objection, everyone is happy.

The heavy snow that fell years ago began to melt in Lichun, and it was sunny for a few days after Lichun, and the snow melted.

When the snow melts, farmers usually start spring plowing and spring sowing after the Lantern Festival.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng plowed the paddy field twice after the snow melted, sowed early rice seeds on the twelfth day of the lunar calendar, and started plowing the land to plant corn.

It is rare for my little padded jacket to spend the Lantern Festival at home. The couple did not go to work on the Lantern Festival, so they made Lantern Festival at home and steamed Lantern Festival Eight Treasure Rice.

The younger brother went to the capital first, and Xiao Le spent the Lantern Festival with the two elders at home, and went out the next day.

Others set off in the morning when they go far away, but little Lolita waits until after dark before leaving home, advances to the back mountains, and then flies by herself.

She traveled in the dark, crossed mountains and ridges, and ran to Wawu Mountain in neighboring province C in one breath.

Wawu Mountain in Province C is a famous primeval forest and also a scenic spot, among which the most imaginative, legendary and controversial is the valley called "Mihundang".

It is said that Mihundang is known as the "Bermuda Triangle". People who enter will lose their way and often die because they can't find a way out.

The little fox said that on the day of the beginning of spring on the sixth day of the lunar new year, another time and space door opened in a certain direction.

Calculated according to the azimuth and distance, the newly opened space-time gate is in Wawu Mountain.

Like the music of being a night owl, I touched Wawu Mountain like a thief, wandered around in the air, and went straight to Mihundang, which has always been set as a "forbidden place for tourists".

Mihundang is actually not wide, it’s just a small valley at the top, and the mist curls up all the year round, making it impossible to see the true face.

As early as the beginning of spring, everything began to show signs of recovery. The deciduous trees in the primeval forest have not yet sprouted new buds, and the leaves of the evergreen trees are haggard after frost and snow.

The entire forest is silent, and there is a sense of depression and decadence.

After finding Mihundang, student Le Xiao flew from one end of the valley to the other in the air, and came to the conclusion that the magnetic field of Mihundang is far superior to other places, and it is unstable.

Fly into the canyon knowing what can be disorienting.

The jungle in the valley is dense, humid and cold.

Student Le Xiao flew for a few minutes and found the newly opened space-time gate.

The Gate of Time and Space is located in a relatively flat hinterland in the valley, like a rocky beach accumulated after floods and landslides. Weeds are overgrown, shrubs are everywhere, and trees are sparsely distributed.

The periphery and hills of the hinterland are full of trees.

There are many wild animals and plants in the woods in the valley.

The time-space gate hanging above the rocky beach is also nine feet away from the ground. The large vortex of the time-space gate rotates inside, and the rotation speed is faster than the time-space gate on the Majima Island.

The faster the speed of the time-space gate, the more aura it needs and the more time it takes to stabilize.

After finding the gate of time and space, Le Yun didn't have much emotion. Instead, she felt about an area about one mile away from the gate of time and space, so she ran to study it.

That area should also be connected to a certain realm through time and space, but that time and space tunnel has collapsed.

The overflow of the remaining power of the collapsed time-space gate is also the culprit of the magnetic disorder in the valley.

After studying the power near the door space of the time of collapse, Le Xiao swept up several rare medicinal plants as seedlings as quickly as possible, and hurried out of the valley.

She didn't catch the little fox to come out to see the space in the door, but if the little fox saw it, the little beast would definitely pounce on her face again, and then howl and how about the other side of the door, encouraging her to travel to another world.

Ye Hei was ready to hurry, little Loli took out the aircraft, flew at full speed, and rushed to the Gaoli Mountains in South Y Province.

Relying on the fast speed of the aircraft, after a quick gallop, it was about an hour before dawn, and successfully arrived at the big narrow valley at the foot of the mountain peak where the black and white python was practicing in the blessed land.

After arriving at the destination, little Lolita first went back to the star core space to catch up on returning to the cage, regained her energy, packed a piece of luggage, and then climbed the mountain.

The southern province of Y is sunny and warm. Many plants have blossomed and some flowers are blooming.

The mountains of Gaoli Mountain can be described as the fragrance of birds and flowers.

While climbing the mountain, Little Loli harvested the stems and leaves of some medicinal plants, and climbed to the black and white python's cultivation paradise near noon.

The sun shines through the treetops, illuminating the platform and stone walls in front of the cave. The Dragon Soul Grass is bathed in the sun, stretching its leaves and breathing freely.

The black and white boa constrictor was not basking outside.

Classmate Le climbed up the stone platform, put down the big backpack, took out two seedlings of Dragon Soul Grass, and planted them near the original Dragon Soul Grass.

After planting the dragon soul grass seedlings, I took a bottle of Lingquan water to water them.

He made a noise by himself, but still did not see the big python running out, indicating that the big python might have dived into the bottom of the lake.

Little Lolita was not in a hurry, and slipped into the woods to pick up dry firewood.

She picked up three bundles of dry branches and moved them back to the platform to dry. When she was about to dig plants, the water flow in the cave changed, and soon there was the sound of rapids splashing.

A moment later, a black and white python rushed out of the cave, causing water splashes.

"Hi, Brother Long, long time no see." Le Yun, who was sitting on the platform basking in the sun, waved her little paw at the big python with its head popping out.

As soon as he got out of the lake, he smelled a strange smell. The boa constrictor who rushed out of the cave blinked his eyes when he saw the familiar human girl.

Well, sure it's been a long time.

The little human girl said last time that she was going to a place, and she might go for a long time, and she would come to see him when she was free.

Seeing the little human girl, the boa constrictor stopped in a hurry, swam leisurely, turned around, and slipped to the little girl's side. When he was about to coil up his body, he found extra grass growing on the stone wall, and jumped in surprise. past.

The big python threw itself under the stone wall, raised its body, and stared at the Dragon Soul Grass intently.

"Brother Long, don't be surprised, that is the Dragon Soul Grass I just planted. I found the seeds of the Dragon Soul Grass in another place and cultivated the Dragon Soul Grass.

Your place is very suitable for dragon soul grass to grow, I dug two for you.The young grasses that have just been planted need to be watered every morning in the past one or two months. You have worked hard. "

The big python ignored him when he saw the Dragon Soul Grass, Le Yun took a look, explained, and took out a stainless steel cup from his backpack.

That's the container she specially prepared for Brother Long to fetch water for the Dragon Soul Grass.

Be prepared, look at how thoughtful she is.

After listening to the little girl's words, the black and white boa constrictor slid around and circled around the little human girl, putting its head on the human shoulder.

It was the first time that the boa constrictor expressed its intimacy. Le Yun stretched out her little paw, and touched his big head with her little hand: "Brother Long, your horns seem to have grown a little bit, but I don't know if you are the Queen of the Flood Dragon. Two angles are still one angle."

Boa: "..."

What do you say?
What he inherited is that there is a trace of Jiao's blood in his bloodline, so he has the opportunity to transform into a Jiao.

Jiao has two horns, anyway, he has never heard of Jiao with a single horn in the memory of his ancestors who don't know which generation.

The big python couldn't speak, and could only shake his head to protest the little girl's guessing.

Little Lolita also bullied the boa constrictor and couldn't speak, so she babbled about her conjectures, her mouth was dry, and she went to take out some fruit from her backpack to eat.

Because the little human girl always stuffs fruit into her mouth, the boa constrictor tasted a bright red fruit without any difficulty.

Not to mention, the fruit is also delicious.

Therefore, the boa constrictor didn't protest against the little human girl's behavior of always wanting him to become a vegetarian, and he ate whatever he had.

According to visual inspection, after the golden retriever lion in Dongchen Continent was led away from carnivorous to vegetarianism by the little Lolita, another future dragon was also led away.

Little Loli ate up the bag of fruit stuffed in her backpack, and lay lazily with the boa in the sun.

After noon, she went to the woods to dig more than a dozen kinds of wood, cut trees and cut some wooden sticks as thick as a hand bowl, kidnapped the big python into the cave, let the big python go down to the lake to catch fish, and she cleaned it by the spring pool. herbs.

The boa constrictor flopped down into the lake and caught more than twenty big fish.

Those fish were plump, almost one meter long, and each fish weighed more than thirty catties.

The big python was in charge of catching the fish. Little Loli cut the fish clean, forked it with a sharpened wooden stick, moved it outside the cave, made a small hole with wooden sticks and waterproof cloth, and mashed the plants to make marinated fish .

The fish was marinated for about two hours, and when the sun was about to set, little Luoli lit a fire with dry wood that had basked in the moisture, and grilled the fish.

The boa constrictor watched curiously as the little human girl was busily busy. When the smell of fish meat became deeper and deeper, he couldn't help stretching his neck.

Le Xiaoluoli grilled fish by the fire, cooked a fish, cut off a piece of fish, and gave the whole fish to the big python.

The black and white boa constrictor was very satisfied to eat cooked food again - cooked food was still delicious!
Knowing the marrow and taste, he ate a fish and waited for the fish to eat by the fire.

The little loli has a small appetite, and can't finish half of a fish, and the rest of the fish will be eaten by the big python once it is cooked.

After eating more than twenty fish, the boa constrictor was still not satisfied. While the little human girl was still helping him roast the last two fish, he ran back to the cave and went down to the lake to catch fish.

In order to be in a hurry, he didn't choose fish of the same size to catch, no matter whether they were one foot or two feet long, he caught a total of more than a dozen fish, large and small, and rolled them up on the platform with their tails. The children grilled fish for themselves.

Le Yun was dumbfounded, this... this, Brother Long, he actually has such a high level of wisdom? !

The big python didn't care if the fish was cleaned or not, she cared, after dissection, she went to pick up two bags of clean water to wash it, and then skewered it for roasting.

There is no time to marinate, so I can only brush the juice while roasting.

When the second batch of fish was baked, it was almost twelve o'clock late.

After helping the big python to burn the second batch of fish, the little loli put out the fire with fire, and gave the big python a few pills to eat, told how to water the dragon soul grass, and ran away in a hurry .

After eating dozens of fish, the black and white boa constrictor was already somewhat full and satisfied. After eating the pills, he felt comfortable all over.

The little human girl was busy with something, and the big python didn't keep her. She watched the little human girl go into the forest and couldn't hear any sound anymore. She coiled into a circle and quietly absorbed the moonlight.

(End of this chapter)

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