magic eye doctor

Chapter 2497

Chapter 2497

After having a meal with Brother Long, Le Xiaoluoli was far away, and took the aircraft to rush to the southern Xinjiang desert at night.

She came to Gaoli Mountains just to visit the big python, she originally wanted to give the big python a piece of the inner alchemy of the monster python she brought back from Dongchen.

Looking at the big python, she found that the current physique of the big python is still a little weak, and she can't bear the powerful power of the monster python's inner alchemy. If he is forced to eat an inner alchemy, he will explode and die.

Boa's physical strength is not enough at this stage, let him practice beside the Dragon Soul Grass, and absorb more Sun Moon Essence that has the smell of Dragon Soul Grass, maybe in a few years, his body and blood will be improved.

There are continuous mountains between Southern Province Y and Province X, which is also convenient for Le Xiaoluoli. She flies an aircraft at a low altitude over the mountains and detours when she encounters cities.

Taking advantage of the dark night, the little Lolita sprinted all the way, spending more than two minutes, and successfully rushed to the desert hinterland of X Province in southern Xinjiang.

Arrived at his own medicinal plant garden, safe and worry-free.

Little Loli had a good night's sleep. After getting enough sleep, she boiled a pot of sea snail soup, ate and drank enough with the two little beasts, and started afforestation and planting.

The personnel of the construction company that built the fence at the construction site arrived in the desert in the first half of February. They first went to transport the machinery stored in the oilfield factory and packed the houses on the construction site.

The workers set off from their hometowns to the construction site in the middle of the second half of the ten-day period. The workers arrived in batches, and the work on the construction site could be connected.

The disciples of Guanyin Temple brought several large boxes of pills to the construction site by transport helicopter.

A group of elders from the Guanyin Temple went to Beijing after the Lantern Festival in Qiongdao, and practiced in the Paradise. The disciples who were in charge of taking care of the pills needed for the construction site also practiced in the Paradise for more than ten days before heading to the desert.

Le Xiaoluoli and the two little beasts planted some crops with the mechanical puppets, focusing on planting trees in the outer area.

The two beasts lead the puppets out day and night. Little Lolita is busy planting trees during the day, raining on Xuefeng at night, copying books in the workshop, meditating for an hour a day, and working overtime at other times.

She was busy until the end of the month, and handed over the work to two cute little beasts. She left the medicine planting park by herself, went to the construction site, sent another batch of building materials, and then returned to Beijing.

Little Lolita returned to the paradise on the afternoon of March 3st.

And a group of elders from the Xuan family, Zhou family, and Zhenghua sect brought the youths of their respective clans/clans into the Paradise in the morning, only a little earlier than the master.

The staff of the Guanyin Hall lived in the backyard of the academy, and the Zhou family of the Xuan family and the people of the Zhenghua School lived in the Meihua Xiaozhu and Haitang courtyard, and they arranged their food and living properly.

The oldest clan elders and ancestors of the Xuan family, the ancestors of the Zhou family, are all included. The Xuan family's Xuan family, the Zhou family, and the Zhou family's young masters are responsible for taking care of the diet and daily life of the clan elders.

Student Le returned to the other courtyard, had dinner with all the monks in the evening, chatted freely, taught in the morning the next day, and was busy with other things in the afternoon.

Le Shan had already mastered the sword skills he had learned, and began to learn the last move, "Sword Determines the Universe".

Little Lolita taught swordsmanship in the morning, went to the alchemy furnace to boil medicine in the afternoon, and in the evening in the Hall of Heroes, washed the bones of those monks who could cleanse the tendons and body of Xuanjia Zhou's family, and helped the monks who could be promoted to advance to the next level.

The monks who have undergone marrow washing, as well as the monks who have successfully opened up the second channel of Ren Du and successfully established the foundation, will retreat the next day, and then retreat after leaving the customs.

The elders of the Zhou family of the Xuan family returned home on the 15th.

On the 16th, Jiang Jiaxin's family led a group of young people to the Paradise to learn enlightenment. Le Xiao also hosted a banquet for him, and communicated with the two families in advance, so that the two of them could build a foundation or forcibly connect with each other. The elders of the two lines are meditating in Paradise.

The members of Jiang Xin's family will return to their respective families on April 4st, and Xiao Luoli is expected to be very busy at the end of the month, so she may not have time to meet with them again, let me know in advance.

The Si family of the Jiang family naturally accepted the little girl's kindness.

The elders of the Guanyin Hall live in the paradise for a long time, so they don’t have to worry about it themselves, and Xiao Le doesn’t have time to go to them for tea and chat. Apart from teaching his younger brother how to learn swords, he spends the rest of his time in the workshop.

On weekends, she would spare time to test the homework of a few carrots, big and small. The Monkey King was taught by Luke, and she taught Luoshitou how to learn Luoshi boxing.

On the last day of March in the new calendar, Mrs. Baoyin and her children and grandchildren, a group of 3 people, arrived in Beijing by plane from the capital of Mengmeng, and arrived at the paradise in the middle of the afternoon.

Le Yun took her younger brother to open the east gate, welcomed her aunt and grandma into the garden, went to the blessed land of Mu Huan, and served tea in the middle hall of the main house.

The old lady Baoyin drank tea, took her grandniece to introduce her children and grandchildren.

Because of her longevity, she already has great-great-grandsons, who are truly prosperous for the fifth generation.

This time, she was going back to the place where her father lived in peace to visit her late father's grave. Her children and grandchildren sent representatives to accompany each generation, and the five generations were complete.

The second generation of the Le family is the generation of the old lady's children. The first is the daughter. The eldest daughter and the eldest son and daughter-in-law have both passed away. The fourth daughter is married and did not come this time. The other three sons He and his daughter-in-law went back to their ancestral home with their mother to recognize their ancestors.

The third generation is the grandchildren, the sons and daughters of the old lady's sons, a total of 9 people.

The fourth generation is great-grandchildren or great-grandchildren, a total of 10 people.

The great-great-grandchildren of the fifth generation of Lejia, the oldest is seven or eight years old, the youngest was born last year, and the three-year-old children were taken by the adults to visit the grave of their grandparents with the old lady. There are three in total.

Because some people had to stay at home or because of work reasons, some did not come, but all the eldest sons and grandchildren of each branch were present.

Le Yun is of the same generation as her aunt's grandchildren. Speaking of which, her great-aunt's great-grandson and great-great-great-grandson are younger than her, so she has to be called cousin or grandma.

When the ancestors of the family took the little girl to introduce their family members, the men and women of the Le family were shocked.

Grandma/Iggy's natal family is Miss Le? !

Surprised, the Le family men and women opened their mouths so wide that a big duck egg could be stuffed.

The most shocking thing was Le Shuhai and Le Yunduo's aunt and nephew. Last time at the little girl's house, the old grandmother had already met the little girl, and she didn't reveal any news.

Grandma wanted to introduce uncles, cousins, cousins, etc. Le Yun got up and stood beside Luohan's couch.

Leshan also stood with her sister.

Mrs. Baoyin took her grandniece's little hand and introduced them one by one. They were all ranked according to the ranking, male and female ranked together.

Speaking of it, the daughter of the great aunt is called "cousin" in Le Yun, and the son of the aunt is called "cousin uncle and uncle". The grandchildren of the aunt are the same generation, that is, cousins.

The old lady Baoyin's two daughters and four sons are the eldest daughter Le Ping, who has passed away, and the second son Le An, who died with his wife. The third son Le Jian and his wife Tana are alive;
The fourth son Le Kang, his wife Sa Ren; the fifth daughter Le Xing, absent; the sixth son Le Fu, his wife Ao Deng;
The third generation included Le An's eldest son Le Yunkai, fifth son Le Yunji, and youngest daughter Le Yunduo. The grandchildren ranked first, No.11 and No.20 respectively.

Le Jian's eldest son, Le Yunming, and his second daughter, Le Yunru, are the third and fourth grandchildren respectively.

Le Kang's eldest son, Le Yunyue, and his third son, Le Yunji, are the second and seventh grandchildren.

Le Fu's eldest son, Le Yunxiang, and fifth son, Le Yuntai, are the eighth and No.18 grandchildren.

The fourth generation includes Le Shugang, Le Shuying, Le Shulin, Le Shulin, Le Shusen, Le Shuyan, Le Shuqiong, Le Shuyu, Le Shujia, and Le Shucheng.

The fifth generation has Le Chaoyang, Le Chaoyue, and Le Chaoxing.

Mrs. Baoyin has eight great-great-grandchildren. Children under the age of three are too young to take them with them on long trips. Those who follow the elders and grandma back home are all children over the age of five.

Le Chaoyang is the eldest son of Le Shugang, who is 8 years old, Le Chaoyue is the eldest son of Le Shugang, who is [-] years old, and Le Chaoxing is the eldest son of Le Shusen, who is [-] and a half years old.

The old lady Baoyin introduced her children and grandchildren, and said with a smile: "Those of your generation are older than your siblings, you don't need to care about their rank, just call them cousins.

From your cousin's generation, there are only a few younger than you, no matter how old they are, they are all your nephews. When I take them back to their hometown to worship their ancestors, let your nephews and grandnephews kowtow to you. "

The aunt was introducing her children and grandchildren, and Le Yun tried her best to memorize the faces. Fortunately, she had a good memory, and she could put people in their seats just by looking at them once.

She was memorizing the facial makeup carefully, and when she first heard that she was going to ask the younger generation to kowtow to her, Le Yun was shocked: "Auntie, you are my close relative and elder, and your children and grandchildren are naturally the blood relatives of the Le family. Just a person, no need to kowtow."

"Nephews who are only one generation younger than you are not allowed to kowtow to you. Nephews and grandnieces who are two generations younger must kowtow to you." The old lady Baoyin pulled her grandniece, feeling curious and almost reluctant to let go.

The children of the Lejiashu generation and the Chaozi generation agreed with the old grandmother’s words. They felt that since they recognized their relatives, it was natural for them to kowtow to their elders, just like every year when they celebrate the New Year, the younger generations of their family will fall at the feet of the elders Salute, according to the blessings of the elders.

Le Yun couldn't hold back the aunt and grandma, let's not discuss whether to give a big gift, please wait for the elder aunt and elders first, she turned to the back hall.

She had prepared in advance, and there were several trays containing items on the table in the back hall.

Moved three trays back to the front hall, first put them on a table, only took a small tray, and took my younger brother to recognize cousins ​​and uncles

The Mongolians value etiquette. It was the first time they met their cousins. Le Yun prepared a snuff bottle as a gift.

There are more than a dozen snuff bottles standing on the tray, all of which are gold-bodied cloisonné enamel snuff bottles, with exquisite shapes and craftsmanship.

In Le Shan's view, the uncles and cousins ​​of the aunt's family have similar faces and figures, and they have a high degree of similarity, so it is really difficult to distinguish them.

He also didn't remember the ranking of his cousins. Fortunately, he has an older sister. The older sister is extremely smart, and the older sister remembers her name. He also quickly bent down and called her uncle, cousin, and aunt.

Mrs. Baoyin is already a centenarian. If the eldest daughter is still alive, she will be an old man who has reached the age of eighty. The surviving sons and daughters and daughter-in-law are all old.

Six old men and women suddenly have a beautiful cousin who is younger than their granddaughter, and a cousin who is only a little bit older than their eldest great-grandson. The mood can be imagined. I don't know how shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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