Chapter 252
Yan Shao and Liu Shao succeeded in their meal, and they tried their best, but they ended up with an ordinary home-cooked meal, and they felt sad in their hearts. When they returned to their own dormitory, their body and mind were still refreshed.

Little Loli doesn't give them good food, and Little Loli doesn't make friends with them anymore.

Both physically and mentally battered, the two young seniors were sad and speechless and cried for a long while. They hugged the computer and did what they like to do. As for the class, one of them had a leg injury and the other was heartbroken.

The two handsome guys hid in the dormitory for a long time. In the evening, when the students finished class, the sour taste in the hearts of the brothers came out. After class, Little Loli's friends had delicious food to eat, but they didn't!
Thinking of a group of boys enjoying delicious food at Little Loli, Shao Yan and Liu Shao couldn't hold back the jealous fire in his heart.

A group of boys who were jealous of Liang Junshao were rushing to the Zhuangyuan Building. The first group of boys to visit Xiaoluoli's dormitory were Wu Henghe and several boys who were assigned to the western medicine class, the Chinese medicine class, and the pharmacy class. There were nine in total.

The nine boys left the teaching building immediately after class, and soon rushed to the front of the Zhuangyuan Building to meet up. Everyone was dressed like a dog before leaving in the morning. They were all formal suits, especially formal.

The people gathered, tidied each other's clothes, carried their own book bags, picked up gifts and went upstairs, followed Little Loli's instructions, went to the fourth floor, and knocked on the door.

They were greeted by the exquisite and handsome President Chao. The young man invited the juniors into the dormitory. The table in the dormitory was set up. The boys put their bags in a corner and put the fruits they brought in at the place designated by the young man and sat in a row.

The boys were very curious about Little Loli's dormitory. They looked around and saw the pile of books, and they were all dumbfounded.

Le Yun was still cooking in the kitchen, and when the friends came, put the tableware and chopsticks first, and served a large plate of flower rolls, so that everyone could pamper their stomachs.

The boys were drooling over the pancakes made by Little Loli, because there were so many people who went to watch the Autumn Games in those two days, and none of them were embarrassed to eat them, but Little Loli actually baked pancakes for them to eat. , couldn't be happier.

At [-] o'clock, Le Yun has already made flowers in advance, and at [-]:[-], the rice is ready, with a total of eight dishes, such as chicken stewed mushroom soup, fish, spare ribs, meat stir-fried vegetables or stir-fried green vegetables.

There are two servings of each dish, which is enough to cook rice in a large electric pot.

The boys originally wanted to maintain their gentlemanly demeanor, but in the end they couldn't stand the temptation of delicious food, so they threw their demeanor to Java, and happily raced with President Chao.

Because there was enough food, the boys didn't finish the meal, and the boys were exhausted, holding their stomachs and wanting to roll around happily.

The beautiful boy originally wanted to help wash the dishes, because he had a student council meeting in the evening, so he rushed to the meeting when he was full, and the boys didn't stay.

The boys came happily, returned with joy, and then immediately posted pictures and blogs to show off their wonderful experiences in the group. There were pictures and truths, which caused a lot of people to go down three thousand feet, and the rest of the military training class was not yet small. The boys who were guests in the Lolita dormitory were even more excited and couldn't wait for their turn to be a guest soon.

Le Yun is very calm, treats guests to dinner, studies by herself, and grows in the space. She has a leisurely life.

Day and night come and go, and Tuesday kicks off the day.

It is another sunny day, the autumn sun is warm, and it is suitable for travel.

There was no sun or stars in the small narrow room. Every day, she could only judge day and night based on light. Le Shiyun stayed in the small room for more than [-] days, and her perception was almost numb.

On the day she woke up that day, after being asked to ask for a statement, she was given a new room. There was only one more bathroom in the small room. And benches, iron bars to seal the windows.

In addition to being asked to ask for a confession every day, and being taken out for a walk for three days to bask in the sun, in addition to eating and drinking in a small room.

The police asked her family to bring her clothes, but they did not let her meet with her family, and only brought her clothes and laundry supplies.

She couldn't spread the news, and she couldn't receive any outside news. She didn't know what the Chao family and Li family were going to do, and she didn't know if the family knew the reason.

She kept silent about every question and confession, and at other times, she remained silent for twenty days without speaking. Even so, the police officers were neither in a hurry nor urging her to question her every day. Send her back, three meals a day are delivered on time, and they don't disclose any news to her.

In the morning, after having a bland breakfast, Le Shiyun sat at the only table, staring at the bars, waiting for the daily questioning.

After I don't know how long I waited, there was a rattling sound of leather shoes outside the door, and then there was the sound of the key "shaking", then the key entered the door lock, the lock was turned, and the door was pushed open with a few quick clicks.

When she heard the sound, Le Shiyun mechanically turned her head to look at the door. She never thought about rushing out when the door opened, because she knew that it was only done by a fool. The police officer had a gun and wanted to escape. He was shot dead on the spot before leaving the police station.

After the door opened, two heavily armed police officers walked in, a man and a woman, with sharp eyes and a stern look.

Le Shiyun knew that it was time to ask for evidence again, and she sat silently like a wooden man.

The male police officer walked to the table and put the things in his hand in front of the young woman: "Le Shiyun, the superior has instructed that you have been formally arrested, and another arrest warrant is on its way to your father. Please pack up. Luggage, come with us."


Le Shiyun jumped up in shock and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Why arrest me, I didn't commit a crime! I didn't commit a crime, why arrest me?"

The male police officer has quick eyes and quick hands. When Le Qianjin jumped up, he quickly stretched out his hands, grabbed the young woman's arms, and firmly restrained her.

Le Shiyun struggled fiercely and kicked over the bench. She remained silent when she asked for the confession and refused to answer any questions. She had to be acquitted.

She persisted for more than [-] days, and what she was waiting for was not a release, but an arrest!Once arrested, it means that she is found guilty.

A few days ago, she kept silent, the police had nothing to do with her, why did she arrest her without pleading guilty?
"I didn't commit a crime, I didn't commit a crime..." Le Shiyun couldn't accept the sudden change.

After being detained, without careful maintenance, her hair was dry, with no styling cream, and it was messy and had to be tied up.Without makeup, the face loses its hydration and the skin is dull.

With his emotions out of control, his face was distorted, and he no longer had the delicate elegance of the once rich girl, just like a street shrew.

The female police officer walked over, took out the handcuffs hanging around her waist, and held Le Qianjin's hands rudely, her voice cold: "You have the right to remain silent when asking for a statement, but it doesn't mean that you are not guilty if you refuse to confess. , the Chao family, Li family, Deng family, Deng family, Xu family, and several families sued you for various crimes. The evidence has been presented to the court. At the same time, the aphrodisiac drug you used has also been tested. It is extracted from opium poppy, and you will be addicted to taking it. If you don't tell the truth, the police will prosecute you for smuggling drugs and covering up drug crimes."

"I didn't smuggle drugs, I didn't sell drugs..." Le Shiyun trembled violently, as if she was electrocuted, as if she was drained of strength, her hands and feet were weak, and she couldn't even struggle.

The two police officers did not pity Le Qianjin, nor would they abuse the suspect. They treated her in a fair and fair manner. They helped her pack up her clothes and wash her mouth before taking her out of the temporary detention room.

There was also a police officer outside. The three of them "supported" Le Qianjin, and one person helped with clothes and supplies. They went to the police station and sent them to a special police car for transporting prisoners. They were transferred to the court detention center.

In the special escort car, in addition to the police officers with pistols, there are also two armed policemen with sub-peak guns, who jointly escort the suspects to prevent accidents in the middle.

It took about [-] minutes for the special car to arrive at the court detention center. The people in the court detention center were all criminals. Some of them were convicted and temporarily detained indefinitely because other accomplices were not arrested. Some were criminals waiting to be sentenced, and some were criminals in major cases. Due to the complexity of the case, the detention period has not been determined.

The special escort car escorted Le Qianjin to the heavily guarded detention center, and directly entered the area where the female prisoner was held. The personnel waiting for the handover were already in place, and the handover work was carried out first, including checking whether the suspect was worthy of the number, taking pictures, recording the suspect's clothes and belongings, and connecting them. Blood pressure, etc. are recorded in detail.

The police officers handed over the suspect to the court detention center and left after completing the handover procedures.

Four police officers C of the detention center escorted the female suspect to the detention center. The detention area is protected by tall gate walls and barbed wire, and there are gunmen on duty both inside and outside the gate.

Le Shiyun was almost carried away, she had no strength at all.

Entering the detention center, the houses inside are all white walls. Because the release time has passed, there are no prisoners in the open space outside, and only the management personnel walk around occasionally.

The staff sent Le Qianjin into the shift room and walked along a long passage. At the end, a female prison guard shouted before opening the door.

The class room is the prisoner's dormitory. Generally, apart from going out to participate in group entertainment, watching news or doing group activities, the suspects spend most of their time in the dormitory.

Prisoners are treated very well, four-person room, upper and lower bunks, wooden cabinets, wooden tables and small plastic benches. There are three people living there, two in their forties, one in their 30s and [-]s, with a scar on the left forehead. One of the three was a big fat man, as strong as a weightlifter, the other was long and thin, and the other was neither fat nor thin.

The three old members stood in a row when they heard the management roar.

The prison guards pushed open the door and escorted Le Qianjin into the dormitory. When the three old members saw the female police officer at the front, they immediately shouted: "Hello, police officer, police officer!"

Police officer Li, who is over 40 years old, is capable and serious, looking at the three female prisoners, his rigid face is not smiling: "There is a new member today, you will teach the subsequent rules, familiarize yourself with the rules of life here, remember not to fight. "

"Yes!" The three female prisoners answered loudly as they stood with the soldiers being trained.

Le Shiyun was supported by two people. When she saw the three convicts, her pupils suddenly dilated and she trembled imperceptibly. If it wasn't for someone to support her, she might have lost her feet.

Police officer Li was very calm and put handcuffs on Le Qianjin: "Le Shiyun, you live here temporarily, this is not your home, you can't help your self-willedness, whoever makes trouble, picks up quarrels and fights, will be severely punished!"

Le Shiyun's whole body was shaking like a sieve, and she wanted to change her place, but she happened to see an old member grinning at her, her eyes widened in horror, and she didn't even dare to let out the air.

"Yes!" Le Qianjin didn't make a sound, and the three old members shouted honestly again.

Officer Li opened the handcuffs, and the officers put Le Qianjin's items and the items uniformly distributed by the detention center in a corner, and she arranged it herself, and then the four managers locked the door and left.

The four walked three or four meters, and a police officer asked in a low voice, "Police Li, is this effective?"

"The above arrangement must be justified." Officer Li smiled meaningfully. The above arranged for the new suspect to enter the dormitory, thinking that he wanted to take the opportunity to dig out some unknown secrets. They just cooperate.

The other three remained silent, looked back at the last dormitory, and returned to the management room calmly.

When Police Li and a few people left, Le Shiyun leaned against the wall and looked at the three prison roommates in horror, almost not even daring to let out the air.

The three old prisoners didn't do much, they just stared at the newcomer. After a few minutes, the fattest big man ran to the iron window to listen, and then grinned at the female prisoner who was neither fat nor thin: "Sister Bing, it's nothing. The sound should be gone."

Sister Bing used to be a gangster, and she was also a ruthless character who had seen blood. She was originally a beautiful woman. Even at the age of forty, she still had her charm. The most rare thing is that she has an elegant temperament. Facing the administrators, She is honest and ordinary. Now that there is no administrator, she immediately changes her face, like a high-ranking head of the family, with a majesty that makes people surrender.

"Very good. Let's teach the newcomers the rules." Sister Bing crossed her arms and moved to the empty middle area of ​​the dormitory. The tall and thin female prisoner hurriedly moved a bench and stuffed it under her ass: "Sister Bing, sit down."

Sister Bing sat down with a knife and was very satisfied with the little girl who pinched her shoulders. She grinned at the newcomer and asked, "Scissors, just when I saw you, it seems that you know the newcomer? Yes? Is it your former sister? If it is your good sister, you can give some face."

"Sister Bing is very discerning, nothing can escape your scrutiny, and this newcomer and I are really old acquaintances." He pinched the boss's shoulders diligently: "Sister Bing, can you let me and the newcomer go first? Talking about the old days?"

"Okay. Since it's your sister, let's go, fat girl, and you'll teach the rules when you're done talking about it." Sister Bing nodded.

The fat man, who was rolling up his sleeves and walking towards the newcomer, responded with a "hey", turned around and ran back to the boss, shaking his body, to help the boss squeeze his shoulders and beat his back.

Cut the whole instrument with one knife, and walked towards the new sister with all manners, with the most gentle smile on her face with a slender scar on her left forehead: "Miss Le, long time no see!"

(End of this chapter)

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