magic eye doctor

Chapter 2505

Chapter 2505

Classmate Le was very busy, so busy that she didn't pay attention to the results of the college entrance examination, so that when Brother Fu said that the results of the college entrance examination were being announced one after another at lunch that day, she didn't react for a while.

The little girl didn't ask how the college entrance examination scores compared with previous years, but Brother Fu knew everything. In the provinces that used the national paper for the college entrance examination in previous years, there were very few naked scores exceeding [-]. Even the top three in liberal arts and science in each province two.

This year, six to seven of the top ten in each province have a score of more than [-] points.

The number of people with a naked score of more than 670 in each province is even more blowout, and high scorers with a score of [-] or more are no longer a scarce resource.

Generally speaking, this year's provincial college entrance examination results have not increased by 01:30 points compared with previous years, but have taken a big leap across steps.

Speaking of it, the little girl's test paper collection contributed a lot.

Brother Fu felt that with the announcement of the college entrance examination results, next, the little girl's test paper and question sets would surely usher in another wave of hot sales.

It's a pity that the little girl donated it for free. No matter how high the sales volume is, the royalties and profit dividends have nothing to do with her.

After listening to Brother Fu talking about the results of the college entrance examination in Ebei Province, Le Yun realized that the results of the college entrance examination came out belatedly, and felt how time flies.

Then I remembered, oh, she agreed to sign the cartoons awarded to the students who entered the top ten in the province in No. [-] Middle School.

However, there is no need to be in a hurry to sign, it will not be too late for her to go home again during the double grab.

Thinking about it, Le Xiao put aside the announcement of the college entrance examination results, ate in peace, and went into the workshop after eating to continue doing research wholeheartedly.

The little girl's reaction was flat, and Brother Fu and others were not surprised. Little Lolita's heart was divided into two halves, one half was used to teach her younger brother, and the other half was devoted to research, so there was no time to worry about other things.

Classmate Le is very busy, so he didn't go to Cambridge in country Y to attend the "May Ball" of Cambridge's annual graduation season. The elderly monks in the village washed the tendons and cut the marrow, or opened up the two veins of Ren and Du, or helped them build a foundation.

As a result, all the monk families who have contributed to the construction of the paradise have opened up the foundation of Ren Du's second vein.

June of the new calendar ended with the sound of the announcement of college entrance examination results, and July ushered in.

In July, students in various colleges and universities began to take exams.

Student Le was busy until the middle of the month, and allocated one night to wash the tendons and marrow of the people in the Guanyin Hall, open up the second channel or help them build Si.

Overnight, there were four more foundations in the Avalokitesvara Hall, two monks who had penetrated the two veins of Ren and Du.

The monks in the Guanyin Hall had been meditating for a week, stabilized, and were preparing to go back home. Before returning to Qiongdao, they stopped by E North Plum Village to help the Le family do a double grab.

Student Le went home on July 7th and flew two helicopters, one of which she flew, and Lan San and Shuai Liu also flew one.

Little Lolita carried everyone from Guanyin Temple, Grandpa Chao and Mrs. Wang's mother, Professor Wan Qi, and the Blue Three Gang brought along Zhou Tianqing, Chen Xiaozhu, Cao Qingyue, Director Wu's daughter Wu Yaoguang, and Chen's little brothers who were studying in Beijing.

Lan Sankai's helicopter made a temporary stop in Fang County, letting Wu Yaoguang get off the plane before flying directly to Jiudao.

Chen Kang and Zhou Wei didn't go back to their hometown for the summer vacation. The Zhou family and their children, in-laws, or friends all had birthday celebrations during the summer vacation, and they had to go.

The old uncle didn't come back, and Dad Le still brought Mrs. Wu home as usual.

Boss Wu's family doesn't often visit the house when they don't have banquets on weekdays. During the summer vacation, Mrs. Chao and Mrs. Wang came, and Mrs. Wu happily arrived at Le's house.

Le Xiaoluoli returned home, killed the pig the next day and prepared the ingredients for the double grab, and started harvesting rice on the 22nd.

There is a group of helpers from the Guanyin Hall, and the Lejia harvests rice and transplants the fields, all of which are done within four days. There are people in the family who dry the rice and take care of the housework, and Le's father Zhou Qiufeng helps others to do double robbing.

The double grabbing in counties and townships is in full swing, and the research base project in Shishi City is also being stepped up. Migrant workers with land at home implement a rotation holiday system.

Classmate Le, who was strictly ordered not to do rough work by Grandpa Man, went to the construction site of the research base in Shishi, and got along happily with Director He, senior management personnel and workers.

She was "on a business trip" in Shishi, and at night, of course, she went to the staff dormitory of the beauty brother to scour the site, and she also succeeded in making all the employees working in Shishi's municipal department know that Brother Chao and Miss Jiudaole were siblings.

The originally low-key young Chao Jiamei suddenly became a hot cake.

In fact, Le originally wanted to stay at the construction site for a few more days, because the 30th was her brother's first real birthday after his birth, so she returned to Plum Village on the 29th.

Le Shan was born on the sixth day of the leap June in 2017, and 2025 is a leap year with a leap in June.

My warm heart brand brother just had a real birthday when he was eight years old. Le Yun took it very seriously. After returning home, he prepared all the ingredients for making cakes, steamed grains and desserts. He got up in the middle of the night to steam cakes, cakes and desserts.

I was so busy that it was almost dawn, and I made hand-rolled longevity noodles.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng got up before dawn and was busy making breakfast, and the husband and wife made everyone's breakfast.

When Le Shan finished his practice and washed himself up, he entered the main room, and what he saw was his elders, a big cake and a big steamed cake.

Chen Fengnian lit the candles, the young and old sang birthday songs together, and let Xiao Leshan blow out the candles and share the cake.

A sense of ritual.

We shared the cake and tasted it, and then had breakfast.

In the morning, everyone eats noodles with Xiaoshouxing. The difference is that Leshan’s bowl of noodles is a whole stick of long noodles.

Le Shan had a happy smile on his face, and after finishing the noodles in a small bowl, he ate the steamed cake made by his sister.

After breakfast, he clings to his sister, either hugging her waist or holding her arm and never letting go, and follows her everywhere except going to the bathroom.

"Having an older sister is happiness, why do I have older brothers?" Chen Fengnian was so jealous that his heart boiled bitterly.

"What's the matter, are you unhappy?" Chen Zhaonian wanted to beat up his little cousin.

Sure enough, he had to beat his younger brother as early as possible. He and his brothers were not willing to beat his younger brother before, so Chen Fengnian dared to babble because he had never tasted the majesty of his elder brother.

Chen Zhaonian looked at his cousin, thinking secretly, as long as his cousin didn't object to him beating his younger brother, he would immediately take Chen Fengnian to the village road outside to have a friendly relationship with his brother.

"Happy, happy, and happy to have an older brother." Chen Fengnian had a strong desire to survive, and when he realized something was wrong, he immediately changed his tone.

Look at the cousin's expression, then look at the cousin's expression, and continue to say: "A younger brother who has an older brother is also very happy, but still not as happy as a person with an older sister. The older brother can't make cakes for younger brothers, and he can't make longevity noodles. I don’t know how to make clothes or shoes for my younger brother.”

Chen Zhaonian stared angrily, this brat brother, I can't take it anymore!

Holding her sister's waist as a slime, Le Shan was as proud as a little peacock with its tail open, and agreed crisply: "Little cousin is right, a younger brother who has an older sister is the happiest!"

Chen Zhaonian is so sour that he wants to drink lasagna. He also knows that a younger brother with an older sister is the happiest, but he is also an older brother!

"Although I didn't have an older sister before, luckily I have one now." Chen Fengnian hurried to his cousin's side, and the little bird clinged to her side.

Chen Zhaonian: "..." Alas, the dog is still the dog of the little cousin!
"You guys, it's not too tiring to stage a similar show from time to time." Le Yun pampered her little cousin's head.

Little cousin or something, from time to time we have to talk about the happiness of having a sister, are you tired?
"No." Chen Fengnian and Chen Zhaonian did not admit that they often have the heart to compete for favor.

Chen Fengnian and Chen Zhaonian made a fuss and stopped arguing about whether it is better to have an older sister or an older brother. The little cousin cooks delicious food, and they follow behind as errands.

Lan San and Liu Shao are naturally the number one laborers, working happily as handymen.

The double robbing in Meicun is not over yet. Happy father Zhou Qiufeng went out to help others after breakfast. He didn't go to other people's house for dinner at noon, and returned home after work.

Mrs. Zhou and Mrs. Zhou Bapi both remembered Xiao Leshan's birthday and arrived at Le's house early.

Ms. Li went to other people's house to help with work, and Grandma Zhou also went to her son-in-law's house for lunch at noon.

There were relatively few people at noon, and in the evening, Cheng Wu, Zhang Laosan and Liu Qi’s grandma all came to Lejia, either carrying a chicken or half a basket of eggs.

Even Granny Cao came. She picked up her granddaughter from the kindergarten and went to Meicun to visit. She brought a chicken, a dozen duck eggs, and two large watermelons.

The old people cherished the children, how could Le Yun let people go back like that, kept everyone for dinner, treated them warmly, and gave back a large piece of steamed cake to the family.

Leshan clings to her sister for a day during the day and sleeps with her at night, but her sister disagrees, so she looks at her with a crying expression.

After all, it was my younger brother's birthday, Le Yun couldn't hold him back, and she couldn't bear to let her baby brother down, so she agreed with her brother to rub the bed, of course, only for that night.

Le Shan, who got her wish, was afraid of her sister's repentance, jumped up and screamed happily, and went upstairs first, and ran into the study room early to take a place first.

That speed, that movement, is simply unmatched.

It also made Le Yun doubt herself a little, is she very ruthless to her brother?

After doubts, he still firmly implements the education that men and women are separated at the age of seven. My younger brother is a man, so he must adhere to the principle that men and women do not matter. Otherwise, he will have no gender concept with other girls in the future, and big troubles will happen.

The younger brother's birthday was over, and little Lori had nothing else to do, so she stayed upstairs the next day to sign the comics she brought back from No. [-] Middle School.

She was only free for one day. On Saturday, Village Chief Zhou didn't go to the village committee, but went to Lejia to find someone.

Because Grandpa Man was looking for her, Le Yun went downstairs. After Grandpa Man drank tea, he hesitated to speak a few times, so she had no choice but to ask, "Grandpa Man, what do you want to say, is it embarrassing?"

"Yeah." Village Chief Zhou nodded embarrassingly, and bit the bullet: "Lele, this is not about me or our village, it's...a big thing,"

He paused before he got to the point: "It was rainy in spring and early summer this year, and there were landslides in many places, and the road from the county to our township also collapsed in several places.

The village head of a village in Shangzhuang said that the mountain next to our township was cracked in some places, and he was afraid that the mountain would collapse. He asked their leaders to report it, but he didn’t know if they paid attention to it. He never saw anyone Field survey.

Although that mountain belongs to the land of Shangzhuang Township, if the mountain collapses one day, the entire road will be blocked, and the most feared thing is that there will be cars and people passing by on the road when the mountain collapses. "

(End of this chapter)

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