Chapter 251

Yan Xing walked around the school and bought himself a white medicine for his knees. After that, he went back to the dormitory to the downstairs of the dormitory and went upstairs to the dormitory without delay.

Liu Xiangyang returned to school from his sweetheart in the morning, and also missed the first class time. Since he was late, he simply didn't go to class.

Playing games in the dormitory was dark and the sun and the moon were dark, when he heard the door of the dormitory slamming, he looked at the door, and then saw his good brother come back, he was immediately amazed: "Oh my God, Xiaoxingxing, you Didn't he just come back from the He family now? What happened to your leg?"

Xiaoxingxing was walking. In the past, it was a dragon's walking and a tiger's step. The steps were sturdy. It was really like a dragon. The distance of each step was like a ruler. balance.

"Yesterday I knelt all night and my knees are swollen." Yan Xing calmly walked to his bunk.

"You were punished for kneeling? No, it should be He Xiaoliu who was punished. Why are you punished too?" Kneeling punishment is one of the family laws of the He family. Liu Xiangyang was not surprised. No matter how Xiao Xingxing was punished, he clearly had merit and no fault.

"It was Little Sixteen who was punished. I knelt with me all night." Yan Xing didn't hide the real reason. He went to the bunk, threw away the medicine, took off his shoes and climbed into bed.

He wanted to pull up his trousers, pull them to the knees and touch them, then put them down, loosen the belt, and take off his trousers. Since it was not a girls' dormitory, he pulled off his pants neatly.

Liu Xiangyang heard that he had been kneeling all night, so he dropped the computer and ran to look at his knees. When someone Yan took off his pants, revealing his bruised knees, his mouth became an O, and he couldn't even close it.

God, how could it be hurt like that?

Staring at him, after ten seconds or so, he adjusted his chin that was about to fall to the ground, with a strange expression on his face: "Xiao Xingxing, did you kneel on the washboard last night? Or is it durian or pineapple?"

"I originally knelt on the floor, but in the middle of the night, I found a pineapple and knelt on the washboard for a while." Yan Xing looked at his knees, and admitted the truth slowly.

"My ancestor, you... don't you want to find a little beauty?" Liu Xiangyang understood in seconds, his eyes widened in shock, mother, Xiao Xingxing is really cruel to himself!The bitter meat plan is used to this extent, and it is impossible to accept it.


"When are you going?" If the little beauty had a hard heart, wouldn't Xiao Xingxing suffer in vain?

"I've been there, and I'll buy medicine for myself after I've been there." He put so much effort into trying to sympathize with Little Loli. If he hadn't gone to Little Loli first, he wouldn't have bought medicine for himself.

Liu Xiangyang's breathing stagnated slightly: "How is it, does it work?"

"Successfully entered the door, and also gave the medicine."

"Little beauty let you into the dormitory, and showed you your knee?" Liu Xiangyang was so shocked that he almost jumped up, the little beauty was willing to let Xiaoxing enter the door, indicating that she still had some affection for them, and she couldn't be heartless Absolute justice, see death without help.

"Yeah, but things come down one by one. Little Sixteen went too far this time. Little Loli won't forgive easily." Yan Xing felt a headache when he thought that the camera captured Little Lolita changing clothes. Install a camera to capture his naked appearance, he will definitely want to kill the guy who installed the camera, even he is a man, let alone a little loli.

"If you can't forgive it, then... the problem is on the camera?" Liu Xiangyang's area of ​​expertise is the Internet, so he can't guess the reason.

"Well, the camera captured the scene of Little Loli changing her clothes. When Little Loli mentioned it, she was furious. I didn't have the face to ask for forgiveness."

"It's over!" Liu Xiangyang hugged his head, wailed, and threw himself on Yan's bed and pretended to be dead.

"Mo Hao, Xiangyang, go to the mall to buy something, come back to pick me up after you buy it, and we'll go back later, the reasons are all ready-made anyway, I can go to thank you, or go to ask for some medicine, if you enter If you can't find the door, you can ask Aunt Tian what herbs you need."

Strike while the iron is hot, and ask for medicine while the injury is present, and wait for the swelling to subside tomorrow before asking for medicine.

Although it is shameless and despicable to say that he knelt down on the pineapple and knelt on the washboard to make his knees nearly crippled, but in order to get close to Little Loli and rebuild his relationship with her, he would rather be despicable and shameless.

"Oh, I'll go right away." Liu Xiangyang revived in a second, jumped up cleverly, straightened his hair, picked up Yan's car keys and his wallet, spun out of the dormitory like a whirlwind, and rushed to the shopping mall.

When Liu Xie left, Yan Xing applied medicine to himself, sprayed Baiyao on his knees, and rubbed it carefully, causing his knees to become hot and painful.

"Hi-" The pain came, he bared his teeth, it hurt, it really hurt!Walking in the morning is not so painful.

Even though it was very painful, he didn't pity himself. He rubbed it so hard that the pain was so painful that his legs were numb. He felt that the knee was not his own, and he was sweating.

Almost done, put on your pants again, pack up, try to take a step, oh my god, it hurts!The knee seemed to be broken, and the pain was unbearable.

Works great, but really hurts.

Yan Xing's face twisted in pain, he endured the pain, went to wash his hands, took Liu's key, moved out of the dormitory step by step, and then moved to the elevator to go downstairs.

When he got downstairs, he sat on the stone fence of the flower garden in front of the building and waited. After waiting for more than half an hour, Liu Xiangyang rushed back to the building.

Liu Shao didn't leave the school, he strolled around the school's shopping mall, bought some things, and rushed back to the dormitory building to pick up someone from Yan, and when he got up, the corners of his eyes jumped: "Little Okay, why do I feel like your legs are worse than before?"

"Well, after applying the medicine, it will be more serious."

"!" Liu Xiangyang just wanted to say two words: You are cruel!
He didn't delay, and hurried to the Zhuangyuan Building. It was close to 11:30 at this time, and the get out of class was over half an hour away. If he didn't hurry up, he wouldn't be able to catch up.

He rushed to the front of the Zhuangyuan Building without stopping, got out of the car, and twisted things. Yan Shao’s leg was so painful that he couldn’t bend his knees. He only carried a carton of milk and a box of finely packaged apples.

Liu Shao carried two boxes in his left hand, two boxes in his right hand, and a box in his left hand. He carried things and rushed upstairs. He ran fast and climbed to the fourth floor first.

Young Master Yan couldn't bend his knees and walked like a zombie. He finally managed to climb to the fourth floor, his face was covered in cold sweat from the pain, he wiped the sweat, and then he politely knocked on the door.

Le Yun didn't do anything else after Handsome Yan left. She practiced and read books. She waited until 11:30 to heat up the rice cooker, wash the vegetables, and took out a gourd, peeled and shredded.

After getting ready, I was about to start cooking when I heard a knock on the door. I was very unhappy. I threw the washed vegetables and gourd melons back into the space and ran to open the door.

She opened the door and saw two young people standing at the door, her face turned dark: "Why are you two again, can you stop and stop?"

"Little Loli, my knee hurts." Yan Xing complained bitterly when he saw the black-faced little Loli.

Le Yun roared, and saw the appearance of Yan. He was sweating and his face was pale. He quickly opened his eyes and X-rayed his knees. He found that his knees were swollen. became black and purple.

Seeing his swollen black and purple knee, her whole body was not well, and she was so angry: "I gave you the medicine and the swelling has disappeared, it's no big deal, don't do strenuous exercise, you'll be fine tomorrow. , in a blink of an eye, you are going to crawl back alive again, did you fall or knock on your way back?"

Little Loli's eyes were full of flames, Yan Xing's momentum was completely suppressed, the hero was short of breath, and Na Na responded: "I didn't fall, I didn't knock, I just bought some medicine and wiped it, and then the knee didn't heal, but it was swollen. It got worse, and the pain got worse."

"I know that you have applied Baiyao. Baiyao is fine, but why do you feel more pain? How did you apply the medicine?" The smell of Baiyao is so strong that you can smell it as long as your nose is not blocked.

"I followed the instructions, sprayed on the knee, rubbed it hot and then sprayed."

"You can't die if you don't do it, you really are walking on the road to die and never look back. Forget it, I don't have the strength to scold you, you climbed in by yourself, and that handsome guy Liu, who was originally handsome, can put on a flattering smile. The value of your appearance is lowered, which makes people suspect that your IQ is not online."

There was a guy who was on the road to death, Le Yun was also drunk, glared at the two handsome guys, and turned around by herself, the two handsome guys, if you love him or not, he won't come in or pull him down.

The knee was tossed so badly that it was very painful, Yan Xing endured the bitter fruit that he made as a demon, and walked into the little Loli's living room.

"Little beauty, this is what I call a sincere smiley face. How can I be flattering? If you don't believe me, look at my sincere little eyes." Being swept out of the door, Liu Xiangyang jumped into the girls' dormitory happily, smiling brightly.

"If you are sincere, there is no such thing as fake in the world." Le Yun snorted and entered the bedroom herself. Yanren's knees were like that. Needless to say, she had to waste her medicine.

Liu Xiangyang was not afraid that others would call him flattering, he smiled, put the things he brought to the writing desk, and then went back to carry the boxes that were still at the door, made a run, and moved all the gifts into the girls' dormitory.

The last time I came, Li went with others. This time, Little Loli didn't say not to move the gifts into the house, which means that she was relieved a lot, and she no longer disliked them so much, which is a good thing.

When someone Yan moved in, he moved to the table and sat down, putting his things away, and handsome Liu also slipped over to the dining table and moved a bench to sit and wait.

Back in the bedroom, Le Yun took out the bottles and jars, found a small glass bottle, filled it with a new medicine, and took it out to someone Yan: "Take it back and wipe it yourself, wash the white medicine before use, Don't rub your knees any more, just put it on, and if it doesn't heal after using this bottle, you don't have to come again. It's not a free gift, [-] yuan, you can take it if you want, and don't want to pull it down."

"Yes, yes! I'll transfer the money to you in a moment." Don't say 20, even if the asking price is [-], I still want to buy it.

"You can transfer right away. After transferring the account, you can go back to your own dormitory to apply the medicine. Don't rely on me to eat here. I am not your cook, so I have no obligation to provide food." Don't think that she doesn't know what Xiao Jiu Jiu they are fighting, so she chose to come at this point, doesn't she just want to eat again?

"Little beauty, we don't eat rice, can we eat bowls of noodles?" Liu Xiangyang threw the morality away [-] miles away, and begged for food with a cheeky face.

What should I do if I have a thick skin?
Le Yun threw Liu Shuai's sharp knife, and let him get into the dormitory.

In order to make them give up, she decided to let them have a meal, and went to prepare to eat: "If you want to eat noodles, okay, I will cook a bowl of noodles for you."

Wow, I can eat again.

The little beauty rolled her eyes and didn't drive people away, Liu Xiangyang was so happy, her face filled with a smile for a moment, it's been a long time since I've eaten Little Lolita's delicious food, and finally I can eat it again.

There was someone Liu who used his shameless advantage, but Yan Xing didn't have any more help. When Little Lolita agreed with them, he moved to the bathroom, pulled up his trousers, washed away the Baiyao, and put the ointment given by Little Lolita. Applying it on the knee cap, the medicine has a fragrant smell, and it is cool when applied to the skin, and the burning pain dissipates a lot at once.

He waited for some of the medicine to be absorbed, then wiped a little more, put the medicine in his pocket, moved it out, sat down in the living room, stretched his real legs, and lifted up his trousers with his hands, lest his trousers stick to his knees and take the medicine away.

The two handsome guys are shameless, and Le Yun can't pull her face to drive people out. She went to the refrigerator to find the cabbage and lettuce, opened the refrigerator, took out a piece of meat, ran to the kitchen, washed it, cut it into a plate, and put it in her electric casserole. Unplug the power and start cooking.

Burn two greens and cook noodles.

Considering that the two handsome guys are in the stomach, she deliberately cooked a big pot of noodles and went for most of the pork ribs noodles. Fortunately, those were also the stockpiled stock from the He family, otherwise, she might have another pain in the flesh.

Make the noodles, put them in two big soup bowls, serve them out, then serve the dishes, and give them chopsticks to the two handsome guys. After that, I put a bowl of fragrant medicated porridge and serve it to the table.

Gu Dong-, Liang Jun Shao smelled the rich porridge fragrance, and his eyes were drooling. Liu Xiangyang put on his handsome face and asked to share: "Little beauty, the porridge is so fragrant, can you share a little bit?"

"This is the lunch I reserved in the morning, and I don't have your share. Don't you mean to eat noodles? Don't force yourself to eat it." She doesn't sympathize with greedy guys, she must give them some color to show them, so that they know how to provoke them. She was angry, and the consequences were serious.

"Eat, of course." Liu Xiangyang replied in a hurry, grabbing his chopsticks to pick up the vegetables.

Yan Xing secretly drooled at the porridge for [-] feet, but did not dare to say it, and ate the noodles by himself.

After only one bite, Young Jun could taste the taste. This time, the dishes and noodles did not contain special ingredients, and the taste was far from that of the previous delicacies.

Liu Shao secretly burst into tears, and the little beauty hated them, so she didn't cook food for them. She really wanted to kill He Xiaoliu, but it was that arrogant child who caused the trouble.

This meal of noodles was asked for by themselves and their own shame, so even if it was not their ideal food, they would have to finish it with tears.

In order not to be disgusted, Young Jun said goodbye and sent away the two handsome guys with resentful eyes. Classmate Le Xiao was in a very happy mood, hum, she still hasn't calmed down, she wants to eat space products, and has a big dream of spring. dream!

(End of this chapter)

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