magic eye doctor

Chapter 2514

Chapter 2514

Luo San didn't understand the herdsman's language, and could only say "brother" and "drink", but it was enough, so he drank all the teachers with the words "brother drink".

Seeing that men, women and children were all tired, he also pretended to be drunk, wandered from the west seat to the east seat, and while drinking with others, he moved to the table of the protagonist of the dinner.

Luo San was still a little apprehensive, so he sat down at a table four tables away from the birthday star, drinking with others, pouring down seven or eight bowls of wine, and the men and women at the same table drank together.

Seeing that everyone at the table fell to sleep in a crooked manner, Luo San also pretended to be drunk.

More and more people who are willing to drink alcohol are more and more drunk and lie down to sleep on the spot in a daze. Some people even shouted "good wine" and "one more bowl, brother" before falling asleep.

More and more people fell to the ground drunk, and the noise gradually subsided.

After several tables of guests were drinking and partying, all the guests at the table were drunk, except... the old birthday star's niece.

Everyone was drunk, only the sound of snoring remained.

Elder Ai, who was sitting in the corner, turned his drooping head up and jumped up, how could he be drunk.

When his sharp gaze swept across the banquet, he saw a group of drunken people, and he raised the corners of his lips happily, but all the good mood came to an abrupt end when he shot at Xi Xi's rock-solid girl.

The girl who was already overwhelmed with alcohol, sleeping soundly on the table with her brother in her arms, woke up at some point, sat there steadily, and looked at him with a smile on her face!
Unexpectedly, Elder Ai's pupils shrank when he met the girl's eyes: "Are you all right?"

Luo San, who was pretending to be drunk, shuddered in shock when he heard Elder Ai's words, and got up suddenly. When he saw the girl sitting upright, he was also shocked.

That person... that person was obviously drunk!
Luo San was horrified, his brain shut down.

The girl who was considered to be "drunk" for a long time, hugged her younger brother, and stood up as lightly as if there was no wind, with a smile like the warm sun in spring on her small white porcelain face.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you. Although your medicine is good, it's more prescription than my aunt's, and it smells like a little chili powder."

How much does paprika do?
In terms of cooking, chili powder has a great effect.

On other occasions, it's a different matter.

Elder Ai understood the girl's subconscious, she said that the poison he had given her smelled like a pungent smell, and it was not worth mentioning at all.


Naked humiliation.

The humiliated Elder Ai was furious.

When the anger rose, he controlled it in an instant, with a sinister smile: "So what if you are awake, your brother's mother and father are also in my hands, honestly, I will be captured without a fight, and I will not do it for your parents."

"Are you sure the two elders of my family are in your hands?" Le Yun smiled and said, "You don't think I'm really defenseless, do you? You're too naive."

The girl was not in a hurry, and Elder Ai also understood clearly, that yellow-haired girl knew that someone was poisonous, how could she not have thought that someone else might kidnap her parents?
She could think that someone would hold her family hostage, and she still sat on the banquet, which only meant that she had other arrangements and could guarantee that her parents and relatives would be safe.

On the surface, her family came to visit relatives, but in fact her people either came early, or hid in the helicopter at the earliest, and only quietly lurked in certain places at night.

Therefore, her parents were the bait, and they were deliberately caught by them, and their hands were secretly intercepted when they crossed the small river.

It is even possible that all the people who connected should have been controlled.

Elder Ai figured it out, moved suddenly, rushed to the nearest table, and reached out to grab the hostages. Even if the respondent was restrained, as long as there were hostages in his hand, he would have enough bargaining chips.

He skimmed to the nearest table, stretched out his hand to grab the herdsman who fell to the ground, and when his hand touched the person, a light flashed across his eyes.

The next moment, the herdsmen, tables, drinks and other things all disappeared.

In front of his eyes, it was empty, the herdsmen were gone, and even the tents were gone.

"Psychedelic array?!" The scene disappeared, and Elder Ai's face was uglier than after drinking Cangsheng.

He looked around, except for the air, there was only grass. The real people were only the little yellow-haired girl standing about 30 meters away, her younger brother in her arms, and Luo San who was about three meters away from her.

"Luo San, grab her!" Seeing Luo San who was close to the girl, Elder Ai yelled, and he jumped up, like a cheetah attacking, and pounced on the girl.

Luo San came back to his senses after the scenery disappeared. He couldn't figure out the situation at all. He looked around in a daze. When he saw the slim girl in Hanfu, his heartbeat slowed down by half a beat.

Hearing Elder Ai's shout, he shuddered and rushed towards the girl reflexively.

However, just as Luo San's body moved, his brain ached as if it had been pricked by thousands of needles, and moreover, it was as if someone had smashed a heavy hammer on the Tianling Cap.

When the sharp dull pain came, his eyes went dark, and he fell down with a throbbing pain.

Elder Ai, who rushed towards the girl, was less than three meters away when he heard the plop and looked sideways and saw Luo San fall on the spot. His first thought was that the girl had been poisoned!

Luo San was hit by the trick, and he must be no exception.

If you want to escape safely, the only way is to capture the thief and capture the king.

Elder Ai's swift figure remained unchanged, he took out a small black dart, and threw it out with his hands.

The small black dart is about three inches long, with four tapered shuttles, fast as lightning.

A few hidden weapons flew in, Le Yun was extremely calm, walked a few steps irregularly, and moved a few meters away lightly.

A few darts passed through the air, flew past where she was standing, and flew forward for about six or seven meters, as if hitting a hard steel plate, bounced and fell to the ground.

Elder Ai sent out the first wave of hidden weapons, and then several more waves one after another. The little darts started back and forth, rushing forward like a meteor chasing the moon.

The small darts like rain of flowers all over the sky also surrounded Le Yun's up, down, left, and right roads.

"This kind of thing, you can't hit me even if you bring a truck." Le Yun didn't even lift her eyelids, she took a step and moved like a wild crane.

She moved from left to right, and none of the darts touched the corner of her clothes.

A large area of ​​jet-black darts fell to the ground one after another after losing their target.

A shower of darts ended without a problem, Elder Ai also rushed to her, but he was so close to the girl that he could catch her with a single grab, but he missed her and didn't even touch the corner of her clothes.

Moreover, there seemed to be an invisible wall between him and the girl, and he couldn't really reach her side no matter what.

Staring at the girl who was moving from left to right, Elder Ai caught the air a few times, knowing that he was in the formation, and if he didn't find a way to break the formation, he would not be able to catch anyone.

He stood still and looked around, looking for a way to break the formation.

Le Yun also stopped, and reminded with a smile: "It seems that you also understand the formation method. A friendly reminder, this is the five-element formation with Yin and Yang reversed. You should know how to break the formation. I am a respectful person. I will give you some time to study it. I'll catch the other little mice first."

The little yellow-haired girl is too bullying!Elder Ai held his breath in his heart, wishing to tear people alive, but he could only watch helplessly as the girl turned and left.

The girl only took a few steps, and before his eyes there was no trace of the person, and the next moment, he found that Luo San was also gone.

Elder Ai stood where he was, slowly sensing his surroundings.

Le Yun, who disappeared from Elder Ai's vision, was actually about 20 meters away from him.

Le Yun, who changed position, clicked the sleeping point of the younger brother who had been holding him all the time, and sent him back to the star core space, then lifted Luo San on the ground, clicked the acupuncture point, and threw it into the man-made mobile cave.

Put away the little mouse that was caught, took out a formation disk again, and placed it on the ground.

She didn't lie to anyone, she really set up the "Yin Yang Reversed Five Elements Formation", but her formation was improved, and the large formation was engraved on a formation plate.

To put it bluntly, it is also a magic circle.

The magic circle in the practice world is acceptable on earth, but it is a bit expensive.

In the world of practice, to open the formation disk, no spirit stones or only a few spirit stones are needed. To open the formation disk on the earth, at least a thousand spirit stones are needed.

The array used by Le is a medium-sized array, which consumes [-] spirit stones.

The excited disk array, after opening, covered an area with a radius of three miles.

Le Yun has already stamped her brand on the formation disk, as long as anyone or thing enters the formation, she can only let her slaughter her.

There are only two ways to break the formation, one is to kill her, and the formation will break by itself, and the second way is to let her withdraw from the formation by herself.

At present, it is impossible to withdraw from the formation.

For safety reasons, Le classmate added a small formation to surround a certain prey, and it floated away like a ghost.

She herself turned around in the formation, turned around a few times, and turned to a tent. The three people brought by the two "uninvited guests" went to the reception point with the captured hostages, and there was one person left. lookout.

The watchman has already fainted.

That was when Le Yun activated the formation, he attacked the watchman with his spiritual consciousness, and made him lie down and sleep obediently.

Find the stunned little sentinel, click on the acupuncture point, and throw it into the man-made mobile cave.

After catching someone's two minions, Le Yun changed direction again, went to the south direction, made a round turn, and went around behind a group of people lurking.

She was a few meters away, looking at a group of night walkers coming from the south.

There are six people in this team, one old woman and five middle-aged and young people.

When the six people came, the "Yin Yang Reversal of the Five Elements" hadn't been activated yet, and when the formation was activated, there was no sound. They were trapped in the formation and did not suffer any harm, so naturally no one noticed.

After studying the six people for a while, Le Yun took out a puppet and directed the puppet to fight.

According to the command of the master, the puppet lands in front of the uninvited guest.

Mrs. Zhen and her subordinates stayed where they were, observing the situation at the bonfire feast.

The lively atmosphere at the bonfire banquet was like waves coming and going, even if there was no sign of subsiding, she couldn't figure out whether Luo San was taking any action.

Waiting left, waiting right, nothing happened, Zhen Shi was also a little impatient.

She decided to wait until midnight, if Luo San hadn't acted yet, she didn't wait, and went to catch the couple on the helicopter first.

The ion night is getting closer, and the temperature on the grassland is also dropping, making people feel a little cold.

Just when Zhen was impatient, a beam of light and a shadow suddenly appeared in front of her!

Zhen Shi and the five young and middle-aged people jumped up in an instant and stood on guard.

The beam of light came on again, it was a robot, and one eye of the robot lit up like a light bulb.

The blazing white light cast it, piercing people's eyes.

Zhen Shi and the others subconsciously squinted their eyes or blocked the light with their hands. At that moment, the robot on the opposite side jumped up like a cannonball and rushed towards them.

When the robot was jumping, the light from its bright eyes shrank a bit and became softer, illuminating everything within a radius of seven or eight meters.

Zhen Shi and others noticed that the robot was rushing towards them, and five young and middle-aged men immediately surrounded them without hesitation.

All five of them carried weapons, some with nunchucks, some with sticks, some with knives, one with special gloves, and one with a chain hammer.

Five against one.

The living crowd beat up the robot.

Zhen Shi stood aside to watch the battle, while observing the surroundings vigilantly.

It is impossible for the robot to appear suddenly, it must have been ambushing nearby, and no one noticed them, which shows that the owner of the robot must be a master of lightness kung fu.

Her five subordinates used eighteen methods to surround the robot.

And the robot is beyond people's expectations. It is not as clumsy as ordinary people perceive it. It is flexible, light, jumping and moving, and lightly blocked the first wave of attacks from the five of them.

The person who uses the nunchaku, when the robot is blocking, his nunchaku wraps around the robot's wrist, and he uses force to pinch the robot's hand with the nunchaku as a clip.

As soon as he exerted his strength, the robot arm lifted and pulled him and the nunchaku abruptly. Before he could withdraw his hand, the robot raised its leg and hit his abdomen with a bent leg, knocking him into the air with a bang.

The person flew out and fell heavily on the ground. He couldn't even get up. He twisted a few times before he felt the pain, and he vomited blood in his mouth.

With just one face-to-face, the human camp was abolished by the robots.

The companion was knocked into the air by the robot.The weapons of the other four people also greeted the robot, and when the chain hammer and iron rod hit it, only two loud bangs of "bang" and "bang" were heard.

When the machete made of fine steel hit the robot's leg joints, there was only a sound like teeth grinding, and a little spark came out.

The boxer's big punch also hit the robot's skull behind the right ear, and there was a sound of fracture on the spot.

What was broken was the bone of the human hand.

"Hiss—" The knuckles of the fingers were broken, and the boxer convulsed with pain, and one hand hung down feebly.

The hard shell of the robot was intact, and after being attacked by humans, it raised its foot and punched, first kicking a person away with one kick, and then knocking the boxer over with one punch.

Its other hand also grabbed the saberman's knife, dragged the man with the knife closer, knocked over the boxer's fist, and smashed the man flying with one punch.

Then, with one step, it met the person who was hitting with the chain hammer again, grabbed the chain hammer, pulled hard to snatch the chain away, and then gave the opposite person a hammer.

The owner of the chain hammer was hit on the chest by the bowl-sized chain hammer. When he fell down, a bloody arrow spewed out of his mouth.

The war between man and machine is over, and the human side has suffered a disastrous defeat.

(End of this chapter)

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