magic eye doctor

Chapter 2504

Chapter 2504

Mr. Smith and others went back to the hotel, and the drivers of the logistics company were still in the park. They had to wait until the goods were unloaded before they could drive away.

Mr. Li brought in the young and old of the same clan to help move things.

Mr. Smith airlifted [-] cases of red wine to Little Sweetheart, including the most famous brands in M ​​and Mexico, as well as ten motorcycles, bicycles, sports cars and children's cars produced by world brands in the latest two years.

Others are small scattered items, such as branded clothes and bags, famous American corn and oats, as well as precious medicinal materials, dried mushrooms, dried beef, and dried seafood. There are fifty boxes of the most famous Ham.

It is said that for fear of being overweight, only [-] boxes of fruit are prepared.

The types of gifts are all kinds of food and clothing,

A large group of people were busy inside and out, and it took more than three minutes to unload the things, and they were almost exhausted.

Le Yun first gave the little radish heads a two-hour martial arts class, and then went to sell the goods. When she finally finished her work, she saw the piles of clothes, bags and dried mushrooms that had been moved into the "Sansi Hall" in the east courtyard. All lost their temper.

What else can she say?
Unceasingly depressed, he yelled in extremely distress: "Miro, how do you think Mr. Smith loaded so many things on the plane?"

"Mr. Smith certainly doesn't know it himself. That's the job of the airport loading and unloading workers. You should be glad that time is a bit tight. If you give it another half a month, the number of gifts will double."

Milo rubbed the back of the child's head with a smile, and if Mr. Smith had a little more time, he might get a copy of all the famous American specialties.

Old gentlemen are rich and willful.

It's too stressful to be friends with the mobs.

Little student Le didn't want to talk, so with his hands behind his back, he and Mi Luo Tuhao walked out of the east courtyard to look at the goods in the Hall of Heroes.

In order to hurry up, all the medicinal materials were moved into the alchemy furnace, the vehicle was moved into the garage, the personal clothes and some dried mushrooms for the little loli were moved to the east courtyard, and other items were temporarily stored in the Hall of Heroes until free Then return to the warehouse separately.

After walking around, Le asked Brother Fu, Brother Qian and the others to put which things in the food room of Wuwei Cabinet and Wuwei Building when they were free, and which things to move to the west pavilion of Zhaixing Pavilion in the East Courtyard.

In order to prevent the high temperature from spoiling the fruit and red wine, she found a piece of ice jade and put it in a porcelain basin, covered it with a Xielong stone to cover people's eyes and ears, and put it in the East Pavilion of the Hall of Heroes to cool down.

Xielong Stone, also known as Qingliang Stone, is a natural cool stone that can reduce heat and relieve dryness. It can absorb heat and emit cool air in summer.

The number of natural Xielong stones is rare, and now a well-known and legendary Xielong stone is located in Wutai Mountain, which is also a treasure of Zhenshan.

Because Old Gentleman Smith gave so many presents, Le was a little ashamed to receive them, so he decided to treat the old gentleman in the East Yard tomorrow, and asked Miro and Mr. Li to help, and asked them to take charge of the kitchen at noon tomorrow.

Mi Luo and Li Zhao readily accepted the trust.

Classmate Le found all the medicinal meals for the guests at noon tomorrow, packed them in boxes and put them in the kitchen. In the evening, he also made special medicinal soup for Weiss and his son in the kitchen.

Remembering the doctor's instructions, Mr. Davis stayed in the hotel for one night, packed himself and his changed clothes after getting up in the morning, and insisted on not eating.

Mr. Smith and Mr. Balmond had breakfast at the hotel and set off with Mr. Davis' family of three.

The driver of the hotel sent the guests to the clinic building at the back door of the park according to the route given by the owner of the park. They went back to the hotel first and came to pick up the guests in the afternoon.

Milo waited in the clinic building, and when the old gentlemen came, he asked Dynas and his son to wait in the clinic building, and sent Mr. Smith and Mr. Balmond into the park, and let the two old gentlemen play in the park.

It was nearly nine o'clock when Mr. Smith and others arrived at the park. Le also taught her younger brother martial arts for two minutes and let him practice by himself. She brought the medicine box and medicinal soup to the clinic building.

Mr. Davis and his children are going to do acupuncture, and all five of his bodyguards are accompanying him, one of which is a female bodyguard to take care of his daughter.

Le classmate arranged for Davis and his son to undergo acupuncture in the same room, while the little girl underwent acupuncture alone. The bodyguards could only wait in the hall, and no one was allowed to enter the acupuncture room to watch.

The children came to the clinic building. Miro accompanied Mr. Smith and Mr. Balmond to visit the "Blessed Land of Huan Huan" first, and then let the old gentleman and their bodyguards free to work in the branch office. He and Mr. Li were soaking rice in the kitchen, preparing Vegetables and fruits for lunch.

The young bodyguards of the Smith family and the Balmond family followed the husband to visit the exquisite buildings, and they also kept in mind the instructions of the husband, and no one took pictures.

The doctor, Little Sweetheart, was not at the scene. Mr. Smith and his buddies did not stay in the hall, drinking tea and admiring antiques and rare treasures in her private reception room "Jiu De Tang".

It took more than two minutes for Le to do acupuncture for the three members of the Davis family. After the treatment was completed, she packed up the medical supplies and went back to Dongdong to take a bath and deodorize.

After the children finished acupuncture, Miro went to the clinic building to pick up Mr. Davis.

Mr. Davis and his children waited for the doctor lady to leave, and hurried to the bathroom to take a shower and put on clean clothes.

Miro waited until Davis, father and son had packed up, sent them to the door of the clinic building, accompanied them into the Paradise, closed the back door, and led them to the blessed land.

The meal was about to start, so Milo led the people directly into the dining room in the kitchen, and then went to invite Mr. Smith and the others into the dining room as well.

In order not to make people think that she is an outlier, classmate Le directly steamed the moisture out of her hair without real energy, and used a hair dryer in the normal way, which took a lot of time.

She dried her hair. Mr. Davis, Mr. Smith, Mr. Balmond and others had already gone to the restaurant to take a seat. She didn't do any laundry and went to eat first.

This time, Liszt was happier without the hotel driver and the logistics company's driver. While eating, he kept praising the doctor's sweetheart.

Alem also ate well, and the words of praise jumped out of his mouth like money.

Milo knew that children were not sociable, so he was obliged to talk with the old gentlemen, and the meal was very lively.

Liszt was also very satisfied, because the sweetheart had to treat Davis and his son in the morning, which delayed her class time for her younger brother. He and the old man were also very considerate, and did not occupy the time of the sweetheart. Hurry back to the hotel.

Lexiao didn't teach Xiaoluotou martial arts in the morning, so he made up lessons in the afternoon.

Davis and his son have just finished their treatment and need to rest for a few days before returning home. Mr. Smith did not go to Little Sweetheart's manor.

Also because Huaxia Kingdom was in time for the college entrance examination, the number of visitors to various scenic spots was less than usual, so Liszt and his old friends took the opportunity to climb the most famous Great Wall in Huaxia Kingdom.

The college entrance examination candidates across the country are taking intense exams, and Le classmate is teaching the little carrots how to learn martial arts in the paradise with peace of mind.

On June 6th, the last day of the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination candidates were liberated. The first, second, and junior high school students who had originally moved places for the college entrance examination students and the junior high school students returned to school on the morning of the 8th.

On the day the little radishheads returned to school, classmate Le took his younger brother, Mi Luo, and Mr. Fatty to fly to province C to see the national treasure of China, black and white.

Miro and Liszt went to see the panda a few years ago, but it was the first time for the native Le family siblings to see the national treasure.

The Huaxia Kingdom, which is loved by people all over the world, is indeed a natural cute baby. Even though Liszt has seen it many times, he is still as excited when he sees it as when he saw it for the first time.

Mr. Davis's sons and daughters were even more excited and screamed. They walked around the chubby pavilion, lying on their stomachs outside the fence, reluctant to leave.

Le Shan also likes national treasures, taking pictures with his mobile phone.

Also because both adults and children like roundness, the group went to the Giant Panda House or the Panda Research Base for three days in a row.

After visiting the panda for three days, I went to enjoy other scenic spots in the provincial capital of C province and taste the local special snacks.

A group of people visited the capital city of province C for a week. Before leaving, they went to see the pandas again, and then reluctantly returned to the capital of China.

After spending a few days in China, Davis and his son had enough rest. Liszt, Alem and Mr. Swiss had a day of recuperation in the hotel, and on June 6 they embarked on a journey back to America.

A child accompanied him to see the pandas, and Miro was very satisfied. He went back to his country happily and tried to make money. He will come back next year to adopt a red panda with the children.

Le sent Mr. Fat and his party and Mi Luo Tuhao away, and simply diverted from the airport to Sister Fu's small home.

The small home of Miss Chao Er and Shao Shao is a five-bedroom house, leaving two as guest rooms, one as a studio, and one as a study.

Le Xiao didn't tell anyone in advance, she quietly went to Sister Fu's Xiaojia and rang the doorbell.

Chao Yufu was painting in his studio, and it was strange to hear the doorbell ringing. He thought it was some neighbor visiting or a courier boy, and went straight to the door without taking off his apron.

When she opened the door, she saw the cute little dumpling standing at the door, with her mouth wide open, stunned, and rushed out screaming, hugging the tiny little dumpling in her arms inside.

Xiaotuanzi's body was delicate and soft, fragrant, and when she hugged someone, she leaned over and kissed Xiaotuanzi's pink and tender face a few times, feeling so happy that she wanted to scream.

"Oh, Xiaotuanzi, the cutest Xiaotuanzi, my sister loves you the most!" Xiaotuanzi actually came to see her, so excited!

"Pull, if you love me, brother Xiao will be impatient with me. Sister Fu, your claws are loose. It's a hot day, and I don't want to be roasted by a stove."

Le Yun scratched Sister Fu's uneasy paws in disgust. Sister Fu was a girl, and her paws kept pressing on other people's chests.

"No, let my sister hug me! Just give me a hug." Chao Yufu was unwilling to let go of Wen Xiangruyu in his arms, wrapping around Xiaotuanzi like an octopus.

Le Yun was so angry that she rolled her eyes several times, unable to beat or fall, she half dragged and "brought" the perverted second sister into the house.

Brother Xiao and Sister Fu's small home is in a simple Chinese style. There is a hollow nine-fish teak screen at the entrance, and the furniture is arhat couch, treasure seat and round drum stool made of hedgehog wood.

The hall is a horizontal hall. On the left hand side of the entrance is the dining room, and a fully hollowed out bamboo newspaper safety screen is also erected. The dining room is a large round table with eight horn chairs.

The background wall and ceiling are made of wood-carved lace and hung with retro palace lamps.

The seats are all equipped with cotton cushions, and above them are bamboo cushions.

Tabletops and TV cabinets, small tea tables, and the multi-treasure pavilion with the function of sideboards are placed with bottle vessels and sculptures. The small home is very elegant and warm.

Le Yun couldn't get rid of Sister Fu who was like an octopus, so she simply dragged her to sit on the Luohan couch.

Holding the soft bun, Chao Yufu ravaged it up and down. After rubbing the oil enough, he let go of his paws contentedly. He quickly took off his apron, washed his hands, and ran to find fruits and snacks.

Originally, her mother, father, and aunt sent Uncle Li and Aunt Li to her small home to take care of them, because Uncle Li's youngest son gave birth to a second child at the beginning of the month, and she and Brother Xiao gave Uncle Li and Aunt Li a vacation and asked them to go back to take care of their little one. The daughter-in-law is confinement.

Aunt Li, the nanny, is not at home. Miss Chao Er and Brother Xiao do everything by themselves these days and are self-reliant.

Chao Yufu found a bunch of snacks and fruits and came out. He called Brother Xiao first, and then happily fed Xiaotuanzi.

Brother Xiao received a call saying that Xiao Tuanzi was "visiting" at their Xiao's house, and he talked to the head and colleagues in the office, left early, and slipped home to entertain Xiao Tuanzi.

The young couple both liked Xiaotuanzi, and when they finally came, they were reluctant to let her go after lunch, and insisted on keeping her at home to play for a long time, and then let her go after dinner together.

The purpose of Le Xiao’s surprise attack was to see if Sister Fu was pregnant with a baby. After reading it, she found that Sister Fu and Brother Xiao were in good health. It was because they were not planning to conceive a baby for the time being, so she returned to the paradise with great peace of mind.

Miss Chao Er and Young Master Xiao didn't know that Xiaotuanzi had other purposes for the raid, they only ran to recognize the family when Xiaotuanzi missed them. They were in a good mood and showed off their happiness to the elders.

Mrs. Chao Er Ye and Mrs. Chao only saw the news from her daughter and son-in-law in the evening, and she was surprised and pleasantly surprised. Oh, Xiao Tuanzi actually launched a surprise attack, how kind!
Mr. Chao, Mrs. Chao Yi, Mrs. Chao, Mr. Xiao and the others soon found out and laughed from ear to ear.

Classmate Le took a call to Sister Fu's place and returned to the paradise. Apart from teaching his younger brother martial arts every day or the carrot heads on weekends, he spent the rest of his time tinkering with parts in the workshop.

Little Lolita didn't hear anything outside the window, and the days passed day by day, and soon it was time for all provinces across the country to release their rankings.

Entering the second half of June, with the upcoming release of the college entrance examination results, the moods of the fresh graduates and their parents are also fluctuating.

The earliest province announced its results on June 6, and after that, the provinces released their results one after another, and the old tune of some people being happy and others crying was repeated every day.

On the morning of the 27th, E Bei Province released the list, and as soon as the results were announced, many people were dumbfounded—the first and second place in the provincial science department fell to Fangxian No. [-] Middle School!
The third place in science and the first place in liberal arts were taken away by provincial key high schools, the third place in liberal arts was taken away by Shishi No. [-] Middle School, and the second place is still in No. [-] Middle School!

In Fangxian No. [-] Middle School, apart from the first and second in science and the second in liberal arts, there are two and three others who have also squeezed into the top ten in the provincial list of liberal arts and science.

That is to say, Fangxian No. [-] Middle School has four places in the top ten of the province's arts and sciences.

Because Le's test papers were publicly listed, all schools in Ebei Province felt that under the same conditions, their schools should be able to squeeze Fangxian No. [-] Middle School into a corner as before. As a result, they tried their best, but still failed Fang County No. [-] Middle School.

The provincial key high school is alright, they worked hard and finally won the first place in liberal arts and the third place in science. If you have no chance with the first three, I will ask you if you are angry.

Many leaders of N want to overthrow the table, and fall, the little goblin in Fangxian No. [-] Middle School has won four consecutive championships, and it is too annoying. When will he be pushed down!

(End of this chapter)

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