magic eye doctor

Chapter 2500

Chapter 2500

The Ching Ming Festival in 2025 falls on Friday, and there is a three-day holiday together with Saturday and Sunday. Students and office workers also have time to visit the tomb with their families.

Tomb-sweeping day is a national public holiday, and all public institutions in the country also have a holiday. Some private enterprises and private construction sites have a holiday, and some do not.

The construction of the base invested by Le Xiaoluoli has to be rushed, so the construction site will not be closed for holidays.

After the Ching Ming holiday ended, Le Xiaoluoli took her younger brother and left home on Monday of the new week. She first went to No. [-] Middle School in Changfang County and had lunch with Luo Ban.

She left No. [-] Middle School, and in the afternoon, the class teachers of No. [-] No. [-] Middle School and Senior No. [-] classes announced good news: No. No. [-] No. [-] Middle School candidates who entered the top ten in the province in this year's college entrance examination will be rewarded with a set of cartoons signed by You Le.

The test papers compiled by Le were sold out as soon as they were listed in various provinces, and many students or parents who were only in the second or first year of high school also stocked up the materials in advance.

As a result of the popularity of the test papers, they are often out of stock, so they can only be reprinted and reprinted. There is a province with a large population that has been reprinted six times in a row.

According to unofficial survey data, high school students in all provinces and counties across the country actually have the test papers written by Le students in their hands. The freshman in the first year of high school also stocked up a copy in advance as a reference, and the students in the first and second year of high school made targeted study plans in advance.

With the popularity of the test paper question sets, the cartoon illustrations drawn by Lexiao himself also became popular, and students unanimously called for the publication of the compiled comic book collection.

In response to people's request, the comic book was published and listed, and it became a hot seller again.

Today, the manga has been reprinted seven times.

It is said that Le's test paper collection surpassed all the famous works or bestsellers last year, and sold more than 2000 million copies in less than half a year after it was launched.

Because the manga is not a reference material and has not been promoted, the sales volume is slightly lower, and it also broke through the 1000 million mark.

Le Xiaoluoli donated the test paper collection to the Ministry of Education. She does not collect royalties, but the comics are private works, and the royalties alone are a windfall.

That amount of money is not much for the current classmate Le, but if it were someone else, it would be a typical example of turning from abject poverty to becoming a multi-millionaire.

The senior three students of the third middle school heard that Miss Lejia presented a set of comic books with her autograph after being admitted to the top ten in the province before the college entrance examination. Whether they are top students or low students, their enthusiasm for learning is unprecedentedly high again.

After a trip to his alma mater, Le Xiao took his younger brother and Xiaowei Yan to Shishi to meet with the leaders of the Urban Construction Department who were responsible for the demolition of the construction site.

The residents in the demolition area have all been relocated, and all the houses have been vacated, ready to be demolished at any time.

The leaders accompanied the little girl to go around the demolition area where the houses were vacated, and also went to the construction site to see the progress of the project.

After the beginning of spring in 25 years, the weather was not so good, and it was rainy all the time. Many outdoor projects could not be constructed, and the progress of the project was very slow.

Fortunately, although many works such as foundation digging are not moving, the construction company and workers are not idle. They work on sunny days, and put on raincoats on rainy days to build safety barriers for the demolition area where the little girl plans to be her headquarters.

The big and small leaders of the construction company arranged their work flexibly, and the workers also cooperated tacitly, and the work went smoothly.

After walking around the construction site and returning to the municipal office, Le Xiao signed the progress reports of each project and paid all the remaining balance of the demolition fund.

She paid the final payment, and the government department will transfer the final payment to each household's bank account in batches.

After finishing the official business, Le Xiaoluoli accepted the invitation of the leaders of Shishi City, and had dinner with them at night. Then, she took her younger brother and ran to the employee's residence of Brother Beauty to rub the ground.

So, at night, Little Lori took her younger brother to snatch Brother Mei's bed, and the beautiful boy and Young Master Yan made the floor.

The little loli, who had a good night's sleep, was in a good mood. She had breakfast with her beautiful brother, and hurried away with her younger brother.

Young Master Yan faked a smile the whole time, he thought that Little Lolita had postponed her return to Beijing, and he had a chance to perform, but it turned out that the whole process was just to show off.

It wasn't until Little Loli got on the high-speed train to Beijing that Young Master Yan finally got the chance to sit with Little Loli, and also had the opportunity to serve tea and water.

He worked as a waiter the whole time and took good care of the siblings. On the way, he also glared away a few young people who tried to add the contact information of the little loli.

Young Master Yan, who once served as a flower protector, was in a particularly good mood all the way!
When the high-speed train arrived in Beijing, in order to prevent the little loli from being taken advantage of by others, he sent the cute little loli and her little brother back to the paradise, and stayed in the paradise for dinner at night, and returned to the station the next day Work.

After returning to the paradise from his hometown, Le Xiao was busy harvesting the flowers or tender plants in the garden, and then took time to meet guests on Friday.

姜家与姒家是3月下旬进乐园参悟,除了受邀留住的族老, 其他们于4月1号返程, 江南陈家与段家的人马也于4月1号到乐园做客。

Little Lolita also entertained a group of people from the Chen family and the Duan family, and invited two elders from each family to stay for a few more days.

A group of people from the Chen family and the Duan family also returned on the 16th. On the same day, Weihua sent a team and a team from the Feng family to visit the paradise.

Le entertained the team of the Pai family that night, and invited the three elders of the Zhenghua School, one elder of the Feng family, to meet with the elders of the other families who were invited to stay at the Fu Huan Land at noon the next day.

In the afternoon after the meeting, classmate Le made a medicinal soup, and in the evening, he opened up the second channel of Ren and Du for the elders of several clans or built a foundation.

The elders who received the help of the little girl retreated for meditation on the second day, or three or five days. After leaving the customs, they continued to practice until May 5st and went back separately.

The little girl opened up the second channel or built the foundation for the elders of several families, but did not list the elders of the Guanyin Temple. Everyone in the Guanyin Temple is still repairing in Paradise.

On the first day of May in the new calendar, elders from the Ren family and the Tantai family each led a team of middle-aged and elderly people to visit the paradise.

May 5st is International Labor Day.

It is also one of the holidays with the most married people in a year, and many young people in the Beijing-zhonggui circle also hold wedding events.

The Dongfang family of the monk family and the female disciple of Emei also tied the knot that day. Since the two parties were not in the same province, two wedding banquets were held. One was held on the site of Emei.

After the Dongfang family took the bride home, they would entertain relatives and friends in their hometown. It was a personal banquet for the man's family.

Jianghu sects and monk families sent representatives to watch the ceremony.

Le Xiaoluoli took the time to visit Xuan Shao in late April, and asked the Xuan family to bring a gift. It was impossible for her to go. After all, the Emei faction also sent envoys to give her gifts at the beginning, and the Dongfang family was in her On the birthday when I came back from Dongchen, I sent someone to give a gift.

Rituals come and go, so, the Emei sect held a big wedding, and gifts were given away.

Little Lolita is not stingy, and the gift prepared according to the thickness of the gift from the other party is no worse than the gift from the other party.

The marriage between the sect and the monk family was a major event, and a farm hotel at the foot of Mount Emei was contracted, and the wedding ceremony was very grand.

Jianghu sects and monk families, those who received the invitations sent envoys to watch the ceremony. Unfortunately, no heads of other families came in person, and only a few heads of the monk families who are very close to the Fang family came in person. Go less.

Young Master Xuan went to watch the ceremony. He took the plane back to Beijing after lunch. He didn't even go back to his own courtyard. He went to the paradise from the airport to chat with little loli.

Classmate Le received the young master of the Xuan family in Langhuan Palace, and seeing him drink four cups of tea in one breath like a cow drinking water, he couldn't help laughing: "What the hell, could it be that at the wedding banquet between Emei and the Fang family Without tea, you are thirsty like a cow?"

"There is tea, but I don't know if they neglected it or for other reasons. They didn't use the famous tea produced on the mountain. The tea in the hotel is a common tea in the market. I tasted it, and the taste was mediocre, so I kept my stomach in mind. Come here for some good tea.

Alas, your tea is still delicious, with a clear throat and a sweet aftertaste. "

Xuan Shao poured several glasses of water in a row, wiped the corners of his mouth, and looked satisfied.

"Yes, I know that you want to lie to me about tea, but for the sake of your traveling so hard, I'll give you a can later."

"Yeah, it's not easy. I went for the good tea in Emei, but when I tasted the tea at the banquet, my heart was half cold."

"If the Fang family heard what you said, they probably didn't feel cold, but cold from head to toe."

The little girl said how the Fang family was feeling, and nodded following the young master's Xuan Yi and Xuan Er Kuang, and Xuan Yi added a sentence in a timely manner: "When the Fang family received the gift from our young master, their heart might be to pull out the cold, It’s too cold, our young master’s one or two comments shouldn’t be a blow to them.”

"That's right." Young Master Xuan clapped his hands and was very happy. When he handed over the gift that the little beauty asked him to bring to the registration clerk, Emeifang and Fang's family were there. The Fang's family concealed it well, and it was obvious that their expressions were stiff. stiff.

"Could it be that my congratulatory gift doesn't conform to the rules of the world?" Le Yun said innocently.

"Puff." Young master Xuan smiled and sat down softly, looking at the little girl and sighing: "Little beauty, it's fine if you don't attend the wedding banquet or the ascension ceremony of the head of any house in the ancient repair world. Or which sect they went to, the Fang family and Emei might want to eat them."

"Oh, this is a problem for me. Like Xuan Shao, when you get married, I will definitely go, and the young master of Ji's family and Zhou Jiahua's family will get married. As long as I don't retreat, I will naturally have to go. .

If you don’t go here, you guys and my friendship boat will definitely get your belly tanned, right? If you go, it feels like it’s bringing hatred to you. Do you think I’m going or going? "

"Of course I'm going." Xuan Shao immediately became energetic: "Little beauty, where I am, the possibility of getting married is extremely low, but the possibility of Ji Shao and Zhou Shao Hua Shao getting married is very high. If I give you an idea today Say no need to go, if their family hears the news, they will definitely tear me alive."

"You look like gossip again, who among them is talking about someone?"

"Zhou's family and Ji's family." The little beauty learned by analogy, she knew everything.

"Hey, the up-and-comers in the ancient cultivator world have a tacit understanding too. Either they are all single, or if they want to get out of the single, they form a group? Is the daughter-in-law of the Zhou family and the Ji family a monk?"

"The Zhou family is for Young Master Zhou to marry a wife, and the Ji family is for a married daughter. If there are no accidents, Miss Ji Jiajiu and Young Master Zhou will get married within the next year or two."

"Miss Ji Jiu and Young Master Zhou? I thought that Miss Ji Jiu liked the beautiful Seventh Young Master of the Yu family who was only known by name."

Le Yun was stunned. Ms. Ji Jiajiu had a bright personality, a hearty and generous girl, and she was a straightforward girl. She had been full of praise for Yu Qishao at the ancient repair party, and she looked like Yu Qishao's loyal fan.

"Ha, even little beauties think that way, so don't blame others for thinking that Miss Ji Jiu likes Young Master Yu." Xuan Shao smiled brightly: "Shao Ji said that his ninth sister said that everyone loves beauty. It is stipulated that when a girl appreciates a handsome man, it must be a love between a man and a woman, and Yu Qishao is handsome and handsome, so there is nothing wrong with her admiring a handsome man."

"It's really unexpected. Miss Ji Jiu is a little face-controlling, and Zhou Shao has an ordinary face just like me."

"In the words of Ms. Ji Jiu, looking for a relationship is an eye addiction, looking for a husband is to live, and she is looking for a husband to live with. A husband like Zhou Shao feels more secure."

God feels so safe!

Le Yun was shocked by Miss Ji Jiu's contrast, looked at Young Master Xuan's family and said, "Master Xuan, isn't your gossip too clever, you even know Miss Ji Jiu's thoughts? You can't read minds."

"No, it's not my news. It's because Ji Jiu returned from Canada last year. He also entered Beijing for a long-term residency in mid-October. A few guys stationed in Beijing loved me for a party. Eat tea and eat, everyone speaks freely when chatting, and Miss Ji Jiu said it herself with a big mouth.

It is said that Miss Ji Jiu also got along with Zhou Shao for a period of time, and it was the woman who had a good impression of the man first. The Ji family and the Zhou family have the same attitude and are happy to see it succeed. "

"Actually, Young Master Zhou and Miss Ji Jiu are quite suitable. Young Master Zhou is stable and introverted, Miss Zhou Jiu is straightforward and outgoing. The characters of men and women complement each other. This is one of them.

Second, the family style of the Ji family is good, and Miss Ji Jiu has been influenced by her ears and eyes, and she has some insights of her own. She is also fully capable of taking on the important role of a clan wife. The education of the younger generation of the family. "

"Little beauty, you are also quite optimistic about those two? If Ji Jiu hears your evaluation of her, his tail will go up in the sky."

"I'm telling the truth, if I were a boy, I would also look for someone like Ms. Ji Jiu. Ms. Ji Jiu is optimistic, cheerful, enthusiastic, outgoing, broad-minded, and doesn't care about small things. With a daughter-in-law like her, you don't have to worry about getting along with family members." it is good.

Like a large family, with many members, how to handle the relationship between each branch and house is extremely important. If the family's wife is narrow-minded, the day when people's hearts will collapse and the family will fight together is not far away. "

"Yeah, fortunately Ji Jiu wasn't there. If you say what you said before, she'll be able to boast for three to five years, but what you said after that will make her so proud that she'll go straight to heaven."

Ji Shao was a little bit jealous of Ji Jiu. In the impression of the Gu Xius, the Ji family's Miss Jiu was hot-tempered, careless, and a chatty little sparrow, but the little beauty gave a completely different and extremely high evaluation.

Anyway, the talkative little sparrow was not there, so he wouldn't tell Ji Jiu about the little beauty's evaluation!
(End of this chapter)

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