magic eye doctor

Chapter 2498

Chapter 2498

Lejian Lekang Lefu and others accepted it calmly after being shocked. Grandma once said that her nieces and grandnieces of her natal family were all young and very cute.

The facts in front of me are exactly the same as what my mother said. The cousin is petite and sweet, and the cousin is soft and cute. The two little guys are cuter than a pony.

When she saw her nephew and niece approaching, Le Jiantana was so excited that she stood up, and her eyes were sore with joy when she heard the two children call her "cousin, uncle and aunt".

Mongolian people like snuff bottles, both men and women carry a snuff bottle with refreshing spices.

Generally, when friends or relatives meet each other, they will pass their snuff bottles to each other. After taking the snuff bottles from each other, they will admire them for a while, and then open them and put them under their noses to smell the fragrance.

Le Jiantana and his wife heard from their cousin and niece that there was her special refreshing spice in the snuff bottle. They happily took it in their hands, admired it, pulled off the lid again, and sniffed the fragrance.

The incense in the snuff bottle is rich and fragrant, and it feels refreshing when you smell it.

The couple liked it very much. After sitting down, they played with the snuff bottle fondly.

The Lekang and Lefu couples took a gift from themselves and played with it in their hands, full of praise.

The niece and granddaughter are considerate in everything, and Mrs. Baoyin is also very happy to see the smiling faces of her son and daughter-in-law.

Giving gifts to the elder cousins, Le Yun changed another big tray and took her younger brother to recognize the cousins.

The meeting gifts given to cousins ​​are also snuff bottles, which are silver-bodied snuff with chiseled enamel craftsmanship,

All the brothers of the Yunzi generation accepted the meeting gifts from their younger cousins ​​and happily held them in their hands, all of them beaming with joy.

If the peers have gifts, the nephews will naturally not be left behind. Each person has a snuff bottle with a copper body and enamel painting.

The meeting gift given by Le Xiao to the three cousins ​​and grandchildren is that each of them wears a necklace with a golden lock of longevity.

After giving a meeting gift, I just sat and talked.

The old lady Baoyin hugged her nephew and grandson beside her, patted her head, rubbed her face, and happily teased the children, which was never enough.

Le Shan's face was deformed by pinching, and she wanted to hide but because she was an elder, she was embarrassed, so she could only ask her sister for help with her eyes again and again.

Le Yun didn't pretend not to notice when she received a distress message from her baby brother, and decisively urged her brother to go to class.

Little Leshan is going to study, so Mrs. Baoyin can only let him go.

Le Shan, who was finally rescued by her sister, ran to the backyard of the academy to find the little brother.

My younger brother went out, and Le Xiao discussed the itinerary with her aunts and cousins. Her plan was to return to E North on the 2nd, and give acupuncture to a cousin in the evening, and the cousins ​​took detoxification medicine in batches on the 1st that night. ball.

The old lady Baoyin and her children and grandchildren had no objection.

After arranging the itinerary, Le Xiao sent her aunt and grandma's family to the "Hanyu Courtyard", and the family was free to allocate housing. She went back to the East Courtyard, and first moved dozens of buckets of water from the storage container to the dining room in the kitchen. , and then add all the medicines to boil the medicine soup.

The old lady Baoyin took her children and grandchildren, arranged them properly, and went to the garden to enjoy the scenery. In the evening, those who did not take detoxification pills followed the old lady to the Wuwei Cabinet for dinner.

A group of people who wanted to eat detox pills went to their little cousin to get pills, each drank three big bowls of soup, and another got two big buckets of water.

The crowd divided into several groups, and the girls went back to the Hanyu courtyard to go to the toilet.

The men are also divided into two, some are in the inner courtyard of the east courtyard, and some are in the outer courtyard. There are toilets in the inner and outer courtyards of the east courtyard, which can meet the requirements for use.

Classmate Le lighted deodorizing incense for the Hanyu Hospital and the East Hospital, and took his uncles and aunts to the clinic building behind the house. Men and women are separated, so there is no embarrassment when doing acupuncture.

The acupuncture for the three elderly couples lasted for nearly four hours. They were afraid that the noise would be too loud when they went back to the guest hospital to wash up and disturb others, so they took a bath in the clinic building and changed into clean clothes.

After an acupuncture session, the six elderly people no longer hunchback, their legs have strength, and they are full of energy. They followed their little niece into the garden through the back door, and then went back to Hanyuyuan to catch up on sleep.

People who ate the detox pills drank water and ran to the toilet, tossing until almost dawn, and their stomachs finally calmed down.

Everyone's clothes were soaked several times, and the sweat was greasy and dirty.

After taking a shower, I felt refreshed again.

So, in the morning, those who had eaten detox pills were happy to eat breakfast, and those who had their turn to eat detox pills during the day all went to the east courtyard to drink medicinal soup and pills, and carry their own portion of water.

Le Xiaoluoli doesn't care about people who eat detox pills running to the toilet several times an hour, and she still teaches her younger brother how to learn swords in the morning.

Le Shan has been learning "Sword Determines the Universe" for a month, and barely memorized the moves. He is not yet proficient and needs some time to practice.

In the afternoon, Young Master Yan and handsome Lan San each carried their bags to the paradise to report that Little Lolita was going back to Plum Village on the 2nd.

When seeing the two handsome guys come to brush their faces, little loli didn't dislike Yan's meddling, and asked with concern what handsome Liu was up to.

Little Lolita wasn't busy with work, and seemed to be in a good mood, Yan Xing leaned over and whispered: "Little Lolita, let me tell you a little secret, Mr. Liu is going to be promoted to be a father."

"Oh, it's really congratulatory. You don't need to guess. Handsome Liu must be laughing every day in his dreams. Your news is also very good. How many months has handsome Liu's wife been pregnant?"

Le Yun was shocked, did the children like Xiaolong more, so they all rushed to reincarnate in Xiaolong's year?
"It was just detected late last month. It's been more than a month." Yan Xing was a little worried. When his wife found out that she was pregnant, she immediately showed it off to him triumphantly.

At that time, it was fine to show off, but these days I have been showing off non-stop, lest people would not know that his wife is pregnant, so I would tell him every day, "For the sake of the baby, I have to work hard and try to earn more milk powder money."

Seeing the news about that guy makes me angry!
To tell the truth, if that guy hadn't grown up wearing crotch pants, he would have beaten people up long ago.

"The calculation is that she was conceived at the end of the first month, and the expected date of delivery may be in the month of December in the new calendar. The little guy may be able to spend New Year's Day with his parents.

There are happy events every year, but not for more than three or two years. When I come back from my hometown, I have to visit my sister Fu. If sister Fu is pregnant with a baby this year, it will be even more lively. "

Le Yun is very happy, it is reported that the great-aunt's family has two great-grandchildren who are also pregnant with babies, and the aunt's family is also expecting a baby this year.

There is a happy event in someone else's house, Yan Xing is secretly unhappy, the happy event is someone else's, why is he not happy at all?

The good news made people feel good, Le Xiaoluoli was also happy for Handsome Liu, she didn't care what Yan was thinking, and happily went to take care of things.

A group of people who ate the detoxification pills finally got relief before evening, and they were able to have dinner together in a reunion at night, and they all took the nutrition pills of Yangyuan Guben at night, and slept soundly.

After a night of recuperation, Mrs. Baoyin's children and grandchildren also recovered their physical fitness, and all of them looked younger overnight, full of energy and vitality.

Because I was not in a hurry to go back to my hometown, there was no need to get up at five o'clock and climb in the middle of the night. Classmate Le and his aunt and grandma's family had breakfast on the 2nd, and then boarded the helicopter without any haste.

Li Zhao didn't go back to his hometown with his younger brother. The younger brother was taken care of by his master when he returned home. He had nothing to do when he went back to Plum Village. Instead, he had to cook an extra meal for one more person, which added to the burden.

Lan San took it for granted to be the driver.

Little Loli didn't go to pick up the city construction site, nor did she go to Fangxian No. [-] Middle School. She didn't get off the plane halfway, and the helicopter flew in a straight line, and returned to Meicun at around two o'clock in the afternoon.

The helicopter stopped in front of the village office building, and a group of people got off the plane, dragging large and small suitcases, and went straight to Lejia.

Le Yun helped her aunt and grandma, and as she walked, she introduced which families were next to the village. They were cut off by big wolf dogs when they were far away from their own buildings.

The old lady Baoyin was cheerful all the way. When she arrived outside the building of her nephew and grandson, she saw the middle-aged couple coming out to greet her, her eyes fixed on the middle-aged man's face.

"It really looks like it!" Her deceased eldest son and sixth child, as well as her great-grandson Le Shuhai, had the most resemblance to her natal nephew.

When Dad Le saw the old lady supported by his little boy, he knew that it was undoubtedly the eldest daughter of his grandfather who had been separated for many years. Clearly sour.

Perhaps, this is the wonder of blood relationship.

The blood relationship makes people feel close, because they have been separated for many years, and when they reunite, they are happy, but they can't help but feel sad.

Father Le stood in front of his aunt and called softly, "Auntie."

The old lady Baoyin stared at the face of her nephew, whom she had just met for the first time, and when she heard the voice of "Auntie", her heart ached, and tears rolled down her cheeks.

"Hey! Good boy." The old lady answered with tears, and stretched out her hand to hold her nephew's hand and held it in her hand.

Father Le helped Auntie by the arm.

Le Yun quickly stepped aside and asked Aunt Feng to help her eldest aunt.

Zhou Qiufeng also stepped forward, called "Auntie", stood in the little boy's place, and supported the old man.

The teary-eyed old lady Baoyin couldn't speak, but answered with a choked voice. Supported by her nephew and niece and daughter-in-law, she turned around so that the children could recognize their relatives in the grandfather's family.

Le Yun did her part as an introducer, introducing the two elders of her family to her uncles and cousins, and then introducing her uncles and aunts to her father and Aunt Feng.

Le Dad is also the youngest among his cousins, so he basically doesn't have to worry about ranking among his cousins, just "cousin and sister-in-law" is OK.

The Lejian brothers and sisters-in-law don’t need to worry too much. Uncle is just a son, just such a little cousin, as long as he doesn’t suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, he can remember them all.

The elders met each other, and Le Yunkai and others said hello to the cousin/uncle.

The relatives had a face-to-face meeting and entered the house.

There are four large round tables in the main room of Lejia, with the north and the south facing each other. The seats near the south and north walls of each table are non-moving Arhat couches and treasure seats, and the rest are official hat chairs.

Ant Laoyan was always in the main room, and saw that the master invited the old aunt of the Le family and the nephews of the Le family to come in and help greet the old lady Baoyin and several elderly men and women.

Mrs. Baoyin also knew that the two elderly men from her younger brother's house were experts invited by her little grandniece, and she warmly shook hands with the two elderly men.

Le's father, Zhou Qiufeng, helped his eldest aunt and wanted to invite him to sit on the Luohan couch, but the old lady refused. She broke away from her nephew and niece and daughter-in-law's hand, walked to the incense table, knelt down, and shouted: "Father, My daughter is back!"

(End of this chapter)

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