magic eye doctor

Chapter 254 Evil has evil retribution

Chapter 254 Evil has evil retribution
The most fearful thing in life is to meet someone who hates him to the bone at the most unfortunate time. When Le Shiyun saw Gan Zihua, the whole person was surrounded by fear.

She remembered something she had almost forgotten: Gan Zihua once said that if there is a chance one day, she will definitely come back and repay her great kindness.

Willing to return a big "en", one can imagine that it is not a courtesy, and it is even more impossible to chat with her over tea. Even if you drink tea and chat, tea is definitely not good tea, and it will not be a good topic to talk about.

Gan Zihua vowed to take revenge. Now, she is also in prison and falls into Gan Zihua's hands. How can Gan make her feel better?

Gan Zihua dared to take revenge on her fiancé at all costs, and put her life and death aside for a long time.

Le Shiyun was scared, scared to death, she has not yet been convicted, she is a student of Qingda University, and Qingda's reputation will not disclose what she did.

Le Qianjin shrank into a ball in horror, like a coward. She cut and loosened the hand that grabbed the Le woman's hair with a knife, and blew her fingers gracefully, smiling brightly: "Miss Le, let's have a good chat, how have you been for the past six months? ?"

"'s okay." Le Shiyun replied tremblingly, not knowing what method Gan Zihua would use to torture herself.

"Also, the vice president of the student union of the dignified Qing University, if he still has a bad life, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud?"

With a knife, he gently touched the scar on the left forehead, this scar was given by the woman of Baile!
She was originally a beautiful woman with decent facial features, and she had the face shape that the old aristocratic family said, "good fertility and prosperous husband".

Her fiancé, Jiao's family, saw her as being dignified and graceful, and it was the Jiao family who took the initiative to marry the Gan family. She was also cautious, sanctified, and determined to be a qualified housewife.

But those were all destroyed, destroyed by the Lejia bitch.

At the beginning, the fiancé and the daughter of the Le family cheated. The two repented and said that they had made a mistake by drinking. She chose to forgive. After all, one was a former friend and the other was a fiancé.

She also believed that her boyfriend mistakenly took Le Jianu as her, and also believed that Le Jianu said it was an accident, but she did not expect that the two would turn around and get together again. She gave it to others, and then turned around to catch the rape.

The scar on her forehead is that she was sent to the man's room. In order to stay sober, she broke the wine bottle and scratched it. For this, she kept her innocence and paid the price of disfigurement.

It was also because she fought to scratch herself and save her dignity. After she revenge on the scumbag man and surrendered himself, the scumbag man countered that she had cheated on her. She asked for a medical examination, and it was found that she was still dead, and she won it back. After a set, the Gan family has the confidence to fight for her.

She didn't commit suicide after taking revenge on Jiao Jiao's cheap man, because she was not reconciled. After she was imprisoned, she did not collapse, but she was still reconciled. She did not kill anyone, so she was sentenced to ten years at most. She had to survive until she was released from prison. , and then take revenge on the Lejia bitch who ruined her life to be reconciled.

She used to treat people with sincerity and no deceit, and what others gave her was hell. The Jiao family's bitch got her retribution, and the Coke family's bitch didn't exist yet. The bitch ruined her beautiful life.

She entered the detention center, but she was not isolated from the world. On the family's open day, her family would send her things to visit her, and she could hear news from the outside world.

In addition to caring about her own lawsuit, what she cares most about is the slut of the Le family. Only one day when she hears that the slut of the Le family gets retribution, even if she dies, she will close her eyes.

I thought that she would not be able to wait for that day, but who knew that the sky was pity to see, and the surnamed Le did not know what to do, but even came in, came to the same place as her, and was in the same room with her.

At the moment when I first saw the Le family girl, I was really overjoyed. It couldn't be better to be able to meet again in prison. The moment of her resentment has come!

At this moment, she is in a more beautiful mood, the Le Bitch is right in front of her, the eldest sister will not stop her, she can do whatever she wants, even if she kills someone, it will be fine, at most she will be sentenced to death, she will not mess with people It really kills people. Sister Bing and Feimei will also be implicated. She will not do stupid things that affect the sisters.

He said with a sigh of relief, and then asked with a slight smile: "Vice President Le, I don't know what is your relationship with the Vice President Zhou who recommended you? I guess it's probably the same as you and Jiao. Relationship, isn't it? One night couple and one hundred nights, you and the surname Jiao have been married for several nights, so he can give you the wine to drink medicine. Vice President Zhou has been married with you for several nights, and he does not hesitate to use his contacts to recommend Are you the vice president?"

Gan Zihua's words were calm, but Le Shiyun's heart throbbed violently, and she was so terrified that her surname Gan actually knew that she could be the vice-chairman because of the recommendation of the previous vice-chairman Zhou?
how can that be?

Only the insiders of the student union know about the internal affairs of the Youth University Association. Gan Zihua has been in prison for more than half a year, how could she know so clearly?
Her relationship with Vice President Zhou... Of course I can't talk about it!

A huge shock hit, Le Shiyun's heart flew to her throat, and she almost flew out: "What's your relationship with Vice President Zhou?"

"I'm curious, how did I know?" Gan Zihua laughed, with such a bright smile: "Because, Vice President Zhou fell in love with my aunt's granddaughter and is expected to get engaged this year. They came to see me and I asked me Whether or not my future cousin-in-law recognizes Le Mou from Qingda University, he told me why he recommended you, but because you gave him medicine, which made him think he had something to do with you, and you forced him to go against his will. recommend you."

She tucked her hair together, and mocking appeared in her eyes: "Le Qianjin is a good trick, she has calculated one after another, this time who lost her hand? Let me guess, is she calculating the president of the student union? I heard that the youth student union The chairman is like the nine-day star and the moon, like the lotus of the snow-capped mountains, pure and clean, beautiful and unparalleled, and he is a powerful and powerful person after the official family. How can you let go of your urine? , I must have used the old trick again this time, trying to repeat the old trick, and then I didn't expect to kick the iron plate unluckily and fell into it myself?"

Le Shiyun's pupils burst open, looking at Gan Zihua, unable to breathe or think, all her dark sides have nowhere to hide in front of Gan, and Gan knows most of what she did!
The dark side that cannot see the light is revealed, and the nakedness is presented in broad daylight. The person who exposes himself is still the person who has been trampled into the dust by his own tricks. The blow is bigger than the thunder on a sunny day. Buzzing in my head.

"No," Le Shiyun didn't accept the mental blow for a while, and screamed frantically: "No... No... Not like this... Not like that..."

She screamed twice, hugged her head, but was caught by a knife. She raised her head and saw Gan Zihua's sneering face. For a moment, she felt like a wild beast pounced with its bloody mouth open. She trembled in horror. Twice, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted from fright.

"Hey, dizzy?" Le Jia Nu collapsed limply, opened her face with a knife, and found Le Jia Nu's eyes closed, she was very surprised, she hadn't done any bloody violence yet, why did Le Bitch faint already?
"You will wake up if you splash it with cold water." Sister Bing stood up unhurriedly: "Fat girl, give me a hand and take the person to the bathroom to wash their face."

"Hey, I can do this little thing." The fat girl patted her chest, her strong body stood up, and walked to the Le family girl, like an eagle catching a chicken, and strode up. into the bathroom.

Sister Bing picked up a basin, cut it with a knife and walked to the entrance of the bathroom and stopped. Fat girl put Lejia daughter on the ground and lay on her back, took the basin handed by Bingjie, and then poured a basin of cold water on Le daughter's face.

After pouring one pot of water, the person didn't wake up, and then poured a second pot of water, three pots of cold water in a row, Le Qianjin sneezed, choked, and woke up leisurely.

Le Shiyun only felt cold and cold on her face, she reached out and wiped it, and saw an enlarged face of a big cake covered with a strange smile, she was frightened, "Ah" Screaming, he rolled over and sat up, gasping for breath.

She had been agitated so much, she was shocked, her face was pale and pale, and she was splashed with cold water. Water was everywhere on her hair, neck, shoulders, etc., which was half wet, her hair was messy, and the wet clothes were sticking to her body, and she was embarrassed. unbearable.

The fat girl looked at the wet woman and rubbed her hands together: "No wonder you can hook a man, this wet temptation is really worth seeing."

"Don't come here...don't come here!" A shadow shrouded, Le Shiyun was so frightened that she crawled back and forth, not wanting to sink one hand into the pit-style toilet pit of the toilet, the person leaned back and was splashed out Some of the dirty water splashed on his face.

"Hey, you have such a strong taste, do you like to drink toilet water?" The fat girl laughed.

"Uh, this woman has always had a strong taste. She likes other men's men. She likes to use drugs. Anyway, she can play as much as she wants. It's shameless."

"This is called unforgivable self-inflicted sin." Sister Bing leaned against the door, looking down at the situation.

Le Shiyun threw herself on the toilet sink and took out her hand from the puddle in a panic. It was full of stench, and she retched in disgust.

The tragic look made the three spectators disgusted, and Sister Bing sighed: "New here, if you like to flush the toilet, you should say it earlier, you report a number earlier, and we will not rob you, but it doesn't matter, now we will I know, the task of brushing the toilet and cleaning the toilet will be handed over to you in the future, your hands are the best toilet brush, make the best use of everything, and don’t waste tools.”

"Big sister is wise." The fat girl and Yi Dao Scissor cheered, and let the slut use her hand as a toilet brush to ensure that she was so disgusted that she couldn't eat every day. This punishment is very pleasing.

Le Shiyun raised her head in horror and looked around. There was a small bathroom, a tall fat man was standing three or two steps away from her, and the ruthless Gan Zihua and someone named Bingjie were standing at the door.

Besieged and besieged on all sides.

Seeing that she was blocked in the bathroom, Le Shiyun burst into tears: "Please let me go, I will listen to you, I will do whatever you ask me to do, please don't hit me..."

"It's easy to say." Yi Dao Scissors touched his chin and giggled: "Eldest sister, fat girl, I want to pull it, and it's hard for you to avoid it. As for Le Qianjin, you stay."

Sister Bingfei said nothing, turned around calmly, and returned to the dormitory area one after another, regardless of the personal grievances and grievances of the new prisoner.

When Gan Zihua said that she wanted to poop and let herself stay, Le Shiyun was so frightened that she almost fainted again. Gan wanted to poop and urinate, so she left her, did she force her to eat shit and drink urine?

She retched, and crawled further away from the toilet pit. Seeing Gan closing the door and walking over, she tried her best to shrink into a ball to reduce her presence.

I was in a very good mood with a knife cut, and I ran to the toilet pit with a dash of joy.

She had been to the toilet in the morning, but no meal was served at noon. At this time, there was no stock in Wugu Dojo, so she could only hold back some urine. She was extremely shocked.

After draining the water, he cut his trousers with a knife, slowly moved to Le Qianjin, turned his butt to the once-dignified daughter of the daughter, and rudely ordered: "You are dead, don't help me wipe it."

When Gan came over, Le Shiyun was so frightened that she almost lost her soul and soul. When Gan kicked her butt up to face her, she almost closed her breath, covered her mouth, and trembled all over.

When it was said that she was asked to wipe instead of using her mouth as a rag, Le Shiyun shuddered and looked for toilet paper.

"Don't look for it anymore, use the toilet brush you brought with you to help wipe it." Seeing Dele's daughter looking around, she was amused: "The toilet paper is limited in quantity and will be distributed quantitatively. If it is not prepared for you, you can use your own toilet brush to solve it."

"Woo-" Asked by Gan to wipe her buttocks, Le Shiyun was so humiliated that her blood flowed backwards, and she couldn't help crying.

"Hehe, I'm crying now? To teach you, I was going to kill Jiao and you, a dog and a man and woman, and then commit suicide. Because of the lack of you, I only ruined someone's life, you said. , I'll scratch your face now, or should I pull you along to find the bull's head and horse's face?"

"No...Yes, I didn't seduce your boyfriend, he took the initiative...Please let me go, I really didn't do it..." Le Shiyun was so frightened that she didn't dare to cry anymore.

"Bitch, don't make excuses, either die together, or give me an atonement."

With a cold scolding, Le Qianjin shrank into a ball like a frightened bird, and immediately knelt and sat up, enduring nausea, and wiped Gan Zi's ass.

She didn't have the courage to use her hands, so she could only use her clothes as a piece of tissue paper to help wipe it.

Satisfied with the cut, she put on her trousers and kicked the pale-faced Le Qianjin with her feet: "Brush the toilet, clean the toilet, go out to see the eldest sister, and then teach you the rules."

"..." When Gan Zihua left in front of him, a burst of nausea swelled up his throat, Le Shiyun bit her lip, did not dare to vomit, did not dare to say half "no", and climbed to the toilet pit with a huge Shame, flush the toilet.

In order not to destroy her face, in order to get out of here alive, endure!must endure.

But she didn't expect that this was just the beginning, and there would be inhuman torture waiting for her to try every day in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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