Chapter 253

After the management staff left, Le Shiyun was clinging to the wall, not daring to move. When she saw the person called "Scissors" approaching, fear made her instinctively retreat, but behind the wall, there was no way to retreat. Her legs were shaking like a wiggle.

Frightened in his heart, his pupils trembled, he grabbed the wall subconsciously and screamed in panic: "Don't come here, I don't know you, I don't know..."

Sister Bing raised her eyes, and the expression "I knew it" appeared in her eyes. Just now, when Yi Dao Scisn met the new female prisoner for the first time, she did not miss the hatred in Yi Dao Scissor's eyes. It was obvious from the expressions on their faces that the two had deep grievances.

The fat girl's brain can't react a bit, isn't she a sister, why did the newcomer not only have no joy of reuniting after a long absence, but also show a look of horror like hell?

Le Qianjin's expression took a sharp cut. She happily opened her mouth and smiled, revealing a set of teeth. When she smiled, the scar on her left forehead was crawling like a crawling centipede.

With that appearance, the terrifying person panicked, Le Shiyun moved unconsciously, and moved to the door, trying to keep herself away from that terrifying person.

"Miss Le, when you see an old friend, why do you want to run without saying hello?" Yi Dao Scissors laughed even more happily, walked three or two steps away from Le Qianjin, stretched out her legs and put her foot against the wall, Block Le Qianjin's way.

As if seeing a monster, Le Shiyun shrank to one side in horror, and the voice squeezed out of her throat was also trembling: "I really don't know you, who are you... Who are you? Why are you targeting me?"

"Haha, it doesn't matter how much your nobleman forgets things, I will help you think about it." Hatred burst out in his eyes, he grabbed Le Qianjin's hair, and slapped it over with a slap.

Slap-, the slap slapped heavily on Le Qianjin's face, with such force, she slapped Le Qianjin's face to one side, and when she took her hand away, she left a red palm print.

Le Shiyun was stunned, forgot the pain, and stared blankly at a face that came close, because the face was approaching infinitely, her pupils enlarged unconsciously.

"Can you see this face clearly? I still can't remember it. I don't mind helping you recall your memories." The hand that grabbed Le Qianjin's hair with a knife and scissors lifted it up.

Her hair was scratched, causing her scalp to hurt for a while, Le Shiyun hugged her head tightly: "No, no, I remember, you are Gan Zihua, Gan Zihua, don't hit me, I really didn't do it, it has nothing to do with me. ."

"Hehe, I'm still pretending to be innocent. When I entered here, do you think she's still the arrogant girl in the campus of Qing University?" Hearing Le Qianjin call out his name, he tightened his gripping hand tightly, ruthlessly. With a ruthless drag, he pulled out the place where the person was touching the wall, and slammed another palm.

With her hair caught, Le Shiyun could only move her head down and follow Gan Zihua, unable to dodge the slap she slapped over, and she was slapped on the face again, forming a left-right symmetry.

"Scissors, be gentle. Looking at that little girl with thin skin and tender meat, it's pathetic for me to look pity." Sister Bing sat watching Scissors reminisce with her friends, and a smile appeared in the corners of her eyes.

"Sister Bing, don't worry, I'm very gentle and won't kill anyone." She yanked Le Qianjin a few times with force, then pressed the person down, made her squat, looked back at the boss, and put on a smiling face: "Boss, this woman is the best at pretending. She pretends to be noble, elegant, pure and kind, like a white lotus flower. In fact, her heart is made of ink. Drugs are used to harm people, seduce men, and she sleeps with other people's boyfriends and framed others. , I am here because of her gift."

Le Shiyun's hair was grabbed, and every time she pulled it, it seemed like she was about to rip off her scalp. The pain made her cry, but she was not afraid of howling.

"Oh, this is the bitch who slept with your boyfriend and harmed you?" Sister Bing realized, no wonder she hated Taotian with a single cut, it turned out to be the case.

"Gan Zihua, I didn't...I didn't seduce your fiancé. Really, I didn't seduce him..." Le Shiyun was about to faint in fear, defending herself with fear.

"You can deceive everyone by shedding a few tears outside. Here, you think you are like those brainless people outside. No matter what you say, everyone will believe it?" On the legs, pulling her hair.

"One cut and one cut, this kind of slut is worth dying for." The fat girl clenched her fists angrily, wishing she could beat the newcomer.

The story of one cut and one cut is rather bloody. She caught her unmarried boyfriend in bed with other women. As a result, her boyfriend did not repent and teamed up with Xiao San to destroy her innocence. She endured the humiliation, and then found an opportunity to turn her boyfriend into a eunuch.

Women are not ruthless because there is no despair. Once despair, if you are ruthless, you can do anything, and perishing together is just one type.

There is hatred with a knife and a cut. The fiancé betrays and has an affair with other women. She can choose to forgive, but he even drugged her with his concubine to destroy her innocence and trample her dignity on her feet. That kind of hatred is unbearable.

He and his concubine gave her a heartfelt gift, and the big gift she gave to her fiancé was to give him a pair of scissors.

For a man, especially a former man, the most cruel thing is to destroy his pride, so that he can only look at women and not touch them all his life.

Relentlessly, Yi Scissors took revenge on her unmarried boyfriend with the most vicious means. She deliberately took revenge and expressed her anger in her chest. As a result, the man who was injured was also at fault first, and the Gan family refused to accept it. Before the lawsuit was over, Yi Dao Jian was still detained in the detention center, awaiting the final conviction.

Fat girl and Yi Dao Scissors share the same disease. Fat girl's husband cheated. She locked her husband and Xiao San in the car in a fit of anger, and asked the scumbag girl to experience the taste of being roasted on the fire for free. Carrying the crime of intentional wounding will probably be convicted in one or two months.

As for Sister Bing, she was originally a social sister, and her husband cheated as well. She was not angry when her husband cheated, but she was angry that her husband and the mistress wanted to join forces to kill her and take her position. Of course, she gently fought back and put one The dog and the man were maimed for life. The husband and the third reported it, and everyone was arrested.

She is not at a loss, anyway, she has abandoned her husband, and her husband is also a social elder brother, the mistress is a little sister, everyone is a grasshopper on a rope, and no one can run away.

The three female prisoners were all key criminals. After entering the detention center, they were the bosses of the dormitory. They were locked together in the end, and they went back and forth, becoming sympathetic sisters in prison.

Sister Bing and Feimei heard that the new roommate in front of them was one of their enemies. They looked at the newcomer as if they were dead, and the cheap ones should be killed without reason.

"Yes, it's this slut," Yijianjian smiled coldly: "I abolished the scumbag and took revenge. The most shocking thing is that because of time, I didn't have the opportunity to take revenge on the slut. If I still had time at that time, I would definitely Clean up this bitch first, and then turn yourself in or commit suicide."

"Suicide before revenge is done is a fool's job." Sister Bing snapped her nails: "Like me, a great revenge will be avenged, and my wish has been fulfilled, even if I pull it out and shoot it now. Teach slowly, don't worry, just be patient and teach."

"Okay." She answered happily, Sister Bing asked her to teach her, she could slowly grind and play, as long as she didn't kill or maim people, it didn't matter.

Sister Bing wasn't ready to take care of it, so she stood up and sat at the table, grabbed the newspaper, and read it slowly. Compared with the methods used to train newcomers in society, it seemed too gentle, so she didn't have much interest.

The fat girl was very clever. She moved a small bench and gave a knife and scissors: "One knife and scissors, how tired it is to stand, sit and chat with people slowly."

"Thank you." She sat down with a smile.

"My sister, you're welcome." The fat girl squinted and smiled, her sturdy calf-like arms stretched out on the new roommate's body.

She is five big and three thick, with big shoulders and a round waist. When she walks on flat-bottomed cloth shoes, there is a sound of "tap dong, tap dong". Her arms are pressed on Le Qianjin's shoulders, and she only exerts a little force. Le Qianjin's shoulders are numb, her legs are soft, and she sits on the ground.

"Little girl, I just hit you and you fell down. This skill level is really high. It's a professional porcelain toucher."

The fat girl squinted her eyes with contempt: "It is clearly stipulated that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals are not allowed to become spirits. Without the real fire of samadhi, a gasoline fire and natural gas fire can make the vixen show its true colors."

One pulled her hair up, the other pulled herself down with her arms, and Le Shiyun became a corpse among five horses.

The fat girl let go of her arms, her big fleshy hands grabbed the newcomer's chin, lifted him up, looked at a woman's face with snot and tears, and frowned in disgust: "It's so ugly, I really don't know where the eyes of that scumbag are. Oh, how can you look at something like you, this face, tsk tsk, disgusting!"

"There are such things as cosmetics in this world. A sow can be transformed into a beautiful woman. This rotten thing is already a bit beautiful, and it is not difficult to become a noble saint after a little adjustment. Men are animals. Female animals that come to your door will generally not refuse."

With a knife, he stretched out his foot and kicked Le Qianjin, smiling: "Fat girl, besides looking at the face, this woman has a good figure."

"It's really good, I don't know where to fix it." The fat girl admires the newcomer's figure, and the little slut has a good figure, but it won't make the scumbag fascinated by the slut, unless you use other The means of inflow confuses the scumbag.

"She has plastic surgery, it seems that she went to a hospital in Songhai for plastic surgery."

"I'll check it out." The fat girl stretched out a pair of big claws and went to help people check.

"Ah-" Being squeezed hard, Le Shiyun couldn't help the pain any longer, she screamed, holding her head with one hand.

"What are the ghosts and wolves howling? Men scream when they touch it, women howl when they touch it, and a slut is a slut." The fat girl pinched and pinched hard.

Le Shiyun was so painful that tears welled up in her eyes, she bit her lip, she knew that if she screamed, they would only attack harder. I didn't dare to cry out in pain, and the cold sweat was dripping with tears.

The fat girl tossed a few times, and suddenly felt bored, and threw the person to the knife and scissors: "One knife and scissors, you teach slowly, I will sit down."

She twisted the new woman's arm fiercely, walked away, ran to the place where the bench was played, and dragged a small bench to sit and watch, watching a play or something, her favorite.

Le Shiyun's hair was caught in someone's hands, and she couldn't resist at all. Moreover, she had been imprisoned and suffered a mental blow before she came. Now she has suffered a double blow to her mind and body. She is very fragile and has no strength to resist.

The hands have no power to bind the chicken, and can only be slaughtered by others.

After being pinched by the fat girl, she trembled in pain. When the fat woman left, her nerves were tense again, and she shrank into a ball and shivered.

She is afraid!
She was afraid of Gan Zihua. Gan was ruthless and could do anything to the fiancé she used to love with all her heart, not to mention her, Gan hated her deeply. How could she let her go if she took the chance?
She never dreamed that she would meet Gan Zihua in the detention center. Gan Zihua was arrested half a year ago and should be in prison, but she did not expect to be in the court detention center.

The moment she first saw the class room, she recognized Gan Zihua. She met Gan at a banquet after entering the university, and she used to be a friend.

Gan Zihua's family is comparable to her family, Gan is considered a rich second-generation daughter, and has a fiancé whose surname is Jiao. Jiao's family is the best among the second-class rich people. Getting married in a family like the Jiao family is like finding a big tree.

Last year, due to the family business, Lejia had a crisis. She used a little trick to let Gan's fiancé sleep with her for one night, thus successfully solving the company crisis. After that, there were several private rendezvous. Who knows once Accidentally, Gan Zihua was caught by everyone on the spot.

In order to stop Gan's mouth, she prescribed Gan and sent Gan to the company's business partners, ruining Gan's reputation.

Unexpectedly, Gan was a resolute person who endured humiliation and burden for several months. Once, when her fiance was drunk, she picked him up, and then took revenge and brutally destroyed the man's life.

Le Shiyun couldn't even count it. A few months later, she was also in the situation, and she was detained in the same dormitory with Gan.

The moment she saw Gan for the first time, she only hoped that Gan would lose her memory and forget her long ago. However, that was an extravagant hope. Gan not only remembered her, but also unforgettable.

Le Shiyun was overwhelmed by fear, even her teeth were chattering, Gan Zihua would definitely kill her!

(End of this chapter)

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