magic eye doctor

Chapter 2501

Chapter 2501

It was rare to have a private chat with the little beauty. Young Master Xuan talked about the news of the happy marriage between the young people of the Ji family and the Zhou family, as well as some gossip collected after the years of his family.

Although a lot of news seems to be gossip, it has a certain meaning. From the actions of certain sects or families, we can guess what they are planning.

Just like the young master of the Fang family asking to marry a female disciple of Emei, it is not just an alliance between one faction and one family. The behavior of the Fang family represents the intention to develop towards the south. It goes without saying.

The Fang family may have concealed another purpose: Emei is adjacent to E North, and the Fang family may also want to use Emei's relationship to improve their relationship with Miss Le, the descendant of the Immortal Medicine Sect.

Emei agreed to the marriage between the disciples of the school and the Fang family, which also means that Emei also intends to use the power of the Fang family to expand its influence to the north.

The marriage of young people from the Ji family and the Hua family is also a fusion of the cultures of the South and the North, and a little deeper speculation may also have something to do with the immortal doctors.

The friendship between the Ji family and the Zhou family has always been close, and the two families also have friendship with the little girl, and the Zhou family and the little girl's aunt and uncle have the same surname Zhou, so the relationship is closer. The relationship with the little girl is getting closer.

The Ji family is both true martial artist and has relatively strong genes. The Zhou family and the Ji family are married, and their children will inherit some of the Ji family's genes to some extent, and the descendants can be further optimized in terms of blood and appearance.

The Zhou family and the Ji family's young people get married, even if there is an emotional foundation, it is also beneficial to both families, and it is a good thing that everyone is happy.

Classmate Le can also guess that Zhou Ji's two surnames may be a good reason for himself, and he is also happy to see it succeed. Zhou's family and Ji's family have become in-laws. In the future, she will "retreat" for a long time. Protecting her uncle and grandpa's family and Senior Yu.

Xuan Shao talked about some gossip in the ancient repair world, and also talked about the reaction of the ancient repair world to the long-lost aunt of the Le family who returned to her hometown to worship the ancestors in Qingming.

To tell the truth, apart from his family, who was fully informed, and the monks and monks of the Helian family who knew some inside information, all sects and other Guxiu families were very surprised.

Before the eldest aunt of the Le family returned to her hometown to worship the ancestors, there was no gossip that the old man of the Le family had a lost eldest daughter. It was only known that he gave birth to a daughter and a son when he settled in Meicun, and the daughter died of suspected drowning.

If the aunt who was suspected of drowning was rescued and eventually drifted to the northern grasslands, everyone might not be so surprised.

Previously, it was only heard that the old man Lejia had a major famine in his hometown, and he fled to Meicun, Ebei Province. It was not heard that the old man Lejia had another marriage before and gave birth to a daughter.

It is also inevitable that some people criticize behind their backs, saying that the old man of the Le family is not kind, and even concealed the fact that he had a marriage. Isn't that a fraudulent marriage?

When Master Xuan heard it, he retorted hard: "Even if you haven't experienced how terrible the famine in South Han Province was in a certain period, you must have heard a thing or two, right?

The drought and the locust plague caused thousands of miles of desolate land in southern Han, the crops failed, and tens of millions of people were affected. Natural disasters and man-made disasters forced the people to leave their homes and leave their homes, or waited to die in despair. Countless people died of starvation in the catastrophe.

If it were you, you finally escaped from birth, found a place to settle down, and saw the hope of surviving. Knowing that the chances of having a wife and daughter are slim, would you still tell others that you had a wife and daughter?Are you still willing to expose your scars again and again?
What's more, how do you know that Mr. Le didn't tell Meicun's wife about the past?If the old lady Lejia didn't mention the old things, how would her descendants know that there was an aunt who was missing?Miss Le, can she recognize her relatives happily? "

Those who were bullied by Xuan Shao were speechless, and had no embarrassment to discuss things behind their backs.

Regarding the reaction of the ancient monks, Le Yun was very calm. Anyway, whoever wants to think about it can think about it, and whoever wants to check it quickly.

As for the guards, there is no rush.

Now it is impossible to arrange bodyguards to go to the grassland immediately. If the aunt immediately arranged for the bodyguards of the monk family as soon as she recognized her ancestors, wouldn't it be clear to tell others that her aunt had a problem with her life experience.

First of all, we must give others a chance. If anyone wants to find out the origin of the eldest grandma, they will definitely quietly ask the herdsmen near the grandmother's house or the former Le family.

When someone goes to inquire about the news, it can be said that they suspect that someone has evil intentions against the aunt's house, and then arrange bodyguards to enter the grassland. The reason is more convincing and more convincing.

After chatting about business, Young Master Xuan and the caring guards also stayed in the Paradise for a while.

After putting away his things, Young Master Xuan wanted to go and play with Young Master Wanqi. Hearing that Young Master Wanqi had gone back to his grandparents' house to fulfill his filial piety, he ran to find Li Zhao from Guanyin Hall, and caught Mr. Li to visit the garden with him.

At the beginning of May in the new calendar, the flowers of plants such as jellyfish, peonies, and roses are in full bloom. The paradise is colorful and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

The leisurely and elegant young master Xuan took Mr. Li to walk around the garden.His guards took the time to practice.

Classmate Le Xiao is very busy. From Monday to Friday, he teaches his younger brother martial arts in the morning, and he is busy at the workshop in the afternoon and evening. On Friday and Sunday morning, he teaches his younger brother, and then teaches his younger brother and Luke for two hours.

The radish heads, big and small, were at home on May [-]st, and they taught a martial arts class in the afternoon. When Xuan Shao came, she asked the radish heads to practice by themselves and went to meet the guests by themselves.

After meeting with Xuan Shao, he went to the backyard to supervise the big and small radish heads practicing boxing and kicking.

Xuan Shao also wasted a little time in the afternoon on the 1st, and on the 2nd he also nestled in the study, either writing quickly to help copy books to consume all his mental and physical strength, and then meditating, or closing his eyes for meditation.

May [-]st is Thursday, and I did a body adjustment. There are four days off on May [-]st.

The four-day vacation was only a few days, and it passed in a blink of an eye.

When the office workers began to work from [-] to [-] again, and the big and small radishes also started to work from [-] to [-] in the morning, Le Xiao spent Lixia in the paradise and flew to Europe the next day.

The machine ordered by the Windsor family in Windmill Country was fully completed in early April, and it arrived in Europe at the end of April. It was first signed by the Windsor family in Country D, and then transferred to the Howard's manor in Country F.

The old Mr. Ferrari and Mr. Beachian couldn't find time to find their old buddy Winston recently because they were discussing business. Only Milo arrived in the capital of country F first.

Miro drove a sports car owned by Howard's family, picked him up at the airport, and waited for the child to come out of the international airway, then drove them back to the Howard family's estate in the suburbs.

Winston generally only participates in some major investment intentions or decisions in the family. He is relatively leisurely, and he personally entertains the doctor's sweetheart in the suburban manor.

Having already tasted the benefits of the truffle sauce made by the doctor's sweetheart, the old gentleman saw the oriental doctor's sweetheart, like a bee who had been cat for a winter and saw a flower in the sun, and was extremely enthusiastic.

With the warm hospitality of the old gentlemen of the Howard family and the company of Tuhao Miro, Le Xiaoluoli spent most of the day leisurely in the manor.

After dinner, Miro took Xiao Lele for a ride in a sports car, and went for a few laps outside before going to the scheduled place to meet the vehicles that transported the machine away from the manor to the scheduled point in the afternoon.

After the meeting, Milo took over the transport truck, and he drove Xiao Lele to run, until he stopped in no-man's land.

Student Le Xiao didn't let Mi Luo Tuhao blow the cool breeze on the road in the middle of the night, and tapped his acupoints to let him take a nap in the cab, and she went to transfer the machine.

There are many parts in the large machine. In order to facilitate transportation and avoid damage to some precious and precise parts due to collisions during transportation, they have been assembled in groups, with a total of more than a dozen boxes.

The largest main part needs to be moved by a crane.

Turning on the eye scanning function to scan the parts box, Le Xiao was very satisfied with the new machine, put the parts box into the storage, and moved the main parts back to the star core space.

People are happy when they are happy.

When the little loli was happy, she didn't treat the old gentlemen badly, and got [-] boxes of bad fish from the stored ingredients as a thank-you gift for the old gentlemen.

After completing the transfer of the items, after waiting in the wilderness for more than four minutes, student Le Xiao unlocked the acupoints for Tuhao Miluo.

Milo never asked why he fell asleep suddenly, but he heard that he could go back, so he drove the van back.

The young man from the Howard family who originally drove a truck drove back in a sports car after exchanging vehicles, and Milo drove the truck back to the Howard family's suburban estate.

Handsome Milo and his little friend returned to the manor, Winston had already rested, and the two of them went to rest by themselves without disturbing the master.

After breakfast the next day, Le Xiao told the old gentleman that there were [-] boxes of bad fish with a secret recipe in the car.

Winston was almost jumping for joy.

Student Le didn't stop in country F either, and flew to the ice country in the Northwest of Europe that is closest to the Arctic Circle in the morning.

Milo happily accompanied the children on a trip.

Winston sent the doctor sweetheart away, and happily called the old guys to share the sweetheart's kindness in returning gifts.

That gift will be divided evenly, and the families of Alessandro, Roberto, Miro, Liszt, Bador, and Winston will each have one share. In addition, because the Windsor family in country D and the Edward family in country Y are both If you do your part, each has a share.

Called the old guys, and Winston arranged for someone to send the bad fish to the old guys.

The Edward family and the Windsor family heard that there was a gift from them in return, so how could the old Mr. Howard give it to them, so they immediately arranged to go to the Howard family in country F to receive it.

The old Mr. Ferrari and his old buddy from country Y received the bad fish first because they were closer to country F, and Mr. Smith from country M was two days late.

On the second day after Mr. Smith received the gift, his old buddy from Mexico, Alem, came to visit and had the honor to taste the delicacy of bad fish and truffle sauce.

The experience brought by the health-enhancing medicinal diet was so beautiful that Alem almost forgot about his business. It was not until after a long time that he finally regained consciousness from the state of his spirit that he remembered the important event of his visit.

Alem asked Liszt for his friend to help find a lady doctor in the East for medical treatment. He also has a relatively wide range of investments, investing in hotels and restaurants in several South American countries where tourism is prevalent.

The child of a partner with whom he has a joint venture in the restaurant business in South America is sick. The partner heard that the oriental doctor who treated him was good at treating difficult and miscellaneous diseases, so he asked him to help him find an oriental doctor for medical treatment.

Liszt heard the reason why Alem came to see him in person, and asked: "Doctor Sweetheart can cure AIDS, but she has a request. She will not treat people who are infected with AIDS due to corruption in their private lives." Yes, how old is your business partner's child?"

Aleim heard that a certain lady doctor refused to treat people infected with AIDS due to the chaos in her private life, her heart sank, and she told her old friend the truth, "He has two children, the eldest son is 11 years old, The youngest daughter is less than four years old."

"The child is so young, it can't be because the private life is not easy to be infected, it can only be inherited from one of the parents, the child's parents, who are the AIDS patients?"

"The father of the child."

"I probably also understand the cause, man, I can't answer you now about what you said, I need to find my friend's child, and ask him to ask the lady doctor before he can give you the answer.

My friend's child is the first person to know Miss Doctor, and she is friends with Miss Doctor. My old friends and I, whoever friends want to seek medical treatment from Miss Doctor, are all registered by my friend's child, and the child Mr. Contact Ms. Doctor. "

Men know men best, and Liszt roughly guessed the reason why his old partner's cooperative businessman was infected with AIDS. He guessed that if his friend, Dr. Chang, Little Sweetheart sought medical treatment, she would definitely refuse.

He was even ashamed to tell Milo that his friend's business partner wanted to seek medical treatment from the doctor, Sweetheart. After all, he had heard with his own ears that Sweetheart said that he would not accept patients with heart disease who had a chaotic private life.

It was the sick father and son who sought medical treatment for the child, and he didn't know if the doctor, Xiao Tianxin, was willing to see him.

Liszt was not a sloppy person, so he immediately called his old buddy Roberto to find Miro, and Roberto told him that Miro had accompanied Little Sweetheart to the Ice Country to observe plants, so let him try to get in touch.

Liszt called Miro, and it turned out that the phone was turned off.

After making the phone call, he naturally told the truth, and the result would not come until he got in touch with Miro.

Alem has also heard that Chinese doctors like to go all over the world, and especially like to go to some inaccessible places to study plants. She didn't feel anxious, so she stayed at the old man's house for one night before returning to Mexico.

Roberto told his old buddy Liszt where Miro had gone, and he himself called Miro every day, but he didn't get through.

Milo, who was being searched for, didn't know that someone gave his little friend money again, and he and the little friend were playing happily in the ice country.

The ice country is the closest to the Arctic Circle and is an island country. Due to its geographical location, magma activity is active and there are many volcanoes. Most of the whole territory is a plateau, and there are narrow plains along the coast.

When the children arrived in the Ice Country, they ran to the northern tundra and volcanic areas, and Milo happily followed him. The children studied plants, and he only cared about taking beautiful photos of himself and the children, or catching fish while camping in the wild, and looking for wood to roast.

For this reason, Handsome Mi Luo is never tired of it, and he is already too happy to think about leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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