magic eye doctor

Chapter 2511

Chapter 2511

The old birthday stars and the elderly all came, and the luncheon also kicked off.

First, some ingredients and small side dishes are presented on the table. After the supplies and side dishes are complete, the host invited by the host will give a speech first and serve the main course.

The first dish prepared by the host is the ox head feast.

The Niu Tau Banquet and the Whole Sheep Banquet are the most solemn banquets for the Mongolian people. The Niu Tau Banquet is very ceremonial. The Niu Tau is actually a stewed cattle head. The trolley was pushed onto the banquet.

When the bull's head is on the table, the host toasts a bowl of wine to the most distinguished guest, and asks him to cut two knives on the bull's head in the shape of a cross, then change the knife to cut it, and then invite the guests to eat.

After eating the ox head meat, the wooden plate must be said "all used up" by the oldest or most honored person on the table and everyone in turn. Cannot be withdrawn.

After the wooden plate is removed, the guests have to drink some porridge made by the host. Drinking the porridge means eating the ox head feast, and not eating the porridge is not considered the ox head feast.

The bull's head used in the bull's head banquet, although exquisite in craftsmanship, was too late for Lejia to make. It was ordered from a professional hotel in Ximeng City, and it was transported back to the grassland from Ximeng overnight last night.

In addition to the bull's head, there are also whole sheep and roast beef and mutton meat, which were also brought back from Ximeng City last night.

Leshi and the helpers he invited were making stews, roasting the skewered mutton, making pancakes, making soup and porridge, and heating the braised ox head whole lamb, and they were still too busy.

It was the first time for Le Dad Zhou Qiufeng and Le Shan to participate in the most primitive Mongolian feast. They were also touched by the solemn ceremony, and their emotions were aroused, and they were excited and excited.

Serving is also divided into honor and inferiority, from west to east, starting with the oldest and most distinguished guests at the table, and then serving in a clockwise direction.

Mrs. Baoyin is a birthday star, and her table is served first.

The host asked the old lady's natal family to make the first cut. Dad Le had no choice but to bite the bullet and drank a bowl of wine, took the red flower from the bull's head, and slashed the bull's head twice.

He completed the first process. The person at the same table who was in charge of pouring wine and serving dishes, then changed the knife to evenly cut the meat into small pieces, and then asked the old lady and the old lady's family to take a piece first. The guests start.

Not long after the first main course was served, Le Jian and his brothers and sisters held a saucer with hada, toasted to the old mother, and toasted to the natal guests from the grandfather's house.

After they made a round of toasts, the brothers and sisters of Le's Yunzi generation made another round of toasting, and then the Shuzi generation made a toast.

Then representatives of the same clan of the Le family formed a team to toast.

After a round of toasting, the beef head was almost eaten, so the plate was withdrawn.

After the guests drank porridge, before serving the second main course, the host gave a speech, explaining that the second main course was a gift from Granny Baoyin's family.

The host explained the origin of the dishes, and he and the host family toasted the old lady's family, and then toasted with the guests to the old lady's family.

After that, the second course is officially presented.

Le Xiaoluoli brought nineteen braised whole lambs, although not enough for one per table, but one lamb divided into four portions was sufficient.

The fragrant aroma of braised whole mutton overwhelms the aroma of other delicacies.

Plates of mutton were served on the table, followed by a few people carrying the steamed buns and pushing the baked bread on a cart.

The number of Hua Momo is limited, and they are allocated to the tables where the most distinguished and respected elders sit, and each other guest has a delicious toast.

There are more than 900 pieces of toast, not afraid of not enough points.

The braised mutton is so tender and crispy on the outside, the meat is soft and rotten, even the toothless elderly can eat it, but it is extraordinarily tender and fragrant, and it will last for a long time.

The mutton also has side dishes, pieces of green vegetables like kelp slices, crisp and delicious to bite, and eaten with toasted bread, the taste will linger in the world even if the gods taste it.

The hosts and guests tasted the braised mutton, and they were all in high spirits.

After the mutton stew, there is the local mutton stew. The mutton stew is cut into pieces, and there is a large plate of mutton stew at each table, as well as white soup and lamb offal.

The guests ate stewed meat for a while, some played the motouqin, and some went to sing and dance on the open lawn.

At the end of the song and dance, the men and women held wine with hada and toasted the old lady Baoyin and her natal family.

They paid respects to the old birthday star, and the master brothers returned their respect to the men and women who performed songs, dances and played the Matouqin.

After the first wave of people, the second wave of people sang and danced to celebrate the birthday of Mrs. Baoyin and toast.

The host responded equally enthusiastically.

Afterwards, wave after wave of people wished the old lady her birthday.

All men, women and children on the grassland are good at dancing. Even if they sing the same song and dance the same dance, they have different flavors.

Every wave of people offered a toast to the old birthday star and then toasted themselves. Happy father Zhou Qiufeng would not refuse anyone who came, so he bit the bullet and drank.

The husband and wife were forthright, and the visitors were also very happy.

Le Yun is good at not drinking, and every time she only touches her lips, it means that she has received the deep affection of the guests. The siblings enjoy watching people sing and dance with relish.

All the guests sang birthday songs and toasted the old birthday star, including visitors from other provinces who were invited by villagers from the same village.

Do you think it's over?

Wrong, after the first round of singing and dancing, men, women and children went to sing and dance wave after wave, and sometimes the host family also joined them.

The old lady Baoyin was no exception, and the guests danced and sang together.

Happy father Zhou Qiufeng also went because all the guests dragged them to the dance. The hospitality was hard to resist, so he also went. Even if they just followed a few clumsy circles, they won warm applause from everyone.

The kitchen kept delivering barbecue, kumiss, and milk tea to the banquet, and every table would never have an empty plate.

Here, men, women and children on the grassland sang and danced, and the luncheon was very lively, and on the grassland twenty or thirty miles away from the herdsmen's settlements, several people were also eating.

In the depths of the prairie, there is no human habitation, only the grass dotted with various flowers.

Two vans, the most inconspicuous in the city, parked quietly behind a hill, with the doors open to let the air in the car circulate.

There was nothing in the car, and several people spread out cloths in the shade between the two cars, put out the food they brought, and had lunch.

People sit facing each other, three people on one side and two people on the other side.

On one side of the three were an old woman and two middle-aged men. The old woman wore light makeup, making her age invisible, but the nasolabial folds at the corners of her eyes were hard to hide, and her gray hair all showed that she was no longer young.

On one side of the two is an old man and a middle-aged man. The old man looks about sixty or seventy years old, and the hair on his temples is sparse and gray.

When the old woman and the elderly man ate, they brought their sunglasses to their foreheads, and the other three kept their sunglasses on their faces when they ate.

The old woman and the elderly man with their faces exposed are the faces of ordinary people, and there are no features that are memorable at first sight.

Lunch was finished quickly, the man in sunglasses cleaned up the mess, and then handed bottled water to his head.

The old woman rinsed her mouth with water first, took another two sips, tightened the bottle cap and asked, "How are you getting ready?"

"We don't need you to worry about it here. Our elder said that we can make a move. After the matter is completed, the elder must first ask her some things alone. Others, follow the old rules."

"make a deal."

"Besides, you have to ensure the authenticity of the information you provide. Don't trick your teammates with false information. In case there is a monk family lurking nearby, staring at us and exposing us, our elders have a bad temper it is good."

"The information on my side is 100% accurate, just her own family, without bodyguards, and no one from any sect or aristocratic family came to the grassland.

This is the only chance. If she misses this opportunity, once she has preparedness and doubts, if she wants to test her again, she doesn't know that she will have to wait until the year of the monkey.

The success of the action is not only important to you, but also to me. Naturally, I will not do stupid things that harm others and myself.

Do people on my side need to cooperate? "


"Friendly reminder, she is not only good at medicine, but she is also very talented in poison art. I am afraid that methods such as poisoning can be easily seen through."

"You don't have to worry about how we act. When it comes to poison, no one knows better than our elders."

The old man gave the old woman a sideways look, said, "There is a connection between information", got up and got into the van behind him, and closed the door.

The old man in the sunglasses also closed the door on the other side, got into the cab, started the car, turned around, and headed straight to the north.

The white bread drifted away, and the old woman got into the car.

The two middle-aged men in sunglasses also got into the car and drove away from the same place, running in the opposite direction to the car that left first.

On the vast grassland, there are no settlements, no traces of cattle, sheep, or carriages and horses.

The van carrying the elderly man drove through the grassland without any roads, and after driving for a while, it turned and headed towards Xingmeng.

During the driving process, we passed through several herdsmen settlements and pasture areas contracted by herdsmen, and entered the savannah of Xingmeng from the grassland area belonging to Ximeng City.

The van drove to a sparse forest far away from human settlements, and the car reached a place where it could hide in the woods. The two people in the car got out of the car and walked.

After walking a few hundred meters, several tents most commonly used by travelers appeared on the grass in the forest.

There were more than a dozen people sitting in the tent area, sitting on the grass or meditating in the tent, and two people stood guard.

The guards saw an old man and a middle-aged man approaching, and did not stop them.

The old man walked across the grass, walked outside a tent in the middle, sat down quietly, and waited for the people in the tent to finish their practice before replying.

Sitting in the tent is an old man of about seventy years old, with a common face, regular features, and a goatee.

He was wearing an ordinary shirt and slacks, his black hair was still combed neatly, and he was the most inconspicuous passer-by when he was put on the street.

To be more vulgar, it is tossed into the pile of people without picking it up.

If the old man who couldn't be picked out from the crowd opened his eyes slowly after the person who came back sat down, his eyes were far from his appearance, with a divine light in his eyes, as sharp as a knife.

His voice is not as sharp as his eyes, but it is very cold: "Luo San, how are you talking?"

(End of this chapter)

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