magic eye doctor

Chapter 2502

Chapter 2502

The main purpose of Little Lolita's trip to Ice Country is to go to the frigid tundra in the northern part of the Ice Country to observe and find the remnants of ancient ice planting plants, and to study where there may be time and space gates in the Ice Country.

The little fox once said that the area around the Ice Country and the North Pole was once an ancient ice field, and it is very likely that there is a space-time tunnel connecting the time and space of the original ancient ice field and glacier.

There are three kinds of other worlds that Le Xiaoluoli wants to go to the most. One is the time and space with extremely ancient history, where ancient glaciers or ice continents still exist. Find a piece of ice heart and put it on a certain mountain in Kunlun to gradually improve the greenhouse effect. the impact;
The second is the interstellar time and space with highly developed technological civilization, to learn some ultra-modern technology, and the third is the time and space with iron-eating beasts, catch a few black and white chubby and raise them.

The ice country may be connected to the world of the ancient ice age, so little loli should study it carefully, and study the bryophytes of the frigid tundra by the way.

Little Lolita and Tuhao Miro traveled around the Ice Country for half a month, and finally returned home.

When he was about to go home, Milo was willing to let the mobile phone that had been "sleeping and resting" go to work, and found the call from the godfather and Mr. Smith. After returning the call from the godfather first, he also learned that someone wanted to send money to the children.

Milo first asked Mr. Smith to find out about the situation of Mr. Balmond's partner, and then gave the information about the doctor to the children.

If a father suffering from AIDS seeks a doctor, Le Xiao really doesn't want to see a doctor. She is willing to earn a little money if she seeks a doctor for his child.

Miro contacted Mr. Smith again, and explained the standard of medical expenses prescribed by the child, and asked Mr. Smith to convey it to the seeker. If the doctor accepted it, he would apply for a visa and send the child to China for medical treatment.

Liszt and Alem conveyed the reply from Miss Oriental Doctor to each other in the fastest time, and the doctor also promised to accept the price of medical expenses calmly and ready to apply for a visa.

Liszt and Alem are the intermediaries of the doctor, and they will go to China with the doctor, and Miro will naturally be there.

So, Le Xiao, who was going to fly directly to his own country from Ice Country to F country, changed his itinerary and flew from Ice Country to F country and then to Yi country.

The two of them flew to Milan City in Yi country and divided into two routes. Tuhao Miro went back to Floro City to apply for a visa, and Le Xiao went to her manor.

The city of Floro in Yi country and the southern city of S province in Greater China are sister cities, so if the citizens of Floro city want to travel to China, it is relatively convenient to apply for a visa.

Miro's travel visa procedures were completed in three working days. After getting the visa, he went to Milan to join the children, and flew to China together.

Student Le brought home-made smoked fish and bad fish to Mr. Mark and Ms. Anne, who helped manage the manor, and received the most enthusiastic feedback. Ms. Anne cooked various YI-style delicacies every day. .

She enjoyed the service like staying in a star hotel in the manor, and she purely regarded it as a vacation, and stayed there until her friend got a visa before leaving.

Little Lolita flew to Europe at the beginning of May, and it was already the penultimate day of May when she returned to the capital.

When she went out, she was dressed lightly, and she was chic and unrestrained. When she came back, she was followed by a handsome guy with a flourishing beauty, so that when she brought the handsome guy back to the paradise, Brother Fu and Qian almost thought she had brought back a boyfriend.

The four handsome gardeners heaved a sigh of relief when they found out that the guy was a real handsome foreigner. It is absolutely impossible for the little girl to find a boyfriend from a foreigner, so the handsome guy can only be the little girl's confidant.

Tuhao’s friend came, and Le Xiao’s classmate did not open a special program. The east courtyard still does not accept foreigners. There are disciples of the Guanyin Temple in the backyard of the west courtyard, so it is not suitable for foreigners to live in, so the handsome foreigners are arranged to live in the “Hanyu courtyard”.

It was Milo's second visit to the children's villa, and he was shocked to find that the once small manor had undergone earth-shaking changes.

The Huaxia people are indeed worthy of the title of infrastructure madman. They built an ancient style garden in just three years, and the speed is simply unmatched.

The children's manor is exquisite and atmospheric, and the air is cleaner than the air in the Alps, the most primitive mountain of soul in Europe with fresh air.

There is such a place in the place where the winter is surrounded by smog, which is probably what the Chinese call Xanadu.

Miro was very happy to be able to live in the beautiful manor of the children. As for which yard he lived in, he didn't mind.

The day after Le returned to the paradise was May 5st, which was also a Saturday, and it was also the annual Dragon Boat Festival in China.

Students are also off on weekends, and, because of the upcoming college entrance examination, college entrance examination candidates from all over the country have to prepare for the exam, students of other ages also have a week off, and even high school seniors have a rare weekend off to go home for the Dragon Boat Festival.

It was the first time for the big and small radish heads to spend the Dragon Boat Festival in the paradise. In order to let the children feel the warmth of home, Le Xiao was not in a hurry to busy himself with his own affairs, and took a day off for the Dragon Boat Festival.

She took a group of radish heads, four handsome gardeners, handsome Mi Luo, and master Wan Teng's nephew to make rice dumplings, and made nine-color steamed cakes with elm coins and various condiments.

Mr. Li and everyone in the Guanyin Temple also helped, and it was lively.

Mi Luo was the happiest. He learned how to make zongzi with his children. He was as happy as if he had picked up millions. He took a beautiful photo of the zongzi he made and tweeted it.

Amedeo, Oscar, old Mr. Ferrari and others who followed him saw his tweets and were clearly jealous of him.

The monks who visited the park for enlightenment in the first half of the month have gone back, and the two families who visited the paradise for enlightenment in the second half of the month are expected to return on June 6. They all cherish their time, and they are all nestled in the study room for meditation, and they don’t hear anything outside the window. .

Classmate Le took the handsome guys to make rice dumplings, steamed a few baskets of cakes, and only steamed rice and hot dishes around noon, and invited monks who were studying to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival together.

Young Master Wan Teng had lunch in the Paradise, and returned to his grandparents' house in the Science and Technology Park with a large box of zongzi, presenting the Dragon Boat Festival gift from their most precious elementary school students to grandpa and grandma.

Le classmate also took his younger brother to Chao Erbo's house in the afternoon, and had dinner with Chao's elders who were spending the Dragon Boat Festival at Erbo's house.

The elder brother of the Chao family did not return to the capital for the Dragon Boat Festival. He went to Mei Village. Miss Chao brought her children and her husband, and Miss Chao Er brought her husband and son-in-law back to the Chao family for the festival.

The young and old of the Chao family ate the zongzi wrapped in small dumplings and the nine-color steamed cake, and suddenly felt that the Dragon Boat Festival was complete.

Went to Chao's house to spend the Dragon Boat Festival with the elders, Le Xiao returned to the paradise, and started the education business the next day, teaching his younger brother and little carrots to learn martial arts, and only had time to go to the workshop to tinker with things at night.

Because the college entrance examination students have to prepare for the college entrance examination, the students of senior middle school, junior high school or senior one and senior two are on vacation. Luke and the five little radish heads have a week off and will not return to school until the college entrance examination is over.

The little knight and the little radish heads are on vacation, and classmate Le has properly arranged their week. During the day, they practice martial arts and make up lessons, and at night they do their school's holiday homework.

The little Luokatou get up at five o'clock every day and climb in the middle of the night. They practice both martial arts and study, and they are full of energy every day.

And on June 6st, a group of monks from Lu's family and Zhongli's family who had been enlightened in Paradise for half a month returned quietly.

Little Lolita didn't personally ask people from Lu's family and Zhongli's family to help with the work. During her study abroad, the two families sent people to Beijing to help with the work. The real thing is to do good deeds without leaving a name, and hide their merits and reputation.

Because of their enthusiasm for helping each other, Classmate Le did not treat them badly, and arranged them in the roster of monk families who entered the paradise in advance.

Tantai helped to buy the house and gave it to little Lolita, and also sent people to help with the small work for a few months, so naturally there was a place for them.

One or two clan elders from Lu's family and Zhongli's family were invited by the little girl to meditate in the Paradise for a few days, but they did not go home with the team.

The troops from the Lu family and Zhongli drove away, and the troops from Tangmen and Guanyin Hall also entered the guest courtyard of the Paradise.

This time, the members of the Tang Sect who came to the Paradise for enlightenment, like Jiang Jiaxin's family and other monk families, entered the garden for meditation because they built a garden for a little girl and entered the garden for "merit".

Last year's visit to the Paradise of Tangmen was because the Tang family protected classmate Le and her half-brother. Classmate Le specially invited them to go to Beijing for meditation and help their family to advance to other ranks.

The kids are busy, Huaxia Tongmiluo doesn't need anyone to accompany him, he slips away to visit the Forbidden City of Huaxia Kingdom, climb the Great Wall, visit ancient buildings, leave early every day and return late every day, having a great time.

Just as the college entrance examination candidates in Huaxia Kingdom are about to usher in the college entrance examination on June 6th, Mr. Fat Mr. Smith and his friend Mr. Balmond arrived in the capital of Huaxia Kingdom accompanied by people seeking medical treatment.

They chartered a passenger plane and flew directly to Huaxia from California in country M. They randomly transported a large amount of luggage. After the plane landed, the cargo luggage had to be inspected according to the process before it could leave the customs.

Mr. Smith and his friends left the airport to check in at the hotel, and left the staff to handle the cargo and luggage at the airport, in case the customs officers had questions and needed them to provide relevant information on the cargo.

Mr. Smith and his friends settled in the hotel and did not contact Miro immediately. They did not call Miro until the morning of the 6th, saying that they had arrived.

Milo actually knew when Mr. Smith and his party came to the capital of China, and if the old gentleman didn't tell him, he would pretend he didn't know.

The hotel where the old gentleman lived was not very far from his kid's villa. He received a call from the old gentleman saying that they had packed up and would set off to find Sweetheart. He didn't go to the kid, he went to the west gate and waited.

He waited for four or ten minutes before Mr. Smith and his party arrived.

Mr. Smith and his friends, who arrived belatedly, traveled in a hotel limousine, followed by twelve vans.

Milo, who was helping the children receive visitors, saw the series of trucks, and the corners of his eyes twitched. If he didn't know this, he must have thought that Mr. Smith and Mr. Balmond were actually here to give little sweetheart a birthday present!
(End of this chapter)

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