magic eye doctor

Chapter 2510

Chapter 2510

Le Shuhai and his brothers were busy roasting whole lamb and stewing lamb. They were responsible for receiving guests. He notified his family and went back to work.

With the sound of the hooves of the horses, the people who came on horseback soon arrived outside the tents of the old lady Baoyin's house, slowed down, got off their horses and walked on foot when they were still more than ten meters away from the tents.

Lejian Lekang Lefu and his son and nephew took turns to greet the guests outside the tent.

When the guest arrived a few meters away from the big tent, the host went up to meet him. The guest got off the horse with a gift and handed the horse to the young man arranged by the host to take care of the horse.

The youths in charge of the horses will take them to a distant place and put them in a stable for them to graze.

The visitors who followed the host’s family into the big tent were stunned when they saw the many gifts in the big tent, and accompanied by the host’s family, they bypassed the gifts and went to the old lady Baoyin to greet and present gifts to the elderly.

The visitors had some origins, and they were representatives of the Ula Grassland Management Committee, that is, official representatives.

Le Yunyue, Le Yunji of the Le family, two elder brothers of the Le family, and five young men from Shuzi, all of them are public servants. officer.

Le Yunyue had asked for leave two days ago to go home to celebrate Luo's grandmother's [-]th birthday, and everyone in the management committee knew about it.
The old lady Baoyin is the first centenarian on the Wula Grassland. Since it was the weekend, the management committee members were also on vacation, and they also formed a team to celebrate the old lady's birthday. There were 12 people in total.

Le Yunyue greeted colleagues and leaders, waited for the guests to present gifts to the old grandmother, and solemnly introduced the old grandmother's natal family.

Le Yun bowed and greeted the visitor.

A group of visitors also enthusiastically paid respects to the distinguished guests from afar. When the host arranged for them to sit next to the old lady's family, they did not shirk, and happily sat next to the little girl.

After discussing with his brothers and sisters, Le Jian originally planned to display the gifts from the old mother's natal family in the tent, and save them to entertain guests at night.

Now, someone from the management committee came to celebrate the old mother's birthday, and the public officials have to go to work tomorrow, and the people from the management committee must go back after lunch, and they will not stay for dinner.

There are also some in-laws of the Le family and guests from villages far away, and they usually go back after lunch.

Le Jian discussed with his brothers again, asked the old mother for instructions, and entertained the guests at noon with the braised whole lamb that was included in the birthday gift from the old mother's natal family.

The braised whole lamb has been stewed to a high temperature, and it is very convenient to eat it just by heating it on the fire or stewing it in a pot.

Le Kang went to call some grandchildren, and first took thirteen braised lambs to the temporary kitchen.

The people in the tent were chatting lively. Not long after, the headman of the upstream village and some villagers also arrived on horseback.

After the first group of guests entered the tent and exchanged greetings with the birthday star, they sat down and drank milk tea. Before finishing the bowl of milk tea, people from the village committee also came to celebrate the old lady's birthday.

The village committee is more than [-] miles away from the settlement of the old lady's house. It is a relatively large village with a primary school. The children in several settlements within a radius of [-] to [-] miles do not go to school in the city. Yes, they all go to primary school over there.

There were more and more people in the big tent, and the Le clan and some villagers went to the temporary tent.

After the people from the village committee came, the villagers in the downstream and the settlements within a radius of [-] miles all sent representatives to celebrate the old lady's birthday.

In the settlements farther away, there is only one adult in the family.

In the downstream village, the adults came, and they brought the children with them.

Soon, the natal families or in-laws of the daughters-in-law of the Le Jiayun and Shu generations, or the in-laws of the brothers of the same clan of the Le family also came one after another.

Some of the young men of Lejiayun and Shuzi went to other places to live or work or work, and married wives who were also from other places, and some young women also married to other counties or villages.

The aunts and sons-in-law who married out came back yesterday. Some in-laws only came on the old lady's birthday, and some were far away and came late.

Some of the local aunts and grandmothers who married Le married in the Wula Grassland were hundreds of miles away, some sixty or seventy miles or twenty or thirty miles away, and the nearest one was the village.

Several aunts' in-laws came to the old lady Baoyin's house yesterday. In order not to cause trouble to the in-laws, most of the in-laws only came on the old lady's birthday.

The old lady Baoyin has relatives in the same line, and her husband's brothers also have daughters and granddaughters, and all the relatives who are close to each other are also here.

There are quite a few in-laws in the Le family. Even if the whole family is not dispatched, there are nearly a hundred people.

The in-laws came in waves, and among them were the villagers from the nearby settlements, and there were more and more people.

It was almost eleven o'clock when I finally had time to rest.

After a few scattered groups of people came, men, women and children from the same village also came to Lejia spontaneously, and all the half-grown children who went to practice riding and archery also returned to the village and visited the old lady Baoyin's house.

One of the villagers also brought it to thank their guests from other provinces. Of course, they would not let the host's house entertain their guests in vain, and led a sheep.

Herdsmen are famous for their hospitality, and they will not dislike guests. No matter who the guests are, they will treat them warmly. It is not impolite behavior for villagers in the same village to invite their own guests to other houses.

Before 11:30, all the guests were present.

Le Yun was in the big tent, but his spiritual sense covered several miles around. He knew the movements in every corner very well, and he could tell how many people there were.

Counting the villagers and distant guests, there were 94 guests and [-] relatives by marriage. In addition, the husband of the great aunt and grandmother Le family had [-] people of the same clan.

Therefore, excluding the direct descendants of the aunt and grandma, there were a total of 712 guests.

With so many people, a small Naadam can be held.

All the guests came, Le Jian and his brothers invited the guests in the big tent to sit in the dining tent outside.

All the guests did what they wanted, surrounded by Mrs. Baoyin and her natal family, got out of the big tent, and walked towards the temporary tent.

The square tent is U-shaped, with the opening facing southeast, leaving a wide open space in the middle, and the fire pit originally used for bonfires at night is temporarily covered.

There are two rows of tables in the tent, and carpets are spread around the tables.

The Mongolians respect the right, that is, the west. The tents on the east side are full of younger guests, and the tents on the west side are the seats for the host or old people, and a few elderly people sit there.

The host and distinguished guests came, and all the guests present stood up to pay their respects.

Le Jian and his brothers supported the old mother, and entered the tent in the west area with all the guests. The old lady was invited to sit up, and the cousin family was invited to sit on the right side of the old lady. Accompanied by my own family.

Members of the management committee and village committee, the heads of each village, and the elders of the in-laws sit at the head of the table respectively. The elders or seniors, the middle-aged and the young, follow the principle of ordering the elders and the younger Sit down as soon as you are seated.

The dining table is put together with two tables, and more than a dozen people sit around one table, not counting those who are doing work, and there are more than 50 tables in total.

The person who does the work is responsible for serving or removing the dishes throughout the process, and does not sit with the guests.

All the staff sat down, and Le Yun also found a distant guest brought by a certain villager.

There were eight visitors from afar, four men and four women, aged between 25 and 43, and one of them was a handsome young man who could speak well and was regarded as a sociable person.

After scanning the five distant guests, Le Yun collected information about the bodies of the people, none of whom were related by blood to the people she was familiar with.

However, she was sure that it wasn't really a coincidence that those people would come to the grassland.

At least two of them are suspicious characters.

Even though the two of them seem to be tourists, their spirits and the micro-expressions that pay attention to her when she appears have changed, and they have been paying attention to her secretly.

When those people didn't come to Le's as guests, they used the words of the villagers from time to time. After they came to Le's, they also walked around "curiously" and asked questions.

After analysis, Le Yun is 90.00% sure that two of the people in that group were either bought and sold to find out information, or they were minions or eyeliners of certain people or organizations.

Everyone broke into the village of the aunt's house, which can be regarded as breaking into the inside. It can be seen that some people who paid attention to her moved very quickly.

The enemy does not move, I do not move.

Everyone has sent someone here, there must be a follow-up, Le Yun is not worried about her family, she dares to bring her family, so she is naturally prepared.

It doesn't matter if others come to play dirty tricks or positive tricks, she will just follow suit.

Besides, after the great aunt returned to her hometown to worship her ancestors, she kept doing nothing, just to create opportunities for those who secretly stared at Lejia or her.

This opportunity is fleeting.

If the sale of the great-aunt and the siege of the great-grandfather's family were really related to the inheritance that the great-grandfather got, then if those who stared at the Le family had doubts, they should not let go of such an opportunity.

The prairie is wide, and there are retreat routes in all directions, which is the most suitable place for action.

The most important thing is that the grassland is far away from the city, there is no electricity, and there are no cameras, so you are not afraid of being exposed.

No matter whether it's bold or arrogant, Le Yun will not hesitate to use her family and her aunt as bait in order to catch one or two behind-the-scenes enemies of Le Family.

If one or two suspects can be caught this time, it means that her guess is correct. Either an old woman in Jiangnanxi City has already suspected the identity of the great-grandpa and the origin of the Le family, or the family of the great-grandfather used to frequent The accident was related to a certain inheritance.

If no one takes the bait, it is possible that the people behind the scenes are hiding very deeply and will not take action easily;

The people behind the scenes did not act, which shows that the great aunt is relatively safe for the time being.

What Le Yun was more interested in was who the spy who broke into the herdsman's house in the village came from, was it from an old woman in the city, or someone else?
It took a lot of thought to arrange those two people to be spies. Those two people looked ordinary. If they had a job, they should be ordinary elites, a well-regulated type.

Both of them have learned boxing kung fu, even if they are discovered, it can be said that they are for self-defense and will not make people think too much.

(End of this chapter)

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