magic eye doctor

Chapter 2499

Chapter 2499

The old lady Baoyin yelled "Daddy", and she was sobbing.

Le Jianle Kangle Fu saw his mother knelt down, walked behind the old lady with his daughter-in-law, and knelt down to salute the god of his grandfather's family.

The seven old people knelt down, and their children and grandchildren naturally imitated the old people. In the blink of an eye, a group of people knelt down on the ground like dumplings.

His father, Zhou Qiufeng, didn't understand what his aunt wanted to do when his aunt broke his hand. Seeing her kneeling in front of the altar, and seeing her children and grandchildren kneeling on the ground, she was shocked.

The couple wanted to help the eldest aunt, but they were pulled by their little padded jackets. They didn't understand why the little boy didn't let them help them, and it was hard to ask.

Le Yun prevented the two elders from going to help the aunt, took out a stick of incense from the drawer of the long case, went to the kitchen to light it, and handed a stick of incense to the aunt, uncles, cousins, nephews/grandchildren.

She knelt at the side again and reported to her great-grandfather in person: "Great-grandfather, great-granddaughter Le Yun, lived up to your last wish and found your lost aunt and grandma. Today, my great-grandmother brought some of her children and grandchildren back to Plum Village to recognize their ancestors.

Although the great aunt suffered a catastrophe at a young age and was separated from her relatives, perhaps the ancestors of the Dele family were blessed in the sky. They were lucky enough to be rescued by noble people when their lives were hanging by a thread. Five generations live under the same roof, great-grandfather, you have a spirit in heaven, so you can rest in peace. "

After saying a few words, Le Yun helped the eldest aunt: "Auntie, please offer incense to the great grandfather. The old man has been waiting for you for a stick of incense. He has been waiting for a long time."

"En." The old lady Baoyin cried with a heavy nasal tone, she answered, kowtowed three times while leaning on the incense, and then stood up with support, and inserted the incense into the incense burner on the desk.

She offered incense, stood aside, and asked her son and daughter-in-law to offer incense to her grandfather and the ancestors of the grandfather's family.

Lejian Lekang Lefu and their respective daughters-in-law offered incense in pairs, and then stood beside grandma.

After offering incense, the people of the cloud generation stood to one side, and the people of the tree generation brought three children to offer incense, and stood beside the elders.

The old lady Baoyin wiped away her tears and asked the younger generation to kneel down again to kowtow to the ancestors of the grandparents' family and their deceased uncles and aunts/grandparents/great uncles and great uncles.

After the children and grandchildren saluted and went to get two chairs to put on the case, let the nephew and niece and daughter-in-law sit, and asked the grandson and great-grandchildren to recognize their cousins/cousins ​​and grandparents.

Because she represents her mother's family, Le's father Zhou Qiufeng received gifts from the juniors of the aunt's family.

Le Yun didn't want the juniors of the aunt's family to kowtow to her, but she was the head of the Le family and represented the Le family, so she had no choice but to accept the gift with her younger brother.

When the younger generation saluted, the siblings turned half of their bodies sideways and only accepted half of the salute.

The old lady Baoyin took her son and made a big salute in front of the ancestral throne of her mother's family, which was considered the basic ceremony of recognizing the ancestors and returning to the clan.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng helped the eldest aunt to sit on the Arhat couch, greeted the cousins ​​and sisters-in-law to sit down, and went to fetch hot water for the eldest aunt and cousins ​​to wash their faces and hands.

The young people didn't dare to bother their seniors, so they went to get towels from the eaves, washed their faces under the tap water tap outside, and then went back to sit in the house.

With the assistance of student Le Xiao and handyman Yan Shuai and Lan Shuai, they made tea and served fruit snacks.

On the way back to Jiudao, at noon, the helicopter stopped briefly around a county town to find a place to have lunch. I was not hungry, as long as there were fruits and snacks.

Having already recognized their relatives, it is natural to talk and walk away. After talking for a long time, the old lady Baoyin took her sons to put the luggage.

Classmate Le let Lan San and Yan Shuai live in Mr. Li's bedroom, let the eldest grandma live in her bedroom on the first floor, and they arranged the combination of others by themselves.

There are two rooms on the second floor of the south building and three rooms on the first floor, three rooms on the second floor of the north building, and one room on the first floor. The 29 members of the Le family live in nine rooms, which is more than enough.

Le Yunduo and Le Shuqiong were in charge of taking care of the old grandmother. They lived in a bedroom with the old grandmother, and the rest of them lived in three or two. Men and women lived separately. They quickly divided into groups and screwed their luggage into the guest room.

After sorting out the personal luggage, the young people sorted out the presents they carried and handed them to the little cousin.

The air in Plum Village is fresh, and the style is different from that of the grassland. The old lady Baoyin and her son and daughter-in-law came to the southern countryside for the first time, and they were very curious.

Regardless of the exhaustion of traveling and horses, they waited for their grandniece/little niece to finish arranging the housework, and dragged her around.

The two oldest generations were in good spirits, and the younger generations naturally went for a walk together and went to the fields to see the rice fields in the south.

The three little guys, Chaoyang, Chaoyue, and Chaoxing, have only been together for a short period of time, and they have become Leshan's little followers. They obey Leshan's words, but they are well-behaved, and they don't need the elders to worry about taking care of them.

When the aerial scooter belonging to Miss Lejia returned to Meicun, many people saw it. When Miss Lejia accompanied a large group of people to the fields, she was seen by more villagers who were farming in the fields.

The villagers who didn't know the identity of Lejia's visitor were also very curious.

Zhou's family, Zhang Laosan, Liu Cheng's and Wu's family knew that a grandma of the Le family would come back to visit the grave of Le Yuan, the old man of the Le family, when they were asked about it, they didn't hide it.

The news that the great aunt of the Le family came back to look for her relatives also spread among the villagers.

On the first day when the eldest aunt returned to her natal home, Le Xiao didn't invite anyone to accompany her. She ate a family dinner by herself in the evening, and invited her grandpa and grandma at noon the next day.

Her grandfather and Grandpa Man are brothers who have worshiped incense, and Grandpa Man and Grandma Man are also considered half of her natal family.

Village head Zhou went to the village committee to order Mao in the morning, and listened to the village committee meeting on strengthening forest fire protection during the Qingming Festival. He returned to the village from the village committee and arrived at Lejia early without being urged by the little boy.

Mrs. Baoyin knew that Village Chief Zhou was the younger brother's An Da, and she and the children were polite and close to the two old men of the Zhou family. In the afternoon, she was invited to sit at Village Chief Zhou's house for a while.

In the evening, little classmate Le invited Grandma Zhou, Aunt Papi Pa, the two old brothers of the Cheng family, grandpa Zhang San and grandpa Liu Qi and grandpa Liu Qi to drink with the eldest aunt at Le's house.

It's a pity that the Mongolian people have a good drinker capacity, and the accompanying guests she invited had a little drinker capacity, so they drank all of them.

When dinner was over, none of the accompanying guests could be found, and Le's father Zhou Qiufeng sent them back one by one.

Although Le Jian and the others were good at drinking, they couldn't hold back the good wine from their grandparents' house. After the banquet, they felt that their stamina was coming, so they quickly crawled to sleep, so they didn't make an embarrassment on the spot.

The Le family's aunt came back to sweep the grave. When Qingming went to the mountain, the Zhou family didn't go with the Le family, and they set off first.

Before breakfast, student Le put the dishes brought to the mountain for sacrifices on the steamer. After breakfast, he packed up the prepared supplies and picked them up the mountain in baskets.

It was the first time for Lejian Lekang Lefu, who went back to his grandparents’ house to worship their ancestors, to let the children carry things. They received acupuncture and moxibustion from their little niece.

When they arrived at the cemetery, Le Yunkai and his brothers and sisters cleaned up the grave. The Le family would go up to the mountain to worship every Qingming and New Year's Eve. There were no weeds around the grave.

Le Yunkai and his brothers and sisters took their children and nephews to dig some new soil in other places to add soil to the grandfather's grave, and then set up sacrifices, offered incense and burned paper.

The old lady Baoyin took her children and grandchildren to burn paper for her father who passed away, toasted three times, and cried while hugging the tombstone. I love myself very much.

The father and daughter have been separated for nearly a century, and when there is news, they have been separated forever.

My father went through life and death several times in order to find her, but she never performed a day of filial piety in front of him.

She found her root and wanted to support her father, but her son wanted to support him but refused to wait for him.

A small amount of precious childhood memories lingered in her mind. The old lady Baoyin knelt and sat by the grave, holding onto the tombstone that could not reveal her father's voice, appearance, and only his name.

Father Le is also a soft-hearted person. When his aunt cried, he couldn't help crying with her.

Zhou Qiufeng, Le Jian and others couldn't persuade them at all.

The old lady Baoyin and Le's father cried for a while, comforting and persuading each other, while the aunt and nephew cried with each other.

Others couldn't persuade her, Le Yun sent her younger brother out.

Le Shan squeezed between the eldest aunt and father, and persuaded in a childish voice: "Auntie, Dad, don't cry anymore. Today, my aunt brought all the younger generations to see my great-grandpa. I don't know how happy my great-grandfather is that he has a spirit underground. If you keep crying like this, Grandpa will be sad when he hears it."

"Okay, great aunt is not upset." My father's two little grandchildren are very smart and good children. It is a good thing that father's incense continues to be passed on!

The old lady Baoyin choked up and wiped away her tears. With the support of her niece and granddaughter, she got up, wiped her tears again with a towel, and took the children to worship at the tombs of her brother, sister-in-law and sister who only had a tomb.

She has never seen her younger sister or younger brother.

She was also in trouble at a young age, her younger sister was unknown, and her younger brother died young. Although she was unfortunate, she was the luckiest. She was still alive, and while she was alive, she found her own roots and met her natal relatives.

Even if she wanted to endure it, the old lady Baoyin still couldn't help herself, and cried again in front of her sister's and brother's graves.

Le Jian and his younger brothers offered incense to his aunt, whose whereabouts were unknown and only her clothes were in the tomb, and also to his cousin Le Ya. The children of the cloud generation and the tree generation were juniors, and they kowtowed to cousin Le Ya/grandmother.

After paying homage to the deceased relatives, everyone packed up their belongings and went down the mountain.

The old lady Baoyin was in a low mood, and she didn't feel better when she returned to her nephew's house.

Classmate Le Xiao had no choice but to make Yu tea for the eldest aunt, and after lunch, the eldest aunt brought her brother and three little dolls to make kites.

After flying a kite in the wild for half a day, the old lady Baoyin's depressed mood was blown away by the wind, and her mood turned from cloudy to sunny.

The old lady Baoyin took the children to the mountain to sweep the tomb, stayed at Lejia for a day, and left for M Province on Sunday. Some of them also had jobs. In order to go back to their grandparents' home to recognize their ancestors, they asked for a few days off. Can't wait too long.

Classmate Le Xiao is going to pick up the construction site in the city and postpones his return to Beijing, while Young Master Yan stays in Meicun Little Lolita as a bodyguard.

The handsome guy Lan San sent the old lady Baoyin's family to the Capital Airport by helicopter, and the family of Lejia took a plane back to Province M.

(End of this chapter)

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