magic eye doctor

Chapter 2506

Chapter 2506

Wen Xian knew the meaning, and Le Yun understood the meaning of Grandpa Man: A village head in a neighboring village did not respond to the situation, and was worried that the higher-ups would not take it seriously, and hoped that she could help report his problem to the county or city.

She didn't express her opinion immediately. She recalled the mountains that the urban and rural roads passed, and asked, "Grandpa Man, the village head in the neighboring village said that the mountain is cracked. Which section of the road is it?"

"The section of Biandan Ridge."

"Biandan Ridge?" Le Yun's heart skipped a beat: "I remember that the mountains in that area are made of limestone. If there are cracks in the mountains, it's really not a trivial matter."

Limestone is the main raw material for burning lime and cement, and is the melting point for steelmaking and ironmaking.

The main chemical composition of limestone is CaCO3, which is easy to dissolve. If limestone absorbs enough water, it will expand and collapse.

There used to be a country in Europe that refused to listen to the dissuasion of experts and insisted on building a reservoir in a canyon with limestone mountains. After the reservoir was built for the first time to store water, the limestone mountains swelled and collapsed.

The mountain collapsed and blocked the reservoir, and finally mixed to form a terrifying rock-mixed flow, surging and rushing, destroying dams and valleys with a destructive force, forming a huge geological disaster.

That severe disaster taught the world a painful lesson, and at the same time it sounded the alarm for all mankind.

The urban and rural roads from Fangxian County to Jiudao are almost winding mountain roads. Once a landslide occurs, traffic will inevitably be interrupted.

If the traffic is temporarily interrupted, you can take a detour to Yuzhen and then go to the county seat. I am afraid that pedestrians, vehicles or livestock will pass by when the landslide happens in the rainy season, which may cause irreversible consequences.

Knowing which mountain had hidden dangers, Le Yun decided to go and see for herself, and also decided to ask Grandpa Chao, a geologist, as a helper.

Grandpa Chao has been engaged in geological work for decades and has rich experience. He is also an old professor in the field of geology at the Research Institute. His words are authoritative and more convincing.

With a plan in mind, Le Yun went to the third floor of the south to find Grandpa Chao and explained the situation, and then went back to the study of the north building to change into a denim and camouflage suit suitable for mountain climbing, and found a few small tools, sorting out a small luggage back.

Xiaotuanzi invites himself to study a mountain, what are you waiting for?Mr. Chao, who was a primary school student on the third floor, happily went downstairs after hearing Xiaotuanzi's invitation to study geology.

The old man found a set of camouflage clothes that Yueqing wore to chop firewood in the mountains, and took tools such as picks, small steel drills, and small hammers, and packed a backpack.

Little Lolita was about to go out, and Lan Sanliu quickly packed up the essentials and was ready to go.

Xiao Lele was going to survey the terrain, and the happiest person was Village Chief Zhou, who took a knife and straw hat and acted as a guide.

To survey the mountains, Le Yun decided to fly a helicopter, and it was also convenient to look down from a high altitude and observe the overall situation of the mountains.

With a helicopter, she always walks in a straight line from the county seat, and does not pass through the mountainous area adjacent to Shangzhuang Township and Jiudao Township, so she doesn't know how those mountains have changed in recent years.

If every time the helicopter flies along the Grand Canyon passing by the winding mountain road, if there is any change in the nearby mountains, she must have discovered something.

Since he wanted to study the mountains the road passed by, Lan San, the driver, needless to say, flew the helicopter along the road.

Xiao Le, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat, looked at the mountains from the window, turned on the plug-in function of his eyes, and looked at the mountains to analyze whether there were any hidden dangers.

The helicopter soon reached the Biandan Ridge area.

Biandan Ridge is not the name of a certain mountain. On the map, it has no name. It belongs to the mountain range of Shennong Mountain. Because of the shape of the mountain, it is slightly wider in the middle and narrower at both ends, just like the poles used in rural areas. Rural people say When it reached it, it was "the mountain like a shoulder pole". Over time, it was simply called the shoulder pole mountain.

One end of Biandan Ridge is a prone canyon, with urban and rural roads winding through it.

Classmate Le Xiao watched from the cockpit and found that the mountain in the section of the road that had been diverted from the road had indeed undergone some new changes.

Urban and rural roads are winding mountain roads. In many places, mountain walls have to be cut, and the mountain has to be blasted. Some rocks or mountains have been affected to some extent. It is normal for occasional rolling stones to fall during violent storms.

In the year of the college entrance examination, and the first two years after entering university, Le Yun traveled to and from the county and observed the mountains and mountains that the urban and rural roads passed. It can be said that he knows every section of the road like the back of his hand.

The section of Biandan Mountain, where the urban and rural public falls pass, had several cracks on the mountain wall many years ago. She only opened her eyes during the college entrance examination, and she had observed the cracks for at least ten years. sewing age.

After a few years, several cracks lengthened.

Little Lolita observed the mountain, and Lan San drove the helicopter to fly around the mountain at high altitude, then flew around the mountainside at low altitude, and then landed on a certain road designated by Village Chief Zhou .

Urban and rural roads face one-way streets, and the helicopter is parked on the outer side, leaving the inner road for passing vehicles to pass through, without blocking traffic.

Everyone got off the helicopter, and Village Chief Zhou acted as a "guide" without hesitation, leading Mr. Chao and the little boy to look at the cracks in the mountain wall on the inner side of the road.

Standing on the road and looking at the cracks on the rock wall, Village Chief Zhou took people up the mountain to survey the scene of changes in certain mountain rocks. He walked in front, cutting through thorns and thorns with a knife.

Mr. Chao and Mr. Le had to take samples at intervals, and Mr. Lan Sanliu became the best helper. They helped dig the soil, knocked rocks to take samples, and the physical work went to the two brothers.

When the brothers got another sample for Mr. Chao and wiped off their sweat, Xiao Le patted the shoulders of the two handsome guys in a friendly way: "Brother Liu, handsome guy Lan, you are doing great! I will give you a nine Color Steamed Cake, I will reward you for your hard work."


When Liu Shaolan heard that there were nine-color steamed cakes to eat, she was overjoyed, and suddenly felt that her hands were no longer sore, her legs were no longer tired, and her waist became stronger.

The two brothers were so excited that they carried the pickaxe and pliers, and Mr. Chao and Little Lolita pointed to where to hit. They were more industrious than little mining squirrels.

Mr. Chao was overjoyed, and Xiao Tuanzi was too good at calling people. This free labor was simply not very handy.

Village Chief Zhou: "..." It's not easy to be a bodyguard for a little boy. Not only do you have to go to the kitchen under the battlefield, but you also have to be able to carry a hoe and a pickaxe tongs when you go up the mountain.

After a day of exhausting running, just a steamed cake as a condolence product.

Just ask if you feel wronged.

Seeing that the two handsome guys didn't look wronged, Village Chief Zhou didn't say much, and continued to lead the way.

It's the season of double rush in the countryside. Although there are fewer vehicles on the road, it doesn't mean there are no vehicles. Some vehicles pass by, and I am surprised to see the helicopter on the road. I don't know what the Lejia girl in Plum Village is doing.

Also out of curiosity, some people who were not in a hurry simply pulled over their cars and parked near the helicopter to take pictures or wait to see what happened.

Village head Zhou took the little boy and Mr. Chao to climb halfway up the mountain, saw a few places where the rock mass had changed, did not continue running, and went down the mountain again, preparing to go to the other side of the mountain.

"By the way, what are those people doing waiting on the road?"

Liu Shao looked curiously at the seven or eight cars parked before and after the helicopter.

"The township leaders from Shangzhuang Township are here." Le Yun answered the question inappropriately.

"Mr. Cai from Xiaozichai Village, which is the closest to this section of the road, is also here." Mr. Zhou didn't see anyone, but he heard Mr. Cai's voice.

From the direction of Jiudao to the county seat, after crossing the ridge of Biandan Ridge, there is a large valley, which goes along the valley to Duren Village on the side of Shennong Mountain.

Xiaozichai Village is located at the mouth of the mountain, next to the highway, with about 100 households and a population of more than [-].

The village head who discovered the cracks in the mountains and asked the leaders to report the situation was Xiaozichai's Cai village head, who was about the same age as Zhou village head.

Little Lolita said that the leaders of Shangzhuang Township were here, and Young Master Lan Sanliu also knew why they came. He must have heard that Little Lolita was on the mountain, so he was moved upon hearing the news.

Village head Zhou is a rural person, and he is used to climbing mountains and walking on mountain roads. There is not much difference between going down the mountain and going up the mountain.

Mr. Chao is engaged in geological work, so he didn’t take his students to the mountains to go to Meicun for vacation in the past two years. Steady and easy.

The two old men walked steadily and fast, so going down the mountain was naturally not a problem.

The five people soon reached the foot of the mountain, and returned to the road from the path that the villagers used to go up the mountain to cut firewood.

Village Chief Cai waited at the intersection with several leaders from Shangzhuang Township. When he saw Village Chief Zhou, he rushed forward and patted Village Chief Zhou on the shoulder: "Old Zhou, that's interesting! I'll treat you to a drink some other day!"

He went to the leaders to report the situation last April, but there was no action in the township and county. He told Lao Zhou that the girl from the Le family came to check the mountains, which shows how loyal Lao Zhou is.

The girl Lejia acted upon hearing the news from Village Chief Zhou. Not only is she a benevolent doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded, but she also cares about people's livelihood, which shows how kind and caring she is.

"Don't, don't, Lao Cai, Lele said she won't let me drink too much. She thinks I'm always greedy when you're like this."

Village Chief Zhou angrily pushed Village Chief Cai away a little bit, disgusted very much, Lao Cai didn't even look at the occasion, and said please drink as soon as he came up, isn't this a scam!

Village head Cai didn't mind being dismissed, and another old man who came down the mountain smiled and said hello to Miss Le, and then introduced that the leaders of their village were nearby. Hearing that the little girl was doing research here, he also came have a look.

He wouldn't say that he called the village office and said that the Jiudao Le family girl was inspecting the Biandanling area, and the leader came to inspect because someone tipped her off.

The two top leaders in charge of people and affairs in Shangzhuang Township went to the county seat, and the second in charge of township affairs, head Hu, came to the scene with several officers.

Township head Hu is in his fifties, chubby and chubby, with a friendly smile, he enthusiastically goes up to shake hands with Mr. Chao, Miss Le, and village head Zhou, and asks Mr. Chao, an old professor of geology, for his opinion on the crack in the mountain.

Grandpa Chao gave a clear answer: "Our family's Xiao Lele said that the whole mountain will not be in danger of collapsing in the next few years, but if there is heavy snow in winter and heavy rain in spring and summer, there is a great possibility that some areas of the stone wall will collapse. It is easy for rolling stones to fall, and it is recommended to build a protective iron fence in this area.”

(End of this chapter)

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