magic eye doctor

Chapter 2503

Chapter 2503

Liszt doesn't have mind reading skills, so he doesn't know what Miro is thinking. If he knew, he would nod happily. Alem is here to see a doctor with a friend, and he is giving a gift to Little Sweetheart!
Liszt, who has no mind reading skills, hugged the handsome young man, and asked kindly: "Milo, isn't our cutest doctor, Little Sweetheart, not at home today?"

"Little sweetheart is at the manor, because the old gentleman didn't say in advance that he would come today, when you called, little sweetheart had already gone to teach her brother, she didn't know that the gentlemen were here.

According to the time, the little sweetheart will not finish class until twelve o'clock at noon. Gentlemen, please enter the manor to rest first. " Miro explained while shaking hands and hugging Mr. Balmond.

Both Liszt and Alem happily accepted Miro's arrangement, and Alem hugged the young man before introducing his business partner.

Mr. Balmond's business partner is from country M, surnamed Davis. He is a mixed-race man who has lived in the football kingdom of Pakistan for a long time, and married a wife who is also a local of Pakistan.

And Pakistan is a country with a large immigrant population, so that gentleman's wife is also of mixed race.

Mr Davis brought his son and daughter, also brown, to seek medical attention.

Miro shook hands with Mr. Davis, and greeted his sons, and invited everyone to enter the children's manor together.

Because the guest is a foreigner, even if he can drive, he cannot drive a car without a Huaxia driver's license. The hotel has provided four cars in advance at the request of the guest, and also matched a special driver.

Some of the bodyguards of the Smith family and the Balmond family took a car to protect Mr., and some of the bodyguards went to the van.

Mr Davis brought three bodyguards.

Bodyguards follow the gentlemen.

Because the guests want to enter the park, the driver of the car is also driving behind, and the truck is behind.

Handsome Mi Luo went to receive the guests on behalf of the little girl. Brother Fu and his buddies also made preparations. When the guests came, they found a truck and opened the iron gate of the west gate.

When the cars and trucks arrived at the door, Brother Qian and Brother Chai led the vehicles into the door opening, turned right again, and stopped all the cars in front of the Nanfang Building, which was used as a carport, and led the drivers and bodyguards to Jiahezhai.

Mr. Smith stepped into the doctor's sweetheart's manor again, and saw that the little sweetheart's manor had expanded again, and Miro was astonished.

Mr. Balmond and Mr. Juves were also very surprised. It was the first time for the children of Mr. Davis to come into contact with a building with a completely different style from their hometown, and everything they saw was novel.

Miro sat with the guests in Jiahezhai for a while, and handed over the list of gifts from Mr. Smith to Brother Fu. He accompanied the old gentlemen to visit the garden.

Brother Fu and his brothers packed tea sets, snacks and fruits in suitcases, and carried hot water bottles to the water pavilion and promenade beside Yinyue Lake. When the guests are tired, they can rest there.

The drivers of logistics transportation and the drivers of the hotel strolled around the garden for a while, and they went to the corridor to rest by themselves without disturbing the customers.

The scenery of the paradise is not to say that it is like the Jiangnan gardens in Huaxia, which are constantly changing and changing. However, it is more majestic and graceful than the Jiangnan gardens. It is obviously the same artificial scenery, but it always makes people feel that it is a natural sculpture.

The manors in European and American countries occupy a wide area, either grassland or planting land, without too many decorative scenes, unless it is some well-built garden-style manors.

The gardens of the Huaxia Kingdom combine living and scenery in one place, achieving the unity of humanities and uniqueness.

The doctor's sweetheart's manor has a natural atmosphere and fresh air. Even in summer in June, people don't feel the heat in it.

Mr. Smith, Mr. Balmond, and Mr. Davies with their children were all in high spirits and lost themselves.

Miro accompanied the old gentlemen around, and picked a kind of early-ripening wild grape and a kind of wild fruit from the roof of the workshop building to eat.

Tired of shopping, just take a rest in the waterside pavilion, leisurely and comfortable.

When Mr. Fatty came, Classmate Le had just started to teach martial arts to her younger brother and the little radishheads. Because of Miro's help in entertaining the guests, she did not interrupt the teaching midway, and finished the class unshakably according to the teaching plan.

After finishing the morning class, little loli went to Baibao Pavilion to choose ten medicinal foods and picked up a plastic crisper. After leaving the place of happiness, she went to Wuwei Cabinet,

Brother Fu handed over the list of gifts from the guests to the little girl, and together with his buddies and Grandma Yu, reheated two kinds of herbal meals brought by the little girl.

Student Le went back to Jiahezhai. Just after reading the gift list, handsome Mi Luo accompanied the guests back from the garden.

When Liszt saw Doctor Sweetheart, he forgot about his gentlemanly demeanor, stepped over the threshold, trotted over, and gave Little Sweetheart a big hug.

"Our cutest little sweetheart, today is even cuter than last time. Do you have time, little sweetheart? If you are free, let Milo accompany you to the California desert to watch the Giant's Column. This season, the cactus has flowers and fruits, which is very beautiful."

Liszt, who gave Little Sweetheart a hug, smiled like the sun in spring, and his eyes were shining.

"Mr. Smith also looks healthier, brighter and more elegant. I am researching new prescriptions after returning from the ice country, and I am busy. I probably don't have time to travel long distances again this year."

Le Yun looked at the old gentleman and smiled. Mr. Fat probably eats pure truffle sauce every day. His immunity is very strong, and he also has the faint body fragrance produced by the long-term nourishment of the body with the truffle paste, which makes him more attractive to men.

Little sweetheart may not have time to travel abroad this year, and Liszt has no regrets, waiting for his buddies Alem and Davis to come over.

Alem shook hands with the doctor lady and introduced friends who came to seek medical treatment.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Balmond accompanied the father and son seeking medical treatment into Jiahezhai, while Miro led the bodyguards and drivers to the direction of the kitchen, and met Brother Fu on the way, who led them to the West Pavilion of the Hall of Heroes Be seated first.

Mr. Davis was stunned when he saw the real Miss Dongfang Doctor at the door. Miss Dongfang Doctor looked cuter than the photos in magazines, and she was more sunny and lively!

He led a pair of children into the house and walked up to Mr. Balmond. When the business partner introduced himself, the lady doctor extended his hand, and he also extended his hand to shake her hand.

After Mr. Le shook hands with Mr. Davis, he also shook hands with his children and invited the guests to sit down.

The guest of honor sat down, and Liszt once again introduced the situation of Mr. Davis's children on behalf of his friend Alem, and also talked about the current residence and the characteristics of life and diet.

Le Yun has already scanned the bodies of Mr. Davis's children, and she knows it well. After listening to Mr. Fatty's detailed introduction, she smiled and said thank you, and then said to Mr. Juves: "I will prepare two children with them tonight. The special medicine that matches the physique, Mr. Davis will send the child over for treatment tomorrow morning."

"Thank you, Miss Doctor, for your kindness!" Mr. Davis thanked very politely and gratefully that his child would soon be completely out of the clutches of the disease.

The lady doctor arranged a treatment schedule and said that everything was fine. Alem added another sentence: "Miss doctor, my friend also wants to ask lady doctor to see him. Is there any hope for him to be cured?"

Liszt didn't help, Le Yun looked at Mr. Davis, who had entered the ranks of the elderly, and frowned: "I don't want to accept orders for people who are infected with infectious diseases due to intemperance in private life, Mr. Balmond If you want to seek medical treatment for a friend, for this patient, the medical expenses will be tripled on top of the original basis, which is my lowest standard."

Three times more, that is [-] million euros. Mr. Balmond looked at his partner and asked him to decide whether to treat the disease or not.

They talked in English, and Mr. Davis naturally understood it. Just because he understood it, he was stunned. He also has a chance?
After being dazed, there was a pleasant surprise, and he nodded again and again: "Okay, okay, this fee is completely fine!"

[-] million euros is equivalent to nearly [-] million U.S. dollars. Even if the business is in a downturn, it can be earned back in a year or two at most.

After his children are cured, in order not to be infected by blood stains again due to bruises in life, he will be extremely careful in his future life. If his own AIDS is also cured, he doesn't have to be careful everywhere, and he doesn't have to worry that his children will be ill. Beware of reinfection.

[-] million to buy back health, this deal is cost-effective no matter what.

Le Xiao explained the time of treatment tomorrow and some precautions, and also explained the precautions after treatment in advance. After talking about the business, the guests were invited to dinner.

If it was a pure patient who came to seek medical treatment, she would not care about food, because Mr. Fat came and gave a bunch of gifts, so she also cared about food for patients seeking medical treatment.

Because every time a Jianghu monk comes to the paradise recently, the little loli who is the host will entertain them, and the West Pavilion of the Hall of Heroes has been used as a restaurant for entertaining guests.

In the past, meals were served in the room near the nave, but in summer, it was changed to the westernmost room, with a thick partition wall that can be opened on the west side, which is bright and ventilated.

Every time there are not many Jianghu monks who come to the paradise, there is a wind screen between the first room and the second room in the west, and six tables are placed in the separated area, which is neither crowded nor empty.

Mr. Fat sat at a table with the little girl and Milo, together with his friends and his father and son seeking medical treatment.

The bodyguards of the three gentlemen, as well as the four drivers sent by the hotel, the driver and the merchandiser of the logistics company, a group of them sat at four tables.

Mr. Li and the little carrots did not go to the Hall of Heroes. They and their buddies were still eating at the Wuwei Cabinet restaurant.

Brother Fu, who is in charge of the kitchen, and the gardeners have already made preparations. The little girl and the guests arrived at the West Pavilion.

Li Xianxian also helped to run the hall, and when the dishes were served, he, Brother Fu and others ate at the Five Flavors Cabinet.

Having come to Little Sweetheart's house to eat her dishes before, Liszt has long been greedy in his heart countless times, and finally had the opportunity to taste the most authentic Chinese food. When the table started, there was no time to talk at all, and he just ate happily.

The father and son of Alem and Davis, as well as those who can't hold chopsticks, use knives and forks to pick up vegetables, but they don't speed up their hands.

Davis's children, at the beginning, were quite resistant to meals that were different from Western food. After tasting the taste, they did not escape the law of true fragrance.

A meal, the guest of honor enjoys himself.

There are fruits and tea after the meal.

In order not to delay the research work of Little Sweetheart, Liszt sat for more than half an hour after the meal, and went back to the hotel with Alem, Davis and his bodyguards.

(End of this chapter)

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